
Where do you keep your cash?

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Shadowcat's response on the topic "Pick Pockets" gave me this idea for a topic. Thank you Candyman!


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Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Myself, when I go to SCs, this is my method:

  1. If I wear a shirt with a shirt pocket, my smokes and twenty-dollar bills go in that pocket. I know the starting cash at all times.

  2. I break a $20 bill for CC & drinks, seperating the one-dollar bills and placing them in my right front pants/shorts pocket. I go to that pocket for tipping.

  3. I have addition cash in my wallet of $20 bills stashed away in 5 bill packets, so that I only bring out 5 twenty-dollar bills at a time.

  4. If I run out of "on hand" cash, I store some cash in my car (undisclosed location). I don't believe in club ATMs!

  5. If I purchase champaigne rooms or VIP room charges, I usually credit card or check card those expenses. You see..... I don't have an SO to hide these charges from.

So, how about others? What's your technique?

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Christ.... I didn't mean to duplicate this topic. Sorry.

Avatar for casualguy

Pretty simple for me. I keep most of my cash in my wallet. Dollar bills for tipping I may put in either my right or left pocket. It's easier to pull one out and tip a dancer. I have never used a credit card in a strip club that I remember. I used an ATM card 2 or 3 times early on when I first went to strip clubs but haven't used one in years at a strip club. I try to keep a count of how much money I spent in my head or will check my wallet if I forgot. I don't have to remember the exact dollar amount I spent. I just remember how many dances I've had and how much they cost. From that it's easy to estimate everything else such as cover charge, drinks, etc. I do have a pretty good memory with the exception of some dancer names which I never tried to remember that well in the first place unless a dancer put extra effort in making me remember her.

Avatar for shadowcat

Would you believe that credit charges at my favorite club are billed to shadow enterprises?

Avatar for ozymandias

When I lived in the Philippines I developed the habit of keeping my cash in my shirt pocket - "Philippine style" - as it's much harder for a pick pocket that way. It's a habit I happen to have kept.

I run a tab and charge VIP rooms to Amex (for the points) since like a few others here I don't have to be secretive about it.

I usually keep some ones and fives in my right front trouser pocket for stage tips and the like.

I am always very aware of how much money I have at any time, down to quantities of denominations - advantage of having dealt with cash a lot just over the years, I guess.


Avatar for lopaw

$20/$10/$5 bills in wallet in right back pocket.

$1 stage tip bills loose in left rear pocket.

No CC or ATM.....EVER.

When I'm outta cash, I'm outta there!

Avatar for AbbieNormal

The big roll, between 5 and 20 20's stays in the wallet. The tip roll, ones on the outside with fives and tens, and the odd twenty inside for the next round, in the left shirt pocket. Backup ATM with a $200/day limit in the wallet, rarely used.

Avatar for DandyDan

My fives, tens, and twenties stay in the wallet in one pocket and my dollar bills (or two dollar bills if I am at this one place that gives them out) go in the other. And there is no rationality as to which pocket gets what, although I try to keep the ones in my right pocket. If I wear one of the pairs of shorts I recently bought, with the extra pocket on the side, the ones go there. I don't ever use the rear pockets for anything, because I've lost my wallet that way one too many times.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

I'm suprised that nobody said down their pants so the girls could "dig" it out LOL. Actually I use a money clip or rubberband, but it seems that I "keep" or leave most of my cash in a g-string

Avatar for Clubber

If I have a pocket on my shirt, I keep all singles and a couple of $20 there. The rest is in my pants side pocket, where it always is kept. If no shirt pocket, I just leave only the singles on the bar and the rest in my side pants pocket.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

lotsoffun201 - I'd thought about sticking my 'stash' down my pants. However, dancers may accidentally find my "stub" and start laughing histerically! :-)

Like you, I use a money clip for my 'non-club funds', but sometimes have to resort going into the clip instead of going out to the car for cash.

If I kept my cash in a g-string, I'd be on stage dancing my ass off... and you don't want to see that!!

Avatar for chandler

In my pants pockets. Isn't it kind of overkill to carry a wallet when you know all you'll need in the club is cash and ID? It's not like you'll need to produce, say, your health insurance card - you hope. It always looks cumbersome to see a guy go into his wallet to tip a stripper. Keeping money in a shirt pocket doesn't seem very secure to me, either, unless strippers aren't constantly rubbing and nibbling all over your chest.

Avatar for GooberMan

Today I had my very first pickpocket experience. Somehow someone in the club managed to picked over $100 from my wallet. So I think I will try leaving everything in the car locked in a safe and hidden place and only bring in my cash and my car key -- in my SHOES!

Avatar for shadowcat

There is a blast from the past.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Cars in SCs are often broken into.

You should keep most of your cash on you but where it is not easily accessible.

I keep mine in my sock. I mainly started doing this b/c I wear cotton sweatpants type pants to the SC and these pants have shallow pockets so things fall out of them w/o me noticing when I am getting LDs. My pants also have an elastic bottom so I suppose I would feel it if a dancers tried to raise my pants leg up and try to reach into my sock.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

In my bob dole lock box deep inside my ass

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