O. J. Simpson dead at 76

avatar for twentyfive
Great ball player, his legacy will be tainted by the murders of his wife and Ronald Goldman, and his troubled life.


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avatar for shailynn
a year ago
When I think of OJ I always think of this:


What a dumbass.

I forgot he served 9 years in prison. Seems like a pretty stiff sentence for me - unless the judge was trying to make up for the other crime he committed - DOUBLE MURDER!
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
“I was in Chicago when I didn’t do nuffin”

Good riddance.
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
One good thing that came out of his trial is people saw the cultural divide and dropped delusions about everyone wanting “justice”.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
The defense in that case did their job well, the prosecution fucked up royally. And an acquittal in that case, however galling to the victims' families, was the right thing to do in that instance.
avatar for mike710
a year ago
"If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!"
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
lol - if the races of the victims/murderer were reversed and it was a normal jury, the prosecution would have been sufficient.

I’ll concede it was a weak judge and O.J. bought good lawyers who cynically played the race card to a jury that was receptive to that obscene bullshit.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
Just saw a blurb about him that made me laugh my ass off (I already know I’m going to hell).

“Rest in peace to a legend. He was never afraid to take a stab at something new.”
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
I hope Hitler and Ted Bundy are shoving a pineapple up his ass right now.
avatar for RamPaige
a year ago
I will always remember how divisive his murder trial was. I was still in high school at the time, and when his not guilty was announced, I remember all the black and brown kids in my class roared in cheers, while the rest of us went silent.
avatar for whodey
a year ago
Great athlete but terrible scumbag of a human. Glad to know he is rotting in hell now.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
Who could forgot him in the Naked Gun series? And some truly funny commercials. As a child who grew up watching him in comedies and commercials, it was difficult to imagine him slaughtering two people in cold blood with a knife.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Chris Darden and Marcia Clark were so busy fucking each other they didn't realize how bad they were fucking up the case. They both should have been disbarred. A first year law student wouldn't have let OJ try on the glove.
avatar for DeclineToState
a year ago
->@skibum: "Chris Darden and Marcia Clark were so busy fucking each other they didn't realize how bad they were fucking up the case. They both should have been disbarred. A first year law student wouldn't have let OJ try on the glove."

Clark performed OK, though not nearly as well as one would expect from her reportedly being one of (or the most) experienced murder prosecutors at L.A. DA office at the time. Darden was flat out awful. Judge Ito was a joke and had no courtroom control. Courtroom video feed made it a circus.

avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Anyone ever see The People vs OJ Simpson with Cuba Gooding? It was a phenomenal series. Highly recommend it.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
I almost forgot to post my favorite joke about former Buffalo Bills halfback OJ Simpson. How did the Los Angeles Police know that OJ did not stab Nicole and Ron to death? Because the Bills always choke.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
Drink apple juice, because OJ will kill you.
avatar for RockAllNight
a year ago
Reminds me of something which was popular at the time
Q - what do you call a small taco?
A - Taquito

Q - what do you call a small burro?
A - Burrito

While neither of the answers are entirely accurate, they set up the final question.

Q - what do you call a small judge?
A - Judge Ito, of course.

Lance Ito was only 5’6”
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
The legal system found that he probably did it, but there were reasonable doubts. Seems plausible to me. If I had to choose between having OJ or Mark Furman as a neighbor, I'd pick OJ. Furman seemed more habitually violent, no jealous rage required.
avatar for DandyDan
a year ago
The great irony is that he was considered for The Terminator, but James Cameron didn't think he'd be believable as a killer.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
“Anyone ever see The People vs OJ Simpson with Cuba Gooding? It was a phenomenal series. Highly recommend it.”

Totally agree.

A lot of mistakes were made during the trial, but long before the glove, the case was lost when the idiot DA Garcetti chose to try the case downtown when in should have been tried in Santa Monica.
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
Just saw a barber (apparently a wise sage in the “community”) on the news say, “We remember him as a hero, but “they” turned him into a villain.”

Pretty sure who “they” are.

The “community” will never change and it will always be a place to leave as soon as you can.
avatar for Meshuggah
a year ago
Saw OJ at a strip club in North Miami a couple of decades ago, my buddy had the DJ page Ron Goldman.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ O. J. was buddies with the owner of Deans Gold and he was well known in the club.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Check the 911 calls from other domestic incidents from Nicole Brown https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=…

Just hearing the fear in her voice. That guy was such a piece of shit. Really him getting off was one dumbest things in American history.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
Lots of social media comments and still 30 years later the question of guilt is still divided by race
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