Would love to comply a list of nationwide breastuarants! They can be places that have multiple sites, just don't need people saying the obvious Hooters, Tilted Kilt, Twin Peaks.
Ever been in a Moxie's ? It's actually a Canadian chain that is starting to come into the US. Very good food so it is a restaurant first. But they hire young, attractive girls to waitress and bartend. Then give them a small clothing allowance so they dress very nice. No uniform but the girls are taught to come in sexy cocktail dresses. It works. There is one in Brickell in Miami. The place is packed all the time. Day and night.
Show-Mes is a regional bar with a few locations in Missouri that copied Hooters. Bone Daddy's in the Dallas area is another regional chain with a few locations in Texas.
In some Latin countries they have coffee houses called "Cafe con piernas" essentially coffee w/legs. They have at least one of these types of places in Miami, and I would guess probably some more in cities with large Hispanic populations
The Heart Attack grill in Phoenix had a counter manned (womaned?) by sexy “nurses” and they dresses then in scrubs, high heels and stockings. Then they replaced the flooring material with mirrors. Not sure if it still open but there is one open in downtown Las Vegas - minus the mirrored floors.
The Dallas area is the only place in the country with legit full sized non-chain breastaurants with girls wearing thongs. The Orange County area has a lot of small hole in the wall breastaurants, but they are not the on the same level.
last commentDallas area non-chain breastaurants include:
1. Wild Pitch https://www.instagram.com/fris…
2. Tight Ends https://www.instagram.com/tigh…
3. Rowdy Cowboy https://www.instagram.com/goro…