
Which Vegas Club Has the Best Conversationalists?

When I went to Vegas about a year ago, I was mainly interested in high mileage and found the Olympic Garden best for that.

But oh what a difference a year has made. Now my criteria is to find the club with the best conversationalists/nicest girls. I could not give a hoot about mileage now.

My guess is that Scores (formerly Jaguars) is going to be my ticket. What do the rest of you say?


  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    You may want to go out on a DATE with a stripper before ASKING for her LAST NAME
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    I've had strippers offer up their real first names without me asking. I always assumed that it was stripper shit, but maybe it wasn't.

    I think that the real litmus test is if she gives you her real first and last name. If you get that and it's legit, that means that she trusts you enough not to become a stalker. I wouldn't recommend asking for that, of course, unless you enjoy getting restraining orders.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    RL: Yes. I have a new rule not to spend money on strippers except in some very exceptional cases.

    Until recently I did not ask for real names often enough. I noticed that you emphasised that in your posts, however so I have been working that it. I have noticed this too: If they like you they will tell you their real name. I think many strippers are just dying for someone to come along and see them as "real people".

    This is an interesting journey. Thanks for your tips.
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    To davids: Are you going to find a stripper you like and ASK her what her REAL NAME is and what her PHONE NUMBER is and if she WANTS to spend time with you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE?
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Are you looking for somplace wherer EVIL STRIPPERS will BURN YOUR EARS with LEWED or FILTHY UTTERANCES about how they want to encourage your CRIMINAL IMPULSE to take it out and CHOKE THAT CHICKEN UNTIL HE COUGHS UP BIRD POOP! If that is so then why don't you stay in your EXPENSIVE HOTEL ROOM and call phone sex numbers. I'm sure RL can hook you up with a FEW DOZEN. Besides you know his RELATIVES will take good care of you for just FIVE DOLLARS.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    RL: Yeah. You got a problem with that?
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    Are you looking for AFFECTION, EMOTION, and ATTENTION?

    Are you looking for a GIRLFRIEND in a strip club?
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Well yeah, I said that she has to trust you enough not to be a stalker to share that kind of information. It might very well take going on a date with her to establish that kind of trust. Last name isn't one of those things you ask for really anyways; sharing that sort of information happens on its own time.

    For the record, it's nice to see you talking with us, not at us, RL.
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