
Escorts/Pros as customers in SC

Detroit, Michigan
The pink site had a discussion asking what strippers thought of escorts. Generally, the response was "live and let live," but don't work in the club and don't hurt dancer income. We all know the SCs are open to women customers. What if you, as a customer, bought a drink for a woman customer and it turned out that she was "working." Would you leave the club with her and spend your SC money on her, instead of dancers? Assume, for a moment, that LE and managers don't know or care what is going on because it's all low key.


  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Your assumption is a very large one, because this "low key" status, even if could actually occur for a short time would likely have a very bad result, in fact so bad, that the club might just decide to ban the customer from ever coming into the club again, along with the hooker.

    So the answer is no I wouldn't leave the club with her nor spend my money on her, unless I only plan on going to the club one time only.

    A hooker operating like this would stand out like a sore thumb in most strip clubs, and this is exactly what managers are watching for (sort of like in LIVE AND LET DIE when James Bond 007 played by Roger Moore went into Harlem in New York City and the black taxi driver said he stood out like a "cue ball".)

    It would take an incredibly dumb manager, a huge crowd, and lots of unaccompanied women in the club to blend in - to actually imagine this even being close to possible

  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    I had it happen to me. But she wasn't attractive enough to leave with. If she was, probably would have. Don't tell anyone, but some waitresses, at least in these parts, will also do escorting on the side.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    If a dancer leaves with a customer at the end of her shift, that's OK, but if a woman customer leaves with a male customer, that's a red flag?
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    But I do agree that hooker activity would probably stand out and get noticed right way. If female customers are welcome, how do you weed out the hookers and how do you make the distinction between a curious woman and a "working" one? Do you serve the woman who's dress and style is appropriate and ask the slutty looking one to leave? How many unescorted women are around on audition/amature night?
    17 years ago
    SuperDude, it's often not OK for a dancer to leave with a customer at the end of her shift. In many clubs they would get fired for doing that.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Where I am (L.A.), you rarely see single female custies alone in a SC, which could be a red flag to management (and the dancers) that a pro is in the house. The only other scenario where a female custie would be sitting alone would be if she was gay (me!), or maybe a dancer off-the-clock visiting another dancer at the club.

    Management would really have no way to distinguish between an escort coming into a club, unless she was dressed and acted like a very over-the-top stereotype of a streetwalker that you see in the movies. This is why some clubs want ladies to be escorted by men. Usually female custies are either with their bf's, or are in a group.

    And FONDL is right - many clubs will fire a dancer if it is known that she is leaving a club with a customer.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    A gal working OUT OF THE CLUB can bring the whole place down, in many jurisdictions, because the fact that the solicitation took place there is going to define the club as a brothel, regardless of where the act takes place. So the threat to club management is, that a girl will establish in her calendar liaisons on the basis of interacting with men in the club. That in itself must be cut down on, from the point of view of management. So, they basically don't want any girls who are also escorts / prostitutes; not because they disapprove of the prostitution (I suspect about 50% of the DJs and managers, at a bare minimum, are patronizing / pimping these girls as hookers / Johns) but because it can close the club itself. The association is too easy to draw for a prosecutor.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Don't recall ever seeing escorts or protitutes in a SC before. As for as my taste, I go to a club for a sexual 'high', not necessarily to get layed. And another thing, I don't care for pay for play OTC with escorts, only hot dancers that I have tried out in the clubs.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Can a club manager, legally, ask an unescorted female customer to leave?
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Book Guy is right about the risks to club owners. In Phoenix, the law makes a sex offense by management a cause for revoking the business license. Drug offenses too.

    Most clubs in Phoenix have some female patrons. They come in several varieties:
    1) strippers hanging out with their friends before or after their shift
    2) wifes and girlfriends with their guys
    3) lesbians
    4) occasionally a group of girls partying

    My girlfriend fits into category 2. She is not bisexual, but she says she likes how soft the girls feel when they give her dances. Who am I to argue?

    However, I cannot recall ever running into an escort trolling for business in a strip club (other than a few of the dancers who were moonlighting).

    As for asking an escort to leave...I think a manager can ask anyone to leave for practically any reason, except "you are black", or "you are handicapped".
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    There are large crowds and lots of females visiting strip clubs where I live. I believe some females are dancers from other clubs. Actually I saw two I recognized just the other night. Some are male/female couples just enjoying a night out, some may be lesbians or bi girls. I've even seen groups of females, I think they were college girls, in a group as big as 7 I believe. I remember in one nude club, a bunch of girls decided to have their bachelorette party there on a busy Saturday night. A number of the females looked better than the dancers. Please don't kick them out. Just encourage them to go tip a stripper on stage and flash their tits to the guys when doing so. Often a dancer on stage will help if asked I believe.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I remember one club where it was ok for a dancer to leave with a customer at closing time. A couple of times, I have met someone dancing at a club and they asked to meet up with me later. Actually that sounds like any club.
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