
Comments by mike710 (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    It's been awhile!
    I've been limited to a couple of clubs one state away from me. In one club, I can see differences in the public area but not in VIP. The girls I knew before covid were a given but met a couple new ones too that I had a fun time with.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Florida is OPEN!
    Anyone can put up graphs, spreadsheets or Dr. Fauci videos to support their claim we should stay shut down. This video tells you that it is nothing but political. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nDgy-VjK4w We can shut down for the next year, kill many businesses and lives of individuals but this virus is going to be around. Scientists have a way of making numbers seem convincing to people who are easily manipulated. I've worked around doctors pretty much all my life. I respect them but won't let them tell me how I should live my personal life. To be honest, I've met some doctors that are more crackpot than some of the people on this board. Numbers are good for looking at trends but they shouldn't dictate an individual's life. That decision is up to the individual. If someone feels threatened then they should stay home. Don't tell me I should live in a cave because that is your decision.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Florida is OPEN!
    Keeping schools closed is a way to keep part of the economy shutdown. There are a large number of families that use schools as daycare that allows both parents to work. Without school, some will have to keep a parent home since the price of private daycare is prohibitive on one salary. If saying opening the day after the election isn't politically motivated, I don't know what would be.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Florida is OPEN!
    California will open November 4th. The LA county medical chief is on video saying this.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    White privilege
    Gavin Newsom signed an executive order outlawing the sale of combustion engines in 2035.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    If a girl is just sitting with a guy, most clubs I've been to still have the girl go up on stage. It's not hard to give a tip that will catch her attention if you are really interested in getting dances from her.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Who’s organizing the riots ?
    There are State and Federal laws against buying votes. Also, these beneficiaries of this "gift" will face possible gift tax liability.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What Social Media Do You Use ?
    I created a Facebook account mainly to see what is going on at businesses I frequent or see a business I might visit while traveling for work. I used my real name and got hit with a bunch of friend requests from family, friends and coworkers. Immediately, I thought this is too much work. I didn't disable my account but created one with a random email and name. I really don't even log into the account under my real name. I also did the same with Instagram. I don't really want to be an active participant but see the advantages to be able to see content businesses post.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jacksonville strip clubs fight to lower dancer age to 18
    Mom was pretty hot. Vegas was kind of a bummer place for her to go at 18 but she said she enjoyed it. It was mom's high school graduation present to her.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jacksonville strip clubs fight to lower dancer age to 18
    There are nude clubs with alcohol in Pasco County that hire 18 year old girls. I got a dance from one a year ago. She showed me vacation pics with her mom in Vegas. She was very hot and did a nice dance.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jacksonville strip clubs fight to lower dancer age to 18
    You don't have to talk to an 18 year old if she smothers you with her boobies in VIP
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stop before starting
    We can say he just came in his pants following your into VIP.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stop before starting
    I don't expect anything. I am fine with a tame dance if I don't know the girl. I just didn't want to deal with attitude.
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    4 years ago
    Stop before starting
    It wasn't a bad night after that. I had very high mileage dances with another girl I knew later on. She got what I was willing to spend on the first girl. With a girl I don't know, I don't expect high mileage. But the first dancer came across as GPS.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stop before starting
    We were in VIP for 2 songs and I wanted to err on the side of caution so that she didn't create a scene. To me an extra $20 seemed worth a seemless end to matters. I wasn't mad but didn't want to play by her rules of itemizing charges for things I didn't even ask for.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Never done escorts but any site recomendations?
    It's not as complicated as others may say. Just do your homework and you will be fine. Who knows, maybe it's vice squads that ate getting defunded now. With Covid being a scare, intimate contact isn't as prevalent.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Why Massachusetts produces so many comedians......
    @winex. If you are fucking a ventriloquist, does the dummy do the moaning?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Never done escorts but any site recomendations?
    A site like this for escorts is theeroticreview.com . It got shut down in the US when the "me too" movement started and a lot of sites like this and craigslist escort ads were threatened with promoting sex trafficking. As winex said, it is still illegal and LE does read and participate to entrap. You just have to be careful. The site has been very useful in the past but I haven't used it since it was reincarnated in the US earlier this year. The site never went away, it was just blocked in the US for their own protection. You could always get in with a proxy server but, since participation in the US was down, it was pointless. I recommend paying for a month to see reviews if you plan to act on your thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    High volume vs low volume. High costs vs low costs.
    To me a strip club is like Forest Gump's box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    High volume vs low volume. High costs vs low costs.
    I've never gone to a strip club with the intention of getting laid. To me, if that was my goal, an escort is a much more sure thing and probably cheaper in the long run based on prices I've seen paid for FS VIP here. I go to have fun and have a possibility of a fun encounter without any certain expectation. In a strip club there is a large variety of choices and it's a bit of an adventure. I have taken women from a strip club OTC but it's not a goal going in.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Let COVID have the win
    I pretty much agree with everything you said. We can close down as long as you want but the virus will just sit back and wait for it's next opening when people get together in groups again. The only thing you didn't account for is that this virus has become a political and monetary tool. Because governments have opened their treasuries to fight this virus, every opportunity to blame a death on Covid is taken. Doctors fall under the same pressures to produce numbers as well as any employee. Not that they got into medicine for the wrong reasons but they find a path of less resistance if they follow the company/hospital line. In come cases, they might get compensated better for following the corporate line. Again, not corruption but making life easier. I saw this from a personal perspective when my mom was in the final stages of life and saw the tests doctors ordered that weren't necessary. They have to bleed Medicare because they don't reimburse enough to cover costs in the US with all the medical litigation. Besides the financial aspects, Covid becomes a political tool for the opposition party to beat up the current party in power. If only Covid was just a medical problem to solve.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Overhyped places IYO
    I'm like Nicespice in that I can find something interesting almost anyplace. If I have least favorite city it's Seattle. It just seems that traffic really sucks there, it's expensive and it's gloomy a lot of the time. Unfortunately, I get an all expense paid trip there next week. I used to like Portland for the amount of strip clubs but not sure I would bother going out there with all the craziness. I grew up near San Francisco and always enjoyed a weekend there in the summer. However, when I was there last time it had gone down hill so much that it had become scary to walk by yourself even in the middle of the day, let alone at night.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OT: Wildfire 10% of Oregon forced to evacuate
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    What percentage of men see sex workers?
    Cj's response reminded me of a funny encounter I had on a business trip to Detroit. Before going out, I had scouted escorts in Detroit but not really done anything more. I saw an ad for a visiting escort and, wouldn't you know it, I was checking into the same hotel at the same time as she was. I went down to the bar and was having dinner and drinks when she walks in and sits next to me at the bar. We enjoyed some small talk and she had a complete phony story at what she was doing there. We were enjoying each other's company but I felt guilty about not telling her I knew why she was there. Eventually, I whispered in her ear that I knew the real reason and she got scared she was going to get outed. I just told her, that I would have been as discrete as I was if I was going to out her. We talked and enjoyed each other's company for another hour or so. I walked her to her room and kissed her at her door. Cheapest escort date I have ever heard of.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flu shots.
    I was never a proponent of getting the flu shot but have to get it as a condition of work. I have had reactions before but, other than the first time, it has been mild. I got the flu shot for this year and had a minor reaction. I woke in the middle of the night feeling mild nasal congestion that you might feel when a cold is starting. However, by the time I woke up, I was fine. Does this guarantee I won't get the flu? Probably not. I have not had a severe cold or flu since I started getting the flu shot. I still get slightly ill once or twice a year but seem to kick anything in a day or two. I could just be my immune system or it could be because of help from the flu shot. Just glad I haven't been very ill in over 10 years now.