HEY COME ON !!!!!!!! I have never heard of some many fucking skeptics. GUESS WHAT guys????? I LIKE TO DANCE FOR FUN! NO Im not a tranny No I dont need a freakin green card NO Im not trolling
Im sorry your so jaded you cant accept me or my personality but I ve been completly honest.
OMG let me correct myself then you guys are all right. I am wrong. Better? I fuckin give up I mean Im not new to the industry Im new to the AMERICAN industry. I LIKE DANCING FOR ME !!!!! I AM an American I AM educated and I enjoy myself when I dance.
I the same way some of you guys moan about how the dancers clump you into sterotypes you clump me into your own. I dance therefore I must want money a husband a green card or drugs.
I have been polite and upfront and yet still get this crap.
Wondergrl5...look at it this way. You came out pretty strong and telling us what most of us want to hear. It was not so much about the enjoying dancing part. It was more the open emphasis on wanting to be an "extras" girl (at least it was for me). I was/am skeptical. It appeared that it could be trollish in nature.
Just hang out for a while and if everything checks out over time then everyone will start believing you. I assure you that none of the guys here are in the habit of running dancers off the site. We enjoy their input an interaction.
If you are truly what you say you are then soon enough you will be very popular here.
ok jeeze honesty sucks ass cause no one is honest so when you tell the truth your doubted. But Ill wait hun. Its not the first time I have been doubted Im just tired of trying to justify my personality. As for running dancers off the site at least its not as bad as those "dancer" websites they ran me off in a day LOL
You violated the sacred most highest law. A law not only painted in blood, but carved into diamonds. For dancers: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! Simply put you're not allowed to have any other values except the almighty dollar. It isn't too late too confess and admit: 1. You're a guy (NO woman could be so sensible) and 2. The dollar is your God.
Just teasing with you. I hope you don't get upset. I'm not a very friendly person; generally. Have fun with your dancing, but it does seem like a tough job because so many of the customers are just stupid and nasty.
I would think there is a significant difference between stupid nasty folks in the office and customers at strip club. At least those customers at a high mileage strip club. A customer grabbing your "privates" and being Mr. Nasty as well just seems a lot worse, imo. Doesn't have to be worse----just that generally I think it would be considered far worse. A young woman at Burger King takes as nasty customer's order for a Whopper and fries and a Coke. Bing, boom, bang, he is history after probably NO more than 60 seconds. That same customer grabbing snd drooling on you for 5 minutes or longer seems a hell of a lot worse, imo. (Angels is a club where the dancers take pride that they're super sluts, but heck even at that club some droolers (nice droolers, btw) aren't welcome unless the dance price explodes upward.)
Even worse maybe are the nice customers falling in love with you! You let a dumb customer feel your titties and he thinks that means you two are getting married! Damn, Walmart is looking better all the time if they'd just eliminate the smiling requirement and up the wages a couple dollars per hour. :)
A friend who is intelligent outside of strip clubs was all upset that the dancers didn't love him even though he spent good money on them. I couldn't believe he was for real because he is intelligent in business. With women he looks like a lost puppy dog that had his favorite toy confiscated. :( The dancers would probably be shocked that *his* buying dances somehow equals a future romantic relationship. He didn't really talk with them at all. Just non-stop grabbing . . .
Well welcome to my world hee hee. I was grabed and propesitioned in college and in clubs of and the subway too ALL THE TIME LOL. In Italy a girl cant walk down the street alone the men are VERY aggressive but I survived hee hee. Maybe the fetish work helped release some aggression.My last boss left his wife when I kissed him on the cheek and said merry christmas I mean wackos are freakin everywhere! I guess I ve seen alot it just dosent affect me.
LOL they didnt try to rape me in the street LOL Its cultural a form of machismo to prove virility. Im just saying they didnt offend me I just looked at it from there perspective. And I do that with everyone. I loved italy and miss all of Europe in fact they were so open to life and everything is done with passion and vigor.
Wondergrl, I've been reading this (and your other) threads and couldn't figure out what you were complaining about. Then I rmemembered that I put our trolls on my "ignore" list a long time ago so I never see their posts. Probably most others here have done the same thing. So I assume that's who is giving you a bunch of crap. Just ingomre them, most of us aren't like that.
Personally I just presume this poster or any poster for that matter - is posting in good faith. However with an email address like "slutweedwhore" I can understand why some people might at least be bringing up the question of authenticity.
last comment(only the long time vets here will know what I am talking about)
I fuckin give up I mean Im not new to the industry Im new to the AMERICAN industry. I LIKE DANCING FOR ME !!!!!
I AM an American I AM educated and I enjoy myself when I dance.
I the same way some of you guys moan about how the dancers clump you into sterotypes you clump me into your own. I dance therefore I must want money a husband a green card or drugs.
I have been polite and upfront and yet still get this crap.
PLEASE just stop it
Just hang out for a while and if everything checks out over time then everyone will start believing you. I assure you that none of the guys here are in the habit of running dancers off the site. We enjoy their input an interaction.
If you are truly what you say you are then soon enough you will be very popular here.
honesty sucks ass cause no one is honest so when you tell the truth your doubted.
But Ill wait hun. Its not the first time I have been doubted Im just tired of trying to justify my personality.
As for running dancers off the site at least its not as bad as those "dancer" websites they ran me off in a day LOL
You violated the sacred most highest law. A law not only painted in blood, but carved into diamonds. For dancers: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! Simply put you're not allowed to have any other values except the almighty dollar. It isn't too late too confess and admit: 1. You're a guy (NO woman could be so sensible) and 2. The dollar is your God.
Just teasing with you. I hope you don't get upset. I'm not a very friendly person; generally. Have fun with your dancing, but it does seem like a tough job because so many of the customers are just stupid and nasty.
I guess Ill just put a scarlet letter on my chest cause I broke this oh so important law.
Ahh but who gives a fling fuck hee hee burn me at the stake if you must hee hee
Even worse maybe are the nice customers falling in love with you! You let a dumb customer feel your titties and he thinks that means you two are getting married! Damn, Walmart is looking better all the time if they'd just eliminate the smiling requirement and up the wages a couple dollars per hour. :)
A friend who is intelligent outside of strip clubs was all upset that the dancers didn't love him even though he spent good money on them. I couldn't believe he was for real because he is intelligent in business. With women he looks like a lost puppy dog that had his favorite toy confiscated. :( The dancers would probably be shocked that *his* buying dances somehow equals a future romantic relationship. He didn't really talk with them at all. Just non-stop grabbing . . .
Its cultural a form of machismo to prove virility. Im just saying they didnt offend me I just looked at it from there perspective. And I do that with everyone. I loved italy and miss all of Europe in fact they were so open to life and everything is done with passion and vigor.
Be careful what you wish for LOL