
"R.O.B. Screening"

Any place that interests me.
Fellas: What are some "red flags" that you look for to screen out the "R.O.B.'s". Often, its a certain intangible, but, depending on club setup/ tiers of service available, here are a few tangibles.

1) Unwillingness to do "test drive"- eg initial lower tier dance.

2) If doing basic low tier dance, gives low mileage, keeps upselling, saying things will get better in VIP

3) Demands upfront payment in clubs where doing that isn't the norm.

Club setups get tricky. One is so called 2fer, etc mixed with regular dances- practically screams "potential miscount". Often, getting VIP requires upfront payment- I haven't had too many problems there- One variation that sucks there is you pay $$, get back there, dancer essentially tells you that you're going to get a lame dance, unless you fork over some more $$$. Such clubs where this occurs should be prominently outed- maybe we need a sticky thread for "ROB Outings"

Your thoughts/experiences........


  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I agree with the first 2. I haven't believed in No. 3 in a long time and for me it is definitely worth the risk of a $5 dance to find out for sure.

    Some dancers actually gave much better dances if they got their money upfront and I believe them when they said they can just focus on the dance and forget about the money. And, yes this is at a club where it is fairly rare to get asked for money upfront. Usually the situation will be management was pushing the dancers hard even threatening fines or the dancer was a newbie or the dancer had been ripped off earlier in the day.

    Getting ripped off just doesn't normally hurt the pocket book . . . sometimes the overcounting can get absurd and you just have to put your foot down which means splitting the difference and cross her off your list for future dances.

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I don't think that I have ever been ripped off by a stripper. Maybe just luck but just like anything else, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. I have done VIP 3 times. The first 2 were more than I expected. The third was what I expected. So I can't complain. In my favorite club, in 6 years, I have only had one serious invitation to the Champagne Room. She told me up front how much and what she was willing to do for it. "I can't do more because I am married". She is still a favorite dancer but I get more for less from others. Including married ones. Which most of them are. Which brings up the question. Do you get better dances from girls that you know are not married? I do.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    The only red flag I can think of is how most ROBs come on too strong too fast, grabbing your dick or moaning in your ear and pushing to go back to the VIP right away. No seduction, no flirtation, just a quick, blatant sell. The other items mentioned - refusing table dances, upselling, etc. - are signs she's one to avoid but not necessarily a ripoff bitch. The best tip-offs are the intangibles. Once you've seen many in their natural habitat and gained a sense for how they present themselves, ROBs are pretty easy to spot.
    17 years ago
    For me, attitude is everything. The girl who is too aggressive or obviously phony or who just seems to be going through the motions gets rejected every time. The girl who is pleasant, friendly, and courteous wins the game, provided of course that I find her physically attractive - I've never had a girl like that try to rip me off.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I had what I thought was a perfect dancer and she turned out to be a multiple personality ROB. A very interesting person whose personality could morph before your eyes. If it was acting, then it was one of the most impressive displays that I've ever witnessed. :)

    Also, even after being ripped off I would have liked to find some safe way of doing business with her----safe not as in not losing my money. Heck, management was willing to either have her perform or give me a full refund. But, that just potentially starts even more trouble. A clean break was definitely needed and those were breaks. Still, I always think what if. :) Just looking at her made me melt even after her very poor fraud. Poor? Yes, a superior fraud leaves the "victim" willing or needing to spend much more. This poor fraud not only exposed her, but easily she could have lost the money and more.

    Given her looks and personality, the money could have really rolled in except that she didn't seem to have much control over the different personalities. Some of those personalities were definitely worth paying for, imo.

  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Of course, FONDL, not every girl you reject on that basis is a ROB. Probably only a few. I'm the same way. I don't worry too much about ROBs, because the screening I use to find the types of strippers I like sifts them out along with a lot more girls who are merely mercenary or annoying or just plain bad actresses.
    17 years ago
    You're right of course, Chandler. I don't make any conscious effort to screen out ROBs, my normal screening process seems to take care of that problem just fine. I think the guys most likely to encounter an ROB are the guys looking to get the most mileage, and that has never been a primary interest of mine.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    Thanks for replies- "Normal" screening methods are like a penicilin (sp), that can cure different kinds of drips. But, what about dancer that seems "nice enough", but "only does VIP's"? $20 test drive 1 thing, 1 or more Benjamins another. Do you take a chance, or leave with Blue Balls? Probably better screening method would be to screen out the type of club, or pek hr shift where this scenario would be prevalent.

    Chandler- your 12-14 post seems to describe MBOT's modus operandi, which is why I've been reluctant to go there when in SF, despite some people getting supposedly high mileage.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Well I just assume they are all potential ROBs, and waiting for the moment to rip me. I think the main warning sign is when their stories don't add up, or they seem really nice (to good to be true) but their background suggests they would be otherwise. I usually won't drop them at that point, but I will be more vigilant.

    Yes I've been ripped off. A cost of the hobby, I figure. Works into y our "expected value".

    We it happens you learn and it becomes harder the next time. (In my case I am all about OTC and doing drugs with the girls, so I am probably running higher risk ROB-wise than the average customer.)

    I don't think there will ever be a foolproof screening: The other side has intelligence of their own and lots of individual and collective experience.

    Just accept the risk, but don't get hung up on it is best, I say.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Oh, I do need to pass along one tip, however, for the high risk takers here:

    If you ever do get ROB'ed you inclination is going to be to flip out, and yell and argue and never do business with that chick again. Very bad idea. Instead it is best to keep playing the sucker. Let me underestimate you. I guarentee you then that you are going to get an oppurtunity to get your money back. So just surpess your instincts, and wait patiently for the day when you will be to even things up. (And no, I am not talking revenge here, which is dumb. I mean that if she ripped you $50 one day, you will get $50 off your service the next time and then be even.)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Minnow, at MBOT, they all come on like ROBs because it's a high hustle environment, and guys go in expecting that. There's once crucial difference, however. When you ask what you're going to get for your money, you get a very explicit, detailed reply. For an MBOT stripper to say, "Pay me $500 and I promise things will get better in the Ultra Room" just wouldn't cut it. (This was the case 10 years ago when I was there, and I don't know if it's still that way, but I haven't read anything that leads me to think otherwise.)

    As for your 1st question, screening works to eliminate dancers, not to confirm that it's cool to open your wallet to a girl who seems to have a good attitude. Personally, I don't hesitate to buy a reasonably priced dance when all the signals are good and she's too hot to resist. But I'll never commit to anything more than that without a pretty solid audition beforehand (e.g., a $10 dance at Brad's or a great stage encounter before springing for the $50 VIP).
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I think I have that instinct, BobbyL. There have been maybe five or six occasions in my life, in dealing with strippers and other adult-service providers, in which I suspected that a rip-off was coming down the pike. I can't say I've been REALLY ripped off in years, cash-and-dash type disservice. But there are times when someone is being disrespectful, or difficult, or is trying to sell you on a lie. And you're right, BobbyL, if you follow your instinct to throw a hissy-fit, you'll just augment your own troubles. But if you can stay cool, you'll find that revenge is a dish best served cold.

    In fact, I'd have to say that the old "don't let her get up your dander" thing about dealing with women, applies here, too. Chicks are always testing men, to see if "he's man enough." And often what they want to see, is whether or not they can "control" his emotions, "make him have a reaction." Even rip-off type behavior can be categorized as this sort of "testing his manliness" in some circumstances.

    Interesting thought ...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL, you're probably right that guys looking for mileage above all else are more vulnerable. I want mileage, too, but it doesn't mean anything to me unless there's good rapport between us, so I'm pretty immune to ROB sales pitches. The thing is, I want it all - body and soul - and ROBs only offer the soulless variety.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    To add on what seems to be a common theme recently, I think the chance of ROBery actually adds to the risk, and, hence fun for me. Not that I like it when I do get ROB'ed, but I think the game would be less fun it was safer.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    What I can't tolerate is the two-team tag by two ROBs! You know, the two (usually beautiful) babes that come up to you and want to take you back to the VIP for a threesome? Then one dances for you while the other girls works on the other dancer.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    A R.O.B. red flag.
    "I'll be right back" but instead she sits and talks with other people after you already paid for her drink.

    A ROB in action,
    You expect her to leave your table when you do but she sits there and orders another drink and waits for you to come back to tell you. Then she leaves immediately without paying the waitress for what she ordered without asking you. Her future reward in all club reviews, I won't forget her unless I don't see her at any club I visit. If I do see her I'll be posting her name as one to watch out for.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Other general red flags
    In clubs that do two for one dance specials, you tell her you're waiting for one, she tells you she doesn't do those. Definite ROB, remember to avoid her no matter what she claims she'll charge for dances.

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Another ROB scheme (happened at PP in Columbia, by a dancer named "DALLAS"! I let her wear my "I Support Single Moms" black T-shirt for the day. When I was leaving, I asked for it back. She said it was hers. I asked her if she was coming in tomorrow, she replied yes. I told her she could bring my T-shirt back then. She never showed up the next two days. Now, the T-shirt only cost me $18.00, but how she got around to 'stealing' it was "precious"? Anyway, the word is out on her with all my TUSCL buddies who frequent Columbis PP. I wouldn't leave a dollar-bill on the table with her alone, or it will be gone!

    Why doesn't someone start a ROB discussion listing actual 'stage names', real names if known', and clubs they work at, and circumstances around the rip off? This will serve them bitches notice not to screw with TUSCL members. LOL
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, we TUSCL regular post-ers here on the bulletin boards COULD be a rather influential little claque, if we chose to be. I'm sure we could make a club, ensure its survival in hard times, if one were identified as needing our support for a period of time. And in some given geographical locations for certain types of clubs we could probably break a club, as well, just by all of us agreeing to spread negative word of mouth. Though that would be unlikely to be a possibility in a lot of locations -- many clubs do quite well without TUSCL participation at all, especially in tourist locations. But a given girl at a given TUSCL's regular's place? SHE'D BETTER BE A GOOD GIRL!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bones: If I see her I will tell her that you are pissed and want your shirt back. BTW, I have had many dancers that loved my shirts and wanted them but I have never let them wear one of them. Maybe the action on the couch was not good enough. LOL...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Lol, I was wondering what her reaction would be if you instead gave her a bill for $18 for the cost of the T-shirt? Probably just rip it up or toss it away. If I see her, I'll turn down dances from her and tell her she kept the tshirt of one of my internet buddies. I would have gone by there last night except I was a bit tired and it rained like hell last night for a long time. The 2 inches of rain we got we needed though. I heard Columbia got over 2 inches of rain. I think that's the most rain we've had at one time for several months.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    another good screening indicator: "Don't touch my hair. It took a long time to get perfect."
  • TessieV
    17 years ago
    Alot of time when women ask for the money upfront, it is only because they learned the hard way that if a customer rips them off, nine times out of ten management is going to tell them, "you should have gotten your money up front." That is not necessarily a good indicator of a ROB.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    TV- Note that I used qualifier "in clubs where doing so isn't the norm". I've learned the hard way that such dancers give mediocre dances at best.I'm seasoned enough that I realize that some VIP packs are paid up front- in those cases, I've gotten good individual dances already. There's at least 3 clubs in LA area where upfront payment is non-existent, but there's a regimented post dance payment at the bar.So, that negates chance of patron just walking off.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I disagree, TessieV. I have to say, 99.999% of the time that I've given money up front the dance has been WELL below appropriate level of expectation. (Sure, it might have matched some external specific standard, such as legislation in a given city, or what the managers told the girl they had to limit themselves to. But it didn't match what she DARN WELL KNEW all the customers had come to expect.) I'm sorry she learned 'the hard way' that she wouldn't get her money from some guys, but frankly, I think very few men make it out of the club without having paid for a lapper, at least not in decent clubs, if a girl has contacted a bouncer about it. A girl who whines MUCH LATER about it and is told, "You should have gotten your money up front," is just hearing a line from a manager intended to mean, not, "standard op procedure" but, "Don't bring your troubles to me."

    I'm going to stand by money-up-front as an indicator of rip-off status. Experience AND authority BOTH back it up.
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