Listing Special and half off days

Sometimes when travelling it is hard to find out what the deal is when it comes to daily specials at the SCs. They are not alwys listed in the reviews - or sometimes listed in really old ones making it difficult to find. For example - La Chambre in Detroit has a Tuesday 1/2 prices dances ($10) special all day - not advertised at the club.
I suggest a section in the club info for specials.
I suggest a section in the club info for specials.
Easy access to that information would be very helpful.
Sure, the guys in the military may be serving nobly. For me, it was never an option, but I like to think I would have considered it if I didn't have major asthma. Many who joined from my high school class simply did it because they had no better option. It was like, "Well, I cain't git inter collidge, so's I gotter do SUMPIN." So they're helicopter mechanics. I have mixed feelings about the "depth of commitment" of members of our armed forces. Some are great, some are losers.