
Comments by lotsoffun201 (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who dances for you?
    Older dancers who have been dancing for years generally give the best dances. I prefer my dancers to be in their mid thirties or higher.
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    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    Kind of looks like it was written from a cell phone or something like that
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    Shit, I am on at least twice a day not to mention craigslist., usasexguide, TER, Troothsayerz.................just a perv I guess
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I was there a few times when I used to go to Reno on business regularly. I was like you and talked mostly but did partake on one occasion. Too clinical for me, as I felt I was in the Urologists office! It was fun though. That was years ago and have not been back since.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stir fried cabbage.
    OLD OLD OLD!!!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stir fried cabbage.
    Try adding a bag of medium wide cooked egg noodles and lots of pepper. Just like mom used to make. MMMMMMMMM
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Female squirting orgasms. Fact or fiction?
    Yes it is real, and Cytherea is the self proclaimed "goddess of gush". Unfortunately meth ruined her career even before it started. She is still available for escort servicing I think in LA. Check out some of the escort boards. Another gal, FLower Tucci is a close second. There is a popular Vegas escort or two who can do it and one of them is close to Cytherea from what I hear and is looking to take over where she left off. A couple of years ago in Vegas there was a gal who did it very frequently in one of the VIP rooms at a club here before Vegas cracked down on that club. My wife is able to do it as well once in a while if you hit the right spots.
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    17 years ago
    Feel like an idiot
    Scott.. I think you had a close encounter with either one of two things. An extra's girls who was trying to get you to spend more than you were willing to in the VIP room, or just a plain nasty dancer. Either way, you spent what you wanted, had a good time, and left happy. She did her job and you did yours. The "scent" lingers for a while, and unfortunately the next day or even a few hours later it is gone, but the memory will still linger on. I would be willing to bet that since this post began you have been back to the club even if your discretionary income is not there just to see her and have a chat. Believe me, we all have.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    Casual guy. I have to disagree with you about couples and single females going to brothels. If you have watched the CatHouse series there are some couples who do indeed go there. I have been to a brothel with my wife on a couple of occasions not so much for a goof, but she wanted to see what they were like. I believe, but am not sure, that single unescorted females are not permitted in brothels as customers. You can look at some of the brothel websites where they advertise their weekly lineup as well as each girls "menu's". There is also a brothel review site which I think is nvbrothels.net. Here in Las Vegas, Sheri's ranch seems to have the nicest looking women although prices are much higher. The Chicken Ranch is more famous and if you go a bit further to Beatty, there are a few more but the further away from Vegas you get the lower the quality of women. In fact, if you look at the reviews of clubs in Las Vegas on this board, you will see one for Seamless and one for Sheri's Cabaret. BOTH of those clubs are owned by the same people who own Sheri's Ranch. I guess they decided that based on market perspective they should have strip clubs as well. I know a girl who used to dance at Sheri's and she told me that a lot of the girls from the ranch used to come to the club to dance and then go back to the ranch with prospective customers since OTC would be legal at the ranch. Pretty good marketing if you ask me. Unfortunately, Sheri's Cabaret has gotten pretty poor marks recently on this board, and while Seamless used to be okay with regards to reviews, I think it has gone downhill. They are catering more to the afterhours crowd which from what I have been told is a pretty good time and mostly couples. At my advancing age I can't stay up that late, but when I have to work on the weekends the crowd leaving that place at 11 am is pretty intense.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Huge Nipples.... A turn on or turn off??
    I kind of like them on the larger side. One thing I can't stand is excessivly large areolas. Total turn off for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    Chitown....I don't know about you, but I don't think I could ever be horny enough to service a 300+ pound woman. really, if Heidi is able to make it work, I am wondering what in the world these guys will do. Fondl....In retrospect, I think I will have to agree with your reasoning. The rural areas most likely don't have the population to support a club, and frankly to the best of my knowlege the brothels are supported by Las Vegas tourists willing to make the hour or so drive. Actually, the brothels have been prohibited from advertising other than the internet and a few small discreet street signs. I think Nye county recently recinded this, and the next time I am in Parumph, I will be sure to look for the billboards.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    Interesting topic. Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Clark county which is Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. It is, however legal in Nye county and other counties which are considered "rural" hence the brothels being in Parumph (closest to Vegas) and just outside of Reno. There are brothels scattered all over the state in rural areas such as Elko, Ely etc. A strip club did in fact open in Parumph last year which to the best of my knowlege has not done very well. Considering the age to participate at a brothel is 18 (I believe) and given the fact that the strip club has not done too well, I am in agreement that the clubs would probably be hurting for customers. Another case in point is Adelita in TJ. Although I have never been there, it appears to me that it is little more than a brothel in disguise. While there are those of us who like to see pretty gals dance and appreciate a good stage show, there are those who seek out clubs for extras and OTC. Nothing wrong with that mind you, but IMHO a brothel with a stage show might put all others out of business. Also, I realize that most members of the board have never been to one of the Vegas brothels, and have seen Cathouse on HBO so they assume all of the girls there are perfect 9's or 10's. Well I have been to that place a few times as I used to have regular business in Reno and went there to kill some time (yeah I know) prior to the HBO show. Trust me when I tell you that most of the girls there were nothing like you see, and considering the girls can charge whatever they want, the fuglies did most of the business since they were dirt cheap. The hot girls sat around most of the time drinking and socializing. Since the girls live there there were no dayshift or nightshift issues. Right now the infamous Heidi Fleiss is lobbying Nye county for a Male brothel. I think she is pretty close, but I have to ask myself how in the hell are these guys going to maintain performance???? In addition to jars of condoms, are these guys going to be mainlining Viagra or Cialis.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    IMHO being from Las Vegas, it has to be the Can Can Room. Not that it's dirty, smelly or any of the above, but I take issues with what they do. They "prey" upon tourists with unscrupulous cab drivers who lure them there to get their kickback. You are given a tour, and the private room upsell begins. "This is what you get for $$$$$ with the girl of your choice, yada yada yada." Once you go in ther the girls begin the upsell for more money, now you the tourist are out a few hundred and when you begin to protest, a goon ushers you out to the street where the chances of hailing a cab are nearly zero, and points out a notice that prostitution is illegal. Now you the poor tourist who took a cab there have to walk in 110 degree vegas heat about half a mile down the road to have any chance of getting back to your hotel. Nothing more than a clip joint aimed to part horny tourists with their money, AND they don't serve alcohol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    menage a trois? Yes or no?
    OTC quite a few times with my wife. Usually a pretty good time when the other girl is really into it. Great visuals. ITC only once or twice and it was never worth it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    Generalizations abound here. I have to agree, that if they are good in bed, it's because they are good in bed. Some are good, others just okay, and some horrible. The best I ever had was from a regular gal with a regular job. Fairly attractive (maybe a 7) but she would do anything and everything. Total oral fetish, and NEVER spilled a drop!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    players lounge in detroit
    Vegas Local here!!! Kind of depends what you are looking for. IMHO the best VIP is the Palomino, regardless of what you have read. They are under new management and full bar with nude private dances. The girls are not top of the heap, but dances are the most liberal. The skyboxes at Sapphire have no cameras to the best of my knowlege but are VERY expensive. The Rhino has the best looking girls, but also very crowded and YMMV from girl to girl. From what I have read, and not by experience, the Olympic Garden with the remodel being done, can have good dayshift bargains. The girls can use the curtained booths and there is no upcharge during the day. I have no idea about the nightshift.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    I just wanted to bring something else up for us to consider. At some particularly "glam" clubs like those here in Las Vegas, there are some unscrupulous customers who think getting a dancer drunk will improve their mileage or better their chances for OTC activity. Most dancers have an unwritten code with the waitresses to give them sodas or very light drinks. Since my wife was a dancer I know of this regular practice. There are, however, some customers who either switch drinks with the girl when they are not looking or worse yet, "lace" their drink with a well known colorless, odorless, substance which has a slight salty taste. (commonly known as the date rape drug) Unfortunately the girl wont know about it until it's too late. This practice does happen. Since Vegas is a tourist town, it's nearly impossible to prove. She saw it happen a few times firsthand. Bottom line......girls on the board here....keep your guard up. I am pretty sure that the male members of this board would not undertake such a shitty deal, but if you see it going on, perhaps a subtle warning to the girl would help. Besides it's always nice to see a 350 pound gorilla beat the shit out of an asshole.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    I'm suprised that nobody said down their pants so the girls could "dig" it out LOL. Actually I use a money clip or rubberband, but it seems that I "keep" or leave most of my cash in a g-string
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    Single Malt 18 year old scotch neat in a snifter. Rarely found in a club unless seriously upscale Beer After that IMHO it's all downhill from there
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    Sorry all, been away from the board for a while on vacation, and noticed this post. I can assume that you are talking about me as being the poster who's wife is an ex dancer. I allowed her to continue to dance for nearly 9 years of our marraige for several reasons but first and formost was that she had a serious money spending problem. Since she was unable to live within our means (which is pretty good if I was the only provider) I continued to allow her to dance. For the most part what she made was hers to do with as she pleased. If she wanted to contribute to the bills she was free to do so. Truthfully since she has stopped she continues to spend, but on a much lower scale. Second, it kept her in shape, she liked the way her body looked when she was dancing, and it was like joining the gym and getting paid to do it. Third, I never minded it since it was a compliment of sorts that she was in the position she was. She always came home to me, and was never a "nasty" dancer. You might be asking yourself, how I knew that......well I had people known to me, but not to her who went into the club(s) and witnessed this firsthand. She now knows that and was not upset and was in fact flattered that I cared about her safety and well being in a round about sort of way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Any Palm springs ideas?
    Thanks. I wasn't too familiar with the surrounding areas.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    British Columbia
    Clubs that are no more
    Jimmy....definitely Wild J's. Best time I ever had in a club with my wife and a dancer in a VIP. We still talk about that one! On my own, it would have to be the Peek-a-boo in West Palm Beach. That place used to be completely sleazy extras were the norm (figured one time I had a hottie who was the only girl who didn't offer them, but we still had fun). It was the Adelita's of Florida!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reunions...with strippers
    I used to have a favorite gal that I had an off and on relationship. I moved away and we kept in contact for a year or so. When I went back for a visit, she was totally different....had her tits done, and a total coke head. Dissapointing, but reality. When we first met she had just had a child, and still had her ''baby fat''. She had just started dancing and was still rather innocent. 1 1/2 years later and she was a seasoned pro.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Las Vegas
    being a local here is my take on the major clubs: Rhino...hot girls, crowded, expensive, some extras depending on the girl Scores...overpriced Sheri's...AVOID Seamless...okay and can be good Diamond Cabaret and Can Can Room...clip joints O.G's and Crazy Horse...can be okay Palamino...best nude dances with full bar. Cheetahs...gone downhill. Deja Vu clubs...young girls, mileage is okay at best. Ya takes your chances with the rest.