
Pandemic Strip Tripping, St. Louis and Huntsville

Friday, October 2, 2020 7:18 AM
I went to two cities in two weeks and here’s what happened. Huntsville was very busy, but was full of broke, bored people who just wanted out of the house. They can serve alcohol until 11 and at that time, the bars closed and a ton of people came in, but they were also just bored and weren’t ready to go home, not necessarily wanting to be at the strip club. When you go in the club you have to wear a mask and once inside, no one was wearing them and I was blown away by this. There was no social distancing in here and I’m fairly positive that’s not what the state wants them to be doing. Every girl I met said she drove 1+ hours to go there and they all said they stayed in this one hotel that was $85 per night, meaning everyone there had to make about $100 per day before they made zero. The club took $50 plus $5 per dance and I worked 1.5 days (the second day had no people and I left). I had paid for 2 days of air bnb and gas to get there and after what the club took and my expenses I ended up making $50. I am in St. Louis now and I have used this site to get info about where to travel but I don’t think it’s reliable anymore after coming here. There is ONE club open here. I read reviews and one mentioned being outside but not in the way I perceived. I thought it meant they had *some* guests outside for more space and social distancing but what it did mean is there’s an event tent outside on the parking lot and they put a rent-a-fence up with tarps on the fence. Everyone has to be out there. They are allowed a maximum of 25 patrons. 25. It’s supposed to be 25 people total including staff but they allow 25 men in. There’s a portable 5x5 stage and the whole scene is just awkward and ghetto. The high temperature yesterday was around 60 and at 5 pm it was 55, by night time it was in the upper 40s and there was no one there because it’s too cold to sit outside. Everyone has to wear a mask but apparently you can’t get corona from doing a full contact dance so those are allowed in here. I wasn’t able to work yesterday, Hustler made me wait 2.5 hours to get contracted and then said the fire inspector was coming so I got there at 1 and didn’t get hired until 7 pm. Fucking most ridiculous situation ever. I left and came back and when I left I went to Diamond Cabaret they were closed. I’ll try working today but I have very low aspirations. When I was waiting for eternity to see a manager about 20 people came in and all but 2 were there for the arcade. If you know of a place where clubs are actually closer to normal I would love to know about it. In threads people mention that their club is mostly business as usual. I have lived in this area for a really short time and I really don’t know if this is just a shitty area for clubs, my suspicion is that it is but I wouldn’t know because I didn’t work here pre pandemic. The girls here were on their phones last night looking for jobs if that tells you anything about the club scene during covid. The club also told me their governor will let them have patrons inside once the infection rate hits 6.5, it’s 7.5 now and I read this week that the infection rate in the Midwestern states is rising with some states hitting peak numbers of cases this week. Idk if I picked the wrong place or the wrong time or where I live isn’t reflective of the state of the rest of the country because we no longer have to wear masks in my town since the infection rate has dropped so low, I thought everyone was headed that way but guess that is not the case. Very bummed! I’ll leave here after today, I don’t see how this can amount to anything here.


  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Sorry to hear how things are going in STL. Austin, TX has almost all of the clubs open and operating just about like normal. San Antonio, TX has three of the major clubs operating, but only one of them by the airport would probably be of interest to you.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    I am planning a trip to the Tampa area in the beginning of November because Facebook pages for a couple of clubs I like said they had returned to normal capacity.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Things are pretty much back to normal in Atlanta. PM me if you want more info.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    There is no club for me to work at in Atlanta, there’s only one that doesn’t require a license and if I were to get a license it is $500. No thank you.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Why not ask Eve and NiceSpice about the situations in Florida and Colorado respectively?
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    I’ve been reading what they have said, I wouldn’t go where Nicespice is and Colorado is not travel dancer friendly.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    ok, sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I do know that Arizona would be a waste of time for you.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    It’s not a thread that’s about wanting to find a place to work. I am mostly talking about my experience. My friends in AZ have said they are doing fine.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    One would think no area is truly all the way back but some are def better than others. Detroit suburbs seem to have biz but then again IDK if decent $$$ can be made w/o extras? As mentioned, seems TX is open (Dallas/Ft-Worth, Austin, Houston) - but I haven't seen enough reviews to know how well those clubs are doing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    IDK much about Huntsville but it didn't strike me as a hotbed of strip-clubbing
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Everyone in this area always talks about Huntsville and going there, when I lived in Alabama 5 years ago they talked about it too. I’ve been there twice now and they club was very nice but it was dead. I had a great first hour at that club last weekend but the fees crushed my earnings. I also had to wait an hour to talk to a manager before I could work. By the time the first hour was up, they stopped serving alcohol and the night was over for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @PinkSugarDoll - Really? I live in Scottsdale. Clubs that serve alcohol here don't have floor or VIP dances - just stage dances. And there are limitations to approaching the stage. I believe that nude clubs still offer floor and VIP dances, but I could be mistaken.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Fantasia in Huntsville appears to be the only Alabama strip club offering extras. I haven't been there but the reviews seem to indicate that the dancers are not too hot.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    I’m from Washington where there are only nude clubs and no alcohol and I am 196% fine with working in nude clubs with it without alcohol. This thread is 100% not about where to get extras in Huntsville lol.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    If you are fine working in nude clubs, Centerfolds (Phoenix) or Le Girls (Tempe) would probably be good choices. I don't have recent experience with either. But both were no alcohol clubs before the pandemic, and I have seen blurbs on [view link] that they are doing fine.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I though it was about where to make money.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    The Pony in Huntsville was packed with girls and customers every time I have been there pre-COVID. I was there a couple of weeks ago and the 11:00 last call really put a damper on things. The last club in Atlanta with no license requirement is Oasis. It’s a good club. I’ve been seeing a lot of traveling dancers there lately, some from California.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    I love Atlanta, I know of this club but not much about it. Maybe it’s worth investigating. Thank you.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Atlanta Club Wax also does not require a back ground check or license because it is a bikini club. It is a black club.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    You are 1.5 hrs away from The East Cape Pony. They are a normal club. Weekends are busy. VIP is $150 for 30 minutes and champagne. $300 for 60 minutes and champagne. Extras can be had their, but it is technically a no extras club. Safe area. People are nice. Not sure how much money others spend on dancers, but I usually start with the 30 minutes and progress to 60 minutes if I like her. I always tip and buy drinks if she sits and chats. Their stage is big and well designed. Definitely not Getto. If you decide to stick around until next weekend, I will come spend money with you. Just let me know.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Thank you, I have a regular job now and I have to be at work on Monday so I won’t be here long enough for that.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I haven't danced in about a month, but portland was weird last I worked. Extremely hit and miss and to me it wasn't worth it. A lot of nights in Portland they like to schedule like 20+ girls when they have only 4 customers. Or schedule 10+ girls with only 2 customers. Sometimes I made some money, but nothing like really great to me. I'm not the best hustler + out of practice. Occasionally I've seen girls do pretty well in Portland, but I don't see how anyone would consistently bank in the area right now.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I’d agree that my club isn’t the best to travel in either at the moment. Last three shifts have been a shit show. I kept afloat thanks to appointments but I’ve been working less and it’s been a toxic and desperate vibe lately. Well that and my hours at my other job keep increasing and that burns me out too. Oh and there’s been tons of queries on Denver/Colorado in general at the moment I’ve noticed online in dancer groups. I remember being in Austin back when girls were giving that city a ridiculous amount of attention and that correlated with it all being a shit show. Anyone who wants to even think about trying my club, I recommend waiting a minimum of two weeks when hopefully the attention dies down? Or better yet wait for Cali/New York to open again. I feel like that’s when the squeeze won’t be felt as much and the dancers will be more dispersed. (And possibly also fatigued of the industry and out of commission for a while.) Okay end rant. Probably went off on a tangent there. Thanks for the info about STL and Huntsville.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Plot twist: Day shift was phenomenal. 🏆🏆🏆
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The plot thickens - perhaps it's the alcohol
  • SonofaPreacherMan
    4 years ago
    Come to Fort Worth. Bucks and Bucks Wild are busy. But I will admit there seem to be more girls than guys. But some dancers keep busy. I hear clubs in Dallas are ok too. And masks are not being worn once inside anymore.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Ty Preacher, I actually really want to!
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