
Comments by mike710 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    The Strip Club near The White House
    If it's like everything else in DC, the dancer will promise the world to get you to VIP. Once you are back there, she will ask you for more money and then blame another dancer for not being able to deliver on her promises.
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    3 years ago
    From the guy who popularized "lock her up"!!!!
    I think CNN would love to see Trump re-elected. They are down huge numbers since he left office. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/01/25/fox-news-channels-the-five-dominates-cable-news-ratings-with-37-million-viewers/?sh=7baad6e85c92
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    3 years ago
    Just so much news last week....
    I guess if I follow a CNN link, I will get all the truth just like their reporting of Trump's ties to Russia.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Feb 14 is Valentines Day.
    Been to a club on V-day once when I was traveling in Tampa. It was a slow night. I think there might be a stigma with both dancers and customers to show up at the club on that day. That being said, I ended up having a decent time that night.
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    3 years ago
    Desolate, Rural Strip Clubs
    A few months back I went to a club in Rock Springs WY. It wasn't in the middle of nowhere as there was a small town around the club, but WY is mostly rural. I went in around happy hour before finding a spot for dinner. I initially drove by because there was a couple of Harleys parked outside and a couple of bikers smoking out front. I drove by and said, "fuck it", and parked around the corner to go in. There were a bunch of dancers and patrons milling around the bar and a pool table. I walked straight to the bar and sat in a space where there were a couple of drinks on the bar to the left and a series of empty stools. As luck would have it, the smoking bikers walked in and sat next to me. As time went by some girls got on stage, there were around 5 or 6, and it seems one different regular would go up to each girl and sit at the bar and tip each girl. The whole vibe of the place was that this was a regular's bar. One of the bikers was plastered and eventually got aggressive with everyone in the bar. He bought me a beer and when I said "thank you" he said "because I said so". I guess he thought I asked why he was buying me a beer. They kept serving him and he took a $500 cash advance on a credit card so, after that beer, I thought it might be time to go find a spot to eat. Overall, the place wasn't bad but one drunk biker was blowing the atmosphere. Even his biker buddy eventually said they should stop serving him. In general, small-town bars are all about locals and regulars. I've had everyone stop talking when I walked into a small bar in LaCrosse WI. Eventually, I talked about my business in town to the bartender and everyone opened up a bit more. I've never had a problem with biker types as they usually keep to themselves just like I do.
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    3 years ago
    Shaq and gorillas
    Those damn gorillas just aren't "Woke" enough. They need sensitivity training.
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    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Man -- so much (fake) white supremacy
    Jussie will vouch for their story.
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    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    list of ways a dancer accidentally physically hurt you
    Not a dancer per se but I had to let myself get assaulted by "Queen Kong" at a buddy's 50th birthday party. His wife and best friend set it up so that she came to his party, and he was forced to wrestle her for all of our entertainment. It was funny but all the guys in attendance had to let her do some kind of wrestling move on each of us. If you ran, like a couple of friends did, she made it a lot worse. Funny thing is she was fairly normal and had a small husband that came with her. They hung out after she did the thing she was paid for. She was on GLOW, gorgeous ladies of wrestling back in the 90's. https://images.app.goo.gl/CVg83JMdJCZJoBdY8
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I'm still close to a couple of friends I've known since grammar school and one still lives in my hometown. I went to my 10, 20 and 30. The 10 was like it was still high school. The 20 start to see some changes in people and some of the hot girls got fat and ugly. One in particular, grabbed my ass while we were posing for a class picture. Since she was a bitch to me in school, I paid her back by not even acknowledging what she was doing. It pissed her off. At the 30 people really started to change but some of the girls that were bitches in high school continued to be bitches. Some of the other girls were hitting on any guy that would take them upstairs to their hotel room. I went with my buddies, so I had a fallback to hang with them, but we all intermingled. They were fun but I know why I didn't keep in touch with most of them. I don't actively participate in social media so I'm glad that I don't know what most are doing with their lives.
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    3 years ago
    What was Strip Clubbing like in 1973, 1970’s
    I don't know about bars in the 70's since I was a bit too young but girls in high school were giving it up pretty easy in the late 70's. My brothers were 8 and 12 years older than me and the oldest one married a former stripper and had 2 kids with her. The younger of the two had girls waiting outside the gate for him all the time. Sex didn't seem that difficult but I'm sure there are guys here from the 80's and 90's that would say the same thing.
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    3 years ago
    What was Strip Clubbing like in 1973, 1970’s
    Anyone with personal experience of that time would be around 70 right now. The 70's were the time of hippy chicks giving free love. The first stripper that comes to mind for me from that area would be Carol Doda AKA "The Perfect 36". She was dancing in SF about that time and was picked up by a local UHF tv station, channel 36, to advertise the station as "The Perfect 36".
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    BJ or FS ?
    The place Warrior was at has a little trashcan in each VIP room full of dead babies wrapped in latex.
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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Brian Flores Lawsuit
    I'm not a "white" American. Just an American. I would never ask, or want, to be considered on anything but my talent and skills. Period.
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    3 years ago
    On Baby Oil
    While baby oil is good for a wet skin look, it might not be the best to use as a lube. Some girls don't react well to it and it can break down latex condoms. Maybe if you were looking to have a Muddy Jr.?
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    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Sending US troops
    Hopefully, it's just a show move. Romania has some hot women.
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    3 years ago
    Freedom Convoy - Canadian Truckers Protest
    A similar convoy to DC had their Facebook page shut down.
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    3 years ago
    I haven't tried for a couple of months after I read they were supposed to be open after 4pm on a Friday and the doors were locked. I think management is posting their own reviews. Will take a look again as I literally can walk to this club in a pinch.
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    3 years ago
    All Year Long! 🌞
    Miss Heard
    I like "wrapped up like a douche with a boner in the night" America said their song "Ventura Highway" was often heard as "Bench on a Highway".
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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rams Fans
    Mutton chops sound good!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rams Fans
    Don't know how I ended up in the wrong thread but Jim Rome called Everett Crissy to his face. Guess he preferred his more masculine name Jim.
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    3 years ago
    O.T. -- Let's go, L.A. Staffords!!!
    Jim Rome called him Crissy to his face. Guess he couldn't handle "smack talk"
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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rams Fans
    Crissy. Not a Goats fan at all!
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    3 years ago
    Gentleman’s treatment or Leave you alone
    This happens to me most nights, at some point in the night, when I go to the Penthouse Club in Tampa. It's never over the top, just an acknowledgement of appreciation for my business. The manager making his rounds more than anything. I don't mind. Happens in a lot of places other than strip clubs.
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    3 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    There’s a report out saying Tom Brady is retiring
    @Papi. Brady has been doing a podcast called "Let's Go" this entire football season with Larry Fitzgerald. It airs every Monday. It seems he's already started a mini broadcast career. He did say things in a round-about way regarding retirement last week, but he didn't say anything definite. He is probably pissed that this broke because he said he didn't want his status to be a distraction from the teams still in the hunt. Who knows, maybe he will play one more year just to spite the people who are reporting this. He likes to do things on his terms.
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    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    America’s Happiest States
    I've been to all of these states and can't say I believe the list. Some of the most stressed out people I have even seen are in the Northeast. On the other hand, some of these places in the South have people that are very friendly, and you can't walk past anyone without a hello greeting. In the Northeast you get a lot of car horn to say move on asshole. I remember a customer getting so mad about something that he was almost spitting. I almost had to walk out of the room to keep from laughing at his anger.