
Are These Good Rules for Having Fun In Strip Clubs?

Thursday, November 3, 2005 5:33 PM
Guys, I'm thinking of posting this on the pink site. What do you think? 1) Never bring in more money than you will regret spending. Credit/debit cards stay at home. 2) If a stripper talks to you, compensate her for her time. She was nice to give of herself when she could have been selling to someone else. 3) Don't ask strippers for extras. It's rude. 4) Don't ask strippers for private shows. It's rude. 5) Don't ask strippers for dates or phone numbers. It's rude. 6) If you think a stripper might want to date you take no proactive action yourself: Continue to buy dances from her as usual, and wait to see if you are right. Strippers will let you know on their own well before your money runs out. Do not ask them directly about it either: That is rude and spoils "the fantasy". 7) If a stripper tells you untrue things realize that it is "fantasy". Do not employee prejorative words like lying, fibbing, misleading, manipulation or others when you think about or discuss it. You paid for fantasy and got it, it's your own, fault, sucker... 8) Never try to employ some "fantasy" back on strippers: That's jut plain rude. 9) Only talk to strippers you would buy dances from. On the other hand don't be rude to ones who are nice enough to talk to you by telling them you don't intend to buy dances. 10) Realize that strippers will treat you well if you treat them well. 11) (In conjuction with 10)) Realize that strippers realize that guys who are spending money on them are treating them well. 12) In general be a nice guy. Strippers, like most women, like and respect nice guys. 13) Dress well. Make sure your breath is fresh and your clothes smell good. 14) Don't cum in your pants, or if you accidentally do, don't ask for another dance after that. 15) Complement strippers. Strippers love complements since most customers are just jerks who are rude to them.


  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    These rules made me wonder, is it: Another guy going to suck up to the strippers on the pink site? Or is it more like a wolf in sheep's clothing before the wolf attacks and eats some prey on the pink site?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Damn, I actually like the Chargers. Don't toy with my affections further lousybuck. (I started to like the Chargers when Flutie played there). Chandler, I think I understand, although I expressed it poorly in my last post. Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck. Be yourself, have fun. The moment you try to start posing you get in trouble.
  • lousybuck
    19 years ago
    i was makin' a joke with the raider thing. for the record, i hate the raiders but i do go to one game a year. go chargers~
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    AN: I did mean that. At the risk of confusing (and boring) anyone further, I'll try it again: My attitude is close to yours, AN. Neutrality until shown otherwise. However, I think the cynical attitude is better than the vain attitude, and in fact, I resort to it whenever I realize that vanity is interfering with my having fun. "So what if they think we're all losers. There's no use trying to control it, so be glad they hide it so well, and party on."
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Damn lousybuck. I have to hate you now. You see, I'm a Steelers fan, and well, the Raiders are evil.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    On, good post other than the Raiders thing. I agree that it's not that complicated in most cases. The tricks are in how to spot and encourage the HM girls and clubs.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    AN: When I say "better to assume the worst", I mean that's better than being self-absorbed, always concerned with how you're coming off. Almost anything is better than that. When I catch myself falling into that pattern, my cynicism helps me snap out of it.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I understand now. I assumed you meant the worst from the strippers.
  • lousybuck
    19 years ago
    Anytime I leave the house, I'm hygenic and polite (unless I'm going to a Raider game~). When I get to a club, I pay young girls to rub their bodies on mine. High milage girls rub more, low milage girls, less. I might be able to change the dynamics 1% by studying and debating the rules but generally, they want cash and I want rubbing and the only 'game' in this is figuring which are HM and which are LM before my cash is pressed into the palm of said girl. That being said, it is fun to talk about strippers even though I don't think they are the most complex organisms on the planet. It's supply and demand: We supply cash and they demand more cash~
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    chandler, I largely agree, but I don't think I have to assume the worst. I assume they neither like or loathe me anymore than I did my customers when I was a bartender. I'd keep it neutral, treating them courteously until their behavior modified my opinion. I'm sure strippers do much the same. I doubt they'd hate you till you gave them a reason, but even then they'd treat you well as long as the tips are coming. As usual, there are exceptions. I think you are just a bit more cynical than I am.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Possibly the most foolish attitude you can bring into a strip club is to worry about what the strippers think of you. The only thing more foolish is to let that determine your behavior in the club. It's better to assume the worst and be glad the strippers have the courtesy to hide it so well.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    davids, I think you, like many younger people confuse respect with courtesy. I don't expect respect from people who don't know me. Their opinion of me is irrelevant. I expect courtesy. I find that I usually get it in return for the courtesy I show. This works outside stripclubs too.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: Don't have time to look at your response in detail right now. However.... 16) The nicest of guys is the nice guy who doesn't want extras, private shows, or even LDs from strippers. The nicest of nice guys feel that just spending time with a beautiful, young stripper is worth the price all by itself. Of all customers, strippers like and respect then nicest of nice guys the most.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    davids, your real question, or statement rather is that these are the rules us PL's who don't agree with your methods and goals live by. I'd say there are a few straw men in there, so I'll retort. 1) Never bring in more money than you will regret spending. Credit/debit cards stay at home. Good rule. I abide by it. I don't think strippers care if you overspend for the most part. I'm sure there are some who do, but they probably don't post on the pink board. 2) If a stripper talks to you, compensate her for her time. She was nice to give of herself when she could have been selling to someone else. I think you misread the intent. If you want to monopolize a strippers time, either by talking or buying drinks, or dances, you should be ready and/or willing to compensate her. If she sits down and talks, you owe her nothing. If you invite her, that I think implies you want to buisness. Depends on the club, but in general the stripper's comodity is time, and you should be willing to pay for it if you want to monopolize it. 3) Don't ask strippers for extras. It's rude. I'd say it's rude if you do it right off the bat or too explicitly. Buy a dance and see how things go. She'll usually let you know what's on the menu. 4) Don't ask strippers for private shows. It's rude. Again, in the right situation it is not too bad. You can ask as long as you're willing to accept the consequences. 5) Don't ask strippers for dates or phone numbers. It's rude. Again, see above. Most will give you a voice mail, an e-mail, or something like that, or ask for yours. The numbers are usually meaningless, she probably gives them out a dozen times a night. Dates often consist of meeting her for lunch and taking her shopping. Best to avoid both altogether unless you know the dancer fairly well. 6) If you think a stripper might want to date you take no proactive action yourself: Continue to buy dances from her as usual, and wait to see if you are right. Strippers will let you know on their own well before your money runs out. Do not ask them directly about it either: That is rude and spoils "the fantasy". If you think a stripper might want to date you ask yourself do you want to date her, and why? It's probably the little brain talking. If you do, and are willing to accept the answer, whatever it may be when you ask her, go for it. Realize however that spending more will not make her like you more or ask you out. Don't be a RIL. As a general rule strippers don't date customers. 7) If a stripper tells you untrue things realize that it is "fantasy". Do not employee prejorative words like lying, fibbing, misleading, manipulation or others when you think about or discuss it. You paid for fantasy and got it, it's your own, fault, sucker... If a stripper tells you untrue things it's probably because she thought it was what you wanted to hear or she isn't willing to share what you asked about. If you want completely honest and open human relations what are you doing in a strip club? In fact if you want completely honest and open relations, I think humanity as a whole will disapoint you. After all, nobody ever has an agenda. First dates are always models of openness and truth. 8) Never try to employ some "fantasy" back on strippers: That's jut plain rude. Depends on the fantasy, the stripper, and how familiar or comfortable you are with each other. 9) Only talk to strippers you would buy dances from. On the other hand don't be rude to ones who are nice enough to talk to you by telling them you don't intend to buy dances. I'd say only invite dancers you are willing to buy dances from or tip. If they come to you, be polite but stick to what you want. Don't be either rude or rolled. 10) Realize that strippers will treat you well if you treat them well. For the most part I find this to be true. Always be on the lookout for the ROB. Be careful who you invite to sit with you and what you offer. If you offer her a drink and she asks for a bottle of champagne, say no and get rid of her. If she starts to show signs of treating you like an ATM politely but firmly get rid of her. 11) (In conjuction with 10)) Realize that strippers realize that guys who are spending money on them are treating them well. You can spend a ton and still be an asshole. It just makes it that much easier for them to treat you as an ATM. 12) In general be a nice guy. Strippers, like most women, like and respect nice guys. Strippers are at work. Nobody likes an asshole customer. Nice gets you a lot further than jerk. 13) Dress well. Make sure your breath is fresh and your clothes smell good. Common hygene. 14) Don't cum in your pants, or if you accidentally do, don't ask for another dance after that. No experience with this one. I have no opinion. Shadowcat? 15) Complement strippers. Strippers love complements since most customers are just jerks who are rude to them. Up to you. Do you give compliments easily without seeming like a phony? I'm sure they don't hate them, nobody hates compliments. Well, use some common sense. A compliment like "Nice pussy" is likely to be received differently by different dancers in different situations. 0) Only go into strip clubs if you intend to buy dances, or if it's a busy night and you intend to rent the VIP and tip as well. (Otherwise it is rude to prevent strippers from maximizing their profit.) Don't go intto a strip club unless you are willing to spend money. The guy nursing the coke and not tipping for three hours is not as anonymous as he thinks. Dancers notice and dislike such customers. You don't have to spend a lot, just enough to let them know you appreciate the entertainment. Stage tips work fine if you don't want dances, just don't expect the dancers to fall all over themselves for you if you're trying to do the club on $20.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Here's how I think the pink site would take this list: Rule 1 sucks. Strippers don't care if you spent more than you should have. Spend as much as money as you possibly can, even if it's more than what you should spend (greed is the predominant deadly sin on StripperWeb, not lust). Rule 2 is fantasy unless you consider buying drinks compensation for their time. Rules 3-5 suck for some dancers, because they make lots of money on extras and private shows. Some work outside the club for the big bucks. The prissy ones who have somehow managed to block out that they sell sexual fantasy for a living would wholeheartedly agree. Rules 6-8 are hilarious. They'd find 6 funny and 7 and 8, not so funny. Rule 9 is a no-brainer. Most customers don't want dancers they're not interested in getting dances from. Most dancers aren't interested in talking to guys who don't want to buy dances from them. Ever notice how quickly a dancer vanishes after you're done getting dances from them or after you've made it clear to them you don't want dances? Rules 10-15 are on this site under "Rules of the Road." I believe these rules are also known as "not being an asshole." Even the greediest stripper has standards even if they're only hygienic ones.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    jizz...cream....gush......wet their fuckin panties....whateva the hell you wanna call it. I think you get the general idea.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    lopaw do? the girls where you live have penises? how would they jizz all over themselves? Gender confusing for you?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ooops... I forgot rule 0) Only go into strip clubs if you intend to buy dances, or if it's a busy night and you intend to rent the VIP and tip as well. (Otherwise it is rude to prevent strippers from maximizing their profit.)
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    If you post this over on the pink site, the girls will jizz all over themselves.
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