Miss Heard

avatar for EndlessSummer
Ok, so now we live in a digital age where music is incredibly clear and lyrics are an internet search away, but I still remember when that wasn't the case... so, for more years than I'd like to admit, I thought the lyrics were "there's a bathroom on the right" instead of "there's a bad moon on the rise".
Just heard it in the club yesterday before the stage got going, and it STILL sounds like that even though I know better! ☺️
Anyone else have one of these?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
This rap crap is hard to understand. I think I keep hearing the "N" word but they couldn't be saying that, could they?
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
I've heard that when Jimmi Hendrix sang "Excuse me while I kiss the sky" some people thought it sounded like "kiss THIS GUY" which we all know would be ridiculous, because in his short few years of fame, he probably got more pussy than most of us will in our entire lifetime.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Lots of them, I cant keep track of how many lyrics I remember wrong
This one comes to mind right off the bat
"We had joy we had fun we had seasons full of fun" LOL
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Aerosmith: "You can't catch me cause the rabbit done died." I understood the words correctly, but as a little kid had no idea what it meant. Sure sounded good though.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
Wrapped up like a douche in the night
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night
avatar for Goodclubrep
3 years ago
Shadow, you made me lol!
Also, the lyric IS douche, not deuce. The story goes that this was the best take.
avatar for bubba267
3 years ago
Eagles....."Right there in the Vaseline"
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
No, I've always heard those right. I never understood why people thought they'd be singing about kissing men and bathroom directions.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
guys, help me out with this one:

the very beginning of jumping jack flash - is it watch it or one two?
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Those lyrics remind of the Steve Berman skit on The Marshall Mathers LP.
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
^So, a bad moon and kissing the sky make more sense? 🤔
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
“I’m a joker I’m a smoker a real lively hoker playing my music with you hun”
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I like "wrapped up like a douche with a boner in the night"

America said their song "Ventura Highway" was often heard as "Bench on a Highway".
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
3 years ago
Detouring to the younger folks’ music, there’s Taylor Swift’s infamous ‘Blank Space’.

Most people hear “got a long list of Starbucks lovers”.

When I first heard the song, I heard that too, but realized it didn’t much sense.
I thought the lyrics were actually “got a long list of star crossed lovers”.
I thought it was a throwback to her previous hit ‘Love Story’ and it’s references to Romeo and Juliet.

The actual lyrics are “got a long list of ex-lovers“.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Yahtzee - that’s what I always though the lyrics were!

I couldn’t understand what being blinded by the light had to do with douching? But, I was young when that song came out, and figured I’d learn when I got older!
avatar for Dr_Rainmaker
3 years ago
As a kid mine was AC/DC. Dirty deeds done they’re done dirt cheap. I thought it was Dirty deeds and the thunder cheeks. 😂😂 🍑
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Bee Gees

I still think it’s “Strawberry Woman”
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
Miss Heard? Amber Heard? Love her 😉😂

Always used to have trouble with Jimmy Buffett's Volcano:

"Now my girl quickly say to me
Mon you better watch your feet
Lava come down soft and hot
You better lava me now or lava me not"

Took me a few years to get those down.
avatar for mahatmakanejeeves
3 years ago
John Fogerty does often sing "there's a bathroom on the right" when performing Bad Moon Rising live. For an example, listen to it on the Premonition CD.
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
I read that someone misheard the first line of the Beach Boys' "Help Me Rhoda."

The line is "Well since she put me down I've been out doin' in my head."

He heard "Well since she put me down there's been owls pukin' in my bed."

I actually like the misheard version better. The first one barely makes sense. The imagery in the second one is pretty stunning, actually, and fits the mood of the song perfectly. I'd need help, too, if there'd been owls pukin' in my bed.
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
^ Rhonda, not Rhoda. Sorry.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
3 years ago
Wow! Until this thread, I always thought the line in the Beach Boys' "Help Me Rhonda” was:

"Well since she put me down, I've been goin’ out of my head." Which I suppose makes a reasonable amount of sense.

Thank you @EastCoaster. I’m going to be awake all night thinking about what other song lyrics I’ve got screwed up…
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
Actually you hear these lyrics fine but can't believe you heard them right because they make no sense whatsoever.

Madman drummers bummers Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way in to his hat
With a boulder on my shoulder feeling kinda' older I tripped the merry go round
With this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing the calliope crashed to the
The calliope crashed to the ground and she was blinded by the light,
revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light
Revved up like a Deuce
Another runner in the night
[repeat to fade]
Some silicone sister with her manager mister told me I got what it takes
She said I'll turn you on sonny to something strong play the song with the
funky break
And go kart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart see if it was safe outside
And little Early Pearly came by in his curly wurly and asked me if I needed a
The calliope crashed to the ground
And she was blinded by the light
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the light
She got down but she never got tight
She's gonna make it through the night
She's gonna make it through the night
Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but mama
That's where the fun is
Some brimstone baritone anti cyclone rolling stone preacher from the east
Says Dethrone the Dictaphone hit it in his funny bone and that's where they
expect it least
And some new mown chaperone was standing in
The corner watching the young girls dance
And some fresh sewn moonstone was messing with his frozen zone reminding him of
avatar for gobstopper007
3 years ago
This thread makes me think of the old cassette tapes that had the cover you could unfold to see the lyrics. It’s sad how many people here will have no idea what I’m talking about
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
@EndlessSummer - obviously, in context, they make more sense, as well aa being more lyrically pleasing.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I grew up in the early 80s with vinyl LPs, before even cassettes were very common. My parents even had a reel-to-reel player and recorder. I was in college in the 90s before I saw my first 8-track. But, does anyone else remember those first mini-CDs? I think they looked like a cross between a CD and a 3.5" floppy disk (another forgotten tech, but not as obscure as the 5.25" floppy. Those mini-CDs never took off.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
manfred mann earth band > e street band. springsteen should write the songs and manfred mann should perform and perfect them.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Summer breeze
Makes me feel fine
Rolling through the Jaguars of my mind

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
Then there are the verses Manfred Mann couldn't even deal with

[Verse 5]
Oh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer playin' backyard bombardier
Yes and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card
He said, do what you like, but don't do it here
Well I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground
Asked him which was the way back home
He said take a right at the light, keep goin' straight until night, and then boy, you're on your own

[Verse 6]
And now in Zanzibar a shootin' star was ridin' in a side car hummin' a lunar tune
Yes, and the avatar said blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar we're gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon
And some kidnapped handicap was complainin' that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last night
Well I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw
A gap but figured he'd be all right
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
There is an actual word for misheard lyrics: Mondegreens

How many mondegreens are there of this verse from Sir Elton?

And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Till touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no
I'm a rocket man
Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
I used to sing New Age Girl at the top of my lungs with the woman of desire being “Mary Moe”. It’s “Mary Moon”.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
Also I thought Boston sang “Born on a Feeling”.
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
In one rare case, the misheard lyrics BECAME the lyrics.

When they were writing the song, the singer sang "In the Garden of Eden" but the drummer could not understand what he was singing.

He wrote down "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida"

avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
"And little worly burly gave his anus curly whirly and asked me if I needed a

That one still makes me laugh
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^ I always thought that was "gave my English girl a whirly"

avatar for magicrat
3 years ago
Probably just a story but Springsteen once said he had a rhyming dictionary in his hand when he wrote Blinded by the Light.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
A lot of real music in this thread, not the autotune crap that the studios are pumping out. I don't think I've spent more than 20 seconds on a top 40 station since 2010. I was trying to figure out WTF "Gangnam Style" was.
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