
Winter 08 - prepare for violin music, sad stories & tall tales

Sunday, December 23, 2007 2:55 PM
"Necessity is the mother of invention", and soon many dancers, unless they plan on working at Walmart soon, are in alot of cases going to be facing some serious necessity. Dancers can and do make good money, however like many people they get used to that income stream, and when it starts to go backwards, they understandably start to panic Jan and Feb (traditionally slow months anyways) are shaping up in some locales to be probably the slowest in the last 10 to 15 yrs, and if the SOB stories I'm hearing are any indicator - get ready for violin music, sad stories, and sometimes tall tales from strippers


  • David9999
    17 years ago
    example: 3 weeks back near the end of November an inbound call from a dancer leaving a message on the cell. BEGIN QUOTE "I was driving around paying my bills and I was thinking of you, and by the way I will be in the club tomorrow for sure, hope to see you, miss you alot" END QUOTE (Funny I couldn't make it that day, I wonder why)
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Looks like alot of them will be sucking on my dick for very reasonable prices.
  • gatorjoe2
    17 years ago
    Went on Sunday to a club to hear a tale about a young lady whose boyfriends beat her so she dumped him, took all her possessions came down to Miami and had no place to sleep and slept in her car the night before. I got one dance and said I am no miracle worker
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "a young lady whose boyfriends beat her" sripper boyfriends need to get those new video games - or else
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Yup, this is predictable. Now what will regulars do, if anything, about this? Wuss up and help out with financing, through more dances, lunches and dinner? Or get tough and remember that we have to look after ourselves first--dancers do. Bonuses in many industries are down or non-existant. Tuition, if you have kids in college, is a real number. Divorced dads will be hit with increases in child support as ex-wives get laid off. Daners are used to easy money, but those days are going and gone. They might make money if they and the club owners dropped prices--but that would require thinking through the problem. Not possible with these folks.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I didn't really think about this before but some dancers have been telling me "I'll be here next weekend. Will you?" For me the answer has often been no, if I have company visiting. I expect the economy will take a turn for the worse in 2008. I could be wrong about that though. I thought I read today the Bush mortgage bail out plan will only affect about 250,000 people or so leaving up to 3.5 million other people unaffected and in danger of losing their homes. That seems like a high enough number to create a drag on the economy. Just think, if Hillary was president, she could raise our taxes and let the government take care of everything. Then we wouldn't even need to worry about strip clubs because we wouldn't have any discretionary income to spend.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Actually the qualifying 250,000 are not necessarily safe either, as for the most part it only affects the extra amount they pay due to the ARM reset. However expect Socialist Hillary and Super Socialist Edwards to propose complete governement takeover of the problem.
    17 years ago
    Am I the only one here who thinks that the sad stories and whining about the "weak economy" have been going on in SDs for many years? Seems to me that's been a part of standard SS fare for as long as I can remember. Maybe the economy will fall in 2008 but it sure didn't in 2007, in fact third quarter growth (which was when we were last discussing this) was well above average.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I would rather have sad stories about the weak economy than be lied to. A few weeks ago a dancer told me that an old favorite of mine was pregnant so that other girl was done dancing for awhile. When I stopped at this club over the weekend, the "old favorite" was there....she wasn't working but stopped by my table to chat for a few minutes. She told me has cancer and the medicine has "caused her to gain 20 pounds" and now that she can't work because of the cancer, she was getting evicted from her apartment. Some SS is OK, but don't lie to me like that.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    David120: giving out a sad story about a weak economy, rather than lying to the American public, didn't serve Jimmy Carter very well at all ...
    17 years ago
    GNP growth in the most recent quarters - strong. GNP level - the highest in history. Employment - near record levels. Unemployment rate - near historical lows. Income - at record levels. Can anyone cite any statistical evidence of a weak economy? There isn't any. Sure there are certain sectors and certain areas that aren't doing particularly well, but that's always true.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    No doubt most americans are spoiled and have been for many years, and dancers are generally overpaid whiners. Now that said, there is still something happening in the economy and its being reflected via apparent slowdowns in certain discretionary services Most likely the real estate downturn is rippling through spending, and it doesn't simply appear to be a matter of the psychology or perception, for some reason people are cutting back and strip clubs in certain locales seem to be reflecting this
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I'm looking forward to the time when the "weak" economy means that prices for certain unregulated under-the-counter services begin to drop...
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Dancers in Detroit whine a lot, but they have a lot to whine about. The economy here is really down and people oare leaving the Detroit area and the state. For those guys trying to to tough it out, times are lean and SC money is tight. Yet, there is not even a hint that prices will drop. Dancers are now hitting customers at closing for gas money to get home. What will they do when it hits $4 a gallon by springtime?
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I managed to avoid any large SC related "gifts" during the holidays (except 20's here and there for several random dancers), by a variation of hiding and keeping a low profile, so I might have to use some variation of this in Jan and Feb when the sad tales start getting more elaborate. Sort of like the Watergate strategy Hadleman was using - a "modified limited hangout" of some type
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