
Comments by herbtcat (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    @NoHub, TUSCL is full of reviews about getting extras all over the country, not to mention around the globe. I'm not about to steal your secret stache of pussy, dude. I've got plenty near me, spread (pun intended) across many clubs within a 30 mile radius of my home. The point is your story lacks credibility. You can resolve that by providing details that others who have been to that club can validate as typical for that location. So that's it from me. I don't really care anymore, as I'm going to go get a beej from my current favorite for a $80 tip.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How About Renting An Appartment Or Office Suite In Or Near The Zona?
    You would be better off leasing an apartment (loft?) near the border on the US side. Then you easily stage a multi-hour trip to the Zona and return to your home-base quickly.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Thank you TUSCL
    Should have brought some marshmallows on sticks along with the matches.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I hit the Sky for the first time
    LOL "Her ass is extremely cartoonish." Not sure what that means but it's good for a laugh. Thanks.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great for eye candy, bad for the mileage
    Good review. Very surprised you actually got a HJ there. This club IME has always had top shelf 8-10 dancers, but 90% are in in a very narrow demo of white, slim, no or few tats. Rare to see more than one or two WOC on a shift. Also, up until your review, I'd have said extras are never available here. I have had a few bed dancers here in past years but never got more than some OTP stick shifting. However, high priced OTC can be negotiated with a fair number of dancers. And by high-priced, I mean $500 starting price, min. I used to hang here with a PL that was a lawyer and did business trips to clients up the coast two to three times a month. He tried to schedule his meetings for Thursdays so he could explain to his wife that he had to stay the weekend in case the meeting extended to the following Monday. What he was really doing was picking up his CF at this club in his new BMW and checking her into his 5-star hotel to enjoy the amenities while he did business. Then they would bang throughout the weekend before heading back to LA. He told me he typically gave his travelling partner up to $700 (this was the early 90's) and buy her something extravagant like a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. So my bottom line: (Possibly) the best eye candy in LA, but virtually no ITC action.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Taking $500k to the strip club?
    Actually, Offset (WTF kind of name is Offset? Is this guy a printing press?) may have to pay up to 50% of that amount as a gift tax. She basically gave him a house (maybe two in some areas) and he pissed it away to be a Twerk Baller. Stupid.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    The end of the world as we know it is here...
    There are even a few porn vids of a guy fucking a sex doll. Search PH...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    The end of the world as we know it is here...
    Nothin new here. Hyper-realistic sex dolls have been around for at least 10 years. If you've ever been to AVN, or any of the regional Exotica shows you've seen multiple vendors selling their models. Renting them may be a local (LA) twist. But there is a legitimate Sex Doll Brothel in London. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/uknews/5742146/inside-british-sex-doll-brothel/
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    @Dolomite35 ECCIE has only been useful to me when I was travelling in Ireland and the UK 12 years ago, not in the US. I have not looked at it since FOSTA/SETSA was passed, so no idea what use it may have now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Review lists
    Thank you. It would also be nice to see the "Follow" button for the reviewed club in full view mode. When I read a review that makes me want to favorite the club, I need to go to the club main page to follow, often only to see I have already flagged it. Seeing the button in full view will make it easy to see if I have already followed, and if not, I can flag it in full view.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    @Nohub Name the club and describe the dancers (not their names!), or it didn't happen.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Good for you. I guess I should have mentioned in a previous post that on Seeking the term "platonic" is code for "tranny." Glad you got the shaft you really wanted. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    @Waffle Key Sugar variables: Age and Sugar Amount This guy says he is 34 years old. He's at least 6 years under the "sweet spot" for a Daddy's age range (40-65). Then he offers $5,000 a month in his initial offer. That is a huge red flag for several reasons: 1. He's never met you yet he's already made an offer of $5,000 a month. That's probably 5 times the "average" sugar amount offered as general rule. 2. If he's really 34 years old, and has what might be called a successful career, he's probably making somewhere around $100k to $130K at best in Nevada. At that age, it's more likely he's making around $75k to $85k. But let's use $100k for now. If you net out taxes (say 33%), that leaves him $67k per year, or about $5,500 per month. Now take out rent/mortgage, utility bills, car payment, and more, he's probably netting about $1,500 a month in disposable cash (which he says he blows at the Venetian). So he just does not have $5,000 a month for sugar. 3. He may have thought the questions are a good way to engage you in discussion. But it's just creepy. Implying YOU will take him on vacation? Implying he values kissing more than blow jobs or sloppy doggie in the back seat of his Camry? Asking you to prove you don't dress like a slob or a whore? 4. Finally, the threat to delete the app is a ploy to generate a sense of urgency in you to respond quickly. He wants you to think you'd better grab this diamond before he's gone. Total BS. He's been on the site for a while and isn't leaving anytime soon, unless someone reports him to Admin and he get's banned. My take: This is the type of scammer that makes the rest of us look bad. You will never see any of the $5,000 and he may be a predator. You can simply tag the message and report him to Admin. Then block him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What are the 3 unwritten rules of strip clubbing?
    It's getting repetitive, but... 1. No cards in the club 2. Always negotiate/verify price and counting system before agreeing to a dance 3. Respect, honesty, and confidence wins - arrogance, deception, and rudeness always loses.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    7 Signs You’re in the Right Club
    @reverendhornibastard you have stolen one of my best lines: Whenever a stripper asks me "how often do you come here" I always reply with: "About 3 out of 5 times." Then I just look at her and wait. And wait... And wait...... Eventually she will either get the joke and the 3 out of 5 is about to turn into 4 out of 5, or she just asks another question. Then I just sigh quietly, and look at her tits.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Classes of Dive Clubs
    If I can smell dried cum and antiseptic at the entrance, it's a dive club. :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    BDSM or Femdom.
    You can easily find what you want, except for the sucking and fucking part, in most cities on fet life. It's not my thing, but I don't believe that most "Doms" will actually perform sex acts - unless you find them on escort sites. But they will guide you through other fetish-like activity like SPH, JOI, etc. (Look them up...). So you get the visual/verbal experiences described, but the actual acts are self-managed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    @blahblahblah23, My sugar arrangements over the last 9 years have lasted from as little as one BCD meeting, to well over two years. With two outlier sugar babies that I still see two or three times a year for the last 6 to 8 years. It's probably not as useful to fixate on an average length (pun intended :p) as you might think, since every arrangement is affected by a lot of variables. And as implied above, not all arrangements end with finality. As to putting "dancer" in your profile, that will probably generate many more replies from guys looking for strictly "hook up" arrangements, rather than GF-Date-Companion arrangements. If you don't include it in your profile, I recommend you still disclose it after or during your 1st meet & greet. Sugar is about transparency, and lies will bite you later. Note also that the site has de-stressed the use of the "Occupation" field in profiles, so it's not unusual to see this field left blank on profiles. So, what are you looking for? Lots of guys to hook up and get quick (if not repeatable) cash? Or fewer guys (or just one) who will be more like a part-time BF that take you to diner/shopping/travel, and also helps with the bills, then leaves you alone for a week or two? No judgement on either, I've met both types and everything in between (plus many ROB's). I'm suggesting you consider what you really want first and then post a profile that will appeal to your preferred types. Either way, you will still need to wade through assholes, jerks, creepy pic collectors, salt-daddies (i.e.: broke), and perhaps wannabe pimps and such to find a good connection. But if you put in the time, and carefully vette you can find what you want. Pro tip: The more the guy (and for daddies the girl) wants to accelerate to sex (I mean really pressures for a meet NOW) the more likely you will be dissatisfied with the experience, or worse.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    All Year Long! 🌞
    Stripper Poll #1
    Shaved down there and shaved pits, please. I'm ok with a little trimmed patch. But a full-on Monty Python-Style Shrubbery is a boner killer for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Male Strip Clubs
    I'm all for inclusivity, with clear labeling. There have been other clubs that had one or two days/nights a week with male strippers. I seem to recall that the Vegas Olympic Gardens of old had a male dancer night mid-week. And the above comment about male clubs being a target-rich environment for horny drunk woman makes posting reviews of those experiences valid for TUSCL. I also have no problem keeping AMP and even AAMP reviews on the site. We also have alternative locations like lingerie modeling (i.e.: Jack Shacks), burlesque clubs, and non-US clubs that are legal brothels, and these are useful. So if someone is interested in posting, there are probably members here who are interested in reading those posts. For me, these alternative reviews are especially useful when I am planning travel to new (to me) locations.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Women and Marriage
    Please clarify... You used the term married and "housewifery" apparently interchangeably. But I don't believe they are synonymous terms. "Married" generally can be thought of as a legal and possibly religious agreement to a committed relationship. "Housewife" generally refers to a set of duties/activities and responsibilities focused on maintaining a home; cleaning, cooking, rearing kids, etc. Those are not the same. So it plausible a woman can be happy to be married, but unhappy as a "housewife" and, alternatively, she can be happy to perform a "housewife" role but unhappy that she is married. Full transparency disclaimer: I am not and have never been married (or been a house wife :p) so my questions and assumptions might just be total bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    In the last few years I've come to look for ITC extras as my backup to sugar and OTC dates that fall through. With FOSTA/SETSA laws still in place, it's now rather risky for me to try to find and book a new "budget" pro in the area. There's just no way to vette a pro in the $200-$350 range, although there are plenty of higher end pro's ($500-$1800, including local porn stars) that I either already know or who I can find through known bookers. But at that price point, I save those for special occasions. My typical "sugar" amount is closer to $300-$400, plus T&E costs. So if my sugar date (I rotate about 5 of them) falls through, I know I can go to a local extras club and get what I want for $200-$400 most of the time. If I'm going to a club for some other reason, like with a buddy, I'll only indulge beyond standard LD's if a suitable "target of opportunity" presents itself. But even if I don't close any deals, I still tend to collect 2 or 3 phone numbers for possible future OTC opportunities. Pros, Suagrs, and Strippers all on speed dial! What could go wrong? :p
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Club Ratings
    The idea of a weighted average appeals to me, but I'd suggest providing the reader with a tool to adjust the weighting of each component. For example, if a reader values club dancer quality over club looks, he could adjust the formula to make dancer quality 1.5 to 2.0 times more influential in the total score.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stumbled into OTC
    The SD route with a stripper can be wonderful, or it can be a fast track to ROB hell. In looking for a potential (POT) in a club or on the seeking site, careful vetting and patience is key. Generally, the more road wear on the stripper, the more she sees a POT SD as another form of OTC trick. There is nothing wrong with this! But it will affect how she prices her time and how she will treat you. Less experienced or less hardened strippers may be more inclined to really be looking for a sugar daddy; meaning someone who will be more than a bang and go customer. There are many posts here on the "sugar bowl", so read up if you are interested. Either way, as long as she's ok with the idea of having NSA sex and getting paid for it, the obvious benefit to her is, as noted above, she keeps all the "sugar." That means when she may charge $600 for ITC/VIP extras, she can ask maybe $250-$400 from you OTC. You pay less, she earns more. Win-win. Add to that the reduced risk of LE raids and a fella can have a lot of fun. BUT: beware the stripper who tries to play you for a chump by still asking for a high prices and/or expecting additional perks like cash in advance, presents, un-planned Uber rides, etc. while delaying the actual fulfillment of the deed. 1. "Oh Daddy, I'd love to fuck your brains out, but I'm on my period this week! Can you just help me with a $100 now and I'll take care of you soooo good on Tuesday?" (She will not take care of you on Tuesday.) 2. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow, Daddy. I just need $175 now to get my phone fixed so I can text you directions to my place tomorrow." (The only reason she will ever text you is to ask for more money while providing a lame excuse for not coming to see you.) 3. "You need to prove you are serious! I've met too many guys who never come through. Give me a gift now so I know you are a gentlemen." (She will wash-rinse-repeat this ask saying she needs more time to get to know/trust you and you will only be fucked in the wallet.) I have been in the sugar bowl for about 11 years (before seeking). My conversion rate for strippers met in the club is low, maybe 10%. For strippers met on the site, about 25%, as the majority of strippers on the site are under the radar escorts. Nothing wrong with that, just handle that accordingly. To be fair, my conversion rate for non-strippers on the site is maybe 40%. But there are many factors that affect conversion besides her job - too may to list here.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Boyle vs. Akira Lane
    Lane. And not just because I met her early in her career at an Asian Model expo. Or because I have 3 of her DVD's personally autographed by her. Or because, even after she retired, her scenes continue to sell and sell. It's Lane.