
Comments by FONDL (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    DougS, I've tried that and haven't had any success with it, usually the message I typed is gone. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. The funny thing is that the only times I forget to "post it" are when I've usually spent a lot of time writing something really long. Maybe I should just stop ding that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    Chitown, from what you've said I think it's fairly obvious that (1) Mrs. Chitown knows alot more about your hobby than she lets on, and (2) she doesn't want you to know that she knows because, (3) she doesn't want to raise an unpleasant subject that she'd rather not know any more about so she can pretend it doesn't exist. It sounds to me like having secrets and being clever about it (or at least thinking we are) and the risk of getting caught are all part of the fun of clubbing for a lot of us.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    I never had any problems with tell-tale signs like glitter or odors, because I only visited clubs when traveling on business and I always washed my clothes in my motel bathroom before heading home. I got into that habit a long time ago when after a club visit I accidently discovered lipstick on the fly of my pants. Now that would have been an interesting thing to try to explain. The other advantage of only clubbing on business trips is that if you do get caught you can always blame some other guy for dragging you off to the club. In my case there were even a couple times that would have been true.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    Stormi, I believe the only person from Souther California who is here frequently is Lopaw and she's female, not that it matters. If she doesn't see your post and respond, you might want to send her a private message. I don't especially care how old a dancer is - I've had some fun times with girls of all different ages - but I tend to gravitate to the very young ones, they seem to appeal to me the most. I think for me it's often more a case of attitude then age, but the young ones more often seem to have the I-don't-give-a-shit attitude that I prefer. Much like Ozyman described.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
    I've only ever given my number to a couple of girls who I knew really well. With a couple of regulars I always wanted to check to make sure they were working before I made the long drive. I also found that when they knew I was going to be there, they kept themselves free so I never had to wait. I only ever got in trouble with a girl calling me once and that was my own dumb fault. I also got in trouble with my ATF for calling her once - she had called me from a different number and when I returned her call I called that number - she got really pissed off about it because it was a number she never gave out. That was fairly early on before we started to become friends.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Kissy Kissy
    I never have. In fact I can only remember kissing 3 different strippers over the years, each of whom were regulars, and those were very sweet innocent kisses. I would have no interest in kissing a stripper who I didn't know well and really like. But I'm probably unique here in that respect. My ATF and I also sometimes kiss innocently, but that didn't start til after she quit dancing
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    Shadowcat, your comments about Atlanta clubs is exactly the point I was trying to make. IME the vast majority of clubs do not feature high contact. But you can still get a good LD with the right girl. I've had some wonderful LDs that were not high contact. Sounds like Chandler has too. My ATF's private dances were great and she wasn't high contact, nor were any of the other girls in her club - they couldn't, there wasn't any privacy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    Founder, one other suggested improvement - maybe I'm the only one dumb enough to do this regularly but I've had to rewrite dozens of posts because I accidently clicked on "Back to Discussion Board" when I meant to hit "Post It." It would be great to have a warning pop up that says "Are you sure you want to go back to the discussion board?" when you've entered some text in this box but not hit "Post It." And I almost just did it again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    I think the thing you have to be most careful about is spending too much. That can do you more harm than the rest of the list combined.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    In my blog about my ATF, I wrote that one of the things I found fascinating about her were the holes in her personality. One of those holes was her vocabularly, which wasn't very extensive. Interestingly she was very aware of that and has always wanted to improve because she hates to sound as if she's uneducated. She used to ask me often if she had used some word correctly or not, or asked the meaning of some other word. She still does occasionally, even though her vocabularly has improved a great deal. Anyone else run into that with a dancer they know well?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    JayADay, I agree but it does have a direct connection to making TUSCL a better place - improvements to TUSCL should have been added to my safe-topics list.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    To answer the original question, I started life as a loner and am still comfortable that way. But I've been surrounded by extroverts for so long that it has worn off on me, and anyone meeting me for the first time today would think I was one too. I still prefer to go to clubs alone. But I'm sure I would enjoy clubbing with some of the people here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
    I agree with Shadowcat. If you don't know her very well, it's usually just a marketing tool - she wants you to call so she can tell you her work schedule. If you do know her well it can sometimes mean more than.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I met a new dancer...
    I've met several dancers who claimed that their husbands were in the military. And while that could sometimes be stripper shit, I knew for a fact that at least one of them was telling the truth. And frankly that doesn't surprise me. Given the low pay of young enlisted men, I'd also guess it's fairly common especially if there are military bases nearby. Anyone else see much of that? Isn't there a big base in Charleston, SC?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    Shadowcat, I'm guesing that your club is highly unusual in that regard, that most clubs aren't like that. Which is why you drive so far to get there when there must be dozens of closer clubs. Out of the more than 120 clubs I've been to, I can only think of 3 or 4 that were like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I've seen several dancers in clubs keep their boobs covered. Some even went bottomless but not topless. I could never figure it out. But it didn't seem to hurt their earnings any as far a I could tell. If I knew she'd had a mastectomy I'd applaud her courage, it would probably make me want to get to know her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    I don't mind off-topic threads that are clearly labeled as such, as long as the people posting have something interesting to say and know what they're talking about. And as long as they keep their irrelevant opinions off of the relevant threads. Which often isn't the case. And which is why I got tired of them and am making this pledge. Who else wants to join with us and swear off the unrelated BS?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    DougS, I think what would make a big improvement is reversing the order of the posts with the most recent one at the top. Then you wouldn't have to page all the way to the bottom every time to see if there are any new posts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    I think if we had 2 distict categories - true strip clubs and whorehouses - the latter being defined as any club where illegal sexual activities routinely take place, it would help a great deal with the ratings. I think we could agree with which clubs fit into which category. And think how much easier LE's job would be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    I think there is an awful lot of middle ground between an air dance and a blow job. I prefer to play in that middle ground. I like the flirting and playfulness but also want some contact, just not the extreme variety that many of you prefer. I don't think that fits either of HarryDave's categories. But it's what you often find in a strip club that isn't a whorehouse.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    You're absolutely right, DandyDan. But the alternative that we have now is worse IMO. How can anyone compare a huge glitzy expensive GC with a tiny inexpenxive neighborhood bar-type place? Your rating will reflect your preference for the two types of places, more than the places themselves. It's obvious that some people rate clubs based solely on the mileage available regardless of what else the club has or doesn't have. So why not at least separate clubs into two categories - high mileage and low mileage? Or maybe high degree of privacy, low privacy?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    I don't think you can really describe what constitutes a good LD because it's not just one thing, it's a combination of many things. I enjoy high mileage but that alone isn't enough for me - I've had some really good ones that weren't particularly high in mileage and some bad ones that were. I was being facetious with my previous post but the more I think about it the more it actually makes sense. Some of the best LDs I've ever had were very different from each other. About the only thing they had in common was that I wanted another one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    I've never had that problem, Clubber. I just sit at the bar and act like I'm there for the beer too. If there's a girl who interests me, I ask her to join me. Otherwise I drink my beer and then leave.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?
    I bought a new computer right after it came out and the computer came with it. I haven't had any problems but then again I don't do anything that's at all sophisticated and I haven't tried to download any programs. I was still running Windows95 on my old computer, which should tell you how sophisticated I am.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    I'm not sure I agree with you, Shadowcat. Seems to me a good LD from the dancer's point of view is one that gets the guy to buy another one. That's my idea of a good LD too.