Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Been to yours? My 10th got put off by covid but they're planning this year. Share your experiences please.
I think social media changed things. We stay in touch with who we want to...
I think social media changed things. We stay in touch with who we want to...
For my generation, Facebook has changed how we interact a lot. I can keep up with people around the country and never see them.
I skipped my 20. Social media makes them less interesting.
I hear as you age it becomes more and more talking about the people who died. We've already lost a handful to car crash, drugs and one soldier in Iraq.
Aside from social media, texting has taken away the surprise of news. The old farts on here can probably attest to having to make a random phone call or *gasp" writing a letter, before texting (and email) allowed the near-immediate communication w/out paying extra for long-distance. Somebody had a kid or spent a night in jail or got a raise, or hit a 12 team college basketball parlay*, you hear about it in a text seconds later.
*Fucking Texas A&M, losing at home yesterday. I hit 11 teams in the 12 team parlay and those agricultural bastards had to ruin it! ----and my friends found out immediately, via text.
At the 30 people really started to change but some of the girls that were bitches in high school continued to be bitches. Some of the other girls were hitting on any guy that would take them upstairs to their hotel room.
I went with my buddies, so I had a fallback to hang with them, but we all intermingled. They were fun but I know why I didn't keep in touch with most of them. I don't actively participate in social media so I'm glad that I don't know what most are doing with their lives.
Otherwise you're hanging out with people you wouldn't otherwise, and probably getting panhandled by your school for donations.
And I went to an all boys high school. Not getting any pussy there.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's really interesting hearing different generational views
My HS class does reunions once every five years and they're pretty well organized. I went to one. It was a fun/interesting experience. It was nice to see some of the people who I'm not connected to online. Some people don't do social media. At the same time, there was a lot of status stalking in terms of who got fat, lost their hair, who had money versus who didn't. I'm not sure if I need to go to another one, but I might.
If you're in shape and have a full head of hair at your 10 year reunion, you'll be a catch, and the girls who were untouchably hot back then may suddenly be in reach, even if they aren't quite so untouchably hot.
Usually the divorces happen later though.
30 year was great because it was well attended by people who moved all over the country. I talked and laughed with old friends I hadn’t seen in years
40 years wasn’t. Basically just people who still live in the area, as I do, we’re there. Just kind of blah. Plus the biggest asshole in the area, a big mouth who thinks he a big shot, organized it. People stayed away because they don’t like him.
At our reunion, it felt like classmates treated me like a rockstar and popular. I was not popular. So that was weird. But interesting. We haven't done anymore reunions since. And I probably won't go again...
Our class was different though. There's about 350 of us total and scores of us all grew up together since kindergarten all the way to graduating from the same college at the same time, including me. So to me some of my classmates feel like cousins. We saw each other daily since like 1st grade until end of college. It bothers me deeply when any of them dies. So on that respect, I can understand some of my classmates reaction at our 10 yr reunion towards me...itd been a few years post college graduation by then, the longest we've not seen each other at that time since constantly seeing each other our whole lives. I sometimes hope CNN or something would do a story on my class. How so many different people could grow up all together.
I can totally understand why we have no more reunions too...
If you had PTSD/developmental trauma from your high school experience, look for help from a mental health care specialist and try to find the best diagnosis and treatment for you.
I hope anyone feeling mentally distressed and disturbed from their High School experiences will find solace, peace and find control in their own lives.
good times, good times
But at least cjkent posted something other than copy and pasted quotea
High School Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition brought on by a trauma.
Someone with High School PTSD has been through or witnessed a traumatic event.
They have symptoms that last long after the trauma is over.
These symptoms can be:
* bad memories, called flashbacks, that make it seem like the trauma is still happening
* bad dreams or trouble sleeping
* avoiding things that remind them of the trauma
* changes in mood, such as feeling sad, moody, angry, or detached
* not enjoying things in life like they should
* feeling more easily scared, anxious, jumpy, sensitive, or startled
Therapy can help people recover from High School PTSD.
They also need understanding, comfort, and support from people in their lives.
“^^ well that explains a lot of you overcompensating for the past on here”
~ Meat72
~ Joined Jun, 2014 Last Seen Feb, 2022
good times, good times
My high-school days were great. Lots of sex no worries.
Were you left handed ?
I didn't feel popular in high school, but in hindsight I was reasonably popular in the circles I ran in. People who I genuinely didn't remember made a point in talking to me at my 10 year, and clearly remembered me.
I forgot to mention poorly aging trendy tattoos! I'm old enough a couple of the "hot" girls had gotten awful armband tattoos in college instead of just getting a tramp stamp.
I didn't attend my 5 year but some friends I stayed in contact with said it was basically just a bunch of people looking for dates (and one couple did get married after hooking up post 5 year reunion).
"I'm thinking of just going to intomidate people I didn't like and be an asshole to them. And see who I can fuck. I'd love to tell some teachers off too."
Just stay at home. It's been 11 years. Your classmates have started careers, gotten married, maybe divorced, they have had kids, basically they moved on from high school. When you show up with a chip on your shoulder, rehashing old grudges, it will become apparent that you haven't. You will come across as sad and pathetic. Just stay home.
I was pretty popular or at least well known. But I hate when people I didn't talk to see me and act like we were best friends jn high school. And I feel sad there are teachers who passed away who I wish I could have thanked for what they did for me.