I have been thinking, I keep seeing you guys talking about girls offering you OTC. Is it pretty common for dancers to solicit you to go OTC? I am actually curious.
Maybe for regulars. I'm always the new guy though. Just speaking for me, it's not that common. I usually just go after the really pretty girls so they probably don't need to solicit it.
A few times, but I don't ask about extras, and I'm not chatty; probably happens more to extroverts who ask for things risky to do in the club. I've never followed through, though I've thought about it. Maybe with the right dancer--someone who seems trustworthy.
I get extras all the time, but they don’t offer otc in general. One time there was a dancer I was trying to work out an itc meet with but she kept deciding last minute to not make the trip from Tacoma to seattle. She finally offered me to visit her place in Tacoma where she could “host”. There’s no way I’m going to some rando Tacoma incall, that’s a great way to get stabbed and robbed.
It is club dependent and seasonal, but yes it’s not uncommon to me in many of the local clubs. It’s more common from the dayshift girls, and generally is offered by girls that I’ve interacted with before.
I've only been offered FS OTC once in the US. But that's offered pretty frequently at the Brass Rail in Toronto.
As far as actually doing OTC, I've never taken my dick out. Only one really went further than in the club. I only remember one where she was the one who brought it up first. I didn't ask her, because she I knew she had a serious boyfriend.
Only had a dancer bring it up unprompted once. That was a dancer that I had done fs itc with several times. After we finished a session in the vip she said that it was her last week at the club and gave me her number and said that we could always meet up somewhere else outside of the club for the same fun.
I have had a few girls offer to meet otc when I offered money for itc fs. Usually they would say something like "we can't do that here because they have cameras and I'll get fired, but for the right price I can meet you at your hotel after I get off."
Never had one offer otc without me at least asking for extras itc first.
Someone mentioned that it's regional and, as someone who travels frequently, I've found that to be the case.
I'm always in Florida as a visitor but will hit the same clubs on my occasional visits. I've lost count of how many times I've been offered to "meet" outside the club. Taken up a few and it always involved sex.
In other areas, I get a ton of extras in the club that go all the way to FS. For extras in the club it helps to be a regular but have got extras the first time I met a dancer. My most recent experience with that was with a Hungarian girl visiting from NYC. I remember her saying "who knew" when we seemed to hit it off. In general, I'm usually on my best behavior with new girls but sometimes one thing leads.to another in a short time span.
I’ve found it pretty common. Usually after getting to know the gal somewhat and they’ve gotten to know me and get a pretty accurate sense that I’m down. It seems the less pushy about it but the more I give off the sense that I’m not new to mongering, the more apt they are to bring it up.
Twice (both times offered to me), that was within a 14 month span, with about a visit every 3 to 4 weeks. IMLE, you need to be at least a bit established, you’ve shown you’ll spend $$, you dress decently or better. It all started with the cell phone number being shared.
If a dancer is 8 or above, I ask her about OTC. About 1/2 say yes and about 1/4 give a noncommittal answer like "I need to get to know you better."
I don't remember any dancer being the first to propose OTC. However, I've known several dancers who prefer to come to my home. One girl used to stop at my house on her way to the club. Of course, I pay more for OTC than ITC.
I am a regular at a club that does have some dancers that do OTC. They typically ask at least $500. I am not a player at that level, so I the offers stop quickly.
Out of the blue, without any prior discussion or prompting? Only twice. One wasn't someone I would have asked though, so I didn't accept. The other turned out to be fun for about a year.
I had one dancer comment to me that she prefers to be asked, because if she asks then it's not unusual for the customer to think (A) she's desperate for cash and he can get bargain basement prices or (B) she's desperate for the customer's dick (as opposed to cash) and that leads to complexity and drama.
As we frequent a lot of the same clubs, my answer is similar to 25's. It depends but it's fairly common overall. That is assuming you're talking about a dancer initiating OTC with me for the first time.
At clubs where the room cost is low, dancer competition is low, AND extras are common, its pretty rare they bring it up. At clubs where either the room cost is high, dancer competition is fierce, OR extras aren't really an option, it's pretty common. Even moreso when more than one is true. I think house fees and schedule limitations also play a role here; low fees and flexible scheduling keeps girls ITC. High fees and rigid scheduling requirements encourage OTC. But I'm less in tune with the fee and schedule stuff, so its hard for me to say for sure.
The season also plays into it; during tourist season when the clubs are generally much busier dancers are much less likely to bring up OTC. Out of season, when things are slower, it's pretty common.
Other things seem to trigger it too. Girls I see more than 3/4 times very often bring it up. Girls who see me go home with a girl after her shift, drop off a stripper at the club, or come in with an off duty stripper will also very often bring it up. Similarly, girls who talk to club employees who know I see girls OTC do the same. Like the girls who often sit outside with the valet guy and talk to him, or the girls who are friendly with the bartenders.
If you're talking about a dancer I've already seen OTC being the one to initiate a specific instance, the answer is different. That's common as fuck. Almost every girl initiates repeat OTC visits after the first one, they'll often offer incentives to increase the frequency or do it on a day they prefer. A lot of girls will do this months or even years after I've talked to them and or after they've quit dancing.
^ I was gonna say even if Muddy walked into the club with $100 bills stuffed in the zipper of his pants there still aren’t any strippers offering him OTC!
Yes I've been offered OTC at times, often by dancers I just met. I've taken some up on the offer, passed on others because they expected too much or I didn't have interest in them. A few times the logistics of meeting up didn't mesh, a couple of those times I was really bummed because the girls were really hot. Oh well
I’m surprised at the number of posters who have indicated it’s not that common. Based on my experience, I would have thought it happens fairly often.
I don’t club regularly, in part because I have to do so when I travel to different regions of the country and even in-state, I never visit clubs within a 60 mile radius of where I live. Because of that, I have very few regulars – anywhere – who know me, but even in a new-to-me club, girls can see I’m someone who’s friendly and has money to spend.
That said, offers for OTC come my way with some frequency. They’re not always from girls I’m interested in, and often times I can’t make it work for a variety of reasons – like I’m on my way out of town in an hour, or I have an early flight the next morning and don’t want to wait for the girl to get off work at 4:00 a.m. – and hope she actually shows up at my hotel. But when the stars have aligned properly, I’ve done OTC more than a few times, have never paid more than $300 for an hour or two of unbridled fun, and have never regretted doing so.
One afternoon I met a girl for the first time at a club where she was actually not “on duty” – she did work at the club, but had only stopped in that afternoon to chat with some of the girls. We met at the bar and talked a bit. She said she was “not on the clock, but I live alone and my place is about eight blocks away.” It was $200 for unlimited fun, and I have since visited with her at her place a couple more times when I was passing through her town. Another girl I met one time at a club and did a VIP with suggested we meet OTC, and I’m about to see her again OTC for the third time when I visit her city.
Anyway, all these times I just described were suggested by the girls, not me. I’m not saying it happens every time I visit a club – and *certainly* not with every girl – but I would not have considered it a rare occurrence. I guess some girls know a good thing when they $ee it. 😁
I haul my commercial lawn mower to clubs in the back of my pickup and it's first come first serve for dancers who want their grass cut. Provided they are hot and don't remove their heels. :)
For the record, I never bring up OTC and rarely, rarely hint at ITC. I almost always let the girl bring it up. Back to OTC, I've been offered, unprompted, more times than I can count, but then again, I have been hitting the places that are known extras.
Hahaha yeah Tacoma I always hear bad about. I talked to one sales guy that told me he literally got held up at gunpoint there while going there for one of his sales accounts or whatever LOL
Ok, so the consensus i am getting from this discussion is that this is all over the place and depends on your circumstances and location. Got it. I was just curious lmfao.
IME it's definitely much more common in extras clubs. I guess some girls figure that, once the cash for sex hurdle is cleared, they might as well get the club out of the middle. In my younger years, when I was more willing to do those sorts of things ITC, it was very common for a girl to give me her number and offer to meet me OTC on another night.
In stricter clubs IME it is rare for a dancer to make the offer first. The only two times I can remember if happening involved traveling dancers who were striking out ITC and, because they were just passing through anyway, didn't really care.
Now I've had a number of dancers in the stricter clubs over the years surprise me weeks and sometimes months after they initially declined to let me know, out of the blue, that they reconsidered. But I don't count those since I'm the one who initially broached the topic, even if it was months earlier.
First time was from a dancer I knew quite well. She mentioned that she also worked providing private fetish parties in Boston. The clientele was upscale. I would be her guest and she would introduce me to the other girls working. If I saw something I liked, I could participate otherwise it was O.K. if I just observed. I believed her, but politely declined saying it just wasn't my cup of tea. Also, I feared for my life.
Second time was from a dancer I met the first time. As we were making small talk, she asked if I was interested in OTC. Yes, I was and wanted to know the details. She said she could lose her job at the club if she was overheard and suggested we go somewhere more private to talk. O.K. where? She said we could do a couple of VIPs and talk there. Yea, nice try. ROB must have thought I was born yesterday.
I've never even asked regs, but not knocking it. Sounds like good business sense lol.
I actually don't believe any clubs are strict. I've worked at a lot of clubs and they all claim there's no this or that and yet it's been false at every last one of them. It's more like maybe there might be no touching in the dance area enforced by a certain staff member if they happen to be at work and watching. lmfao!
From dancers I have already met OTC? nearly every time I see them in the club.
From dancers I have not met OTC? It is common in a few of the clubs. they know I to do this and am known to be safe. In other clubs, often enough it doesn't surprise me and isn't noteworthy.
Rare for me in the US (in an extras uncommon area). Every time it has been the first time I've seen her, and all but one time it was not a girl who regularly danced at that club (travel dancer). In Canada, quite frequent.
I've only been flat out asked by a dancer one time for take out. I've been sized up by a few dancers for take out in slow clubs (with a large take of the in club activities), but purposefully have failed the interview process. A hotel nearby would seal the deal in a few clubs I've been in.
Probably 5-10% of first encounters. A little higher counting first encounter VIPs only. I've got some regulars locally I try to keep in active rotation, one of whom we've taken the club out of the picture for quite some time, so I otherwise don't have a lot of repeat encounters with local dancers. Apart from her, I've only followed through on the OTC offers a handful of times, but I have the names and numbers handy just in case.
Frequently due to my bank roll. However, I’m definitely not flattered when they ask me for OTC. Girls who are that bold are typically volume girls and are typically escorts before strippers. Which means they ask every other guy they deem has money. It’s definitely not because they are “attracted” to you.
I'm like @muddy and @eastcoaster in that I'm usually traveling, not a regular anywhere. So it's infrequent that I've been offered OTC.
But it has happened to me a few times. Usually after I've spent a decent chunk of cheddar in the club.
I think there's a weird inverse ITC/OTC axiom to be had here. In my limited experience, one is more likely to be offered OTC at a club where ITC extras are not available. At an extras club, the dancers just want you to come back to the club, no need for OTC offers.
RonJax2 said, “In my limited experience, one is more likely to be offered OTC at a club where ITC extras are not available. At an extras club, the dancers just want you to come back to the club, no need for OTC offers.”
Though I generally agree with this, I think there are other things that may enter into the equation.
As I’ve read the ongoing discussion here, it has occurred to me that my experience of getting a good number of unsolicited offers for OTC is skewed because – thanks to TUSCL reviews – I pretty much only go to clubs where extras are known to be available. That said, among the reasons there *might* be a need for OTC offers in an extras club are:
1) Extras ITC might mean a BJ or HJ, but for a number of reasons, a full service experience might not be possible in that particular club (e.g., Playhouse Lounge).
2) At Vivide – a club where FS is readily available – it costs $60 to the house for 30 minutes in the VIP and $200 to the dancer. I don’t know if the dancer gets to keep the entire $200, but certainly she has to pay tip-outs and other fees. Whatever you’re paying for OTC fun, the dancer gets to keep 100% of it. In my most recent OTC session, I paid $300 for more than two hours of everything imaginable in my hotel room. To me, that seems like a win-win.
I don't see much difference in frequency in offers based on the availability of extras at that club.
The dynamics driving the offer being made are very different, as is the nature of the pitch, but the frequency is very similar. I spend less time at the non-extras clubs, so I get less offers and have less confidence about why, but percentage wise I think its the same.
I can tell you at the extra friendly clubs where I frequently get proposals, the girls know what they typically make in a shift. And for the non-prime shifts, their typical net is somewhat less than what I'll pay. Doubly so out of season. Once they determine I'm a decent customer the math is simple. By decent customer I just mean I pay without fuss, I'm non violent, clean, etc. The economics work for both of us, by cutting out the club and all the fees they get from both of us I can pay less while she earns more.
I don't want to go too off track, but there's tons of other non-financial or not directly financial reasons OTC works for girls even in clubs where ITC is available.
To squarcastle's point, my experience is almost exactly the opposite. I wouldn't call any girls at those clubs "low volume" in absolute terms, but I find the ones asking me to do OTC are the less high volume, less escorty girls. They want to come spend the day or overnight and have a more natural feel about it. They don't want to feel or be treated like whores. Maybe there is some self selection there, as I don't like the mechanical escort/fuck machine type girls and as soon as I realize that's what I'm talking to quickly end the conversation. So, those girls have less opportunity to ask me. The pitch is never "I'll come fuck your brains out for a xxx hours for xxx dollars" its usually "next time I'll come to your house instead of you coming here"
^ My experience is similar usually it’s a gal with whom I see frequently at the club suggesting that we get together away from the club and for the reasons you stated that it feels less transactional, which reinforces their self image of not being a whore.
I have had 5 otc girls. Second one offered me her number but i passed, but asked for it a week later. She was the best. The next 3 after she disappeared i got their number by asking. 2 of them i dont think were experienced with otc.
Just had a timely experience relative to this topic and it was a learning experience for me. I hit a club which is at least twice as far from my office (home base for afternoon mongering locally) as the clubs I normally visit. 40 minute drive each way with no traffic. Encountered a dancer who I quickly realized was somebody I'd like to try to work into regular rotation, in spite of the distance issue. Session was so torrid we had a few minutes left over in the half hour for quiet chit chat while resting.
I almost never ask the dancers for phone numbers, but did so in this case, because the only way she could work out as a regular is if I knew she would be ready and waiting when I arrived. I didn't want to arrive and end up cooling my heels because she was only 5 minutes into a half hour VIP. I didn't go into all of that with her, but just said I wanted to be able to make sure she was working. I could sense her reluctance (she basically said she always works at her scheduled times) so I didn't push.
I returned a few days later and she immediately peeled away from the guy she was sitting with at the bar and we headed back for another great session. Afterward, I mentioned that I had sensed her previous reluctance about giving out her number but explained more specifically why I was asking for her number. She not only gave me the number, but told me she was up for doing anything, anytime and anywhere. (This has even more potential than usual in her case, because her home is really close to my office, and she works limited hours at the club).
Our "negotiations" prior to the first VIP had consisted exclusively of her cooing "I'll take care of you and then you'll take of me" in my ear while stroking me OTP barside. I hadn't performed my side of the bargain (the financial side) at the time when I'd originally asked for her number, so apparently receipt of the phone number (and all the opportunities that came with it) had been contingent upon me demonstrating that I was a financially capable "caretaker". So, as is usual, timing is everything.
last commentAs far as actually doing OTC, I've never taken my dick out. Only one really went further than in the club. I only remember one where she was the one who brought it up first. I didn't ask her, because she I knew she had a serious boyfriend.
I have had a few girls offer to meet otc when I offered money for itc fs. Usually they would say something like "we can't do that here because they have cameras and I'll get fired, but for the right price I can meet you at your hotel after I get off."
Never had one offer otc without me at least asking for extras itc first.
I'm always in Florida as a visitor but will hit the same clubs on my occasional visits. I've lost count of how many times I've been offered to "meet" outside the club. Taken up a few and it always involved sex.
In other areas, I get a ton of extras in the club that go all the way to FS. For extras in the club it helps to be a regular but have got extras the first time I met a dancer. My most recent experience with that was with a Hungarian girl visiting from NYC. I remember her saying "who knew" when we seemed to hit it off. In general, I'm usually on my best behavior with new girls but sometimes one thing leads.to another in a short time span.
It all started with the cell phone number being shared.
I don't remember any dancer being the first to propose OTC. However, I've known several dancers who prefer to come to my home. One girl used to stop at my house on her way to the club. Of course, I pay more for OTC than ITC.
I had one dancer comment to me that she prefers to be asked, because if she asks then it's not unusual for the customer to think (A) she's desperate for cash and he can get bargain basement prices or (B) she's desperate for the customer's dick (as opposed to cash) and that leads to complexity and drama.
At clubs where the room cost is low, dancer competition is low, AND extras are common, its pretty rare they bring it up. At clubs where either the room cost is high, dancer competition is fierce, OR extras aren't really an option, it's pretty common. Even moreso when more than one is true. I think house fees and schedule limitations also play a role here; low fees and flexible scheduling keeps girls ITC. High fees and rigid scheduling requirements encourage OTC. But I'm less in tune with the fee and schedule stuff, so its hard for me to say for sure.
The season also plays into it; during tourist season when the clubs are generally much busier dancers are much less likely to bring up OTC. Out of season, when things are slower, it's pretty common.
Other things seem to trigger it too. Girls I see more than 3/4 times very often bring it up. Girls who see me go home with a girl after her shift, drop off a stripper at the club, or come in with an off duty stripper will also very often bring it up. Similarly, girls who talk to club employees who know I see girls OTC do the same. Like the girls who often sit outside with the valet guy and talk to him, or the girls who are friendly with the bartenders.
If you're talking about a dancer I've already seen OTC being the one to initiate a specific instance, the answer is different. That's common as fuck. Almost every girl initiates repeat OTC visits after the first one, they'll often offer incentives to increase the frequency or do it on a day they prefer. A lot of girls will do this months or even years after I've talked to them and or after they've quit dancing.
I've taken some up on the offer, passed on others because they expected too much or I didn't have interest in them.
A few times the logistics of meeting up didn't mesh, a couple of those times I was really bummed because the girls were really hot. Oh well
I don’t club regularly, in part because I have to do so when I travel to different regions of the country and even in-state, I never visit clubs within a 60 mile radius of where I live. Because of that, I have very few regulars – anywhere – who know me, but even in a new-to-me club, girls can see I’m someone who’s friendly and has money to spend.
That said, offers for OTC come my way with some frequency. They’re not always from girls I’m interested in, and often times I can’t make it work for a variety of reasons – like I’m on my way out of town in an hour, or I have an early flight the next morning and don’t want to wait for the girl to get off work at 4:00 a.m. – and hope she actually shows up at my hotel. But when the stars have aligned properly, I’ve done OTC more than a few times, have never paid more than $300 for an hour or two of unbridled fun, and have never regretted doing so.
One afternoon I met a girl for the first time at a club where she was actually not “on duty” – she did work at the club, but had only stopped in that afternoon to chat with some of the girls. We met at the bar and talked a bit. She said she was “not on the clock, but I live alone and my place is about eight blocks away.” It was $200 for unlimited fun, and I have since visited with her at her place a couple more times when I was passing through her town. Another girl I met one time at a club and did a VIP with suggested we meet OTC, and I’m about to see her again OTC for the third time when I visit her city.
Anyway, all these times I just described were suggested by the girls, not me. I’m not saying it happens every time I visit a club – and *certainly* not with every girl – but I would not have considered it a rare occurrence. I guess some girls know a good thing when they $ee it. 😁
Ok, so the consensus i am getting from this discussion is that this is all over the place and depends on your circumstances and location. Got it. I was just curious lmfao.
In stricter clubs IME it is rare for a dancer to make the offer first. The only two times I can remember if happening involved traveling dancers who were striking out ITC and, because they were just passing through anyway, didn't really care.
Now I've had a number of dancers in the stricter clubs over the years surprise me weeks and sometimes months after they initially declined to let me know, out of the blue, that they reconsidered. But I don't count those since I'm the one who initially broached the topic, even if it was months earlier.
I've brought it up probably 10+ times. Batting average 50% or so.
First time was from a dancer I knew quite well. She mentioned that she also worked providing private fetish parties in Boston. The clientele was upscale. I would be her guest and she would introduce me to the other girls working. If I saw something I liked, I could participate otherwise it was O.K. if I just observed. I believed her, but politely declined saying it just wasn't my cup of tea. Also, I feared for my life.
Second time was from a dancer I met the first time. As we were making small talk, she asked if I was interested in OTC. Yes, I was and wanted to know the details. She said she could lose her job at the club if she was overheard and suggested we go somewhere more private to talk. O.K. where? She said we could do a couple of VIPs and talk there. Yea, nice try. ROB must have thought I was born yesterday.
I actually don't believe any clubs are strict. I've worked at a lot of clubs and they all claim there's no this or that and yet it's been false at every last one of them. It's more like maybe there might be no touching in the dance area enforced by a certain staff member if they happen to be at work and watching. lmfao!
From dancers I have not met OTC? It is common in a few of the clubs. they know I to do this and am known to be safe. In other clubs, often enough it doesn't surprise me and isn't noteworthy.
If you think it's frequent at BR, try Zanzibar.
But it has happened to me a few times. Usually after I've spent a decent chunk of cheddar in the club.
I think there's a weird inverse ITC/OTC axiom to be had here. In my limited experience, one is more likely to be offered OTC at a club where ITC extras are not available. At an extras club, the dancers just want you to come back to the club, no need for OTC offers.
Though I generally agree with this, I think there are other things that may enter into the equation.
As I’ve read the ongoing discussion here, it has occurred to me that my experience of getting a good number of unsolicited offers for OTC is skewed because – thanks to TUSCL reviews – I pretty much only go to clubs where extras are known to be available. That said, among the reasons there *might* be a need for OTC offers in an extras club are:
1) Extras ITC might mean a BJ or HJ, but for a number of reasons, a full service experience might not be possible in that particular club (e.g., Playhouse Lounge).
2) At Vivide – a club where FS is readily available – it costs $60 to the house for 30 minutes in the VIP and $200 to the dancer. I don’t know if the dancer gets to keep the entire $200, but certainly she has to pay tip-outs and other fees. Whatever you’re paying for OTC fun, the dancer gets to keep 100% of it. In my most recent OTC session, I paid $300 for more than two hours of everything imaginable in my hotel room. To me, that seems like a win-win.
The dynamics driving the offer being made are very different, as is the nature of the pitch, but the frequency is very similar. I spend less time at the non-extras clubs, so I get less offers and have less confidence about why, but percentage wise I think its the same.
I can tell you at the extra friendly clubs where I frequently get proposals, the girls know what they typically make in a shift. And for the non-prime shifts, their typical net is somewhat less than what I'll pay. Doubly so out of season. Once they determine I'm a decent customer the math is simple. By decent customer I just mean I pay without fuss, I'm non violent, clean, etc. The economics work for both of us, by cutting out the club and all the fees they get from both of us I can pay less while she earns more.
I don't want to go too off track, but there's tons of other non-financial or not directly financial reasons OTC works for girls even in clubs where ITC is available.
To squarcastle's point, my experience is almost exactly the opposite. I wouldn't call any girls at those clubs "low volume" in absolute terms, but I find the ones asking me to do OTC are the less high volume, less escorty girls. They want to come spend the day or overnight and have a more natural feel about it. They don't want to feel or be treated like whores. Maybe there is some self selection there, as I don't like the mechanical escort/fuck machine type girls and as soon as I realize that's what I'm talking to quickly end the conversation. So, those girls have less opportunity to ask me. The pitch is never "I'll come fuck your brains out for a xxx hours for xxx dollars" its usually "next time I'll come to your house instead of you coming here"
Then Again, I'm $ Budgeted & Can't
Tip Really High Anyway ⚡
📱 📱 📱 🎶 🎶 🎶
I almost never ask the dancers for phone numbers, but did so in this case, because the only way she could work out as a regular is if I knew she would be ready and waiting when I arrived. I didn't want to arrive and end up cooling my heels because she was only 5 minutes into a half hour VIP. I didn't go into all of that with her, but just said I wanted to be able to make sure she was working. I could sense her reluctance (she basically said she always works at her scheduled times) so I didn't push.
I returned a few days later and she immediately peeled away from the guy she was sitting with at the bar and we headed back for another great session. Afterward, I mentioned that I had sensed her previous reluctance about giving out her number but explained more specifically why I was asking for her number. She not only gave me the number, but told me she was up for doing anything, anytime and anywhere. (This has even more potential than usual in her case, because her home is really close to my office, and she works limited hours at the club).
Our "negotiations" prior to the first VIP had consisted exclusively of her cooing "I'll take care of you and then you'll take of me" in my ear while stroking me OTP barside. I hadn't performed my side of the bargain (the financial side) at the time when I'd originally asked for her number, so apparently receipt of the phone number (and all the opportunities that came with it) had been contingent upon me demonstrating that I was a financially capable "caretaker". So, as is usual, timing is everything.