avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Been to yours? My 10th got put off by covid but they're planning this year. Share your experiences please.

I think social media changed things. We stay in touch with who we want to...


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avatar for Rod8432
3 years ago
I went to my 5 and 10yr, back before Social Media. Turns out, HS is like only a minuscule slice of one's life, and hardly worth any effort to reconnect with the people there. It's regressive, depressing, and ultimately deflating. If you have any question about it, I'd suggest skipping it and spend your time in activities like SCs, that move you forward.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
My home town has an annual festival that many people that lived there in the past go back to see old friends. So organizing a reunion is fairly easy. So we had a 5 year, a 10 year, a 20 year. I remember at the 5 year and even the 10 year ones, the girls seemed to be hotter. They had matured and filled out. Learned how to dress sexier. The guys were all still dorky and childish. Poor as crap. By the 20 year, things swung around. The girls all seemed to be getting fat. The guys had started to have better jobs and become more successful.

For my generation, Facebook has changed how we interact a lot. I can keep up with people around the country and never see them.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
I am early 40s. I went to my 10 year reunion. So many of the guys were married, balding and had pot bellies. The women were mostly still holding together.

I skipped my 20. Social media makes them less interesting.

I hear as you age it becomes more and more talking about the people who died. We've already lost a handful to car crash, drugs and one soldier in Iraq.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
Went to my 10 year in 2009. It was fun, just a bunch of people gathering at one big bar in town for a couple hours. But with social media, there really weren't any surprises. I knew who was still hot, who wasn't, who'd gotten married, etc. 20 year would have been in 2019 but nobody put it together, and I wouldn't have gone anyway. The people I want to talk to...I already talk to regularly.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
A few years ago I went to my 50th reunion. Glad I just dropped in and not paid the hundred dollars they wanted for dinner. I recognized hardly anybody. just a bunch of old farts.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Ooh, there would have been one last year if it happened…? I wouldn’t have minded attending if I was invited to or aware of anything, and my last semester of high school was super fun. I just looked up people I went to high school with and didn’t find anything in there about any reunion at anytime last year. Oh well.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
That's interesting. I think with social media we keep in touch with who we want to and can pretty much see what everyone does. But the idea of an official reunion seems niceel. Like reliving high school for a while. One thing I hate though is seeing people I was never friends with in high school pretending like we were friends. I think I'd go to the reunion with a chip on my shoulder. Like wanting to tell people I didn't like that I still hate them lol But I want to go and see how easy the girls are when they get drunk. Like a last chance to try to fuck before they start going down hill.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
At my 10 year, every attractive girl was married or with someone. You'd probably have better luck at a 20 year, once a few of them have gotten divorced.

Aside from social media, texting has taken away the surprise of news. The old farts on here can probably attest to having to make a random phone call or *gasp" writing a letter, before texting (and email) allowed the near-immediate communication w/out paying extra for long-distance. Somebody had a kid or spent a night in jail or got a raise, or hit a 12 team college basketball parlay*, you hear about it in a text seconds later.

*Fucking Texas A&M, losing at home yesterday. I hit 11 teams in the 12 team parlay and those agricultural bastards had to ruin it! ----and my friends found out immediately, via text.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Wait till the fortieth or fiftieth reunion, that you'll see if you've outlived your enemies, that's when it becomes fun LOL
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I'm still close to a couple of friends I've known since grammar school and one still lives in my hometown. I went to my 10, 20 and 30. The 10 was like it was still high school. The 20 start to see some changes in people and some of the hot girls got fat and ugly. One in particular, grabbed my ass while we were posing for a class picture. Since she was a bitch to me in school, I paid her back by not even acknowledging what she was doing. It pissed her off.

At the 30 people really started to change but some of the girls that were bitches in high school continued to be bitches. Some of the other girls were hitting on any guy that would take them upstairs to their hotel room.

I went with my buddies, so I had a fallback to hang with them, but we all intermingled. They were fun but I know why I didn't keep in touch with most of them. I don't actively participate in social media so I'm glad that I don't know what most are doing with their lives.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
At my 10 year the girls who were hot in HS were mostly still hot. One who had been kind of a Plain Jane/tomboy actually evolved into one of the hottest girls there. At the 15 year reunion, there were still a few hotties but some were starting to let themselves go. Never went to another one because I'd rather remember them as they were, not as old bags.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
On a side note, my buddy who was a year ahead of me in school went to his reunion, I think it was the 10-year, and one of the girls from his class brought a date... Stevie Wonder.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
I went to 10 and 20. 10 was uncomfortable, a lot of folks trying to impress one another. 20 was fun, people were relaxed and friendly and glad to see old acquaintances. I missed 30 bc I has an overseas grad school reunion the same weekend. It looked like fun from the photos. My philosophy is: go to the reunions, you’ll wonder how it was and won’t be able to do a make up session. if it sucks you can always leave after an hour.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Fuck reunions, high school, college, grad school. If we were good enough friends, we've kept in contact since then.

Otherwise you're hanging out with people you wouldn't otherwise, and probably getting panhandled by your school for donations.

And I went to an all boys high school. Not getting any pussy there.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I just want to do it to rub into people's faces hey look at me now. Maybe fuck someone. Whoever just to do it.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's really interesting hearing different generational views
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I just mailed check for the amount of my lunch money rather than going and getting beat up for it again.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
Never heard my schools had a reunion. ANd it's been 10 years. Do they still do these anymoree?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They still have reunions but it seems like they're really informal. I'm part of a group for my high school on fb. Some have like 50 year reunions. Some classes don't have any. They even have informal all classes reunions.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
High school class reunions depend on volunteers from the class doing organization or communicating with class members. Usually, it is the job of the class president to spearhead the reunions, but that's not what always happens.

My HS class does reunions once every five years and they're pretty well organized. I went to one. It was a fun/interesting experience. It was nice to see some of the people who I'm not connected to online. Some people don't do social media. At the same time, there was a lot of status stalking in terms of who got fat, lost their hair, who had money versus who didn't. I'm not sure if I need to go to another one, but I might.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
I got propositioned at my 10 year reunion, being one of the few single guys there. She was a 6/10 in high school and hadn't improved and a little too honest that her baby daddy wasn't stepping up. I probably would have done it anyways but had set up a reunion with an old flame while I was in town.

If you're in shape and have a full head of hair at your 10 year reunion, you'll be a catch, and the girls who were untouchably hot back then may suddenly be in reach, even if they aren't quite so untouchably hot.

Usually the divorces happen later though.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I been to a couple. I had a great time at our 30 year, but a lousy time at the 40 year.
30 year was great because it was well attended by people who moved all over the country. I talked and laughed with old friends I hadn’t seen in years
40 years wasn’t. Basically just people who still live in the area, as I do, we’re there. Just kind of blah. Plus the biggest asshole in the area, a big mouth who thinks he a big shot, organized it. People stayed away because they don’t like him.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I'm thinking of just going to intomidate people I didn't like and be an asshole to them. And see who I can fuck. I'd love to tell some teachers off too.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Sounds to me like you were just as popular in High School as you are here.
avatar for gothamyte
3 years ago
I suggest going to at least one reunion. I went to my 10 year reunion. I didn't remember or realize until much later when I looked it up, but it occurred days before 9/11.

At our reunion, it felt like classmates treated me like a rockstar and popular. I was not popular. So that was weird. But interesting. We haven't done anymore reunions since. And I probably won't go again...

Our class was different though. There's about 350 of us total and scores of us all grew up together since kindergarten all the way to graduating from the same college at the same time, including me. So to me some of my classmates feel like cousins. We saw each other daily since like 1st grade until end of college. It bothers me deeply when any of them dies. So on that respect, I can understand some of my classmates reaction at our 10 yr reunion towards me...itd been a few years post college graduation by then, the longest we've not seen each other at that time since constantly seeing each other our whole lives. I sometimes hope CNN or something would do a story on my class. How so many different people could grow up all together.

I can totally understand why we have no more reunions too...
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

If you had PTSD/developmental trauma from your high school experience, look for help from a mental health care specialist and try to find the best diagnosis and treatment for you.

I hope anyone feeling mentally distressed and disturbed from their High School experiences will find solace, peace and find control in their own lives.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^My High School experience was great, the highlight was the day when the guys sick and tired of your smarmy condescending attitude, stuffed you in a locker, we laughed and laughed, until we couldn't laugh any more,
good times, good times
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I was popular. But popularity breeds contempt. It doesn't get you real friends.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^^^ LOL PTSD from not wanting to sit in a gym with people I haven't seen in decades getting begged for donations when my parents or I already paid an assload of tuition? Where you getting that from, pumpkin?
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^ this Icee homo is one fucked in the head beaner! How many complexes can this member make threads about?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Ptsd cab come from being bullied from untreated learning disabilities. From being around a lot of violence. Not sure how it's funny.

But at least cjkent posted something other than copy and pasted quotea
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^ well that explains a lot of you overcompensating for the past on here.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

High School Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition brought on by a trauma.

Someone with High School PTSD has been through or witnessed a traumatic event.

They have symptoms that last long after the trauma is over.

These symptoms can be:
* bad memories, called flashbacks, that make it seem like the trauma is still happening
* bad dreams or trouble sleeping
* avoiding things that remind them of the trauma
* changes in mood, such as feeling sad, moody, angry, or detached
* not enjoying things in life like they should
* feeling more easily scared, anxious, jumpy, sensitive, or startled

Therapy can help people recover from High School PTSD.

They also need understanding, comfort, and support from people in their lives.

“^^ well that explains a lot of you overcompensating for the past on here”

~ Meat72
~ Joined Jun, 2014 Last Seen Feb, 2022
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ You didn't address a thing I said. You're trolling.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Cjkent you're trying to use a serious matter as an insult. That shows what you are
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^^^^My High School experience was great, the highlight was the day when the guys sick and tired of your smarmy condescending attitude, stuffed you in a locker, we laughed and laughed, until we couldn't laugh any more,
good times, good times
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Being a bully isn't anything to brag about.

My high-school days were great. Lots of sex no worries.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Sounds to me like you were just as popular in High School as you are here.

Were you left handed ?
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
I went to 5, 10 and 15. At 5 a girl who had been very gawky and homely in high school, who lived across the street from me, showed up: she was so spectacular no one, including me, had any idea who she was. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, introduced herself; thanked me for treating her as a friend, then rubbed her super model looks in everyone else's face and left. Still makes me laugh. At 10 I go to thank my Vice principal for being super harsh on me and forcing me to succeed. I got to get high with my very first g/f (age 12) who had been senior class queen and then I barfed out the window of my car in front of the Courthouse. Last time I ever got sick from drinking - 1985. 15 I showed up, kissed the 2 hostesses, looked around, wondered wtf am I doing here, called my Wife, asked her out to dinner and that was it. No longer interested, but I might show up at 50, in 2025, if it happens and I ain't dead.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Teachers generally don't attend class reunions.

I didn't feel popular in high school, but in hindsight I was reasonably popular in the circles I ran in. People who I genuinely didn't remember made a point in talking to me at my 10 year, and clearly remembered me.

I forgot to mention poorly aging trendy tattoos! I'm old enough a couple of the "hot" girls had gotten awful armband tattoos in college instead of just getting a tramp stamp.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
15 year reunions are so unpopular they rarely even happen.

I didn't attend my 5 year but some friends I stayed in contact with said it was basically just a bunch of people looking for dates (and one couple did get married after hooking up post 5 year reunion).
avatar for datinman
3 years ago
"I just want to do it to rub into people's faces hey look at me now."
"I'm thinking of just going to intomidate people I didn't like and be an asshole to them. And see who I can fuck. I'd love to tell some teachers off too."

Just stay at home. It's been 11 years. Your classmates have started careers, gotten married, maybe divorced, they have had kids, basically they moved on from high school. When you show up with a chip on your shoulder, rehashing old grudges, it will become apparent that you haven't. You will come across as sad and pathetic. Just stay home.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
^the only reason is to bang that girl who shot you down in high school but is within reach now. Even that's a case where the reality probably won't meet the expectations.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I don't care if the girl is hit. As long as she has a pretty face or decent body. Just to do it. There's one girl I'm friends with on fb. I had the biggest crush on her and we fucked but never dated coz she had a boyfriend she ended up marrying. She's still pretty but fat but I still think of how I felt back then. Uts a mindfuck

I was pretty popular or at least well known. But I hate when people I didn't talk to see me and act like we were best friends jn high school. And I feel sad there are teachers who passed away who I wish I could have thanked for what they did for me.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
@JamesSD a 10 year HS reunion means your 28. What reason could you involuntarily lose your hair?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Estafador. Guys lose hair in their early 20s sometimes. That's pretty common
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ I knew guys whose hairlines started retreating at 16-17.
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