
New Years Eve at a Strip Club

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Is anyone planning on spending New Years Eve (NYE) at a strip club? I have never spent NYE at a strip club. H-O-W-E-V-E-R ------ I believe I am going to spend NYE at my favorite club this year! No spouse or SO around, relatives keep to themselves on this evening. I thought about making a New Years resolution to SWEAR OFF strip clubs. When would I break THAT resolution?

How about others? What are your plans?


last comment
avatar for SuperDude
17 yrs ago

Nothing I've experienced in the world of entertainment is sadder than being in a strip club on New Year's Eve.(I've don this more than once._ A lot of strangers who have nowhere else to go pretending to be intimate friends. Dancers looking to get a bunch of drunks even drunker in order to empty their wallets. Bar open later than usual, in Detroit 'til 4am. This makes for heavy drinking and heavy expense. Just maybe you have an ATF who might do something special "just for us" to mark the event, but more than lilkely she will be working the club to get every drunk and lonely SOB to drop all of his cash. Don't do it unless you want to wake up alone and lonely on New Year's Day. Best plan: Make the resolution, but don't break it until after Valentine's Day. By that time the dancers will start to appreciate regulars again.

avatar for chandler
17 yrs ago

A lot of strangers who have nowhere else to go pretending to be intimate friends.<

And this differs from any other night at a strip club in what way? (Just kidding.) Actually, I never knew of a club being open on New Year's Eve before I learned that the Hip Hugger was and went there. It really was pretty much like any other night there, just slower and with more lights.

avatar for SuperDude
17 yrs ago

Dancers expect to make really big money on NYE, so expect to spend a lot. That's one reason to go elsewhere.

avatar for DandyDan
17 yrs ago

I went three different times on New Year's Eve, one of those being when the 20th Century ended. The first time was dull, but that was also here in Nebraska on the night the Huskers were playing a bowl game, so in retrospect it was amazing anyone showed up. The second time was when 2000 began, so it was just cool and the one dancer was wearing nothing except her 2000 glasses and a bikini bottom, which was just absurd. The third time was at my current #2 favorite club 2 years ago, but since its a BYOB place, they could only hand out non-alcoholic champagne, which sucked, but it was a typical night for them.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

NYE at a strip club can be fun IF you've gone out with "real world" friends first and then "finish off" the night with your group at a club that you're sure will be less money-hungry and perhaps more interpersonal. Tourist destinations--Vegas and NOLa, etc.--probably have a little bit more of this sort of opportunity than just down-home cities--Memphis or Charlotte. Folks who come to New Orleans for a "holiday" (Christmas plus NYE) trip, have enjoyed the city together, golfing, shopping, boating, and also spend at a strip club one evening that happens to be the night between 2007 and 2008 won't be quite so pathetic as folks who live in Minneapolis or Hoboken, forget that they don't have social lives, can't find anything better to do than just drop in on a strip club for NYE, and unfortunately find themselves surrounded by people looking to capitalize on their desperation.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

I have never and would never go to a strip club on New Years Eve. That is for amateurs.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

I never go anywhere on New Year's Eve. It's the most expensive night of the year to go out. It usually isn't much fun because there are so many obnoxious drunks around and everything is too crowded so service is lousy. And the last place I want to be at 1 or 2 am that night is in a car on a highway.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

The reason I want to try a SC this NYE is because, for 13 years I was usually stuck in a casino, either dealing cards, or sitting in a surveillane room watching monitors! I did spend one NYE as a guest in a casino (with a stripper, believe it or not). It was fun, not all that expensive because I had won some money at blackjack.

I'll probably end up at The Exotic Pearl, my FAV club this NYE. I know most the dancers, know their limits & boundries, and will get complimented with drinks from the bartender and security. I can control the money aspect (I hope!)

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

Come to think of it, I just may travel to Elyria for NYE and get a motel/hotel room within walking distance of Bugsy's. I will be getting drunk on that evening. I may be getting layed on that evening. Whatever the consequences, I will enjoy that evening!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

I had one wonderful night out that I won't forget, on NYE. Had a girlfriend at the time, and she and I paid (probably either $50 or $100, IIRC) to go to some club / restaurant here in NOLa where they had band, New Orleans style hors d'oeuvres (little teeny crab cakes, etc.). It was silly -- countdown, emcee yelling "everybody have fun," and so on. But an excuse to slow dance and / or eat good food. Loved it. Yes, expensive, but the girlfriend was a hottie and we were deep into one another's "limerance" at the time so it was worth it. Just a huge long extended foreplay.

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