War between the Dancers - has begun

avatar for David9999
From pink site posted several hours ago by Alexis 81, and its consistent with the kind of nasty behavior I'm seeing with dancers both in how they treat customers who won't buy dances, and sometimes with other dancers. Yes, and here also its "all about the money". Basically too little cash to support too many dancers, and getting worse by the day.


I hate being wrong

Ugh so I totally lost my cool at work the other day and now I have to go in today and apologize. I've been super stressed at work sinse we seem to have between 1-2 new girls starting everyday and there is just not enough money to go around. Wednesday was fairly slow and twice I was talking to a customer when a girl, lets call her B stepped on my toes. The first time she literally drug the customer away from the bar to a table while I was still sitting there and the second customer I got paged to the Dj booth and within 2 seconds she was on his lap etc. We got called back to the dressing room and I literally went crazy on her- not physical just yelling. The manager told me to get dressed and go the f home. I called manager 2 after I got home to find out if I was fired for good and he said no but I cannot let my personal problems affect my job. Um hello my job is my problem right now. Crap it just pisses me off that I have to suck it up and go back to work today and be the good little stripper. So I need you ladies to make me feel better and tell me I am not the only dancer who has ever gotten psycho at work.



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avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
David, this kind of stuff has been going on since the day strippers were invented. It may be getting worse, but that's just a reflection of the continued decline in civility in our society as a whole - it's happening everywhere. Some idiot tried to ram my car from behind the other day while I was sitting at a red light (I managed to pull out of his way and he ran the red light) and I have no idea why. We live in a society full of people who don't give a shit about anybody but themselves. Why should strippers be any different?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Why should strippers be any different? Because we PAY them to be ...

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
At least for me any dancer wars would be a huge negative more likely than not. I can see the rest of the little clubs closing and government not allowing any new small clubs.

Basically, I'd get stuck with Tootsies and Solid Gold. :( Not that I have any interest in stockpiling dollars, but the immediate effect would be just that. Maybe I could trade them for something else like a doctor who will prescribe the medicine that I need.

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
I've seen some very nasty behavior by dancers just in the last few weeks, and it seems to occur when there are huge numbers of dancers on a shift (some making up for cash-shortfalls on thir other scheduled/mandatory shifts) and for portions of the shift (at least) few if any spending customers. The first half of December is generally a strong month for dancers for a variety of reasons 1. patrons with extra cash that they don't have to account for, presumptively going to buy normal (non-stripper) gifts and so forth 2. wives often shopping so husbands can roam free 3. bonus money and so forth 4. holiday parties and related social gatherings

Of course the business did pick up a bit as it always does, but the cash just isn't there at the level if should be, and that's consitent with the pink site comments and what I am seeing in multiple clubs.

Dancers then start to panic and they take it out on other dancers and sometimes (very unwisely) on customers. In my case, I have at least 8 to 10 dancers that this year alone I've spent a min of 1000 dollars each on and sometimes considerably more, with none ATFs of any type, and when they are desperate they go where they know some cash is, and when that cash is not forthcoming, they can get very testy and sometimes a bit nasty

The winter months after Christmas are going to get very interesting in this business.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
David's on to something. After Christmas, with the bonuses, if any, spent, holiday bills coming due, lay-offs and foreclosures on the horizon and, for some, the expenses of Spring Break the atmosphere is going to get nasty. I saw a dancer pick an argument with a customer who had just taken his seat because he would not buy a dance right then and there. The guy, my host, had just paid for the booth and we sat down. She comes over and demands that he buy a dance. He said " we just got here, maybe letter." She starte whining with "why not" "when" why not right now" to the point of a waiter asking her to move on. This is becoming typical.
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
I have a question for some of you guys who have been gone to a lot more strip clubs than me, and for most of you, a lot longer than me.

Is this a new class of stripper, or has it been like this a long time, or is it some other factor I'm not thinking of right now?

I've had a little frustration when I told strippers "maybe later" or a flat "no" but nothing like what SuperDude mentioned... Personally that would make me want to get up and leave.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Jester, I think it's always been like this but maybe it's gotten worse lately, probably depends on where you are. Strip clubs have always been known as clip joints, but some are clearly worse than others. And let's face it, some strippers aren't very nice people and would fight with each other no matter where they were.

There are some very nice clubs and some very nice strippers out there. If that's what you prefer (and not everyone does) it's worth looking for.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
FONDL knows the turf. Higher up the food chain, dancers have better manners. Low clubs have low life dancers. But even in the high end clubs the money is tight and the competition is getting fierce. There was a time when a customer ordered food and was left alone until he finished the meal. Now some dancers will sit down and talk about buying dances while you are trying to eat or, worse, ask you to buy them something to eat. (Clubs charge dancers for meals. You are literally a free lunch.) Old rule: One dancer to a customer, unless he wants more. NOW: It's a free for all. If your dancer goes on stage or to the bathroom, another one will take the vacant seat in a second and not leave. It just seems that the mis-managers don't care about manners or congenial atmosphere--just pushing the oversupply of girls to get as much as they can--that the scene is becoming more cutthroat than usual.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
"Not right now" should mean, to ANY stripper, "No thank you, permanently, for tonight."

If I wish to genuinely say something which means, "Not right now but maybe later," I will go into a long harangue that goes something like, "You're very attractive, and depending on how the evening goes for me, I really might like to buy some dances or just flirt and chat, I dunno, maybe. But right now I'm waiting to do a couple of other things, need to speak to my waitress, ya know, usual stuff. Please do come back by after an hour has passed, or more, if you have the opportunity."

Thing is, dancers are starting to get a 'tude about rejection. I have stormed out, on more than one occasion. Tonight I intend to return to the scene of my last storming-outing, which happened about three months ago, to see whether I'm remembered and whether the behavior has improved. If the entitled little princessy pulls the same shit on me again I'll make sure her manager knows why I'm leaving this time.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Paying them to go away is not working so great these days either. Sort oflike when you're sitting down to have a nice meal at your home, and lets say you have a dog (one that's already had their dog food for the day) - so the dog starts staring at you and you feel guilty so you give the dog some food figuring that will satisfy him, then he comes back for more, then again and again -this is how strippers are getting, strippers are now hungry dogs - instead of food they want cash, preferably 20's and larger
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
Telling the manager about a rude stripper or wars between strippers that make your visit unpleasant could get some folks fired. Tough. They should learn better manners, especially in this line of work.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
3 months ago I made the mistake of showing a dancer that I have known for a couple of years, what was said about here on this discussion board. Nothing really bad but she took exception to the fact that her named was mentioned and read me the whole pink site in 5 minutes. This, while I was seated talking with one of my top favorites. When she left my favorite said, you did not deserve that. Why did you not speak up to defend yourself. From what? The bitch came back later in street clothes to chew on me some more. I just took it. What is the point in arguing with a loser stripper. The bitch even said "I don't care if you complain to management." I didn't. I don't like management any better than ass hole dancers. She got her just rewards. When we had our convention at the club, she did not make a dime off of any of us. She was upset when she found out how much some of the other dancers made. My favorite dancer told her that all she would have done was to apologize to me. She said that she couldn't and hasn't. I bring customers into this club not run them off. It is her loss and I think that she knows it but does not have the grace to do what is right. She will get the same cold shoulder at the next convention this April.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
an entertaining post today from "PAINT GODDESS" on the pink site, although to be fair various other posters on the same thread are having a more positive December experience.


Re: No point working in December

Um... yeah... december sucks monkey balls here too.

Last night and tonight... 62 girls when we normally run 40-50.

The bitches looking for that extra Christmas money are coming in to suck some extra dick... and therefore the VIP has an indefinite waiting list all the time. Pooh. Pooh. Pooh.

Tonight was doo doo.

Fuck the cheap assholes. Fuck boys who won't tip.

This is the time where I really wish management were more picky on whom they hire. I'd rather 40 bangin girls then 40 bangin girls +22 fat ass ugly bitches cutting into my money.

avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
Dancers really don't believe that a "hooked" customer can just walk away. When SS and wars between strippers make for an unpleasant visit, just remember it's your time and money. You can spend it wehre and when you want. Dancers don't owe us loyalty--nor we them.
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
In looking at that site, it seems to me like a lot of those ladies don't look at the SC experience as a two way street. They want every customer to come in, lay down a bunch of money on them, and do exactly what the stripper thinks is correct. It seems like we, the customers on this site, seem more willing to look at things from both sides. Something I just don't get.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I really haven't noticed any change of this type in clubs recently. Same as it ever was. It's possible that I'm hanging out in the wrong (right) places, but I suspect this war is mostly exaggeration and melodrama from the pink site and from guys here with a buttload of spare time to waste.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"I suspect this war is mostly exaggeration and melodrama from the pink site and from guys here with a buttload of spare time to waste."

"Strip Club Customer Shi..t" we might call it, and extra time doesn't hurt nor does having boatloads of extra cash, however some us are always trying to discern trends sometimes just for kicks (even nonsensical ones) -and at other times, for example with the real estate crash/downturn - which is old news to be me because I was posting quite regularly on HousingBubble sites 1 and 2 back in 2004 and 2005. Staying ahead of the curve can be fun (e.g. in ref to strppers) and (profitable) for example in the case of real estate or other kinds of investments

By the way, I missed figuring out the telecom/tech crash back in 2001, and instead of doing the correct thing and dumping and moving into money markets, I sold certain techs and then reinvested into optical networking companies after they lost approx 80% of their value, a big mistake because most enventually lost about 95% to 98% of their value off their peaks -and didn't recover for years

avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
David: Are SCs declining in value? If you could trade in SC futures would you buy or sell?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I'd SELL while economic situation is as is. Or turn it into a "secret" brothel until I got busted!!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
What the Pink Site's rabid poster needs to understand is, that I'm rejecting her NOT because I'm cheap or an asshole, BUT RATHER because she's unattractive to me or I haven't been made sufficiently "in the mood" by her. It's not my wallet-stingy attitude that's the issue; it's her moustache and waistline.
avatar for Raincoat
17 years ago
What is the "Pink Site?"
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Dancers are certainly are declining in value however the better setup strip clubs (e.g with decent stage shows) I believe may do better (in any downturn) than expected by increased acceptance and focus on bringing in high volumes of cheapskate pervs who while they don't buy dances often -still will have to buy the (usual) 2 drink min or maybe give a few dollars at the stage rail - and given that these strip joints typically are open near 90 hours a week, those kinds of profits can add up

Also, strip clubs are generally configured so that their labor costs are somewhat self-sustaining, usually handled via a complicated web of tip outs and houses fees of various kinds in and among dancers, bouncers, DJs, housemoms, managers, etc

Dance fees (paid by dancers) to the house? - of course that's an open issue, but I believe many clubs can still make it with even a major hit on those fees

So far strip clubs have stayed ahead of the curve because most dancers on a daily basis can still meet tip out/house fees - however its hard to tell what would happen if earning below those min levels became commonplace, then the strip clubs have some big labor overhead issues they must confront

avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
David, you must be going to some really downscale clubs if the girls have to pay an out/house fee. Do they have to bring their own Sears catalog too? (You old guys will get that.)
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
yup I have to remember to put "house fees/tip out" in that precise order
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