Presidential Debate Thread

datinmanNot in Kansas anymore
There was a thread in anticipation of the upcoming debates, but I can no longer find it. I came across an interesting quote from Trump tweet about 2012 election.
" I suspect @JoeBiden could do well tonight. Don't be fooled by his gaffes. He is a seasoned and feisty debater. "
Time will tell.
last commentTrump's Townhall was a torrent of incoherent bullshit. Hopefully, Biden will call out the lies in real-time during the debates -- which is more important than a 100% gaffe-free performance.
As if Biden is some beacon of honesty, he's been doing nothing but lying for months and you dont think he is going to get called out on it.
My prediction is that Biden will survive the debate. He will respond in well memorized generalities. Given the low expectations, Biden’s side will declare he crushed Trump. The spin will be historic and the media will play along. “ Biden didn’t piss his pants ! He crushed it ! What a spectacular win ! “.
I think there should be a ramp walking contest prior to the debate that would be more interesting.
^ Melania would win 😄
^ Probably true
I think Trump was correct about Biden's debating ability in 2012. Joe was known to be a gaffe machine his entire career but it never seemed to hurt him politically. A majority of people thought he won that debate quite handily against Paul Ryan, who was generally regarded as a very sharp guy and skillful debater himself.
But the last 8 years have not been kind to Joe. He's clearly showing signs of senility. As much as I can't stand that old fucksack, I kinda feel sorry for him - the Democrats using him as a propped up zombie because his reputation is the "least worst" of anybody else they have.
It reminds me of one of Frank Sinatra's last performances which his family encouraged because of the money to be made. He had already been diagnosed with senility and began singing while holding the microphone upside down. Someone had to run out and fix it for him. Shameful that they even allowed him to take the stage in that condition.
Crap News Network probably already has their post-debate articles written on how poorly Trump did.
Joe Biden in 2012 is not Joe Biden in 2020. Eight years is a long time in dementia progression. Just as 25IQ, if he can stop drooling into his bourbon he may have a moment of lucidity to recall a time before his children abandoned him.
^ I still own you it’s funny you can’t get over the fact that my 25 IQ is 26 points higher than your own
There was a town hall type event last night on CNN with Biden. It was prescreened questions - and I watched it to learn more about Biden’s ideas.
He sounded like a centrist democrat. He said he was basically a democrat in name only - and he was determined to do what is best for the country.
That was the good part. The remainder of the time - he sounded like an angry old man. He lost his place several times. He also seemed very focused on hatred for Trump.
This event should have made Biden look like a brilliant and quick witted master politician - but it didn’t.
If you watch the VP debate from 2012, you will finds that Biden was constantly talking over Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to speak.
Ryan was too polite to stand up for himself.
The moderator tolerated it.
Expect moderator assistance again this time around.
As for the debate and peoples perception, I believe that Mark94 is correct. At this point in time, expectations for Biden are so low that it will take something major for people to open their eyes. If he appears coherent, he will be judged as the winner.
^^ winex
I'm not a fan of Chris Wallace, but I doubt that his Fox News bosses will tolerate him spoon feeding Biden throughout the debate.
I expect that Chris Wallace will be fair. But I don't expect the same to be true of the other debate moderators.
Chris Wallace will be LESS biased than moderators from other networks, but he will still be demonstrably pro-Biden.
The 2012 debates marked a new low for dual-standard moderators openly aiding Obama and muzzling the GOP candidate. That fat cunt Candy was the worst. I suspect that was part of the reason that Trump burned the rulebook during his appearances. Say what you want, but he has a backbone and will not be bullied by the moderators.
Debates don’t really matter anymore do they? Hillary won every Presidential debate in 2016 and she still lost. I don’t think there are many fence sitters out there at this point.
"... As if Biden is some beacon of honesty, he's been doing nothing but lying for months ..."
That's not true - he's been lying for 47 years
Biden is a skillful politician; else he would not have lasted 47-years in politics - for most of his career he was one to speak his mind and often be offensive - he's now passing himself off as sweet-ole-Joe that wouldn't hurt a fly
Richard: I don’t think there are many fence sitters out there at this point."
Can't remember the source but, yes, only about 3% undecided at this point.
"... I suspect @JoeBiden could do well tonight. Don't be fooled by his gaffes. He is a seasoned and feisty debater ..."
Trump needs to be careful he doesn't go in over-confident thinking Biden will just completely fuck up, he does have his lucid-moments and may be on that night - and Trump is not necessarily the best-prepared communicator and he too is not as sharp as he used to be IMO - Trump also needs to be careful he doesn't go after Biden extra-hard and turn-off people for looking like a bully going after sweet-ole-Joe.
^ Don’t worry no chance at all that Trump will act like a bully and get overconfident 😂 😂 😂
^ fuck you Jackie!
I think Trump should go at him hard and fast. I don't believe Biden has "lucid" moments, just well rehearsed talking points that are tee'd up by the corrupt media. Even then he inadvertently gets knocked off script, completely falls apart and embarrasses himself. Every time he tries to add emotion and passion to an otherwise robotic monotone speech, he goes off the rails.
Point in case: Yesterday he started getting worked up over Coronavirus and got carried away. He said if Trump had just done his job, every death could have been prevented. What?
Trump needs to show everyone what Biden would look like getting railroaded by some really tough guys like Putin and Xi Jinping.
^ I like it, Trump the tough guy, I hear ya gotta be tough to lick Russian ass And Trump must have a tongue made of sandpaper he has hair made from rusted steel wool
@MisterOrange - wow. I hadn't seen that until just now. I wonder what he thinks the job of the President is.
I remember during the 2008 VP debates when he mocked Sarah Palin after she said that the VP was President of the Senate.
He wasn't very familiar with that job either.
@TwentyFive - how tough do you need to be to claim that the terrorist attack against our embassy in Libya was simply people protesting a Youtube video that they didn't like?
I am concentrating on my scotch and my very pretty friend today I’m not gonna comment on any serious political shit this weekend I have a big celebration and I fully intend to enjoy it in good humor
^My response to windex
Sounds more like a non-response.
But what else could you do? Well, other than admit that the man you support for President is dangerously incompetent....
Fuck you jackie not interested in the least I made a huge pile of money today so fuck y’all
I'm glad to hear it. Structuring things so that you can make as much money as possible in 2020 is a good idea.
If Democrats win in November, you are going to be sending a lot more of what you earn to Washington DC.
A democrat win in November would be an economic catastrophe. I would be on hair trigger to reposition for a bear market in case Trump retains the White House, but the democrat party take over both houses of congress.
In other (unreported and ignored) news, it is beginning to look like Alex Cortez's opponent has a real shot at sending her back to her bartending gig.
@Gammanu - do you have a link to any polls?
Simulations over at 538 have chance of Democrats taking control of the Senate at about 60% and probabily of Biden winning at 75%. Economist and Financial Times are also predicting Biden win.
There is a theory, who knows if true, that mail in ballots are aimed at flipping a few key Senate seats.
As far as 538, recall that the day of the election in 2016, they assigned a 98% chance of Hillary winning. So, there’s that.
I'm almost certain 538 had the probability of Trump win at about 30% right before election. Provide a link.
"... it is beginning to look like Alex Cortez's opponent has a real shot at sending her back to her bartending gig ..."
I'd be very surprised - once those people get in they are often in for years - even that America-hating Ilham Omar bitch got reelected.
This one is only for @mark
Okay, 538 did project Hillary’s chances in the 90s until just before the election, where it dropped to 71%. Not exactly the gold standard of accuracy:
She won the primary, she was not re-elected. But yes, she represents a far left district filled with Somali "refugees" who vote for her strictly because she looks and dresses like them.
@Mark94 - when it comes to understanding statistics, Nate Silver (the guy who started 538) is actually pretty good.
He is a communist.
But he knows math.
The polls and election results from 2016 are an example of something I have mentioned a few times lately - All models are wrong, some are useful.
Clearly there is something about the interactions between the candidates and the populace that was not captured correctly in the models used to project the 2016 election results.
Is that same disconnect still there?
I don't know, and won't be able to tell you until after the election.
Oh, one more thing - RandumbMember is a vile and disgusting idiot.
I think all polls, up until a few days before the election, are propaganda. They oversample the left like crazy. Or, they ask questions worded in a way that skews results. They intentionally favor Democrats. But, to maintain their credibility, they close the gap just before Election Day. That way, they can claim impartiality and not be proven wrong.
It’s the internal, private polls done by the politicians themselves that are more accurate. That’s why you’ll see politicians doing ad buys in ways that seem inconsistent with public polls.
@Windex: "He (Silver) is a communist."
Lol, sure he is, nutcase.
According to the Economist, the post-mortem of the polls in 2016 showed polling errors that occurred because of oversampling from the pool of educated voters.
The issue is that there was an unexpected surge in support for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats among educated voters in 2016 that didn't exist in 2012:
"How far did this educational divide determine the outcome of the 2016 election? To answer this question, Michael Sances of Temple University collected data on presidential-election results and education levels in each of America’s 3,000-plus counties from 1972 to 2016. Mr Sances finds that the gap in support for Democratic candidates between the highest- and the lowest-educated counties grew significantly between 2012 and 2016, from about 16 percentage points to 28 percentage points (see chart). This disparity has grown especially quickly in midwestern swing states. In Iowa, for example, Hillary Clinton won 66% of the vote in better-educated counties, up from Barack Obama’s 61% share in 2012, but only 27% in less-educated ones, down from 46%."
Also, if you look at the 2016 data, there were wild undulations in the predictions from June -> November, with lots of undecided voters, making election day very hard to predict. Things look much different in 2020 and Biden's lead in the polls looks nearly flat over the past three or four months.
Anything could still happen...
Boy Randumbmember is really stuck on how “educated” his voting peers are. Somehow this smells highly of him overcompensating for his lack of whatever; intelligence or maybe manhood?
All I know is that the silent majority will not take part in polls. They’re too smart to waste tiMe involving in the mindless drivel of main stream media because they got work to do. Forget the polls, and forget the stats. The only thing that matters is the result.
So Random - you seem to have respect for people with formal education.
I know from another thread that you don't have an engineering degree.
What degree(s) do you hold?
Trump campaign schedule:
Friday - Minnesota
Saturday - North Carolina
Sunday - Mark Levin Interview
Monday - Ohio
Tuesday - Pennsylvania
Today - laundry room,
Sunday - living room
Monday- outdoors
Tuesday - rest
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
If randomloser had half the education he claimed to, or 25iq even a fraction if the wealth he claims to, neither would have to spend so much time telling everyone about it.
They are both ignorant (and/or demented) liberals, better ignored than addressed. Trying to educate them on anything contrary to what Rachel Maddow tells them is akin to teaching a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and it annoys the 🐖.
@Windex wrote: "What degree(s) do you hold?"
I have a degree from the U. of Calcutta school of Veterinary Science. While I was there I did some pioneering research on combining human and bovine DNA, in vitro. I played a principal role in the science that created @Meathead's wife.
I posted data from the Economist. The post-mortem analysis of the 2016. Educated voters left the GOP in droves, causing pollsters to oversample from the pool of educated voters. That's what happened. Deal with it; that's what happened.
And @GammaNu, go fuck yourself you obnoxious piece of shit.
Second sentence should read:
I posted data from the Economist. Educated voters left the GOP in droves in 2016, causing pollsters to oversample from the pool of educated voters. That's what happened. Deal with it.
^ Remind everyone how gammanut called me and Nina porch monkeys, and let him know that I'm in Sarasota this coming week not far from where that little runt lives, he can arrange to meet up with me and call me a porch monkey to my face but he's too much of a pussy to do that.
If you are so desperate to be crippled and humiliated, come down to Fort Myers. I will even let you land your first punch, so I can beat you into a coma while defending myself. Have you seen how many down votes your posts receive? You're a laughingstock. You're a demented old man, past a prime you never had. Now you want to pick a fight with ME? Come to Fort Myers. Put your money where your mouth. You're just a keyboard bully, all type and no fight. Fucking loser.
Go back to defending pedophilia and spinning lies about being rich and successful. That's the only thing you haven't failed at.
"... What degree(s) do you hold ...."
I believe @Random in the past mentioned he has a degree in Women's Studies
^ and why he's such a mangina
@Papi - I think that you are joking, but I am really not sure. If Randumb does have a degree, he must be embarrassed to admit what it is in.
Last time I was in fort Meyers you didn’t show pussy boy if you think you’re man entropy back up your tough talk nut job I’m in Sarasota on business Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday let’s meet Thursday in cheetah not worried about your sissy punches more worried about getting arrested by the cops for animal abuse when I beat you like a dog
Gammanu, watch out! Those back braces are sharp.
This is like the third time this jackass has challenged me to a fight I think he’s a schoolboy using his moms computer while she’s at work
I have never challenged you. I have always accepted your challenges, and you never had the balls to meet in Fort Myers. You still don't. You're a tough guy behind the keyboard where you're safe. Actually come to Fort Myers, hit me with your best shot. You won't, because you are a chickenshit old man. You're a bully, and you have nothing to back it up. Quit wasting our time, jackass. Everyone knows you're a liar and a pussy.
Probably best if u 2 just put each other on ignore.
^ sorry about that thread above this is the one I was looking for decide for your selfs whether gammanut is a liar
@ gammanu95 & twenty five
I’ll be more than happy to officiate the fight.
Please let me know once the venue is set.
Come to Fort Myers. quit running your mouth and nut up.
No public venue. No witnesses. No one to jump me when I'm not looking, take pictures, or name names.
Eva, keep out of this.
You know what? I want to have fun. Let's do it MONDAY. You're such a tough guy? You think you can beat me like a dog? Monday. I want you to lose whatever scraps you came to beg for in Sarasota after I fuck you up. And that's it. If you are serious, no more public bluster. No more keyboard bullying. PM me. Ft. Myers. Monday.
Read my post Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, is when I'll be in Fort Meyers I have business to attend on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, i will be there on Thursday evening you punked out as usual, read my post that you have on ignore, and decided to tell us you'd meet me when I'm not there fuck off pussy.
Can the OP of a thread still block posts when people get into a pissing match?
Grown men don't challenge each other to a fight over a disagreement - it's not a good look - more often than not those that resort to fighting is due to a lack of IQ and EQ.
Don't start challenging me to a fight now
Let’s go Papi!
This is Gamanut's third time, I haven't got time for his antics he won't actually show up he didn't any of the other times either, and I'm not going out of my way, just told him where I'd be, he doesn't have start he can ghost that's his trademark
As painful as it is to admit, what Papi wrote is correct, and I am embarrassed for having gotten sucked into 25IQ's latest temper tantrum. It is all a moot point as he is nothing more than a crazy old man and keyboard bully, who is impotently unable to make good on any of this threats.
"UFC Fighter Stuns After Victory: ‘If You Thought That Was A Beating’ Wait Till Trump ‘Landslide’ Over Biden"
"... UFC fighter Colby Covington gave an impassioned post-victory speech on Saturday night, saying that President Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden would be more impressive than his own victory during the fight ... "Ladies and gentlemen, the silent majority is ready to make some noise,” Covington said. “If you thought that was a beating, wait till November 3 when Donald Trump gets his hands on Sleepy Joe. That’s gonna be a landslide" ..."
"... Covington dedicated the fight to first responders and slammed left-wing athletes who double as social justice warriors ... “I want to dedicate this fight to all the first responders, all the military out there,” he said. “This world would not be safe without you guys. You keep us safe and not these woke athletes. I’m sick of these woke athletes and [these] spineless cowards like LeBron James.” ..."
Battle of the Titans
I may have taken the bait, but I'm not letting anyone set the hook. Anyone else who has a lot to lose, like myself, would have to be an idiot to cross Florida's draconian elderly assault laws:
The 2019 Florida Statutes
Title XLVI
Chapter 784
View Entire Chapter
784.08 Assault or battery on persons 65 years of age or older; reclassification of offenses; minimum sentence.—
(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.
(2) Whenever a person is charged with committing an assault or aggravated assault or a battery or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older, regardless of whether he or she knows or has reason to know the age of the victim, the offense for which the person is charged shall be reclassified as follows:
(a) In the case of aggravated battery, from a felony of the second degree to a felony of the first degree.
(b) In the case of aggravated assault, from a felony of the third degree to a felony of the second degree.
(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.
(d) In the case of assault, from a misdemeanor of the second degree to a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be suspended, deferred, or withheld.
History.—s. 1, ch. 89-327; s. 1, ch. 92-50; s. 18, ch. 93-406; s. 1200, ch. 97-102; s. 19, ch. 97-194; s. 5, ch. 99-188; s. 1, ch. 2002-208.
Twat read my response on the other thread and stop derailing threads of other folks by attacking me when I haven’t responded to you until you voiced an opinion about Random that referenced me with the stupid insults called me 25IQ which in reality is 26 points higher than your own
I propose a hot pocket eating contest. Whichever candidate wins gets their mouth destroyed!
Tomorrow's the first debate and I have a plan to make it even more entertaining. Grab a bottle of Michter"s Rye (bourbon or scotch if you must). Take a shot every time you hear:
Trump - Slow, Sleepy, or Hunter
Biden - Failed, Impeached, or taxes
If you hear corn pop or covfefe, just kill the damn bottle.
Excellent preview of the presidential debate:
We’d all be better informed if Joe Rogan was moderating the debates. Unlike the selected moderators, Rogan is intellectually curious and has an open mind.
Instead we’ll have 4 debates of sound bites, gotcha moments, and moderators who want to show how clever they are.
Hopefully there will be a fireball from heaven that destroys the debate site and everyone in it. We can start over with Pence v. Harris.
Joe Rogan would be a great choice to moderate. Ill be watching and will be thinking 'In the last 16 years they've (both sides) trotted out one (Romney) candidate who I genuinely liked. Wtf?'
I will be happy if they throw punches or if Biden has to excuse himself for 5 because he sharts.
Dealing with the constant stream of bullshit will be Biden's main task. Here's an article from a psychiatrist on how to handle the situation. What's interesting is that trying to correct the lies is the wrong tactic; mocking Trump with humor and sarcasm is the best approach.
"How to Debate Someone Who Lies"
"As a psychiatrist, I’d like to offer Mr. Biden some advice: Don’t waste your time fact-checking the president. If you attempt to counter every falsehood or distortion that Mr. Trump serves up, you will cede control of the debate. And, by trying to correct him, you will paradoxically strengthen the misinformation rather than undermine it. (Research shows that trying to correct a falsehood with truth can backfire by reinforcing the original lie.)"
I expect this debate will mark a new low in American politics. The amount of mudslinging, well, I can't even think of analogy to describe it. To frame it in TUSCL terms: imagine Biden as 25iq. Ancient, senile, and universally unliked.
@RandomMember - thanks for the link.
So to extrapolate, going forward we should mock you instead of correct you...
Posted too soon. Continued: he's going to call his opponent names, make up lies, laughably threaten physical violence, and change position on various issues several times over the course of the debate. What he will not do is offer any credible, concrete facts or aguments to bolster his claims.
Trump will be like desertscrub. Irreverent. Predictably bombastic. Working hard to stay in character and hitting all of the expected bullet points. I hope Trump (not desertcrub) will find the weakness in Biden's glass armor to just nail him -sputtering and defeated- to the floor.
Expect the media to claim a Biden win, no matter the actual outcome.
One alternative outcome: the meds and uppers that Biden's handlers will pump him full of prior to the debate will cause cardiac arrest after the first Trump body blow.
Second alternative outcome: Biden's food taster ducks out early. Biden's water glass is spiked and he's utterly incapacitated. Hillary Clinton, curiously well-prepared, bravely stepa forward to take his place leading the ticket.
You'll have to find a new target, @GammaNu. I think @25's had it. He's a much nicer human being than I am and he added some sanity to the board. You also helped chase @Nina away, as a regular, by calling her a welfare queen with 14 kids and making reference to blackface. YOu called both of them "porch monkeys."
You're an obnoxious bigot, @GammaNu.
Biden will be loaded up with zingers and one liners. He will try to stay on offense to avoid risking a gaffe on policy details. His strategy relies on Trump hatred.
Knowing this, Trump will ( mostly ) be Presidential. Lots of detail and statistics on policy and accomplishments. He will paint a picture of optimism for the future. His attacks on Joe will be data based, such as the Obama/Biden failure on H1N1.
If Trump can draw Biden into detailed debate on policy issues, the chance of an embarrassing gaffe/senior-moment increases.
"RandomMember - thanks for the link.
So to extrapolate, going forward we should mock you instead of correct you..."
You can't correct her, rumdum doesn't take to correction. It reminds her of those rat infested back alley nights in Calcutta when she resisted the guiding hands on her head from the old men she was sucking off.
Yes mocking and bitch slaps are the only acceptable forms of discipline a moronic, masochistic, dipshit like her responds to.
I expect Biden gaffes and senior moments regardless of the dialog. I am curious to see if Chris Wallace calls him on it, ignores it, or excuses it. It would be a challenge for Trump to remain presidential if Wallace does not treat them equally.
First question to Biden:
Tell us why you are so wonderful
First question to Trump
Why should we vote for a lying tax cheat who works for Putin ?
That will be the PMSNBC debate opener.
A radio station in Iowa is reporting that Biden has gotten the questions for tonight’s debate. Troubling, if true.
Maybe they swindled him with a set of decoy questions.
^classic. One od the few movies I can stop and watch every time it is on. Others include: The Blues Brothers, Jaws, The Departed, and the first Transformers movie. All of the tranaformers sequels are awful, but the first was pretty damned good. Casino Royale get honorable mention.
We are choosing between two septuagenarians. Screw the debate. I would love for them to be at the podiums tonight and instead of Chris Wallace, Alex Trebek walks out. The curtain opens to reveal a Jeopardy board with categories like Foreign Leaders, Geography, U.S. Military, American History, The Bill of Rights, The Bible, and 10th Grade Civics. Let us see what they really know and how well they think on their feet.
I'll take embarrassed politician for 1000, Alex.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: VP Biden, during your time serving as Vice President, your son Hunter was paid over $50,000 per month for a job many say he was unqualified for. Can you explain that?
JOE BIDEN: I'll tell you what, man, Corn Pop was a bad dude.
CM: Sir, I was referring to your son's involvement with Ukrainian energy company Burisma. What do you have to say about that?
JB: Here's what I say. A few years ago I would've taken you out behind the gym and kicked your ass. I got these hairy legs, ya see. C'mon man.
The majority is not so silent in 2020. Keep America Great!
I assume the debate won't mean much - with rare exception pretty-much everyone that would care to watch a debate already knows what each candidate is about and likely have their minds made up already - 20 or 30+ years ago when there was much less coverage the debates likely carried a lot more weight but not that much in today's 24/7 coverage.
I also think there shouldn't be an audience bc then it turns into a sporting event with cheers and geers vs it being focused on the topics.
I agree with forgoing the live studio audience. This is the leadership of the free world, not a HS homecoming game.
Expectations for Biden going in are low.
If he clears the low bar set for him, he will look "good".
If he stumbles, it will hurt.
If he stumbles badly, it will hurt badly.
He will stumble badly. It will be interesting to see how his enablers spin it in the morning.
“The majority is not so silent in 2020. Keep America Great!”
Majority? Electoral college maybe. I concede that is what counts.
"George Soros Intervenes Again, This Time Pumping $1.5 Million Into Los Angeles County D.A. Race"
Thank the stars for the electoral college. It’s actually working as intended with an ebb and flow back and forth between parties. Those that complain about it don’t want balance.
^Those that complain about it don't understand a democratic republic, checks and balances, nor the tyranny of the majority. In essence, they are communists and should be driven into the sea.
I'll be watching movies on HULU. I've already voted.
I’m not complaining about the electoral college. I’m pointing out the inaccuracy in using the word “majority“ to describe the MAGA crew. Republicans are always talking about the 2016 and 2018 voter mandate to get their judge installed but they appear to be afraid of waiting for a 2020 vote. Republicans don’t have a majority.
Note 1 - Hillary also got less than a majority IIRC, even though she won the popular vote.
Note 2 - being a moderate, I like the electoral college as it previously had promoted some bipartisanship, as did the 60 vote filibuster requirements on much legislation as well as the fairly balanced SC we had for decades. We’re losing that bipartisanship and that’s sad for us.
"Feds Referred Hillary To FBI For Probe After Allegedly Approving Plan To Create Trump-Russia Scandal To Distract From Email Scandal, ODNI Says"
^^^ Intel chief releases Russian disinfo on Hillary Clinton that was rejected by bipartisan Senate panel.
The Senate Intelligence panel, including its Republican chair, was deep, deep into leaking and leading the coup against Trump, They are as dirty as anyone involved in Russiagate.
There's beginning to be more and more smoke in this Russian Hoaxgate - not to mention all the prosecutors erasing 27 different cell phones - seems there's some/a-lot of hiding going on here.
Just saw on Fox news that Trump proposed that both sides be screened by a third party for electronic devices prior to the debate.
Biden refused.
It’s early, but Trump seems to have Biden flustered.
Trump IMO is not doing well - you can tell who's the experienced politician - Trump is arguing vs debating.
Looks like a SNL sketch, "Why don't you shut up man" Actually it's sad that it's funnier than SNL.
Biden not answering question about filibuster or packing court wasn't smart. He has yet to answer a question.
Chris Wallace must be feeling like why did I decide to moderate this.
Trump needs to back it down a bit.
Trump knows how to argue - he doesn't know how to debate nor keep his cool.
Biden isn't doing much better, he is taking plenty of shots and talking over as well.
Joe has been "Joe The Politician" for 50-years- I just don't know if he'll be able to go the distance.
Well no major gaffes by Biden. With the low bar he had to clear, that was good for him.
Trump was obviously stronger, and Biden was intimidated. If you study Biden's debate style, he likes to talk over opponents. Trump wasn't letting that happen.
I give Trump a 'D' and Biden a 'C' - Trump helped Biden look better than he could on his own - Biden seemed to do the ole Mohammad Ali against the ropes letting George Foreman punch himself out.
Eloquence and getting your point across-clearly are obviously not Trump's skills.
What the fuck was that Proud Boys thing? Hopefully just a word fluster and not a notice to them to stand ready for...what exactly?
That was a shit show, I hope they don't do anymore of these.
well whatever sleepy took to remain that alert for that long, he was like duran was: good enough to last the distance with hagler.
yeah looking back, probably should have stayed on the yankee game. 12 runs vs bieber and gang.
Papi - Trump has always been a bull in a china shop. What did you expect?
Trump couldn't put together any arguments fron start to finish - it was all "one liners" for lack of a better word - it was brutal to watch - I cringed and shaked my head as I often do when Trump is unfiltered - and why I prefer for Pence to do the talking and Trump to do the doing - IMO Trump did not win himself any votes tonight and might have lost some.
Well, like I said before the debate, the bar was low for Biden. There were a couple of slip ups that he made, but nowhere near what he is capable of committing.
Trump did prevent Biden from taking over the debate - and believe it or not, that is necessary with Biden. (Watch the 2012 VP debate with Biden and Ryan for reference)
So from that standpoint, it was probably a better night for Biden than for Trump.
Kind of amazing that it was positive for Biden even though he didn't answer a single question. (And that had nothing to do with being interrupted)
His debate style was great in 2016 as he demolished the entrenched GOP establishment during the primaries. He took that momentum with him against Hillary and it was new and refreshing to a lot of us.
4 years I'm over it
Trump allowed Biden's shots to get to him and he was visibly upset - again it shows he's not a politician which is good in many ways like getting things done and cutting thru the crap/BS - but Trump's style does not work as a public-speaker/communicator and why so many people hate him - Trump's mouth gets him in almost all the trouble he gets in, vs his actions/policies.
Biden is the opposite - he has a great mouth but doesn't get shit done and he can lie better than the devil and that's how he's lasted 50-years in the swamp.
Total shit show, but Biden kept talking to the camera (the audience) and Trump was always talking to Biden or Wallace. You would think he would be more media aware. Also not a good look when you start arguing with the moderator as well as your opponent.
Trump may have lost a step from 2016 - I think a good part of that is the demands of the presidency which takes a lot out of all those who serve - IMO pretty-much every president is not the same in his 2nd-term.
Trump's surrogates do a much better job of articulating his accomplishments than Trump.
The way Trump looked he looked like he'd wanna fight Biden in the parking lot.
I think Trump got confused and he thought he was invited to a UFC fight.
Trump can get under most people's skin but Joe is too wiley and experienced for that.
I think Trump was trying to wear Biden down, hoping for a dementia knockout punch. Like a full court press from the opening whistle.
Chris Wallace propped Biden up in the second half, allowing ( just barely ) Biden to cross the finish line. Some of the blank facial expressions on Biden indicated he was starting to check out mentally. But, he survived.
CNN is suggesting that the next two debates get cancelled. What does that tell you?
Trump has a lot of accomplishments but he failed to properly articulate a single one - he got into a fight vs a discussion.
Biden won round-1 - so it would help him to not have any more debates - IMO Trump is the one that has to redeem himself - I think he can do it but not 100% sure.
Donald Trump embarrassed America with that 90 minute temper tantrum
Yea, I think tonight cost Trump a couple percentage points. But, he kept his base. I’m still feeling good about his chances, but not as good as a few hours ago.
Biden camp will probably say, Trump didn't follow the agreed upon rules, so no further Presidential debates. They should do the follow ups, but just make one mic live at a time.
Trump strengthens are his actions/accomplishments, not his public-speaking, debate or o/w.
Would've been funny if Biden told Trump "SAY HER NAME"
It would be funnier if Trump replied Amy Coney Barrett
Like an experienced fighter Biden was sticking-and-moving but didn't really land any big punches - but Trump kept chasing him around the ring trying to get into a melee but wasn't able for the most part.
The best line of the night was “I accomplished more in 47 months than you have in 47 years”
Everybody over on Fox News is trying to spin it like Trump really took it to Biden, LOL - but hey they are the only major outlet that sticks up for Conservatives.
I gotta a feeling tomorrow Tucker Carlson is gonna call Trump out for his dismal performance, as well as Ben Shapiro on radio.
I had a feeling Biden was being underestimated - that guy has been debating at the highest levels for 50-years - that's his element.
I think Trump thought he could beat him thru brute-force and likely didn't prepare much.
I saw an article a couple days ago that said something to the effect that Trump didn't was resisting his people's attempts to prepare him for the debate whereas Biden practiced against a stand in for Trump.
Trump needed a knockout and started strong but failed in the end.
Biden was better prepared. - I think Trump thought he'd do better by adliving
A big part of being an effective politician is being an effective communicator (Obama; Clinton (Bill), Reagan, Kennedy, etc).
Trump fucked up. I hope he does better next time.
This would have been a better debate format:
He wasted a lot of time attaching Hunter Biden. Talking about 3.5 million I was like 'is that all'? I'm so used to corruption happening on a billion dollar scale it's downright refreshing to see only 3.5 million being pissed away.
That and it would have been a more effective attack by pretty much anyone else on the planet
Biden could have been taken apart on numerous things but Trump does not have the political skills to do so - debating is like any other skill that is improved the longer one does it.
Trump lost the debate more than Biden won it - at the end of the day Biden just came across as a better "politician"
Someone on CNN described the debate as a:
"hotmess - inside a dumpster-fire - inside a train-wreck"
It seemed to me that Wallace spent more time asking the candidates to defend themselves than asking them to articulate plans or positions. I understand this has become the norm for all debates, but it turns up the volume and blurs the lines between interviews and debates.
Trump was too angry. He came into the night looking for a fight, and ultimately did more damage to himself than Joe did. Joe came across as an impatient old man, and his usual rude and arrogant self.
I actually agree with cancelling the remaining debates. Peoples' minds are made up, and the parts of this I did watch were a waste of my time.
Trump lost that debate. Simple. He underestimated Joes preparedness then tried to throw him off his game and came across poorly. He had lots of opportunities to say smart things but got wrapped up in insults. They need a mute button on the microphones. These are our two choices? Really?
They really do need an air horn and a mic disconnect switch when someone's time is up or it is not their time to speak. If Trump had let Joe speak, Joe was digging himself a nice big hole, sort of like I do with 25iq and randomloser.
The spin has begun with the msm ignoring Biden's various blunders, gaffes, flip-flops, and double speak - often within the same sentence. Such a turd. Imagine the liberal outrage if Trump had called POTUS a "clown" and told him "just shut up, man." The media double-standard continues.
Yeah but it's funny how those things don't seem to bother Trump at all (clown, shut up, etc). It's when his accomplishments and intentions are misrepresented that he gets really pissed. I'm 100% for Trump, but I think he missed a couple chances last night.
The one that stands out to me most is when Biden was pushing the false Democrat talking point that Covid and the subsequent economic fallout, business failures and unemployment were all Trump's fault. He should have let him finish saying whatever nonsense he was rambling about, and then picked it apart piece by piece, calmly asking Biden to explain his unexplainable accusations. But instead he just shouted him down.
The thing is, Biden has spent months doing nothing but memorizing false catch phrases. If he had been calmly and intelligently asked to explain things in detail and support his accusations with facts, he would have fallen flat on his face.
Just an awful debate with two septuagenarians flinging shit at each other with another septuagenarian letting things get out of hand. It was the Jerry Springer show, only more of a toxic cesspool. As I predicted above, Trump spewed a torrent of bullshit and kept the fact-checkers busy in the media.
Embarrassing, and we must look like fools overseas. Even before the "debate" Pew Research did some polling across the globe ranking confidence in world leaders:
"U.S. Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Coronavirus Badly
Ratings for Trump remain poor"
If you scroll down to the chart labeled "Confidence in World Leaders," Trump ranks dead last behind Putin and Xi, with Merkel in first place.
Biden wasn't that great either, although I suspect it was good enough to sustain his lead in the polls. In particular, Biden botched the opportunity to explain the SC case scheduled for Nov 10 to strike down Obamacare. He babbled incoherently and missed a golden opportunity. Any of the other Democratic candidates could have done a better job.
Not a chance in hell I’ll watch them debate again. I’m actually looking forward to the VP debate. I can’t believe that’s the case.
I'm very disappointed in Chris Wallace. He talked the talk about having a light footprint and remaining impartial, but he failed miserably. In Chris's defense, it is simply not possible to keep those two in line; however, Biden went in knowing he'd receive deferential treatment, and Trump knew he'd be facing an antagonistic moderator.
Instead of a debate between Trump and Biden, I think it would be better if they aired a TUSCL discussion on the election.
At the end of the day Biden seemed better prepared and Trump looked like he just rolled out of bed and showed up at the debate - Trump didn't have a good command of the facts and couldn't properly articulate much of anything - it vwas like showing up at a job interview totally unprepared - Biden landed some body-punches with his well-rehearsed statements and Trump was thrown off and couldn't recover bc he wasn't prepared and is not a seasoned politician nor debater - Trump thought he could get away with his typical political rally talk or Fox News talk.
I think Canye needs to be there with Trump for the next debate and smoke a blunt with Trump so Trump is more chill during the debate.
Id prefer Homey the Clown in the background. Anyone that talks when it’s not his turn gets hit upside the head with his sock with a Homey Don’t Play That.
Biden gained some respect by telling Trump to shut up.
Biden showed his 50 years of being a slimeball politician by not answering any questions.
The few he did answer were either one sentence flip flops or unintelligible.
Gaffe/Freudian slip: "I am the democrat party". How many tyrants and fascists have considered themselves to be the living embodiment of their empire? And some idiots want this guy to be president? Trump should just run on his record.
Seriously, is there anyone who has switched their vote from Trump to Biden because of the debate? Anyone who would say yes is a lyin' dog-faced pony soldier.
Go away, Trucidos.
Trump said outrageous bs to try to take attention away from the fact that he couldn't answer any questions. Trump supporters are stupid enough to fall for it. Thats why he does it
You misspelled the man's name. It's BIDEN.
As for not answering questions, this dodge about whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court was just one example of what he did all night.
As with anything, talk is cheap - actions (policy) is what matters - with the 2 parties being far apart w.r.t. a future vision for America, one would assume this is what most people will vote on.
My concern is that Trump's performance will turn off a # of people particularly women that are usually more sensitive w.r.t. manners.
I'm also concerned that some voters will not want 4 more years of Trump's bombastic-style even if they agree with many of his policies - we'll find out after Nov 3rd.
Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.
Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site.
He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias.
Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life, besides being pegged by a coprophiliac, transvestite midget he calls Gussy-Poo, is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button.
For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user.
Feed the trolls at your own risk.
An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away.
Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.
TB3345 Out
Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.
Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site.
He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias.
Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life, besides being pegged by a coprophiliac, transvestite midget he calls Gussy-Poo, is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button.
For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user.
Feed the trolls at your own risk.
An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away.
Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.
TB3345 Out
Little seen video angle of the debate:
Whatever you say, Texy.
What a shock! The presidential debate thread has devolved into recriminations and threats. Who would have thought this would happen in the current "culture of civility".
Someone on the radio said Trump was like a walking Tweeter on the debate - funny b/c it's pretty-accurate the way Trump conducted himself
I'm a Conservative and will vote for Trump even though I cringe how he often carries himself; and why I am pissed at his pretty-pathetic debate performance.
In agree with what Papi wrote. As painful as it can be to watch, read, or hear Trump's antics, he is doing a great job as President.
Getting us out of endless overseas combat. Withdrawing from the badly written Paris accords and Iran deal, which benefited the globalists and our adversaries, but fucked the US and some of our allies. Reworked NAFTA to benefit US as much as Canada and Mexico. Improving healthcare in ways that the ACA never did. As good a response to COVID as could have been had (mandating masks and shutting down the country is just STUPID). Taking a necessarily aggressive stance towards China's unfair trade, foreign policies, and government-controlled businesses. Cutting taxes and reducing regulatory burdens. Refusing to cave to the extremist demands and terrorist actions of blm, antifa, and other looters and rioters. Killing Soleimani, al-Baghdadi, and crushing ISIS.
Results are what matters. Results are something that creepy sleepy Joe ans the America-hating democrats have never achieved. God willing, they never will.
No matter which side you are on, the good thing about this thread is that it shows that many people on this forum are paying attention.
Nobody is being convinced of anything. And similar to the recent debate, there are those who think they are supporting their position by insulting others. (They are not.)
I learned a few things from this "discussion." Thank you for your participation. I ask that the microphone now be turned off.
No mic drop for you!
"Thank you for your participation. I ask that the microphone now be turned off."
The debates (scheduled for three of them) seemed like a reasonable topic for the political group. Given no one threatened to meet for a parking lot fight, this has been a reasonably civil discourse for TUSCL. But by all means if Tahohecruz, as our new moderator, feels he should shut down MY thread.... Oh, wait a minute.
That's another thing to love about TUSCL: no moderation. No comment closing. No archiving. Tahoecruz doesn't make the rules, and Founder refuses to! LOL.
This is interesting. The founder of BET TV saying on an NBC network that he will vote for Trump because "he's a devil I know"
Biden has worked very hard to lose the black vote. Congratulations, Joe, you succeeded..
"Biden has worked very hard to lose the black vote. Congratulations, Joe, you succeeded.."
Many such cases.
^^^ Lol, stand back and stand down. Trump can’t even condemn the Proud Boys.
Proud boys have more people of color in their group than BLM. You lefties just get mad because they always beat the shit out of antifa when the two groups get near each other.
Get the Fuck outta here with that shit. Who said they were White Supremacist the SPLC? SPLC is a total joke that labels any non leftist group white supremacist. It was very telling that Biden wouldn't condemn Antifa who has been trying to burn down Seattle and Portland for months, but those are his base.
I think most white supremacist groups would not follow the leader of Proud Boys. He's a dark skinned Cuban. Not an angel but hardly white.
Wow lefties must be the biggest pussies in the world to be shit scared of guys who got together to drink and started a club as a joke. Ha lefties scared shitless of some dorks in polo shirts. Muh racism, ha ha what a bunch of leftist faggots.
^^^ Lol, stand back and stand down. Trump can’t even condemn the Proud Boys.
Uh what’s worse is calling Antifa an idea not a group. Biden is a fucking idiot.
Wow, defending the Proud Boys, no wonder someone is trying to sell his ammo on this site.
He is an idiot, but that's not why he won't disavow them. Same thing like not answering will he pack the courts, abolish filibuster, add DC and PR as states, lying about not backing the new green deal (which he endorses on his website) his base is now the far left and he is trying to balance that with the moderates he is rapidly losing.
So Biden voters are you ok with getting rid of the filibuster, packing the supreme court, removing electoral college, and adding new states to gain congress seats? Or are you still pretending its old moderate Joe, even though it's clear who is pulling his strings.
I guess its just the way of the Democratic party, if you can't win within the rules, change the rules.
wah wah little dicky why won't you condemn somehting that doesn't need to be condemned?
They are a far right hate group prone to violence, they absolutely should be condemned.
Based on what? Fighting Antifa. Hate Group = Any group leftists don't like. Pussies like you should be condemned.
Hey now, take it easy on dickhead. He's obviously a little misguided. He got sidetracked and ran in to TUSCL while looking for another site to satisfy his fascination with underage sex rings...
^^^ go buy another gun dipshit
Lol, I just might. After all I'm an American and unlike in whatever sick bullshit utopia you'd prefer Americans are allowed to own a gun.
^^^ over compensating for something?
Nope, the real question is what's a guy fascinated by underage sex rings doing on a "legal" strip club website? Are you over compensating for something?
^^^ Says the racist with the small dick.
Typical lib resorts to name calling and insults when presented with his questionable behavior > /discussion/73067/1063837
I suppose the diversion tactic will be next.
And I answered your question, you dodged mine just like your hero biden would do. Typical useless lib.
Questionable behavior? Idiot. You're the one with no interest in Trump's connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Did that hit too close to home for you? Don't answer, I'm blocking you anyways.
Pussy! Diversion won't work so go hide after being called on your very questionable interests.
I was thinking Bill and Hillary were a lot closer to the dead perv Jeff than just about anyone. Hillary seems to like anything that puts out so she doesn't have to. Bill must have a stronger stomach than I do to fuck Hillary.
Apparently, Bubba wasn't fucking Hildabeast, he just fucked everything else. (Even when they said "no".)
Rickhead is either a liar, or a misinformed liar, It is well-known that Trump kicked out and banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago.
WTF does Epstein have to do with the economy, national security, the deficit, international trade, etc. I don’t need the president to be a moral beacon; just need him or (one day) her to get shit done.
That's cool. I need a president that will get things done within the existing legal framework. I get that bureaucracy is frustrating but it's there for a good reason.
HEY!!!! Pistola, you asshole! Check your cis-gendered privilege at the door! TUSCL has no tolerance for the likes of your binary troglodyte intolerant gender paradigms. Trannies are just as capable of giving handjobs as women. Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, courageous, she-male. A brunette with large breasts and small nipples. If he were Asian, he would be RandomLoser's DS!
Disagree with Sancho. Bureaucracies exist for themselves, and are by definition self-sustaining and expansionist.
A strong argument can be made that bureaucracies are anti-thetical to the founding principles of the United States and limited government as written in the Constitution
(easier said than done)
I guess, but here's my perspective. I'd rather have zero more laws or changes for the rest of my life than radical, fast & bad changes every 4-8 years during a political cold war. The bureaucracies frustrate a lot of would-be tyrants who forget they're public servants. That goes for both sides.
America does not have tyrants, and so we do not need a bureaucracy.
In fact, the bureaucracy has become tyrannical itself, when career bureaucrats attempt to subvert the elected leader in a willfully illegal effort to undue a lawful election.
“when career bureaucrats attempt to subvert the elected leader in a willfully illegal effort to undue a lawful election.”
Are you referring to the impeachment? How was it illegal and how would it have been successful without 10 republican senators voting to remove? I.e., if he was removed it would have been legal, pretty much by definition.
Jimmy, were you born retarded or did you work at it? Nobody who is informed on current events would have that to be referencing the bs impeachment.
Willfully illegal? Illegal like committed a crime or illegal like “I don’t like this so I’ll just call it illegal”?
I asked you a reasonable question gamma and your response is to call me names? If not the impeachment, to what illegal effort to undue an election are you referring? I’m trying to civilly ask a question and discuss. If you’d rather call me names I’ll check out.
If you are so fucking stupid as to believe what you wrote is a reasonable and honest question, then you are too fucking stupid for me to waste time explaining it to you.
You knuckle heads keep fighting about every thing under the sun, the president has just been taken to Walter Reed just proves on thing none of y'all know what your talking about.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say his condition is dire and whether or not anyone likes it or not this changes everything.
Yeah, keep ducking the question and calling me names. What illegal effort to overthrow the election?
@GammaNu wrote: ...blah, subvert the elected leader in a willfully illegal effort to undue a lawful election."
Cryptic post and I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about either. Not that I care. We all live in fear that infant @GammaNu will throw another temper tantrum for failing to read his mind. Tens of millions of Republicans were of the opinion that the purpose of the impeachment was to undo the election -- so that was the obvious guess.
Maybe he's assuming some IRS bureaucrat leaked Trump's taxes to the NYT to subvert the election? We don't know who leaked Trump's taxes, and it could someone hired by Trump. Could be one of his accountants.
Today’s headline:
Governor Cuomo Generously Offers To Admit Trump To New York Nursing Home
@Mark and the rest of you Trumpublicans So tell us why that little stunt your guy pulled yesterday having his own little parade putting dozens of folks around him at major risk, doesn’t rate him being restrained and psychologically examined and Baker acted to the rubber room unit at Walter Reed
So, Trump drives around the block, with the sacred face mask on, and he needs psychological evaluation.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden repeatedly exhibits signs of dementia. He literally forget which college he attended. But, it’s a-okay with you guys for him to have the nuclear code.
Oh please let’s talk about the behavior of the CINC not exactly confidence inspiring forget the whataboutism for two minutes and discuss the behavior of the man supposed to be in charge.
This has nothing to do with Biden this is all on Trump
If y’all can’t come out and admit that his behavior is dismal I feel sorry for you
On the whole, Trump’s trip around the block was ill advised.
But, it’s classic 25 to declare that its cause for psychiatric evaluation and removal from office. Trump Derangement Syndrome, much ?
If Sleepy-Joe was the one Covid-positive and taking a trip around the block, the media would be espousing his dedication to the campaign.
This is the future of America if the Left takes over:
"Teacher Asks Class Which Person They Most Admire. 10-Year-Old Replies Donald J. Trump. Teacher Kicks Him Out Of Chatroom"
These are just "the shots across the bow" of what kinda of America the Left wants and will try to implement.
More Marxist shots across the bow:
"Virginia School District Considers New Speech Code Banning Teachers From Criticizing Racial Equity Plan That Calls For ‘Dismantling White Supremacy’"
"... Further, the policy proposal would tell teachers and staff that they have a “duty to report” any of their colleagues who violate the new speech code, should it be adopted. Those accused would be barred from “retaliating” against their accusers, even if the accusations are false. False complaints will also be accommodated, provided they are made in “good faith.” ..."
We are living in bizarro-world - according to them we are "overrun with white supremacy" (aka "white people just having white-skin") - so they must "stop this with such force" that no-one can question their motives rules (it'd basically be illegal to do so) - and if someone is accused of this "rampant white supremacy" and it's a false-accusation; well that's ok "if it was done in good faith" (analogous to a black-person attacking a white-person b/c he's white but that's not racism; which is also in vogue these days).
"New Migrant Caravan, Headed For U.S. Border, Turned Back In Guatemala"
How "convenient" - another migrant-caravan one month before the election.
I always had the inkling these may be organized/supported/financed by the Left as part of their all out coup on Trump's presidency (social-chaos is a long well established Leftist weapon).
You know something @Mark you guys never stop spinning fairy tales, "ill advised" that's the understatement of the century, and you spin more bullshit than a whole farm full of cows, I never said anything about being removed from office, what I said he needs a psychiatric evaluation and if you don't think that behavior was crazy, wow just wow.
For the record if Joe Biden were acting like a lunatic I'd say the same thing about him, but Joe Biden may have lost a step or three, your hero Mr.Trump is full blown crazy, and it's out front and center for the whole world to see.
Biden is not acting this way endangering secret service agents and having super spreader events, endangering people coming to his rally's and holding unmasked events that are about to shut down the entire Executive Branch of our government, and possibly the legislative branch as well.
From the Babylon Bee:
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In what's being hailed as a 14-dimensional Go move, President Trump added a Black Lives Matter decal to his SUV so he can take as many trips outside the hospital as he wants, and the media won't be able to claim he's spreading COVID.
This whole "it's okay for the Secret Service to take a bullet for Trump, but how dare he be around them with the flu" meltdown is cracking me up. The left is so fucking retarded.
"If Sleepy-Joe was the one Covid-positive and taking a trip around the block, the media would be espousing his dedication to the campaign."
It's more likely that the media would gush about how tough joe was and his leadership in assuring and comforting the country that he'll always be there for us.
A classic from the Babylon Bee:
“Americans were ecstatic to learn that Donald the Orange had returned in a new, better form, now known as Donald the White. A brilliant white light shone from Walter Reed Medical Center as Donald the White emerged just in time to save America from COVID, Antifa, and the Deep State.
"I come back to you now at the turn of the tide!" he cried as he rode triumphantly out in the presidential limousine, codenamed "Shadowfax," cutting right through the ravenous hordes of Antifa counterprotesters blocking the way.
"Donald! Donald the Orange!" cried his supporters outside Walter Reed Medical Center.
"Yes..." he said as he sat in the back of Shadowfax. "Yes... Donald the Orange... that is what they used to call me." The newly revived president has a newfound passion for life and even more energy than before, though sources say he's also taken up smoking.
Donald the White says he will use his newfound powers to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border, shouting at would-be immigrants, "You shall not pass!"
Based on his (lack of) comments about the Proud Boys at the debate, he would certainly embrace his new stature as Donald the White!
Trump explicitly condemned white supremacy during his Charlottesville speech a couple years ago. He has repeated that condemnation multiple times since.
In spite of that, the liberal media and Biden have claimed Trump called white supremacists “ fine people” and ask why he has never condemned white supremacy.
So, the latest attack is to say he needs to condemn the Po Boys. Why bother, if the media will simply ignore it.
"This whole "it's okay for the Secret Service to take a bullet for Trump, but how dare he be around them with the flu" meltdown is cracking me up. The left is so fucking retarded."
I am no where near the left, but I thought this was a foolish risk for a PR opportunity. If either agent tests positive later, it is going to be a very bad look. Yes, they signed on to take a bullet for the President, doesn't mean it should be Trump firing it from the back seat.
Trump says he’ll be at the debate next week. Biden should “stand 200 feet away with the biggest mask anyone’s ever seen” to quote Gandalf the Orange.
Seriously, they should put him in a spacesuit.
I think Donald is done. I think even his most fervent supporters now see his level of recklessness regarding the pandemic. It is bizarre how he is able to ignore science - and common sense.
The list of infected people continues to grow - from his Rose Garden announcement. It’s sad how his desire to not take this seriously has hurt the country - and those close to him.
Even the rotund Chris Christie got infected! He is almost 6 feet in diameter - and even he wasn’t safe!
The reality is the virus is something we gotta live with until there's a cure/effective-treatment (like many other things we live with like 40,000 people per year getting killed in car-accidents; cancer; etc) - I was pro-lockdown but from the beginning thought we could only stay locked down so long (maybe a quarter/3-months at most); you can't keep a $20-trillion economy locked down indefinitely - it is obvious there are gonna continue to be infections no matter what you do; you either stay permanently locked down or accept it's gonna come back as soon as you open up - the more important barometer is deaths are not increasing day-by-day like back in April.
I really don't think Covid is gonna be the main reason, or even a reason at at all, the vast majority of people will consider w.r.t. voting - at this point Covid is mostly being used as a political-weapon by the Left in their continuous war/coup against Trump.
When someone says another person “ ignores science” , that’s shorthand for “ I get my opinions from CNN, so don’t disagree with me”.
w.r.t. Covid, the Left didn't criticize all the "protesters" shouting and screaming nor when they accosted people at restaurants and got in people's faces or when they got in cops' faces to yell obscenities at them - but Trump being in the back of his SUV with secret service agents wearing protection, the Left acts like it was a crime against humanity - if one can't see the obvious hypocrisy/double-standard it's bc one doesn't wanna see it.
mark94 I don’t watch CNN. I prefer the blondes on Fox News. So, you are highly mistaken in your characterization of my criticism (of the President).
I continue to look for a reason to vote Republican, as I’m very concerned about Biden’s health and the possibility of Harris being in charge.
The economy is very important, and protection of many basic freedoms is also very important. But we must not think this virus will go away on its own.
The lies, the hypocrisy, the double-standards, the identity politics, the refusal to tolerate dissent- these are all the reasons that liberal politics and politicians must be stopped. They, not Donald Trump, are the greatest threat to our republic.
Seriously? How many former Trump advisors, cabinet members, FBI directors, etc turned "dissenter" and are now out on their ears.
ATAC- you're missing the forest for the trees. Just because the press labels them "dissenters" or " whistle-blower" doesn't mean they are. Those labels are the very lies, hypocrisy, and double-standards I was talking about. Most of those people are leakers, guilty of various degrees of treason, who are lucky to be protected bybthe swamp and escape punishment. Also, the people in Trump's cabinet work for Donald Trump, not the American taxpayer. Their job is to implement his policies, not to agree with him. If they refuse to do their job, i.e. implement his policies then they should be removed, terminated, and replaced thebaame as in any other workplace.
Don't even start with the "orange man bad" "don't follow illegal orders" bullshit. Trump has not given any illegal orders. Now, Clinton/Obama/Biden they ignored, shredded, and maligned any law and any truth that didn't fit the narrative. A lot of people should be arrested and tried from those admjnjstrations. With the new docs from the DNI, we may even see some justice yet.
No, the virus won’t go away on its own. Neither will a dozen other strains of coronavirus that have been circulating for centuries. They will continue circulating, occasionally accelerating the death of vulnerable victims.
Many people will become immune. As a result, it will become more difficult to spread. People will still die from it, but in much smaller numbers.
Fifty thousand people die in traffic accidents every year. That’s one of the risks of living life. Just like CoVid.
Richard Grenell, former Director of National Intelligence, has stated that the problem is Washington DC. The corruption is on both sides of the aisle and in every agency at every level. When Republicans are in power they protect their fellow bureaucrats, including Democrats. That’s because they count on Democrats to protect them when they are in power. Nearly everyone in government and politics is corrupt. They cover for each other. No one gets fired. No one goes to jail. Everyone gets rich. Fucking Swamp Rats.
"Neither will a dozen other strains of coronavirus that have been circulating for centuries. They will continue circulating, occasionally accelerating the death of vulnerable victims.
Many people will become immune. As a result, it will become more difficult to spread. People will still die from it, but in much smaller numbers. "
There are 7 coronaviruses that infect humans. Four that cause variations of the common cold, and then more recently SARS, MERS, and Covid 19. We have never developed herd immunity to the four that cause the common cold. It is not currently known if immunity can be developed for SARS-COV-2 at this point.
Exactly. Like SARS and MERS, CoVid will continue to circulate, but won’t require lockdown.
"CA Officials Knock Down Hollywood-Style Trump Sign By Freeway On Private Property"
If the Dems get in power we will become "The United States of California"
"U.S. Postal Service Mail Carrier Arrested For Dumping Mail, Including Numerous Ballots"
"... The Department of Justice announced on Wednesday that a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mail carrier in New Jersey has been arrested for allegedly dumping mail, including 99 general election ballots ..."
"... In May, the DOJ charged a mail carrier with attempted election fraud in Pendleton County, West Virginia, for allegedly altering eight primary ballot request forms. ..."
LOL - those tricky Dems:
"NBC Portrayed Voters At Biden Town Hall As ‘Undecided.’ A Deeper Look Paints A Different Picture"
"... NBC News portrayed voters as being “undecided” during a town hall event for Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden last night, but some of them had already declared their support for Biden on the network’s sister channel, MSNBC ..."
"... “Lawyer Peter Gonzalez and marketing executive Ismael Llano posed questions to Biden during a town hall on Monday, when he appeared before what the network described as an ‘audience of undecided Florida voters,'” The Washington Free Beacon reported. “Both Gonzalez and Llano, however, were featured in an MSNBC segment in August to explain why they support Biden.” ..."
"... The Free Beacon caught ABC News essentially doing the same thing last month when they hosted a town hall event with President Donald Trump ..."