
Comments by FONDL (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Escorts/Pros as customers in SC
    SuperDude, it's often not OK for a dancer to leave with a customer at the end of her shift. In many clubs they would get fired for doing that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Cry not because it's over rather, smile because it happened for memories are the only things we get to keep
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    The thing about bittersweet memories is that they get sweeter with age. You tend to forget the bitter part.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How toget past the SS
    Chandler, I admit that I'm prejudiced on this issue because the most stripper shit I've ever gotten was from a young woman who was never a stripper. She should have been though, she had the act down pat. We had a lot of fun before the wheels inevitably came off. A bittersweet memory.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Chandler, you and I are definately on the same page on this one. As far as I'm concerned it's all about building memories. Except for memories, nothing lasts forever. I'm addicted to bittersweet, I suspect you are too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How toget past the SS
    Seems to me that there are 2 types of SS - the high hustle and the story telling. The way you get past the first one is to find another girl. But you can't get past the second one because it's a function of their age not their occupation. Think of it as young girl shit rather than stripper shit because it isn't unique to strippers. Many of us enjoy that kind of SS.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers who (upfront) explicitly state the rules
    Seems to me there are 3 types of customers - those who, like me, want to know what the rules are so we can immediately do what we're allowed to do and not have to worry about crossing the line; those like Chandler who enjoy the uncertainty and like to discover the rules by trial and error; and those like Shadowcat who resent any rules. We're all different.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Book Guy, I could never be offended by any of your posts, you're much too nice of a guy. Chandler, what do I have to do to let you know when I'm not being serious? Here's a clue - when I talk about economics or social issues or trends in strip clubs, I'm usually fairly serious, otherwise I'm not. How can anyone be serious when discussing something silly like this thread? When in doubt, assume I'm kidding, and you'll usually be right.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers vs Whores - which is a better value?
    Massage therapists are the better value. Just ask Bones.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How come Penn State keeps winning their bowl games while most of the other Big Ten teams keep losing theirs? Puzzling. I've got my LSU sweatshirt all ready to go.
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    17 years ago
    Wondergrl, I've been reading this (and your other) threads and couldn't figure out what you were complaining about. Then I rmemembered that I put our trolls on my "ignore" list a long time ago so I never see their posts. Probably most others here have done the same thing. So I assume that's who is giving you a bunch of crap. Just ingomre them, most of us aren't like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers who (upfront) explicitly state the rules
    Book Guy, I'm just the opposite. When I'm trying out a new girl for the first time I almost always ask her what her rules are. I think they appreciate that. And a surprising number will say they don't have any rules, just make sure no one is watching. Or they tell you their rules, which saves a lot of aggravation. The ones who hedge and won't tell you anything are usually the ones to avoid.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lappy New Year everyone! My wishes for you all in 2008 - (1) That all your sex fantasies cum true (or maybe not) (2) That Bones gets the massage of his dreams (3) That FONDL does too (4) That Shadowcat doesn't wear out his ... er, welcome (5) That AN finally makes that trip to Baltimore (6) That Chitown doesn't get caught by Mrs. Chitown (7) That Chandler finds someone else to pick on (actually I think he already has) (8) That Yoda doesn't get snowed in without a hooker (9) That Book Guy doesn't have a heart attact worrying about the bible thumpers (10) And that nobody here drinks and drives tonight (did you get that hotel room Bones?) Thanks all for a fun year. FONDL is looking forward to many more. Be careful out there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    My comment was intended for guys who are looking for a lasting relationship, not those looking for a one-night stand, since we were talking about nice guys (nice guys aren't interested in manipulative or recreational sex.) I assumed that only the pure of heart interested in this particular thread.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    David, I guess you missed my earlier point - income disparity increases savings and investment, which is why countries like China have so much more than we do. If you concentrate most of a country's income among a few people, much more of it will be saved and invested than in a country like ours where income is distributed much more widely. Years ago when our income was less widely distributed we had a high rate of savings and investment too. Our attempts to redistribute income through higher taxes on higher income people are a major reason why our savings and investment are so low. The question of exploiting workers is an interesting one. Are workers better off being paid poorly (eg. so-called sweat shops) or to have no jobs at all? An interesting philosophical question. I once raised it on the Pink site and was vilified, which I found interesting - some people apparently don't like to ponder questions where the only possible answers are unpleasant, unfortunately that's often how life is.
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    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    To get back to the original topic, I don't think that the strip club business is in decline - seems to me there are more new clubs opening than old ones closing. What probably is in decline is average stripper incomes - the number of strippers is growing faster than the number of customers. So lots of strippers are having a hard time compared to the past but I'm not sure that clubs are.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Greatest compliment a stripper has given you...
    "You really listen to me whan I talk. I wish my boyfriend would do that." Which is what my ATF said to be over dinner the other evening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    I don't understand why any guy would pretend to be something he is not. If the girl isn't interested in you for who you really are, why would you be interested in her? Seems to me that being who you really are is a great way to weed out all the girls who aren't interested in someone like that and to attract those who are. And isn't that the goal?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    In general I prefer to be the one doing the approaching. I don't mind being approached if they're polite about it, but I don't like the high pressure approach at all and I avoid clubs where that's the norm. I especially like the clubs where you can't tip the dancers while they're onstage so they have to circulate throughout the room to collect their tips. When they approach you can just give them their dollar and they move on or you can engage them in conversation for a bit and ask them to jin you if you like. Seems to me that's the best of both worlds.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Format -- Page Layout
    I'm just using MSN but there's a 100% thingy in the bottom right hand corner which is easily changed - set it at 125% and it looks just like it used to. But I don't need to do that because I have no trouble reading the smaller font - guess I'm much younger than you geezers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    I view them more like pets than like wives or girl friends. When a pet dies or disappears, it hurts for a little while but then you get a new one. It's easy to say don't get that attached in the first place but that's part of the fun for some of us. I'm not sure anyone ever sets out to find a favorite, it just happens, you meet someone whose company you really enjoy and you want to see them again so you do. It's a pleasant diversion from your normal life.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)
    The most I've ever spent is a little over $200 - I never take more than that with me because I don't think spending time with strippers is worth any more than that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    Nosiness has become an epidemic in our society. And since nosy people want to know everyone else's problems in excruciating detail, they assume you want to hear all about theirs too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    Chandler, I agree that a lot of assholes have made major contributions. I just think they've done it in spite of being assholes, not because of it. I've know a lot of nice guys who have been very successful and accomplished a great deal. I think it's a myth that you have to be a jerk to succeed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Winter 08 - prepare for violin music, sad stories & tall tales
    GNP growth in the most recent quarters - strong. GNP level - the highest in history. Employment - near record levels. Unemployment rate - near historical lows. Income - at record levels. Can anyone cite any statistical evidence of a weak economy? There isn't any. Sure there are certain sectors and certain areas that aren't doing particularly well, but that's always true.