Insurance rates

avatar for Muddy
Are your insurance rate going out of control?

I noticed my car insurance has crept up.

I see a lot of insurance companies checking out of Florida, it's too expensive, hurricanes and that roof scam stuff. Can't do it.

A lot insurance companies pulling out of California, the state sets the rates (bad idea) and these insurance companies are saying fuck all that bullshit. Especially with all these wildfires, these companies are no way writing homeowners insurance if your in wildfire territory anymore they know what the deal is.

A lot of people may not understand that when these crazy ass protesters destroy a city, we all got to pay for that. Especially the people in that area. I can only imagine what auto, home insurance rates, are in zip codes where all this wild stuff is going on places like SF, Portland. Or how about commercial property insurance in these places, what does THAT BILL look like.

How has the insurance situation been in your neck of the woods?


last comment
avatar for jaybud999
a year ago
Yeah, mine went up when my daughter hit two cars....and it was her fault. But I don't think that's what you're talking about! :)
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
I can’t remember the exact number but I read recently that in the past 3 years most people’s car insurance went up something like 13%

Nothing had changed to make the increase.

avatar for blahblahblah23
a year ago
My car insurance is too damn high
avatar for 59
a year ago
I believe I saw a news item this week that the average car insurance policy went up 26% over the last year.

There's a December Forbes article that indicated the increase from June 2022 to 2023 was 18%.
avatar for bubba267
a year ago
The biggest challenge is that auto accidents, even minor ones, trigger a call to an injury attorney. The companies wind up settling instead of fighting which everyone pays for....well those with assets and insurance. It's the new lottery here in Atlanta.
avatar for misterorange
a year ago
That's why I have my insurance payments on auto-debit and I don't look at it. Why get myself pissed off?
avatar for JamesSD
a year ago
Insurance companies have always been greedy, but corporate greed has been out of control the past couple years
avatar for ATACdawg
a year ago
Just had our 7 year old Pacifica totaled (while it was parked an unoccupied!), so we elected to have it replaced with a 2023 version, similarly equipped.

What left a bad taste in our mouths was the assessed value was ~$20,400.00, a figure that was fair. However, the offending driver only carried $20,000, the legal minimum in Virginia. GEICO also deducted the rental car from our settlement, leaving us about $900 short. Luckily, we have sufficient resources to absorb this, but it really sucks that insurance companies can still write policies with limits that low when there are a lot of cars that will exceed those values if totalled.
avatar for goldmongerATL
a year ago
Talking about the scamming in Atlanta, about a year ago they tried taking my good driver rates away because they had paid a claim to a driver in an accident that was my fault. Thing is, the accident never happened. They paid a damage and injury claim with zero real evidence. So you just have some sleazy lawyer call them, give bogus info and you get a check. I did get it straightened out but I had to show a plane ticket receipt that I was not even in the country.
avatar for goldmongerATL
a year ago
Oh, and they said it was not worth it to go after the fraud for "only" $30K. They write it off and simply build it into their rates.
avatar for 59
a year ago
Neighbor had his Jaguar SUV stolen from his driveway. Unlocked, keys in the glove compartment. Thieves totalled it 100 miles away exiting the highway for the chop shop. Insurance company fully reimbursed my neighbor.
avatar for mike710
a year ago
My homeowners insurance in CA went up almost 50% on my last renewal. My car insurance has gone up 20% on each of my last two renewals. I've bought a place in a neighboring state and am half way out of CA. If this trend continues, I might look at cutting my losses and getting out completely. At least I'm set up to not pay Greasy Gavin's income tax anymore so I don't pay for bullet trains to nowhere and Healthcare for anyone that manages to make it across the border from a third world country.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
My auto insurance went up 25% when I renewed in November. Part of it was due to buying a new car (2024 Mustang) which increased replacement costs. I shopped and couldn't find anything cheaper. And I am bundling with my home owners policy. Bubba267 got it right.

70% of Americans are shopping for cheaper insurance.…
avatar for rawhide2
a year ago
in the car, you cant even use it as a home office and tell your agent you are fucking your staff in the car.. all you need to say if.. no fucking is going on in the car but your balls need tension released and the agent may help you out
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
Crash rates are up significantly since before COVID. Additionally death rates in vehicle to vehicle crashes have been increasing. Pedestrian killings by motor vehicles are the highest they've been in decades in the USA, and are far above rates in any other developed country.

There are several reasons for this: consumers continue the secular trend towards larger cars, and auto manufacturers are making heavier and heavier vehicles. In many cities (e.g. Boston, NYC, SF, but also smaller places like Burlington VT) the police have quiet quit and aren't enforcing any traffic laws nor are they bothering to investigate many thefts. Huge increases in distracted driving, and also, at least in Mass, people can't stay in their fucking lane.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
I bought a new car in November so hard to compare apples vs oranges but the insurance skyrocketed. I don’t remember such a huge increase the last time I bought a new car.
avatar for BigYansh69
a year ago
Yep. Electric cars are the main culprit, stealing cars/car jacking do seem to be going up as well. But basically, electric car batteries cost too much to replace/check to see damage, so insurance companies just total the car.
avatar for rickthelion
a year ago
Okay, I gotta ask 59ape a question: WTF is wrong with your neighbor?

Not the part about leaving his keys in an unlocked Jag SUV. That is just normal hairless ape stupidity. I’m talkin’ ‘bout the Jag SUV. WTF?

Jaguars used to be cool. Some of my best friends are jaguars and they’re good cats. I’m down with hairless apes makin’ a car named after said cats. But a frickin’ SUV? Really?

SUVs are the antithesis of cool. And a Jag SUV is worse! That’s like starting to drink a big ol’ glass of cool and then deciding to mix in some loser juice. A Jag SUV is the kind of vehicle that Skifredo would buy, if wasn’t a broke ass loser that can barely afford a frickin’ Yugo. ROAR!!!
avatar for captanmellow
a year ago
It pays to shop around at renewal time. Geico jacked my car insurance rates 40 bucks per month and I have a clean record. State Farm gave me the exact same coverage for 76 bucks less per month than the old rate.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
I'm sorry but Joe Biden's figures tell us this is the best economy ever and everyone is doing great, with low inflation.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
Just from an article this morning talking about car sales:

“Auto insurance premiums jumped 20% annually in December…marking the largest increase since the mid-1970s.

Pair skyrocketing insurance premiums with those high monthly payments I mentioned before…and all the other elements of car ownership that have soared recently? It doesn’t look good for affordability.”
avatar for jackslash
a year ago
I blame Rickthelion for giving me all that driving whiskey that resulted in a DUI.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
I was chatting with agent when I bought my new car (State Farm). At least here, they will not write new policies for Kia and Hyundai models with the theft problem
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
Insurance rates are a joke, the insurance industry is a gigantic con scheme, and until the government stops mandating insurance, they will always find a new excuse to increase rates. These con artists always come up with a new excuse, the fault lies with the regulators, not the lawyers, nor the cost of batteries, the true fault is theirs alone (insurance companies), they find it easier to pay fraudulent claims and deny legitimate ones.

It really doesn't matter what they are covering, autos, or homes, or businesses, fraudelent claims are paid off at a rate of 4 to 1 over legitimate claims.

I'll give you an example, a few years back I had an employee make a claim against our workers compensation insurance, this person used a phony back injury to receive weekly paychecks w/o working, we knew this claim was bogus and pointed it out to our carrier, took photos of this person doing things that he claimed he was unable to do, and the carrier never investigated it at all, despite the actual evidence we presented, yet that same carrier, when presented with a genuine medical claim denied payment, and caused such lengthy delays that, the employee who was genuinely injured, needed to borrow money from a predatory loan service just to keep a roof over his family's head.

This was just one example, I've heard many others from fraudulent damage to private homes being paid and legitimate damages needing to hire an adjuster to get paid what they were entitled to, to auto claims being all over the place, a few years back a detective with the NYC police department uncovered a huge fraudulent stolen car scheme, with people all over NYC paying a fee to have cars disposed of, then putting in claims for stolen cars, if I remember correctly the amount paid out was over 12 million dollars, and even though being exposed nobone was ever charged with a crime.

The list goes on and on, and until our government which is charged with regulating this huge industry forces some changes, they will continue to steal from the ratepayers with impunity.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
Insurance rates are going up for vast variety of reasons- increased cost of damages, increased attorneys' fees, jury awards, operating expenses, and good old fashioned Bidenflation.

You should shop for new insurance every year wherever you can (home and auto for most of us).
avatar for rickthelion
a year ago
Jackslash ape, yeah, this rick is really sort of sorry that he told you it would be fun to duct tape a fifth of Jack to your hand and go for a road trip. I mean really…it was kind of funny when you got handcuffed and the cop got Jack all down the front of his pants…so he looked like he pissed himself with Jack. But it kinda went downhill from there. Mea culpa. ROAR!!!
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Insurance is a weird industry and the way it is set up in medical malpractice rates is a large reason why doctors hate lawyers. Under the current claims set up, a doctor who negligently kills a patient, gets sued and pays $5,000,000.00 will not have their premium rise anywhere near wat a doctor who gets sued 5 time and pays out $50,000.00 will pay. Despite a 4.5 million disparity in money paid, the person with 5 claims pays more than the person with one massive claim. As a result, lawyers won't take the small cases because they never settle. By the way, anyone who ever receives a huge personal injury settlement never gives a shit because their life is over. Their heirs rejoice, but as one of my friends typed from his wheelchair _ "I'd give all the money back if just one time I could get up, take a shit and wipe myself, instead of someone else doing it." Dng accident.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
I'm not an insurance actuary, but here goes: cost of vehicles, new and used, has gone up dramatically. Cars are being stolen, broken into, stripped and jacked. The stolen and jacked numbers are way up on many major cities.

In Colorado we have had some really NASTY forest fires the past 14 years that have taken out 1,000s of homes plus big hail storms.

Factor in all this stuff, and rates will go up. And sure, greed factors in. My insurance on my 2022 Outback (new=$43K) w/$1,000 Deductible in Dec '23 was $925 for 6 months, no tickets/no claims for over +10 years. My homeowner's has been about the same for 5 years.
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