
Comments by mike710 (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What are you spending every month on otc or itc
    With the prices you guys are talking about with Porn Stars, I'm glad I got that off of my bucket list a long time ago. I have been with 2 porn stars in the past right about the time they were just getting started in porn. One was a relatively minor Porn Star that probably only did a couple of dozen scenes. I met her as an escort and after a few times at $300 per hour she said she wanted to get together more and that she would charge $100. She would call me randomly and ask if I wanted to hook up. She was just a horny young 21 year old girl. I looked her up and she is now a doctor practicing Psychiatry. The other I met as an escort as well and saw her half a dozen times. She did hundreds of scenes. She was nice and I did a duo with her and a friend at only a little more than her regular rate. She would get bored while touring and I hung out with her a couple of times in the evenenings when she finished all her appointments. These days, a ton of girls have done sex scenes you can find online so the meaning of "Porn Star" is a little different. The sex was good but not that much better that I would pay $1000 per hour for. The last couple of OTC's I did were $300 and as stated by others, it's not an hourly thing with clock watching. Sometimes it includes dinner and drinks but not always.
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    2 years ago
    OTC strippers and escorts with boyfriends/husbands
    I dated an escort for a few years. I met some of her clients and didn't think a whole lot about it. I just looked at it as she did what she did for a living. I had no intense feelings for her but we enjoyed each other's company. A fuck buddy that you actually enjoy spending time with is a nice find.
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    2 years ago
    hiring strippers who look like fashion models
    Bourbon Street in Phoenix seems to favor the tall thin body type, or at least those that appear that way. They still have girls of different body types as well but most of them have the tall thin appearance. I say that they appear tall and thin in stripper shoes. Some, when they take off the shoes, are not so tall but still thin body type.
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    2 years ago
    The Free T-Shirt
    The only give away I've ever kept was a free flashlight from Oz in Clearwater. I thought that it was finally something practical. I kept it in my laptop bag and the first time I tried to use it the batteries were dead. Replaced the batteries and tried to use it a bit later but the batteries were dead again. Turns out the on/off switch was too sensitive and always turning on by itself. Threw away after the second batter drain.
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    3 years ago
    Where else are you a regular at?
    One of the strangest "regular" places I go to, just a couple of times a year, is a bar/restaurant at O'Hare airport. I stop in to grab a Chicago dog and a beer and the servers remember me. The cool thing is that they usually give me a free beer, if I order a second. An airport beer us almost as expensive as an ounce if gold so it's pretty cool. I tend to return to places I like so I'm a regular at places I travel to all over the Us
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Would you bother asking for the manager
    Ski and I were looking at it from a male perspective with what the level of offerings is in private. For a couple, OZ might be your best option for variety since you aren't looking at it the way a man does on his own. As a guy on my own, I prefer Diamond Dolls but that place can be hit or miss and can be heavily populated by Cuban dancers. If you don't like OZ, you can always check Diamond Dolls out. Free cover before 7 and cover wasn't more than $10 last I looked. Ski's suggestion of Bare Assets is in Pasco which allows nude stage dances as well as having alcohol. Clearwater has stricter restrictions being in Pinellas.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Would you bother asking for the manager
    I don't think there would be a big deal either way. I think he would just greet you and maybe ask if you have any further questions and point out the VIP area. OZ is pretty expensive for a single dance, $40 I think, so you would be better off with timed VIP if you decide to go back. OZ isn't my favorite club when I go out that way but it does have the biggest lineup of girls I've seen in the area. You can probably find something to your liking on your own.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Baseball Lockout
    To answer Scrubs questions 1. The two sides are meeting every day this week with little or no progress so far. Owners move in small increments toward players demands and players seem to be standing put with demands not moving towards owners numbers. 2. 1st week of spring training already cancelled with the second week probably being cancelled today or tomorrow 3. Owners released a statement saying that they have a deadline of next Monday to reach a deal before games start being cancelled. At this point, it's hard to see a deal being reached with the gap in proposals from both sides. 4. It's millionaires fighting with billionaires for more money. Both sides have some valid points and both sides are being assholes.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    I think Putin needs the Corn Pop treatment from Brandon. https://imgflip.com/i/3dnaf2
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    While we are a part of NATO, we are only one member country and other countries affect policy to a large degree. In the video below, there were some warnings that have come to fruition now. https://www.c-span.org/video/?448268-1/president-trump-germany-controlled-russia-energy
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Every time I fill up my vehicles, I mumble FJB under my breath to myself. It will be even worse now because of this Russia/Ukraine matter. Even Biden and his minions admit that now. For guys like us that piss away money on strippers, it might not be that big of a deal, but it still pisses me off that we halted so much domestic oil resource development and we now have to go to the Saudis on hands and knees and ask them to produce more oil.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Definition of "wealthy"
    @ Warrior. I'm kind of in the same boat as you. About 18 months ago, I had a different thought about when I might retire than I do now. I will see how it goes in the next couple of years before I set a definite date on retirement.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Day of remembrance for Japanese Americans
    It's funny that you don't hear Asian Americans complaining about racial injustice keeping them from success. They just work hard and have a sense of honor that helps them succeed. They played a big part in ousting the SF school board members that had turned an honors school from merit-based admission to a lottery.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Old School Strip Clubs
    I went to my first strip club while I was in college in AZ in 1981. It was a bikini bar with emphasis on girls having pubic hair hanging out of the bikini. It was called The Squeeze Box. That same location is now called Sugar 44 and still open as a strip club. It had a couple of names in between.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Want To Feel Old Today?
    Maybe getting old but still enjoy the theme songs from Superfly and Shaft. Curtis Mayfield and Isaac Hayes were bad ass! https://youtu.be/rwtTsVOJfhc https://youtu.be/Q429AOpL_ds
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Post Covid SC
    Covid affected both dancers and customers on an individual basis. An infamous dancer that has been mentioned recently lived in a state that had tight restrictions for a few months, but she didn't return for over a year because she had close family that could have a bad result from covid. I had another dancer say the same thing about having to go home to grandma when we had a tiny kiss. Same goes for customers. Some stayed away because they were at high risk for a bad outcome from covid or they lived with someone in that position. Like we are seeing now, if you are young and don't live with unhealthy people, you didn't get affected as much as others. It's the unaffected group that is fighting for getting back to a normal life while telling those that are affected if you need to.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oldest working stripper that you know of.
    Been to S44 in Phoenix and never met "Maverick", or James Garner playing Maverick. There are more than one dancer in their 50s at S44 but none named Maverick. Some clubs will let girls with a reputation work into their 50s as long as they bring in customers. Personally, I don't care. All of us are free to hang out with whatever dancer floats our boat.
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    3 years ago
    New York
    Clubbing in recession vs thriving economy
    I'm not an economist, and didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but with supply chain issues still out there, prices will remain high due to basic supply and demand. Also, oil prices are a big driver on inflation because it touches every aspect of the economy. We see it by paying higher prices to fill up with gas, but business sees it in shipping costs and the price they pay for materials to manufacture goods. On a year to year basis, inflation might flatten out, but it won't bring down prices.
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    3 years ago
    New York
    Clubbing in recession vs thriving economy
    You can probably almost qualify for foodstamps at $900 per week. Definitely can't afford rent and transportation with oil going to $100 a barrel this week.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thinking about trying escorts. Advice?
    The best place is as described above, Theeroticreview. Pay a monthly membership and read the reviews. Go with a girl with a good background in reviews and is reviewed by members with lots of reviews. I say this because, back 10 years ago, Vice went online and posted fake escort and customer profiles to entrap both in San Diego. That being said, there are a lot of reviews with both having good reputations. You can get ripped off if you just go to a website that only advertises escorts. There are legitimate girls on these sites but also some that are scammers.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    VIP sponge bath.
    I had a similar thing at a Nevada brothel a long, long time ago. She practically put my junk under a microscope before she handled it bareback. The times I've had a bbbj in a strip club were totally spur of the moment the handful of times it happened.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Is A Crash Coming?
    Good luck with that jobs message. Biden is already sitting at about 60% disapproval rating without the effects of what a war in Ukraine is going to do to energy prices. The US evacuated the Embassy in Ukraine today and suggested all US citizens leave the country immediately. Gas is already pretty high and heading higher. Germany sold their energy soul to Russia for natural gas and Europe getting hit pretty hard will affect the US in some way.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Tagline? Um ... You're it?
    Is it me?
    Maybe it is you and maybe it isn't. I have lived in a city where the average customer is expected to sit on their hands during dances, there is even a 6' law on the books. However, as I became more of a regular, the trust level went up and I had some adventures in and out of the clubs despite local laws. I travel a lot and have found that, the more you act like you've been in the situation before, the more comfortable the dancers are, and you get offered extras. If you act nervous, they may thing you are wearing a wire or something. So, bottom line, some level of personal confidence helps make dancers open up a bit more. I think that is a general life trick. I have worked in hospitals for a very long time and always found that if you act like you know where you are going, nobody stops to question you. Act like you've been in the situation and I think you will have better luck.
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    3 years ago
    Going to Chicago 😬😬
    I did stay around the airport at a Marriott without a car and walked to dinner without feeling unsafe as well. There are some industrial areas near the airport the I probably wouldn't want to walk around at night, but I didn't notice anything bad by my hotel. Chicago, in general, has blue collar and white collar areas. I guess it depends on the economy in the area you choose. Airports areas are usually travelers, but I didn't hit any clubs when I was in Chicago.
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    3 years ago
    Going to Chicago 😬😬
    Personally, I've only been to the area around Magnificent Mile a few times in the past year. I didn't feel unsafe in that area. I have friends that live in the suburbs of Chicago in Elgin and Tinley Park. These are probably more affluent burbs and not quite so dangerous. There are clubs in or around both areas.