Dilemma time! You see a girl on stage you need to talk to. Three guys come up to the girl on stage, no idea what they gave her. You want to be #1 or #2 on the list but not break your wallet. What do you tip on stage?
In general, I'm not one to get into a bidding-war, nor do I like overpaying/overspending (I try to stick to the going-rate for the club vs trying to underpay or overpay) - I'm also a variety-guy vs looking to stick w/ any one dancer on a particular visit thus I rarely get fixated on any one particular dancer.
w.r.t tipping - I try to spend enough to make it somewhat worthwhile for the dancer - e.g. if I get dances, I rarely stop at one "to save $$$": I feel getting just one dance from a dancer is kinda wasting her time - likewise if I tip at the stage I will usually tip b/w $5 and $10 if I want to let her know my interest (a single dollar is not worth much these days)- I feel that's sufficient to let her know I"m into her; if someone else out-tips and she goes w/ him then I just try to find another dancer vs trying to get in some kinda "must have her" competition.
Probably just me, but I think the make it rain thing is just silly. It's all about drawing attention to the tipper and not the girl.
I'll tip a $20 if I want a girl's attention. When you plan to drop a few hundred anyway, it's not that big of a deal. If it doesn't get her, I figure I saved a few hundred.
I don't normally tip more than $20 in singles, and if I do that I'll stay there for part of a song to let her dance up close a little and chit chat. If I know the dancer and want to show her attention up there I'll just tip the $20 bill, unless I want to help her get noticed then I'll get change first.
When the girl like is of getting of the stage, I walk to her and hands her a 20, and compliment her on her performance/show and ask her if she would like to have a “job interview”/audition for VIP. Most smile or laugh and say sure…
A five, two fives, or a ten. Five dollar bill seems to get more attention than five ones, etc. A twenty gets you into the "making it rain" territory, which I think is degrading. Kinda like the CjKent "job interview" approach, but don't know if I could pull it off. Anyway, I prefer to have the dancer bring up VIP first, and see what she has to say about it
I"m with Papi on this. I don't get into bidding wars. And if I staged tipped a $20 only to see her walk over to someone else, then I would feel foolish. I'll tip $2. Two ones is all. But I try to come up with something witty to say when I give it to her. Make her smile. Then make sure she knows I want to spend some time with her. If she has a brain, then she realizes I am her best option. If not, I move on.
I don't get into bidding wars either, but in the environment that is todays realities, I will tip a five, it generally gets noticed favorably and when some of those make it rain types just scatter a bunch of bills seems to not be well received by the types of dancers that attract my attention, a five handed to her with a simple remark, I like the way you look could let me buy you a drink when you get off stage, never seems to fail me.
My go to club, Vivide, does not have a stage. I like that. If the girls want to talk they have to come to me. They have tried a couple of make shift stages but they were poorly constructed and fell apart quickly.
Like others have indicated, I also don't engage in bidding wars. I simply don't "need" to talk to any one girl so badly that I'm going to feel pressure to do something dumb.
If I'm interested in talking to a girl, I may tip a 20. But if guys are already throwing large sums on the stage, I often won't bother. Contrary to how the OP set this topic up, it's often not hard to estimate how much others are tipping. At that point I may change gears and just tip enough to show appreciation for the stage show.
A lot of the guys on this board have been clubbing regularly for a very long time. You don't get to that point without learning some self control and situational assessment skills. I want to be the guy who is valuable enough for many girls to talk to on many nights, but I'm never going to be the sucker or winning lotto ticket on any one night. On those random nights when whales show up and decide to toss Benjis around or tourists/party types spread thousands on the stage(s), I stay in the foxhole and keep my powder dry. There are always other girls, other clubs and other nights.
this is not a competition. i usually tip 2 bucks, but if you want to go the 5-10 dollar route then hey whatever whatever puts you at ease. if that girl approaches you tip her and just ask if she wants to do some dances after her stage set. she then either will weigh her options. do i want to make some guaranteed money or have drinks and maybe make some money with those 3 guys? more often than not the girl will appreciate it that you are straight to the point and right away want to get down to business. if she chooses the 3 guys then i'll just place her down on my list of club choices and move on to next on my list.
the smart thing to do is to do the lappers first and then afterwards head to the 3 guys.
I am similar to some others who have posted here about not getting into a bidding thing for a dancer. My main club has a good variety of dancers, so I’m rarely ever thinking of what others might be paying.
Money definitely talks in strip clubs. But, I don’t see a dancer and think that I need a dance from her, and only her. Many guys have these odd desires for certain dancers, and that can be costly.
If I really needed to get dances from one dancer on stage, I’d approach the stage, take out a $20, and see if she comes over to chat. If she does, I would tip her and ask if she’s interested in dances. But, that’s not a good way to budget your money. It’s also a poor way to make dance choices, if you don’t know what services she provides in the back room.
Expressing interest in dances or a room is much more effective than outtipping other customers. Tip enough to get her attention, tell her you’re interested in her and ask if she has time to come by. It’s not rocket science.
You won't enjoy strip clubs if you fixate on particular dancers. The rational thing would be for strippers to have their boundaries and minimum standards for $, hygiene and politeness, and to try to get (all) the money of the PLs who make the cut. But it's a minority of strippers who do that. The dancer who catches your eye the most is likely to turn out to spend her time in the club being impulsive and rando. Rather than trying to make it worth your while to give her (lots of) your money.
After watching/tipping hundreds of girls over the years, I've noticed almost no correlation between tipped amount and later attention. I just slip my usual $2 into her garter, make eye contact, and engage in some pleasant stage-side convo. In fact, it's tragically funny watching dudes make it rain w/$50+, and all the girl does is scoop it all up and still come over to me afterward. The act of tipping seems to be the attentional watermark. Anything else, especially extravagant raining or throwing dollars on the girl, is just peacocking for other PLs.
OP I know you said "fun topic only", but this is tuscl, we only do fun in the SC 🤣 Like the others, I don't get into bidding wars. I always do the same thing, tip a little bit past normal so it's at least a notable tip, even if other guys are tipping more. Then, when she comes by, "if you're not with a customer, my table is over there, I'd love to buy you a drink and then do some VIP rooms". (rooms, plural, lol). That's it, a lot of the guys just let their tips do the talking for them, I think it helps to let her know your intent to get VIP room.
Like pretty much everyone else, I don't attempt to engage in bidding wars. I don't stage mist/drizzle/sprinkle/rain/monsoon either. Although I did do the hail thing once in Canada, although it was more of a blend of mist & hail since it was only about 15 or so split between loonies and toonies and was agreed upon with the dancer in advance after a conversation about the practice while she was at my table.
To the OP's question, a pair of fives or tens is usually my limit for stage tipping. I find combining a decent tip and asking her to join me or offering to buy her a drink usually does it. I do sometimes suffer from wanting one specific girl in the club, but I'm not one to overly fixate and I'll just move on to another club or another day if she's busy. While its certainly logical for a dancer to go where the money is, I find that the dancers who respond well to guys making it rain or otherwise significantly tipping on stage aren't the types of dancers I enjoy. I'm more interested in dancers who make their money from dances & rooms and try to cultivate regular customers. They tend to respond better to the moderate tip and straightforward invite than other approaches.
Fold dollar bills into tight triangles and then tie them up on the stage and launch them at the dancer field goal style. Guarantee you will get noticed.
If I want to be number one or number two, I sit at the stage for her full set and tip throughout. Of course, you have to be generous and charismatic, so that she will want to spend more time with you. If she's honest, she will let you know whether she has someone to get back to or if you'll be her first stop.
tip what you can afford. Never throw money in the air, you'll just be lost in the crowd. Tip in her hand, bra, panties garter, whatever. If you can afford only $2, do two. $5, do $5. You balling in life and can afford $100, if you want to go for it. Just let her know to come see you (politely) after her stage set. Ultimately though it's up to the dancer and getting in a tipping war you can't afford only benefits the dancer. And unless the dancer has a guy, she'll be unpredictable so prepare to be disappointed if you are.
I don't try to get a dancers attention that much with tips. I usually just want to see them up close and probably topless before buying a dance. 2 is common for me except if a dancer seems to want more and I think people often tip more in same club. I will avoid tipping on stage if others are throwing money around.
I'll just tip them three or four dollars and ask them if they'll do a couple lap dances with me if they have time. Even the most in demand strippers will have slow times and may come over to my table. If they are busy, I pick another girl or, if I don't see anyone I like, I just leave. I have a lot of regulars and often they will head in my direction as soon as I walk in. I don't do any stage tipping at all in that situation.
Having a $2 stage tip noticed by the dancer is very easy.
Approach the stage with a $20 bill, and as she prepares to take the tip tell her you need $18 in change. She'll be grateful to get rid of all those singles she has and while she is counting out the singles you can get a more up close and personal view. Just remember to get the singles before giving her the $20 bill.
I would love to see someone tip a stripper on stage and ask for change. If I saw a stripper making change on stage, probably laugh so hard I'd fall off my chair. I can't argue, it would get noticed. It probably wouldn't have the effect of getting her over to your table, but she'd notice and you'd talk to her on stage.
Some of you Jersey guys might remember this from just a few years ago. Breathless in Rahway used to have weird drink prices where sometimes you'd receive a couple of quarters back in change and they'd be there on the bar next to your stack of cash. Dumbest thing for a strip club - extra work for the bartender and absolutely meaningless in terms of monetary value. As Breathless is notorious for the never-ending tip parade, I would sometimes play a joke on a girl by handing her a quarter. The confused looks I got were priceless.
Often they would instinctively accept it in their hand and then seem to be thinking whether to toss it back on the bar, or else where the hell would they put it since they're only wearing the bra and panties. Of course after just a few seconds I would hand them a couple bucks, revealing that it was a gag, mostly making fun of how stupid it was that there were quarters there in the first place.
Anyway, it was a bit of an icebreaker and sometimes led to the girl stopping by for a drink.
mr. orange. bare elegance LAX used to do the same thing on drinks for many years. on my last visit I don’t remember if I asked the waitress how much the drink was or not but I wouldn’t be surprised still with quarters involved. i usually would give her whatever quarters and then another dollar as tip. maybe I’ll tip the dancer on the stage the quarters next time just to see what happens…
I seldom, if ever, stage tip. I'd become a progressive before even considering making it rain. Seems like a waste. Last daytime visit at desires I am sitting with CF. She goes to stage. She is super-hot. Bunch of guys showing off and the dollars fly. It is pouring out. They laugh with her, talk with her, and make it rain a lot of money on her. Her set ends, she goes out back, changes, comes back in and we go to the patio to vape. She was wicked impressed with the rain. They got her appreciation; I got 2 plus hours of her time.
Ski, tipping is not solely about being flamboyant or noticed, but at the most basic level about rewarding girls who you like watching. It's no badge of honor to avoid contributing to the girls who entertain you. Bragging about abstaining from this common courtesy just makes you look cheap.
So...I broke one of my hundreds into all ones, took a bit of it and "accidentally" skipped it off the back of spent guy's head (he was wearing a cap) as I launched it toward the stage. I then tossed the rest of it in the air as I walked back to the bar and it rained down on the girls...and the dude.
I don't always make it rain, but when I do I rain on your parade lol
last commentw.r.t tipping - I try to spend enough to make it somewhat worthwhile for the dancer - e.g. if I get dances, I rarely stop at one "to save $$$": I feel getting just one dance from a dancer is kinda wasting her time - likewise if I tip at the stage I will usually tip b/w $5 and $10 if I want to let her know my interest (a single dollar is not worth much these days)- I feel that's sufficient to let her know I"m into her; if someone else out-tips and she goes w/ him then I just try to find another dancer vs trying to get in some kinda "must have her" competition.
I'll tip a $20 if I want a girl's attention. When you plan to drop a few hundred anyway, it's not that big of a deal. If it doesn't get her, I figure I saved a few hundred.
I don’t tip on stage, neither sit at the stage.
When the girl like is of getting of the stage, I walk to her and hands her a 20, and compliment her on her performance/show and ask her if she would like to have a “job interview”/audition for VIP. Most smile or laugh and say sure…
so then it’s time to turn on the charm.
If I'm interested in talking to a girl, I may tip a 20. But if guys are already throwing large sums on the stage, I often won't bother. Contrary to how the OP set this topic up, it's often not hard to estimate how much others are tipping. At that point I may change gears and just tip enough to show appreciation for the stage show.
A lot of the guys on this board have been clubbing regularly for a very long time. You don't get to that point without learning some self control and situational assessment skills. I want to be the guy who is valuable enough for many girls to talk to on many nights, but I'm never going to be the sucker or winning lotto ticket on any one night. On those random nights when whales show up and decide to toss Benjis around or tourists/party types spread thousands on the stage(s), I stay in the foxhole and keep my powder dry. There are always other girls, other clubs and other nights.
she then either will weigh her options. do i want to make some guaranteed money or have drinks and maybe make some money with those 3 guys? more often than not the girl will appreciate it that you are straight to the point and right away want to get down to business. if she chooses the 3 guys then i'll just place her down on my list of club choices and move on to next on my list.
the smart thing to do is to do the lappers first and then afterwards head to the 3 guys.
Money definitely talks in strip clubs. But, I don’t see a dancer and think that I need a dance from her, and only her. Many guys have these odd desires for certain dancers, and that can be costly.
If I really needed to get dances from one dancer on stage, I’d approach the stage, take out a $20, and see if she comes over to chat. If she does, I would tip her and ask if she’s interested in dances. But, that’s not a good way to budget your money. It’s also a poor way to make dance choices, if you don’t know what services she provides in the back room.
Eye contact is the best way to get a girl to come over.
That's called stage mist. Not stage rain. 😂
There's stage mist, stage sprinkle, stage rain, blizzard, and then hail (Canada only lololol).
To the OP's question, a pair of fives or tens is usually my limit for stage tipping. I find combining a decent tip and asking her to join me or offering to buy her a drink usually does it. I do sometimes suffer from wanting one specific girl in the club, but I'm not one to overly fixate and I'll just move on to another club or another day if she's busy. While its certainly logical for a dancer to go where the money is, I find that the dancers who respond well to guys making it rain or otherwise significantly tipping on stage aren't the types of dancers I enjoy. I'm more interested in dancers who make their money from dances & rooms and try to cultivate regular customers. They tend to respond better to the moderate tip and straightforward invite than other approaches.
Fold dollar bills into tight triangles and then tie them up on the stage and launch them at the dancer field goal style. Guarantee you will get noticed.
Approach the stage with a $20 bill, and as she prepares to take the tip tell her you need $18 in change. She'll be grateful to get rid of all those singles she has and while she is counting out the singles you can get a more up close and personal view. Just remember to get the singles before giving her the $20 bill.
She'll never forget you. It's a win-win for all.
I would love to see someone tip a stripper on stage and ask for change. If I saw a stripper making change on stage, probably laugh so hard I'd fall off my chair. I can't argue, it would get noticed. It probably wouldn't have the effect of getting her over to your table, but she'd notice and you'd talk to her on stage.
Often they would instinctively accept it in their hand and then seem to be thinking whether to toss it back on the bar, or else where the hell would they put it since they're only wearing the bra and panties. Of course after just a few seconds I would hand them a couple bucks, revealing that it was a gag, mostly making fun of how stupid it was that there were quarters there in the first place.
Anyway, it was a bit of an icebreaker and sometimes led to the girl stopping by for a drink.
Or make it rain lulz
So...I broke one of my hundreds into all ones, took a bit of it and "accidentally" skipped it off the back of spent guy's head (he was wearing a cap) as I launched it toward the stage. I then tossed the rest of it in the air as I walked back to the bar and it rained down on the girls...and the dude.
I don't always make it rain, but when I do I rain on your parade lol