
avatar for motorhead
And yes, this is appropriate for a strip club board because it’s been my observation strippers have a predilection for vicious breeds, especially pit bulls

Toddler and baby in Tennessee mailed to death by dog…

The stats are shocking.
4.5 million dog bites per year
800,000 are severe enough to get medical attention

As you can tell, I dislike dogs. They probably should be band


last comment
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I have two staffordshire pit bull mixes, and they are the sweetest, most affectionate dogs I have ever seen. True pit bulls, with the cone=shaped heads and triangle eyes, like Spuds McKenzie or the Target mascot, are the goofiest, most fun-loving dogs around. I pity anyone who dislikes or fears dogs.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Sugar baby I used to see had one of these attack dogs. I'm not sure of the breed but he was supposedly trained. First time I went to her place, she asked me to feed the dog while she was getting dressed. So I did. That dog LOVED me. I bet if he had to choose between me and her, he would have picked me. It pissed this girl off to No End. I think she wanted guys to feel uneasy about the dog.

But they are still dangerous to have around. I would never have one. I wouldn't want the liability .

avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
If you really look at fatal maulings, it’s mostly Pitt Bulls that are responsible. They were bred to kill shit. That breed should be banned as it is in parts of canada. I’m all for freedom and all that but most people can’t control their ghetto ass dog and we shouldn’t have to wait for another kid or ederley person to get killed to figure it the fuck out.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
It’s not the breed of dog, it’s the owner. Dogs are great companion animals. Specific breeds need more training to avoid the challenges of certain breeds.

If you are a first time dog owner, it’s important to be honest in how much you can handle. If you don’t know shit about dog training, don’t get a breed that requires more experience than you have.

It’s obvious too many fools have pit bulls. Those owners are likely getting those dogs because they think it will make them look cool (or bad ass). That’s a stupid reason to get a dog.
avatar for kingcripple
2 years ago
mailed to death. seems like it's a mailman issue not a dog issue to me
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
This is one of those topics where changing minds is nearly impossible.

I used to be deeply involved in all-breed rescue in an urban environment. We dealt with numerous pit bulls and pit mixes, along with a very wide range of breeds. And by 'numerous' I mean 'hundreds' per year.

I never had even one aggression incident with a pit bull. In that size range, Chows, Akitas, Rottweilers, and a few other breeds... yes (but I also don't regard those breeds as inherently 'bad').

I'll also note that of the many canine rescues that involved a high degree of abuse, neglect, and starvation I witnessed, most had pit bulls at the center of the suffering. Broadly speaking, pit bulls do not attract the best owners, or those who provide training / socialization.

Pit bulls place near the top with regards to temperament testing in shelter environments. We adopted out *many* pit bulls to families with children and even small children (under 10 YO). Over the course of nearly a decade, not one of our adopted pits came back to us due to aggressive behavior or an attack. We sometimes got them back because they were "bulls in a China shop" and would knock kids over like bowling pins. Some homes do better with less physical breeds.

I also have several friends who have raised their children with nothing but pit bulls without incident. Then again, they gave their dogs basic training and socialization.

In my experience, a big chunk of the people who vilify pits have spent very little time with the breed.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@Call.Me.Ishmael: "In my experience, a big chunk of the people who vilify pits have spent very little time with the breed."

Pit breeds were very popular on farms around where I was growing up. Virtually all of them that I met were <em>protective</em>, not aggressive. And in my experience, they absolutely love kids.

People who rag on pits have never had a run-in with a Chihuahua. Talk about aggressive!
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I'm a cat owner, but all the pitties I've known have been the sweetest dogs.

My old landlord had a half Rottweiler/half pit bull. He'd growl at me through the window, but when landlord opened the door, he'd wag his tail and lick my hands.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Most strippers I know have small dogs. Pomeranians Yorkies...frenchies are the most desired dogs.

Pitfalls should be illegal. Snd especially not allowed in apartments or high density areas. They'll try to attack anyone. Lots of times it's them controlling the owners who can barely hold on to them.
avatar for prevert
2 years ago
Pit bull is not a breed it’s a generic term for a few similar breeds. Untrained and badly trained dogs of ANY breed are dangerous and pits are usually pretty gentle by nature unless treated badly or abused or neglected.

They’re smart too. Easily trainable by someone with training in how to train smart breeds but even untrained pits won’t be a problem when they’re in a good home.
avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 years ago
Like others have stated, I've known a few pibbles and they're the silliest, sweetest goofballs until you fuck with their pack. I'm not even a dog guy, I much prefer cats, but if I had the time for a doggo, it would be a pit.

One of my CFs has two mini Schnauzers. They're about as vicious as a hamster.
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
If you state pitties should be banned, your opinion is based on ignorance. I have had American Pitbull terriers and Staffordshire terriers all my life. They are wonderful dogs. Like all dogs, they should be train for basic skills and most importantly socialized, but you won't find sweeter, goofier, love sponges than pitties.

Look at any old photos of Americana, there is a nanny dog on the porch. It is some variation of a Pitbull. As a kid, I would watch old reruns of Our Gang and Little Rascals. Guess what, Petey was a pittie. Instead of banning dog breeds, how about we just jail assholes that take sweet puppies and turn them into aggressive dogs. Lets also jail assholes that chain social loving animals outside until they go mad from loneliness and neglect. Let's ban the Michael Vicks of the world, not any specific dog breed.
avatar for Goodclubrep
2 years ago
Most dogs and nearly all cats let me be their friend. I think much of the reason involves first impressions, much like people. And, just like people, it's unpredictable but, if the first impression doesn't work, there's usually a relatively easy exit available.
avatar for Trollmahn
2 years ago
I love dogs; got a lab mix & mini schnauzer. The breed that gave me the biggest problem was Chihuahuas. I was also attacked by a pit, saint Bernard, and rottweiler. SB & pit were restrained by owners. Rottweiler I had to escape to my car.

All that said, I have had hundreds of good experiences with dogs of all breeds.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
i’ve never had a problem with the dogs cats pets. but I won’t have any more being single. definitely restricts my ability to travel.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
Dogs have a high tolerance for being treated poorly and still being loyal to their abusers.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
My daughter's family has a pit bull mix, a rescue dog actually. The biggest danger we've ever been in was being kicked to death by her.

That said, I would want to be the person who ever tried to attack one of their kids.
avatar for 623
2 years ago
^ until they’re not

Pit bulls, along with lions, poisonous snakes, hippos (yes they kill people too) should all be banned from domestic situations. Whenever I hear of a dog eating a baby or a grandmother, you can be sure that it was a pit bull and that it was always so sweet and they don’t know what got into him.

Don’t care if it’s the owners fault or not, ultimately it’s the fault of the one with blood on his fur. People who want pits can just as easily find a breed that isn’t the top breed for killing humans. We ban ownership of lots of animals that are lethal.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'Most strippers I know have small dogs. Pomeranians Yorkies...frenchies are the most desired dogs.'

My first thought was WTF then it hit me, iceydougee was speaking of the dogs of his gay stripper boyfriends lulz
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
Strippers being attracted to pit bulls falls in the same category as strippers being attracted to bad boy criminal types or strippers being into drugs. It's an attraction to the excitement of being around something possibly dangerous. People often misjudge how dangerous their dog is. A dog can be quite friendly to an owner but hostile to strangers. That's why there are leash rules in public parks. You don't want each individual dog owner deciding on their own if their dog is dangerous because some of them will have bad judgement. I was badly injured in a dog attack one time on a public sidewalk after a dog owner left home and didn't bother to close the gate door to a fenced in area where the dog was.
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
"Pit bulls, along with lions, poisonous snakes, hippos (yes they kill people too) should all be banned from domestic situations."

Yeah, I am so sick of hearing about infants being stomped to death by the pet hippopotamus the family kept in the bathroom. When will people realize you just can't domesticate a hippo. (Damn, that must be some good weed you're smoking.)

Look, during my lifetime I have seen different breeds get the "needs to be banned" treatment. In the 1960's it was German Shepards will turn on you. In the 1970's Doberman Pinschers would eat their owners if they nicked themselves shaving. In the 1980's it was the vicious Chow-Chows and Shar-peis. The last 20 years it has been the bully breeds. America's nanny dogs.

Bigger dogs have bigger bites and do more damage, but no breed is inherently mean or dangerous. (Except maybe chihuahuas.)

avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
Dogs have been domesticated since cavepeople days. Some historians believe dogs domesticated themselves by hanging around human camps and settlements looking for food. We've have a symbiotic relationship for many thousands of years. Not commenting particularly on pit bulls but dogs on general.

Cats on the other hand are responsible for killing at least tens of millions of wild birds as well as other wildlife every year. They also trespass and poop on other people's property. Keep your cats INDOORS.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago…

^^^At the end of the day you gotta explain that. Genes just play a big part. I hope liberals don't run off and cry on me but it's the very same for humans too. And btw your guys individual experiences with your dogs are statistically irrelevant.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
No, observational data is not "irrelevant." It may be less strong or as controlling as supposed statistical data but it is never "irrelevant."
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I like OPDs (Other Peoples Dogs) over the years especially when my kids were growing up I owned many dogs, I got attached to each and every one, they were mostly wonderful companions and friends, the ability of a dog to pick you up is amazing, but I don't miss having to walk them in the rain or snow, picking up their poop or cleaning up the messes they would occasionally cause, (even the best trained dogs and all puppies have accidents. So fellas and gals, as long as I don't need to be the caretaker I love em all.
avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
Falls in line with making bad choices. Most if not all of the single mothers I’ve met over the last 20 years (including strippers) are underwater with their poor life choices. From the father(s) of their children; the young age in which they became mothers, to adding pets that they can’t take care of correctly (or their children). I’ll mannered and hostile. While I love all dogs, I made a choice not to own one. The time commitment and expense to do it correctly (and I have the means to do so) I would rather invest in making more money, traveling and partying with wild strippers as often as my time allows. The women that take on the extra obligations of animals while they can barely take care of their offspring always astounds me.
avatar for theeastcoast757
2 years ago
What kind of band should the dogs start?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
The only people I've seen with pitfalls are hood rats and white trash.

And I can count the number of times I've seen a trained or well behaved pitbull on one hand.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
^ sadly they can’t play guitar - or video games - as they don’t have thumbs!
avatar for cowboyak
2 years ago
Raising a dog or raising any living thing requires responsibility, discipline, time, and a financial investment. Throw kids into that mix. How many people shouldn’t have kids based on their current living & financial situation?

I made a conscious choice to get an American Pitbull Terrier, exactly because of the ignorance in many of the posts above. Yes many people in public are scared of my dog or won’t let their children pet my dog. It’s fucking idiotic. They have no idea that my dog is the biggest baby. She’s been attacked multiple times by other dogs and simply lays down and lets them bite her. The scariest thing about her is she’ll lick you.

But I also took her to puppy socialization classes, put her in daycare weekly for socialization, take her to the dog park weekly, train her daily, walk her daily, exercise her daily. This all takes time and money and responsibility.

Anyone that gets a dog let alone a pit breed, and doesn’t have time, money, and responsibility to care for it may have a bad situation arise. So how many dancers have what I just described? How many people in general have what I described?

So unless you’ve spent time with these types of dogs in a good environment, you’re completely idiotic for saying the breed is bad. The owners are bad or poor or don’t have time or don’t exercise or don’t socialize their dogs.

They are nanny dogs. Read your history on the breed. My dog is tough as nails. Her tail whips you. She’s a bull in a China shop. But she’s the sweetest thing you’ll ever meet.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
So are you a hood rat or white trash? No one else has pitbulls from what I've seen
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Like Ish said, no one is ever going to change any minds. I am against all breed bans. In the 40s and 50s, the "dangerous" breeds were German Sheperds, Cane Corso, Doberman Pinschers, and Akitas. Why? because American servicemen from WW2 learned a deep fear of these breeds from the Axis armed forces.

In the 70s and 80s it was Rottweilers, thank to Stephen King's _Cujo_.

Pit bulls are regarded as dangers because of a sensationalist article from Sports Illustrated on dog-fighting. Yes, there are a lot of terrible people who got pit bulls because of a falsely earned reputation as a fighting breed. There is some degree of nature involved in their temperament. There is no denying that they have the highest bite force per body weight. But you cannot ban dog breeds because of your own fears and prejudices. Statistics on dog-bites which do not factor in owner behavior and lifestyles as irrelevant to breed behaviors as so-called "observational data." You want to know which breeds have attacked my dogs, unprovoked? A standard poodle, two chihuahuas, and a shih tzu. All four owners were inexperienced and did not know how to train and socialize their animals properly. Would you like to know what the fierce pit bulls did in response to be attacked? Nothing. they ignored the three small dogs, and just stood off from the standard poodle while I held it back. What have they killed? Rabbits, squirrels, and flies. A dog is still a dog.

I recently had neighbors with two Belgian Malinoises and a German Shepherd. All three were trained attack dogs, I watched them doing bite work with a cop in a protective suit. Them and my dogs loved each other. Running up and down the fenceline, play-bowing to each other, no problems. They would even sit down next to the fence and chill with me when I worked on the hedgeline shrubs. However, when other poorly trained dogs from the neighborhood got free and approached their yard, they would do a complete behavioral 180.

My point is you cannot blame breeds. I find it frankly immoral. You may have to put down a dangerous dog, but the owner should face stiffer penalties than are in the laws now.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Pitfalls are considered dangerous because they are
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Nice bigoted comments icee homo, cocksucker faggot liar
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
We once adopted a female german shepherd/chow mixed puppy. We fell in love with her the moment we met, so never gave a thought to how big she might get. Lol. She eventually grew to around 80 lbs. Other dog walkers were afraid of her and would cross the street a half block in advance to avoid us. But the truth is she was the most loving and easy-going dog I ever owned.

My in-laws had two small dogs and one was like a little Napoleon who was overly protective of his house and back yard. When we would go visit, it was funny to watch how our dog that was about four times the size would respect the authority of the little one. Also when my kids were little they would hold her leash and she'd pull them over the snow all around our yard.

I liked to think that if anyone in our family was ever threatened she'd become a super-dog defending us, but I have a feeling that aggressiveness against anyone just wasn't in her nature. Fortunately we never had to find out.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Muddy said "^^^At the end of the day you gotta explain that."

Eh? Muddy, if I'm not mistaken, you've spent some time in the past on the more political threads complaining about the outright biases that exist on media websites like MSNBC, etc. And then you prop up your argument regarding bully breeds using a site like Dogsbite, which is sort of like wading into an debate on race relations using data from a site sponsored by the KKK.

Dogsbite is solely operated to advocate for breed-specific legislation and against all bully breeds. It has a blatant bias and doesn't even try to hide it. Over many years, they've also been criticized heavily for publishing extremely exaggerated (and inaccurate) information and statistics.

Organizations that have regularly disputed data/information published by Dogsbite include the ASPCA, American Veterinary Medical Association, The American Humane Society, The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, the Animal Behavior Society, and the Centers for Disease Control (who continue to strongly recommend against breed-specific legislation).

If you don't like pit bulls, then don't own a pit bull. I won't convince you otherwise. But maybe if you're going to make an argument against bully breeds, then try to use information from a source that isn't aggressively and unabashedly slanted.

So... that's how I explain that.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Over the years I've owned dogs and cats. They both have there good and bad points. What I don't like about dogs is that they are messy and require more attention than cats. I've owned 2 cats that lived to about 20 years. They are not as affectionate as dogs but a lot cleaner.

Do you know why dogs bond with their owners so much more than cats? It's in their DNA. Male dogs in the wild are the only animal that are family oriented. They take responsibility with the female for raising their family of pups. In other breeds the female is left to do it herself.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'Chinese eat dogs'

they eat maggots too so you best be on your toes dipshit faggotmaggot.…
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'My in-laws had two small dogs and one was like a little Napoleon '

Yeah like little man syndrome, trying to make up for general inadequacies.
Exhibit A, that teeny maggot dipshitscrub.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cim you don't really believe that. You just keep posting that pitbulls are sade cuddly loving dogs to stir drama
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
"So are you a hood rat or white trash? No one else has pitbulls from what I've seen"

Maybe get out of your neighborhood once in awhile.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Normal people don't have pitbulls.

The only dancer I ever knew with one was a white trash meth head Trump supporter lulz
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
@Ish feel free to take another source there’s plenty. They will all say the same thing that this small percentage of the dog population that being Pitbulls causes the majority of fatal maulings, any way you slice it. This is not 2nd amendment argument, these fuckers get loose and they are a real danger to the neighborhood. The good people of America should not have to deal with that bullshit.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
If you ban Bullie breeds, the bad guys will just raise Rottweilers. Ban Rotties and they'll turn to German Sheperds. You can ban everything down to toy labradoodles, and there will still be monsters out there to bully them, torture then, and turn them mean.

Breed bans are senseless.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 years ago
If you train your dog to be nice, it will be nice. If you train it to be a blood-thirsty attack dog, it will attack. It isn't rocket science.
avatar for cowboyak
2 years ago
Again 2Icee is an ignorant fuck. I’m neither white trash or hood. That’s how fucking stupid you are. Blind ass mother fucking idiot. Everything is black or white with this idiotic ignorant fuck. Roy in fucking hell.
avatar for cowboyak
2 years ago
Koreans eat dogs too. But ignorant fucks don’t understand the history behind it. Just another ignorant American that has no fucking clue beyond their own selfish understanding.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
I don't have dogs, ew. I am cat owned.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
True dog lovers want a mutt. Creating "pure" breeds just makes the dogs less healthy. More likely to inherit two copies of recessive genes that cause disease.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I'm not for any type of dog being banned. Animals of any type can get triggered into a temporary rage. Look at what happened to Roy Horn and the tiger that had worked with him for years. This is an unfortunate incident that will add fuel to the fire.…
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