Someone did, "Slow or fast?", now, Hard or soft?

avatar for Clubber
I've had dancers grind so softly, it might as well have been an air dance. Some so hard it hurt! I find that more difficult to control than is speed.

How about the rest of you?


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avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I like one of us to be soft and the other hard. And I have a strong preference who is which.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

It seems like the dancers are way too rough generally for my tastes as well as too fast. Both seem difficult for me to control effectively. Either the dancer gives dances the way I like it or I'm out of luck with that dancer.

avatar for evilcyn
17 years ago
I learn so much reading threads like this...
I like to always start off slow, and thats in part, to get in there, without hurting anything and work things up, then move to a somewhat faster pace when you have something to work with...
To me this seems like common sense, how do girls not realize that jumping up and down like a bronco can't feel good...
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
If new girls aren't soft, they don't get a second chance, generally speaking. That don't mean they can't be rougher later on, but really, I don't think anyone wants a lady who is too rough too early.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
It's always nice to find a dancer who knows JUUUST the right amount of pressure for each body part. Most are much too direct and vigorous (and speedy) for nearly every average male's preferences. Maybe it's their desire to impersonalize it as much as possible, that causes them to turn into jack-o-matics. Smoooooth and sexy is much better ...
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
SEE??? I told you <evilcyn> slithers like a snake! That's a good thing though. Just yesterday, she was slithering up me from the floor and boy oh boy did I enjoy it! We've danced so much together, she knows exactly my speed preference and timing! *licks*

What I do hate (usually comes from newbie dancers) is a dancer bouncing up and down on me as if I was a poko-stick! That "frigging" hurts girl!

avatar for Lou_Lou
17 years ago
evilcyn, you sound like my kind of dancer. Where do you work? I may need to make a road trip.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Hard or soft are both fine, as long as it's not all hard AND fast. There's a time for repetition and a time for variation. A hard, slow grind feels great when it's timed right. She has to start soft and work up to it. Knowing how and when is an art.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Bones: There is a dancer at our favorite club that likes to bounce on it. You know her. 5'11" and name starts with M. I know that she is just trying to be playful but I have had to ask her to desist.

Now I like soft and sensual vs fast and furious but how do you do that when she has her hands down your pants and you have you hand under her thong? I guess that that can no longer be classified as a lap dance.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Shadowcat - Yes, I know exactly who you're talking about. In fact, I believe I had to tell her the same thing you did when I was at the TUSCL convention. I actually think some dancers think they're doing the right thing by bouncing, and don't know any better. If I had a DILDO between my legs, I could care less, but our Mr Happys are made of 'boneless' flesh and blood, and can bruise easily.

Funny how this topic came up suddenly, because <evilcyn> and I were just talking about this very subject yesterday in the champaigne room.

Advice from Uncle Bones: OK. For you newbie dancers, try and think of being with your S.O. when lap dancing for a customer.... EXCEPT don't stick IT in!!! LOL

avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I much prefer soft and slow, but I must admit that I once spent time with a VERY young dancer (if she was 18 she just made it the week before) at Industrial Strip who was VERY hard and fast. It was like being attacked by a tiger, I thought she was going to kill me. It was more like a high-speed wrestling match than a lap dance (fortunately she was a very small girl.) And it was one of the most enjoyable and memorable dances I've ever had. So I guess there are always exceptions to any generality.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

"Jumping up and down like a bronco..." CAN feel good, just have to make sure you are jumping up and down around a certain thing and not ON it!.

avatar for evilcyn
17 years ago
If ya wanna ride it like a bronco, you have to get it ready for that...
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Very well put sweets!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
agree with chandler re: variation, knowing when, it's an art.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

Agreed, to a point. Some rides respond quite well to a "giddy up", while others might just need the riding crop!
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
I like them to bounce around on my cock as hard and fast as they can. True porn style.

Except sometimes when I'm under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Then a switch up in style may be approriate.
avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
I like a slow and gentle start. Then pick it up as things move along. Good dancers seem to have the ability to recognize when things need to move onto the fast/hard pace. Just like a good lover recognizes when to go slow and when to go fast.

You have to warm up well before an intense workout. Wouldn't want to pull any important muscles....

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