Customers With Sexual Problems?
okay... after reading the responses to my topic referring to Strippers, I think this question could be asked.
I for one, am probably a Customer With Sexual Problems. I am probably a sex addict, though I'm guessing most of us here are, as well. Not that it's entirely a bad thing. I believe that clubbing (and most likely porn, too) has also affected my views of sex and what does and does not turn me on.
I know that my wife is quite pretty, and in great shape, etc., but to be honest, she doesn't turn me on like the young dancers in the club. I know most guys would be VERY excited to have her. I believe it's probably the variety that I like, in addition to the excitement of someone new. Also, I think there's been some desensitizing that has occurred, and what used to turn me on, no longer does. Just like an alcoholic starts out with beer and before long requires the harder stuff to get a buzz.
I for one, am probably a Customer With Sexual Problems. I am probably a sex addict, though I'm guessing most of us here are, as well. Not that it's entirely a bad thing. I believe that clubbing (and most likely porn, too) has also affected my views of sex and what does and does not turn me on.
I know that my wife is quite pretty, and in great shape, etc., but to be honest, she doesn't turn me on like the young dancers in the club. I know most guys would be VERY excited to have her. I believe it's probably the variety that I like, in addition to the excitement of someone new. Also, I think there's been some desensitizing that has occurred, and what used to turn me on, no longer does. Just like an alcoholic starts out with beer and before long requires the harder stuff to get a buzz.
I'll admit as well to being a (therpist-diagnosed) sex addict. The therapy and medication that I get helps me out some (I tend to go out to SCs and look at porn less now), but it's something that I've been dealing with for a long time. I'm addicted to strip clubs...seeing new girls...having new least some of that isn't a bad thing IMO. It's like being a horny
I've also found that I tend to "wear out" an ATF from my perspective...a few months go by and she doesn't seem to "do it" for me anymore. Don't get me wrong, they're still smokin' hot, but I guess I need something new to really get me going. The good news is...there's always something new in this hobby just around the next corner. :)
Now that I have no serious SO, I have become addicted to strip clubs for my sexual prowless and excitement. Not that I am proud of it, but I believe I have become an SCJ (strip club junkie), requiring a fix here and there!
Besides the sexual intrique of strange beautiful women, I am still fearful of falling in love again, and having to go through the grief I experienced losing my first wife. I probably need to see a psychologist for this reason....... but I'd have to use my strip club funds, and I don't think I can find a psychologist wthat will "put out"!
As a dancer, my husband and I get caught up in everyday shit of life, and we have to take a step back, and take time out to have some good sex..
So even I being in a sexual industry, have kids and dinner and bills on my mind, that its easy to get caught up in, and need some stimulation to enjoy life more...
1. In order to be fully sexually functioning, I require a wide range of hot women, and yet cannot seem to land what I want "in the real world." I have never really found that "someone whom I care about" makes me more sexually aroused, or even ADEQUATELY sexually aroused, simply on the basis of that "care." I can't "get a new hot chick" often enough on the basis of my dating / mating / real-world social skills (and I sometimes wonder if those skills are even learn-able at all? it's all so RANDOM, what women respond to), and therefore I must find resolution elsewhere.
2. When I have big projects going on, with adequate deadlines and appropriate rewards at the end, my sexual interest diminishes. So does my interest in smoking and drinking. I think all three "addictions" are actually just time-fillers and life-fillers. If I had more of a feeling that my career might actually be productive and fulfilling -- but I don't, because I work in an office and for someone else and cannot afford otherwise, and frankly hate business and sales and the whole "life is about what you make of it" type of mentality anyway -- then maybe I'd be happier about life, and therefore less dependent on external gratification from things like strippers.
I don't know if this means I have "sexual problems" or if it just means I'm a normal red-blooded male who therefore by definition stands outside of what normal mainstream North America expects his behavior to be. We live in a Puritanical culture. But I do know, it means I'm perpetually unfulfilled.
"And 'sex addiction' is a problem only when you don't have a willing partner to have sex with." What if you're pumping her so often that she bleeds...that might be a problem. :)
I enjoy naked women and sex as much as the next guy, but I think moderation is the key. Addiction by definition means that you have a recurring compulsion to engage in something despite the possible harmful consequences to one's health, mental state, or social life.
Now, just ask Mr Happy!!!!
It's kind of a time management issue, I guess ... but it's not, JUST, having a huge amount of idle periods and nothing to do with them.
I remember once I was trying to date this hot chick named Sara. She had my motor going, and everyone knew it, and I guess they all also knew she was just jerking my chain because when it didn't happen, all my pals said, "Wait, what did you EXPECT?" Well, honestly, I EXPECTED that we'd date, be mutually respectful, maybe have sex, maybe get involved romantically, maybe not. Their advice was consistently, "Why don't you just FUCK her? Ferchrissakes! I'm sick of HEARING about it." I can sympathize that I was annoying and they probably WERE sick of hearing about it; but what the hell did they THINK I was TRYING to do? "Why don't you just FUCK her?" Duh! That's what I WANT to do, but she's not ACQUIESCING. Why don't I? Because SHE WON'T! duh duh duh duh ...
The funny thing was, it didn't really occur to anyone that they were stating a tautology. Kind of like making the suggestion on your final exam, that if you want to get a high grade, you should stop getting answers wrong.