
Comments by mike710 (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Tampa visit . Advice
    Also, if you find a girl you like here, OTC has been available. From the sounds I've heard in VIP, I wasn't the only one having fun.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Tampa visit . Advice
    All clubs, just about anywhere, are still going to be hit and miss. In August and September, they still had some level of lockdown rules. I believe most of Florida is now open to full capacity with regards to bars. I think they had some lame rule about any alcohol had to be drank in your car until recently. That being said, there is no telling what the dancer situation is. During day shift on weekends, there was a very hot bartender named Rachel that would drink with you and entertain you. It made it a little better when the amount of dancers was slim on a Sunday afternoon early.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Tampa visit . Advice
    I've always had fun at Bare Assets in Pasco County. Those clubs up there are nude with alcohol.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip club activity I dont understand
    A strip club "acquaintance" of mine picked up on a solo girl that did what you described. I think that's pretty crafty for a woman that is looking to pick up a guy that is in a place where he is already horny. The dude I'm talking about is a horndog anyway so he didn't need much encouraging. Last time I saw him that night, I was getting a ride from his roommate and his tongue was trying to find her cervix through her mouth. His roommate just said, "I hope he doesn't bring that stray to the house"
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip club activity I dont understand
    Maybe it's a language thing for some. I'm "Hispanic" and actually prefer to go into a club all by myself. I've taken friends in but feel I have to entertain them as much as entertain myself so it's not my preferred way to go out mongering. I can't say I've noticed what you are talking about because I'm looking at the talent not the guys. I can believe it could happen for the language thing though.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How can you tell who clicked like on a comment?
    From reading the board for a few months, it's pretty easy to guess who would thumbs down a post. I don't really care to know though.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How can you tell who clicked like on a comment?
    I never changed any account settings but I do get an email for thumbs up but not for thumbs down. The interesting part is at least half of the thumbs up are from people I don't recognize as regular posters.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    Saw Tilted Kilt on the list but not Twin Peaks. I always get them confused as well. Hopefully the location around 20th and Camelback is still open.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Trump has covid 19 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤑
    The "pundit" must have been reading Michael Moore's Facebook post.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Pandemic Strip Tripping, St. Louis and Huntsville
    I am planning a trip to the Tampa area in the beginning of November because Facebook pages for a couple of clubs I like said they had returned to normal capacity.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Presidential Debate Thread
    I was thinking Bill and Hillary were a lot closer to the dead perv Jeff than just about anyone. Hillary seems to like anything that puts out so she doesn't have to. Bill must have a stronger stomach than I do to fuck Hillary.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Presidential Debate Thread
    I think most white supremacist groups would not follow the leader of Proud Boys. He's a dark skinned Cuban. Not an angel but hardly white. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrique_Tarrio
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    White girls
    @Justin. It's the thickness of your wallet, not the thickness of your body.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Presidential Debate Thread
    This is interesting. The founder of BET TV saying on an NBC network that he will vote for Trump because "he's a devil I know" https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/30/robert-johnson-i-will-take-the-devil-i-know-dont-know-what-biden-will-do.html
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Take care of me, so I can take care of you.
    I've actually left the bar after forgetting to pay. Problem was, I lived 2200 miles away. Luckily, it was with a girl I had hung out with before and I knew her real name. I texted her and asked her for a FedEx near her and sent a check to be held at FedEx in her name. I think I added a little extra. It was funny that we both forgot.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    With roots in European colonialism and imperialism and the Atlantic slave trade,
    Growing up, I was raised with a strong work ethic by example from my parents. My father was a legal immigrant that grew up in a small house with a dirt floor and many sibling. He was literally "dirt" poor when he came here. Growing up, I saw my parents argue a lot over what turned out to be monetary issues. I was otherwise raised a happy child and didn't feel that I lacked for anything. I had no idea we were poor. My parents worked hard all their life and ended up with property that was worth $1 million just before they passed. I was taught that America is the land of opportunity, not the land of promises of wealth. If you work study and work hard, your opportunities are unlimited. The US is not perfect but I feel fortunate that I grew up here and had opportunities as long as I kept working hard. I don't begrudge people that might have more than me, I strive to be like them. I'm approaching the end of a very long and successful career and should be able to enjoy my life in retirement from the fruits of my labor. I'm not an old white guy but don't have to be that to find success and happiness.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
    Another take on the Dollar Dance thread. Back in the 80's I was at a club in Wisconsin that was holding a "Miss Nude Wisconsin" contest. Some of the contestants were working the crowd giving full on tongue kisses for a dollar.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
    Mine was the first time I got a lapdance in Florida and the girl commented that it was OK to let my hands roam a bit on her. I was used to San Diego where you never did that with a girl you didn't know. Once I found this out, I have found a way to make it out to Florida every year since. One thing that was also weird was a dance I got at Diamond Dolls in Clearwater back in the early 2000's. At the time, a local ordinance did not allow the customer to sit while getting a dance. I had to get a standing lapdance. Since then, this club has put in VIP rooms and is one of my favorite clubs in the Tampa area.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Flight Attendants
    Alaska Airlines has the hottest flight attendants I've seen on domestic airlines out West. American, United and Delta have a strong seniority system so they tend to have older flight attendants on average. The all have there share of younger ones too but Alaska seems to have more than the majors from what I've seen in the West.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Phoenix 2AMer.
    Never been to this club but it is in kind of a rough industrial park area near I-10. Never really seen many cars there when I've driven by this location on the way to a Courtyard hotel I've stayed at near there.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is a tip walk?
    The rule was sit on your hands. Since I was a regular, I got away with more eventually. However, before Covid, there were only 2 clubs remaining that were topless with alcohol, Pure Platinum and Pacers. Pure Platinum was hanging on by a thread and I wonder if it will survive the latest shutdown. It was bought out from longtime owners about 2 years ago. San Diego got some crazy vice squad leadership that decided they were going to shut down every strip club and internet friendly hookups in the early 2000's. Before some clubs finally died, they had lost their liquor licenses in "undercover" operations busting girls for not following the 6' rule. Who knew these fucking vice cops were innovators for rules during Covid times.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is a tip walk?
    San Diego, including Pure Platinum's formerly numerous locations, have always had a tip walk. When it's busy you might not notice because girls get snatched for VIP before they make it all the way around. I "grew" up with this in strip clubs so had to learn this wasn't the norm when I started traveling the country and visiting strip clubs. Now that I travel extensively, I've learned that different areas have different traditions. This also goes for how much you can touch. In San Diego, it is usually sit on your hands. The first time I got a dance in Tampa, the girl pointed out that I can touch her. Now my rule is if the girl grabs my junk, her junk is available too.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OT: Is Miami Sinking?
    The only certain things in life are death, taxes, and the world as we know it today will change eventually. There have been warm and cool periods throughout the history of the earth. I remember going on a field trip as a kid and have a park ranger show us fossilized ocean creatures on a mountain top 50 miles from the current shoreline. Even the Sahara desert was an ocean at some point. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/12/sahara-was-home-to-some-of-largest-sea-creatures-study-finds This stuff happened well before man and our "man-made climate change" came along. This is just how the Earth changes. You can be living a happy life on either US coast and a Tsunami generated across the Atlantic and Pacific could ruin your property value. A large volcano thousands of miles away could ruin your life more than Covid has. We are tiny specs in the grand plan. Enjoy the good times and deal with setbacks as best as you can. Life is too short to worry about whether your carbon footprint is going to kill you and your neighbors. The Earth has been doing that on it's own quite well for millions of years.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: These are America's happiest (and least happy) states for 2020
    How can Hawaii be so happy with an economy that is decimated by a 6 month lockdown?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    It's been awhile!
    I've been limited to a couple of clubs one state away from me. In one club, I can see differences in the public area but not in VIP. The girls I knew before covid were a given but met a couple new ones too that I had a fun time with.