
Comments by mike710 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Politics and TUSCL
    @gammanu. Pigs can sing just fine. https://youtu.be/S8YQqK5e5es
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Outdated cultural depictions!
    The world would be a lot easier to tolerate if people weren't walking around looking for a reason to be offended. I guess even the phrase "sexual preference" is now offensive.
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    4 years ago
    TUSCL lost a member today
    I agree that it was tacky but as men we have all been put in the situation where we have to do what is preferred by the lady. I wouldn't have done this even if I were in that situation but I'm not him. In the end, I wish them well but it seems the person wearing the pants is not him.
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    4 years ago
    TUSCL lost a member today
    We need to look for a black stripe as an avatar to figure out who it is I guess.
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    4 years ago
    TUSCL lost a member today
    Maybe I should have titled it a "TUSCL member just gave up half of his wealth"?
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    4 years ago
    TUSCL lost a member today
    Their will be those that mourn for him while thinking of him changing diapers.
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    4 years ago
    Major Leaguer Stabbed Outside SD Strip Club
    I had no idea they were open under the current local Covid rules. I guess they are closed now. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/story/2020-10-14/county-orders-san-diego-strip-club-to-cease-and-desist
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    4 years ago
    Voting in person in California
    @Papi. Actually, once I cleared all the hurdles, it was quit quick (as in no line). The in-person discouragement campaign is really working. I had to fill out a form that was intended for "absentee voting" at the first stop. Next I had to wait to be called to the door. Once in the door, I went to a window where I was looked up on the computer and I was given an ATM looking card for the voting machine. In the room with the booths, there were only half a dozen people and dozens of open voting machines. I voted, printed my ballot, inserted it into the envelope and had someone check that I had sealed it, signed it and dated it. Next to another desk on the way out where they took back their card, a borrowed pen and made sure my evelope was signed and sealed before putting it in the ballot box. All in all, it took less than a half hour to get through and I was home on an hour, including roundtrip travel. Only the main registrar office is available for in-person voting right now. On Halloween, the polling place on my sample ballot will open through election day. That place will probably have a line.
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    4 years ago
    Voting in person in California
    I don't think Trump will come close to winning CA but I think people are pissed off enough about permanent shutdowns that he might do a little better than last time. Also, by the next election, it is likely that CA will lose some congressional seats/electoral college votes. People have been leaving the state for a while but it accelerated since Covid hit. Now a lot of CA tech workers have moved out of state and this could end up being a permanent thing since it's usually easier for tech workers to work from anywhere.
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    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    Sex workers and politicians.....
    @Nidan. I used to see a lot of them at the Cosmopolitan in Vegas. Also got hit up a few times at the Tropicana. In Vegas, just look for an attractive lady hanging at the bar by herself. They do run in groups, sometimes, but that's only because they know each other and happen to be at the bar at the same time. I saw about a dozen at the same bar at the Cosmopolitan once.
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    4 years ago
    Voting in person in California
    Your situation is why I wanted to vote in person. In CA, if you don't vote in a presidential election you have to re-register. I was expecting lines but not "checkpoints" that continually encouraged mail-in voting rather than in-person voting. I even asked the lady who gave me my voter card and entered me in the computer. She had seen the same thing about googling the address. Probably because she was a temp worker and needed to find it to apply for the job and go to work the first day.
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    4 years ago
    Voting in person in California
    It was, as I described, systematic. It was just how they had set up the voting and likely drawn up by State and County leaders. You can Google "San Diego County Registrar of Voters" and good luck finding an address for this office. Luckily, I knew about where it was as I vote there all the time. I also had a return address on my sample ballot. It has never been this way over the past 4 or 5 elections.
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    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    Caught up....
    Nothing big. Caught out in public at the grocer store with Makeup/foundation in my crotch when I wore a pair of jeans the next morning after a club visit. Also, busted once by a bouncer with a nipple in my mouth. Nothing big, just told us to cool it down.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Major Leaguer Stabbed Outside SD Strip Club
    I think any club has potential for crazy shit late at night with a bunch of drunk people. There are only 2 topless clubs with alcohol remaining in SD. I don't worry about crimes at either but that doesn't mean they won't happen. I have an old acquaintance that had been working as a bouncer there pre-covid. Don't see him much but will ask him what went down next time I run into him. If he is still working there that is. I had a run in with Darryl Strawberry there back when he was playing for the Dodgers and at the height of his addictions.
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    4 years ago
    Major Leaguer Stabbed Outside SD Strip Club
    It's an industrial/commercial part of town. It used to be pretty seedy with hookers cruising the area. I wouldn't call it a nice part of town but I've never felt unsafe in the area. I didn't even realize strip clubs had opened in SD yet because you can't get drinks in SD at a bar without some sort of food order.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    I screwed up by putting a review of BSC under HiLiter. I redid it but the first one got approved. Just saying sorry for the mess up to the AZ group
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    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    How hard is it.....
    I'm in my late 50's and can still get hard just thinking about certain women. I typically get hard on the first dance in VIP and maintain it until we finish the dances.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    I was at Sugar this weekend. Unfortunately, they shut down VIP. You can get a "socially distanced" private dance in the re-opened VIP by the bar. However, there is no point in getting non-contact dances. They have a curtain that is see through with a bunch of gaps so you can't get away with any contact even if the dancer was game. A few guys payed $20 a dance while I was there. I saw the dances as I walked past the area to go to the bathroom.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Tips During COVID
    I tip the people I knew before covid very well. For example, I tipped a bartender at the airport $20 on a tab that was less than that. Why? Because he had a kid at the beginning of the year and I had not seen him since. My bill was 1/3 less than the same order I had placed with a similar bartender earlier in the week. My friendly bartender has always taken care of me so I take care of him. People in the hospitality industry are hurting. I have always looked at individuals rather than the business as far as tipping. These workers getting limited shifts have no control over surcharges.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    P411 gave me a free subscription for 3 month. Lots of girls I knew from 15 years ago with GPS pricing. I was a social butterfly looking to pollinate anything around in my younger days. I have fun but don't want to pay current prices for some of these well recognized ladies. Sure that pizda is more scarce than it used to be but usually not better.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I used TER.com for many years for reviews like you can see here about strip clubs. I stopped when the "Me Too" movement started and things got shutdown. I don't know how it is now but saw prices are at least %50 higher now. The old add sites were Eros, TER, Backpage and Craigslist. I think they never came back or are an expensive try as you may option. Best I can answer from experience before "me too". Haven't been nothing more than an angel since.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Manhattan open!
    I looked at the fucked up Gavin color coded map for the various counties in CA from October 6th and the Bay Area is pretty much in the Red Zone. This means that the numbers allow for limited indoor dining by state definition. Anything that is less than that is the fault of the messed up county governments in the Bay Area. I grew up in Alameda county and when I was up in July it felt like the People's Republic of Alemeda County. The problem is the cold and rain is coming soon. I have a feeling these counties will open up once holding the economy artificially down won't affect the election.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    3 Words You Can Say During Sex And During Golf.
    Didn't know this one without looking up golf terms "tending the stick"
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    3 Words You Can Say During Sex And During Golf.
    One more round
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    Curiosities from Jayne....
    1. Are you someone who looks for extras or use to? Or simply enjoys going to the club for the scenery and talking with girls and lap dances. I go to have fun with women that actually initiate contact a lot of the time. I don't go in looking for extras but don't mind when I stumble across them during dances. I've just hung out OTC many times with women too without sex and nothing more than a meal. If I'm out of town, it's nice not to have to go out alone. 2. How old were you going to your 1st club visit, was that experience what made you become the patron you are today at clubs? Was it not what you expected? If so why, for better or worse? First time I went I was 18 in a state that had a drinking age of 19. I got away with a lot of that my first year of college. I went with friends I had made that went to a certain club a lot. It was a bikini bar. I was too poor to do much but look and drink. I had fun the many times I went in college. 3. Do you go alone? Always? Sometimes? Never? If not always, who goes with you when you arent alone? As described above, I started going with friends. Once I started traveling for work, I was by myself most of the time and still prefer going solo. During spring training baseball in March, I take a different friend with me every weekend. 4. Funniest club moment? Nothing personal that I can recall. Did see a wife come into a club recently and drag her husband out after making a huge scene. 5. Most embarrassing club moment? Don't really recall anything that embarrassing. I kind of embarrassed a dancer once that was trying to act seductive when I went up to tip her on stage and she showed me her pussy. I didn't say it louder than she could hear it but I said "look at that thing!" She hasn't showed it to me since but she doesn't act mad at me. She is a loud girl and I really had no interest in her but we are still friendly. I make a point of tipping her $5 or $10 on stage once a day. 6. Hottest club moment? This might have been after seeing a favorite after more than 6 months recently. It had been a long time since I saw a woman look at my dick with such a hunger in her face. We were all over each other. 7. Does your family or friends know you love strippers? I take my friends I've had since grammar school with me once a year during spring training. Been to a club with my boss and other colleagues several times. 8. Do you participate in OTC or want to? I have done OTC a few times. Again, I just stumbled across it. I've been offered several other times but didn't pursue it too hard. Just a couple weeks ago, I was given an offer that I may follow up on yet. 9. Favorite song seeing a girl on stage dance to? Favorite song to get a lap dance to? Don't really listen to the music much. 10. Do you think how a girl gives a lapdance promotes how good she is in bed? I've never correlated a lapdance to how they are in bed. The girls I've been with OTC were not the best or worst I've ever been with. The last one I did OTC with was a bit older but a screamer with large tits. She raised the white flag after an hour and ended up napping while we spooned.