Kissy Kissy

avatar for njscfan
Here's an unscientific poll question: How often do you deep french kiss or light french kiss the dancers? With one particular girl I DFK alot, but most of the others will suck and fuck long before they'll ever really kiss. In contrast, in the escort world the whole GFE phenomenon has meant that almost all escorts kiss (which is a change from 20 years ago). So how often do you suck face in the LD room?


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avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Always, and damned near constantly - at least with my ATF, and C-Fav. I usually have chapped lips for days after our hookups. Of course with my previous ATFs, it was a given, too. Outside of that, in MY experience, the girls that DFK (or even LFK) were sadly few and far between.

I DO think that it's become more common in recent years (or my luck has just improved). Personally (surprise, surprise), I thoroughly enjoy it when it's on the menu.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I never have. In fact I can only remember kissing 3 different strippers over the years, each of whom were regulars, and those were very sweet innocent kisses. I would have no interest in kissing a stripper who I didn't know well and really like. But I'm probably unique here in that respect. My ATF and I also sometimes kiss innocently, but that didn't start til after she quit dancing
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
For strippers in the last year, only LFK or regular kissing, I count 7 different dancers, not a single one born in america, 1 to 4, all ATF level (2 with so many hours I cannot keep track,) number 5 the sister of an ATF, 6 a very horny dancer from Ecadour, 7 a Brazilian herself initating it but definitely pushing for an upsell.

That's roughly 10% based kissing relative to quantity of women danced with.

In general, most dancers consider this very personal, and its nearly always limited to a Champagne Room level privacy, meaning your going to be wih them way more time one dance.

If the rare cases where there is a mutuality to it, obviously in my case 4 at the AFT level are like that at some level, but 2 of those (for certain) themselves way way into it, (one even more than me) both with an exclusivity factor I cannot detail but I am certain of - well in those cases it simply way way better than kissing 100 women in a year

SIDE NOTE - in regards to escorts and AMPs, I don't know too much about escorts but I'm aware of the GFE deal and obvously unless you're are regular its obviously hard core acting especially with a first time situation with that girl

Now with AMPs (Korean for this discussion) as many know their "kisses" are more like pecks, perhaps not even kisses per se, however there was this one particular model level girl who kept insisting with an absurd amount of earnestness she constantly missed me and waited for me each morning, even though I rarely saw her (I presumed to be AMP girl SS equivalent) -however in any case she's apparently been traded (like a baseball card i think) for an another equally beautiful girl from another city. With this original girl, I would have loved to have kissed her, because there was a least a small amount of mututality, not what she claims necessarily, that is unlikely, but enough that real kissing would have been very nice.

Now her replacement which I've now met has this tiny and highly kissable mouth, but also another peck you on the cheek or graze you near the mouth type. What I would give to get into a real kissing session with that girl. AMPs are germ phobic, which is good news for the serious stuff, but unfortunately they worry about possibly catching something less serious
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
For strippers in the last year, only LFK or regular kissing, I count 7 different dancers, not a single one born in america, 1 to 4, all ATF level (2 with so many hours I cannot keep track,) number 5 the sister of an ATF, 6 a very horny dancer from Ecadour, 7 a Brazilian herself initating it but definitely pushing for an upsell.

That's roughly 10% based kissing relative to quantity of women danced with.

In general, most dancers consider this very personal, and its nearly always limited to a Champagne Room level privacy, meaning your going to be wih them way more time one dance.

If the rare cases where there is a mutuality to it, obviously in my case 4 at the AFT level are like that at some level, but 2 of those (for certain) themselves way way into it, (one even more than me) both with an exclusivity factor I cannot detail but I am certain of - well in those cases it simply way way better than kissing 100 women in a year

SIDE NOTE - in regards to escorts and AMPs, I don't know too much about escorts but I'm aware of the GFE deal and obvously unless you're are regular its obviously hard core acting especially with a first time situation with that girl

Now with AMPs (Korean for this discussion) as many know their "kisses" are more like pecks, perhaps not even kisses per se, however there was this one particular model level girl who kept insisting with an absurd amount of earnestness she constantly missed me and waited for me each morning, even though I rarely saw her (I presumed to be AMP girl SS equivalent) -however in any case she's apparently been traded (like a baseball card i think) for an another equally beautiful girl from another city. With this original girl, I would have loved to have kissed her, because there was a least a small amount of mututality, not what she claims necessarily, that is unlikely, but enough that real kissing would have been very nice.

Now her replacement which I've now met has this tiny and highly kissable mouth, but also another peck you on the cheek or graze you near the mouth type. What I would give to get into a real kissing session with that girl. AMPs are germ phobic, which is good news for the serious stuff, but unfortunately they worry about possibly catching something less serious
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I always do with my ATF and hardly ever with others. The rest just engage in thank you type kisses on the lips but I'm pretty busy when it comes to my ATF.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
DFK is very rare. Happened OTC, but never inside. LFK when they trust you, but no more. Is this a holdover from high school?
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Funny how things have changed. When I first started going to strip clubs (Indianapolis 1982) it was common-place at all clubs in the area to get a DFK (however a brief one)for a $1 stage tip. Private couch dances were rare - if clubs did offer them, they were air dances. No two-way touching allowed but the dancers gave a DFK for a buck.....then Rock Hudson died of AIDS in 1985 and things haven't been the same since. Now, at many clubs you touch all the booby and butt you want, but kissing is taboo.
avatar for chipitin
17 years ago
I agree with david, I find the kissing thing to be off the menu, it happened to me only one time. And I can't tell if it's just too personal for them, or if it is a health issue. Cold sores are very nasty and if they caught one it would probably mean no work for 2 weeks (I don't think anyone would be interested in dancing with a stripper with a nasty cold-sore. If it's a personal/attraction thing, I find it funny how some dancers/escorts will allow FS for $'s and not find FS too "personal", and take the kissing off the menu with no negotiation.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
DATY or DFK? One without the other? It seems strange to me that you could do one but not the other. I can do either or both. It is a matter of timing. I know that If I am her first customer, anything goes. After that, the buyer should beware! Last month trogangreg and JGB133 watched my go off on a "field trip" with a favorite. I came out after 4 songs and headed for the mens room to clean up. When I got back to the table, the two off them were laughing their asses off. While I was cleaning myself up, she came out, jumped into another customers lap and started giving him DFK. Yuk. I wonder. Do I taste just like chicken?
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Comments on previous threads have indicated a consensus that DFK is the "holy grail", the last and least attainable of physical incursions that a customer may make on a dancer. I have in fact gone DATY on several dancers who would not let me kiss them (on the facial lips). I enjoy DFK, and have never turned it down when offered. One of my favorite s.c. memories involve an hour long make out session with an Indy dancer that Chandler introduced me to (first headstands, then DFK..what an hour!!!).

Older dancers seem more receptive than younger, and a younger dancer once told me that she saved DFK for her boyfriend...that, apparently, alone among her favors. I thought that was such a funny statement to make under the circumstances that I laughed so hard, I almost knocked the headboard off of the hotel wall!!!
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
chitown I had an opposite expierence, She was 22 and admitted that she had no idea where her husband was but that she did have a boyfriend. DFK and other extras were on the menu but when I asked about DATY, she said No, That , that was for special persons only. I can only guess that DATY will turn on a women to the point that she can not stop. So that is where they draw the limit. I will keep working on it though. I want to fuck her.
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
I have no desire to DFk or even LFK with a stripper. A quick kiss on the cheek is about as much as I want from the majority of them. DFK is to intimate for me... Its more about affection, whereas somethings, BJ or HJ are purely sexual.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Kissing of any type, other than a peck on the cheek would be a rare event for me. There was only one, in the past, but she was the exception.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Almost doesn't do anything for me unless I'm really into a girl. Even pecks on the mouth turn me off if I don't know someone at all. The Quebec girls are big on European-style kisses on booth cheeks for some reason.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Maybe I'm just a slut, but I enjoy kissing hot girls. A lot! Usually, it is after we have a bit of history together... or at least have spent some steamy dance sessions together, so there at least appears to be some mutual affection going on. Maybe because it is somewhat rare in the clubs, and partly because it at least seems intimate, but I find kissing to be a big turn on.

That first DFK session with a girl that is new to your favorite list, is pretty damned exciting. You're already enjoying each other during a stimulating dance session... you're both getting caught up in the thrills of each other's touches... your lips keep getting closer and closer... she's giving you signals that she wants you to kiss her... your lips get closer... finally, you slowly move in towards her mouth... she doesn't pull away... closer... closer... your eyes lock... a tentative lip brush... followed by a kiss... then a lingering kiss... suddenly mouths open... tongues explore...

That can be as much of a thrill as feeling her hand pulling your zipper down... well.. all most! [wink]

avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Damn Doug, I started getting hard just reading your second paragraph.
avatar for Lou_Lou
17 years ago
For me over the last couple of years I'd say DFKissing happens with about 40% of the dancers I encounter. I have at least 1 regular at 3 different clubs where it happens all the time, as a matter of fact they usually insist on it. LFK happens about 80 %. I rarely encounter a girl who does neither. I wish I could say its because Im so good looking but Im just a average slightly overweight guy in his late 50's
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Lou-Lou: You have got to change your nick name. Every time I see it I think that it is a female poster. Sorry.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I have no idea what the difference is between DFK and LFK. It's just french kissing to me. Does everything on this board have to be geekified?

I don't french kiss strippers very often these days. It's one place where I've become too cautious to enjoy it as much with all the scary diseases going around. Plus, maybe strippers don't find me as kissable as they did 10 years ago. I used to french kiss all the time. A lot with strippers I'd just met, which really gave me a thrill. Of course it's too intimate for somebody you don't know well - that's what makes it so exciting.

I like Doug's description of a first kiss, too. That kind of suspense and anticipation is what I like best about crossing all kinds of boundaries with new girls.

I saw evidence of what David describes still in the mid 90s in Indiana clubs. Some strippers were still going around the room after their stage dance, offering french kisses for a $1 tip. It tended to be the older girls who did it. I've also heard that kissing in strip clubs used to be a lot more common in rural and southern clubs, and more likely to be almost taboo in bigger cities (perhaps out of traditional cautions about diseases spread in close contact).
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Chandler, thanks for asking the difference between DFK and LFK. I don't know the difference either, but I didn't want to be the only one that didn't seem to know.

Could someone explain it for us?
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
One more thing.....Chandler, I went thru most of the decade of the 90's without going much to my homestate Indiana clubs, so maybe I missed out. Probably the last time I ever saw it was circa 1989 in a small dive in Laporte (a little west of South Bend) that isn't there anymore. The dancers weren't very attractive, but the kisses were fun.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Why always the focus (not just here either) on DFK or even LFK, because it anything in terms of impact REGULAR kissing (yup it still exists I think) - for example the 3 to 5 second extended kiss mouth to mouth with little if any use of the tongue. Assuming there's a mutuality to it, in terms of a romantic kick, that's where its at in my opinion - in part because its not overtly sexual per se, instead its more the promise of sex.

DFK for example is about as romantic as a blowjob in my opinion.
avatar for snappa
17 years ago
I've found DFK/LFK to be on the menu more often than not in my regular club. There definitely seems to be a correlation between extras and kissing, though I wouldn't consider it an extra as such. But the girls willing to cross the one line are usually willing to cross the other. Those who think of themselves as 'clean' dancers don't often do more than little pecks on the cheek or neck.

I try not to think too hard about the potential hazards of kissing a stripper. Especially when I've seen said stripper kissing other said stripper, who I know does BBBJs for dirt cheap.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Kissing is very low risk for in terms of spreading disease, even some of the basic ones.

CNN reported in December 2007 "Colds are most commonly spread by hand-to-hand contact. Cold viruses rarely jump through the air, and there's not much virus in saliva -- even lingering kisses rarely spread colds. The experts advise: Don't shake hands with someone who has a cold, and wash your hands often to keep from spreading or catching the viruses."

avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Have fun kissing all those dancers that have been going down on guys without a condom and who swap lipstick and other makeup amongst all their other dancer friends. No thanx here...
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