
Comments by mike710 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Greatest guitar solos
    I always enjoyed bands that had less commercial success growing up. A couple of solos I can remember Michael Schenker -UFO "I'm a loser" live Strangers in the night Ronnie Montrose- "I got the fire" Paper Money Some with more success Dickey Betts - "Blue Sky" Eat a Peach Allman Brothers Santana - "Europa" and "Samba pa Ti"
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    7 months ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Things young people have never seen
    I don't smoke but ashtrays on airplanes and the Marlboro Man come To mind
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    7 months ago
    Home prices near you
    No matter the cost, if you have a stable life in one area, it always pays to buy. The down payment is always the big hurdle. I bought a place 26 years ago that is worth 5 times what I paid for it when I bought it. Over that time, my payment became less than what rent would be and I got the tax write offs when i was paying more interest than principal. My parents place, bought in 1969, sold for about 60 times what they paid for it recently. Sure you have to be stable in your life to buy but it pays off in the end.
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    7 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    Florida pair charged with murder after sex-for-hire car theft plot went awry
    Yeah, I wouldn't fuck her if she gave me $800
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    7 months ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    I shouldn't be surprised; but it made me sad...
    While it sounds like you thought you were helping, in your shoes, I wouldn't have ratted her out to family without knowing more than what you seemed to know. To me, confidentiality goes both ways.
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    7 months ago
    Would you bang a porn star?
    I had sex with a handful of girls that did porn. Most only did a few movies. The most famous was Ciera Sage. Ciera was a nice ordinary woman that started as an escort before she got into films. She even called me up while she was in town on tour a few times and we had dinner and hung out. Another nice one only did a few films but I met her before porn when she was 21. The sex with her before and after she did porn was a little different in that she got better at oral after doing porn. She would also make the first call to hook up for basically nothing. I googled her real name a little while back and found out she became a Psychiatrist.
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    7 months ago
    San Diego
    Once upon a time, there were a lot of clubs in the area. But the owner of Cheetahs got convicted of bribing city council and vice subsequently went after the clubs. The bribe was over the 6' rule if I remember correctly. A lot of clubs lost their liquor license. Also, the military starting to breathalyze sailors and Marines coming back on base, cut out the military from partying too hard.
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    7 months ago
    Insurance rates
    My homeowners insurance in CA went up almost 50% on my last renewal. My car insurance has gone up 20% on each of my last two renewals. I've bought a place in a neighboring state and am half way out of CA. If this trend continues, I might look at cutting my losses and getting out completely. At least I'm set up to not pay Greasy Gavin's income tax anymore so I don't pay for bullet trains to nowhere and Healthcare for anyone that manages to make it across the border from a third world country.
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    7 months ago
    San Diego
    San Diego has 2 topless clubs with alcohol. While the six foot rule is officially on the books, it's not practiced. You can get limited contact dances but there's usually eyes close by to assure you keep your hands to yourself. I have a place in San Diego close enough to walk to a new club that has replaced Pure Platinum but haven't been. I don't see a reason to go to clubs in San Diego. There are nude clubs without alcohol, including Cheetahs, that seem to give some mileage. The thing with San Diego clubs is you get more as a regular. In the past, local Vicehas been known to frequent clubs to get enough to close them down. It seems they have toned that down now that they almost closed all the clubs, but the fear of Vice still lingers.
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    7 months ago
    Questions regarding PHX Clubs!
    I've seen people bring luggage into regular bars in the PHX area many times. However, I've never seen it in a strip club. The level of suspicion of your intentions is a little bit higher by default going into a strip club as every club has had their fill of drunk guys doing dumb things. Depending on where you are staying and the time you are leaving, might be a better option to leave your bags at the hotel front desk and go back for them later. If you are staying for a multi day trip, maybe rent a car for the last day. Not saying you will be turned away but I think they would want to TSA your bags walking into a strip club as a stranger.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    How often do dancers ask you for OTC?
    Someone mentioned that it's regional and, as someone who travels frequently, I've found that to be the case. I'm always in Florida as a visitor but will hit the same clubs on my occasional visits. I've lost count of how many times I've been offered to "meet" outside the club. Taken up a few and it always involved sex. In other areas, I get a ton of extras in the club that go all the way to FS. For extras in the club it helps to be a regular but have got extras the first time I met a dancer. My most recent experience with that was with a Hungarian girl visiting from NYC. I remember her saying "who knew" when we seemed to hit it off. In general, I'm usually on my best behavior with new girls but sometimes one thing leads.to another in a short time span.
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    8 months ago
    When did extras become a thing in Tampa?
    I went to Tampa for the first time in 2002. In the first club I went into, I initially sat on my hands like I was in a San Diego strip club. The dancer just stepped back and said "what are you doing"?. She then grabbed my hands and put them on her breast and I became a Tampa fan for the rest of my life. It wasn't too long before I was getting BJ's in the club without even asking. I still make an effort to get to Tampa at least once a year. For a while, I was going 4 times a year.
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    8 months ago
    Stripper/escort/ paid sex worker…. What’s the difference
    @studme53. Briinic on Instagram fits your description of fitness model doing OF porn to a tee
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    8 months ago
    Wrapping her Tits around your d*ck
    5footguy. I'm with you. In one specific case where a dancer started itemizing prices right away, I stopped her handed her money to cover the dance and walked out of VIP.
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    8 months ago
    Big money VIP outcomes
    Don't know if this would be considered VIP, but I've been to a club that charges $300 for 30 minutes. The reason I say I don't know if this counts is that I don't pay anything extra to the girls and each of us gets a drink in the price.
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    8 months ago
    From what I've seen of liberals, they're probably jacking off together on Zoom calls to the videos from the clubs.
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    8 months ago
    The TUSCLer Two Decade Club
    I created an account in 2002 to look up clubs during one of my first trips to Tampa. I just think I'm getting old and it's not a great accomplishment for an account that old. Around that time, I started traveling a lot for work, working long hours on some trips. That left little free time so it was easier for me to arrange escorts to come to my hotel than go out fishing for strippers in a new city. I went numerous years between logins to this site on occasion. During Covid, I had a lot of time on my hands and enjoyed talking about places I couldn't go to for a few months. I'm strictly just going to strip clubs these days.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Clubs in the "deep south"
    I've been to clubs in AL and LA. I managed to have fun but wasn't looking for extras either. One club I went to in LA, Scuttlebutts, was on the MS border. I went to a club on Bourbon Street but I had a bit of an advantage in that I partied with the bartender and his stripper girlfriend the night before after meeting them both on Bourbon Street. My date and I got our drinks comped and the manager even paid for a couple of dances for me. In AL I went to a club in Birmingham and Mobile. I had fun in both but it could have been the situation I was in. Again, just out for fun and not looking for extras.
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    8 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Alternative city?
    You stated that guaranteed sunshine was a prerequisite for your choice of destination. Those that have never lived in San Diego wouldn't know this, but May and June can be quite gloomy in San Diego. The locals call it May Grey and June Gloom. This happens because the desert outside of SD starts to heat up while the ocean has not reached it's summer temperature. Inland, the hot air rises and sucks coastal fog well inland in the SD metro area. This persistent gloom can last for weeks at a time in bad years. Not that it's cold, it's just gloomy and grey all day with temps in the 60's and low 70's. As others have said, there is adult fun to be had not too far from San Diego but the local club scene is one of the worst in the US.
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    9 months ago
    Live Music
    My most memorable was having a dinner table at the Old Waldorf in San Francisco to see Gamma. Our table was front and center of the stage. Ronnie Montrose jumped onto our table jamming away during one of the first few songs.
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    9 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Banshee
    I watched Bosch because I read all of the books. The storyline for a season follows pretty closely to a single book. The same writer is also the writer of the Lincoln Lawyer books and movies. In fact, the main character in the Lincoln Lawyer is Bosch's step brother and the stories tie together at times. Banshee was a good series. Also enjoyed Boardwalk Empire.
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    10 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Remaining anonymous is nearly impossible nowadays
    Maybe Facecheck is the best of what's available, but I tried on a person that I know has at least 4 public instagram accounts and it didn't find her.
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    10 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Go Woke, Go Broke: Ms Universe Edition
    I never watch beauty pageants but men in Playboy magazine caused me to cancel my subscription that I had for a couple of decades. I don't care about what anyone does with their own life but I'm not going to pay to see it.
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    10 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Smoking in the club
    I just sat next to a dude smoking in a Denver club tonight. In my travels around the country it's rare to run into this. I found it annoying to be around. Vaping doesn't bother me but cigarettes are one of the nastiest habits you can have. Might as well fart on me.