
Who dances for you?

I've noticed that my "requirements" for dancers that I will have dance for me have become more and more limited. I am just wondering if it is me, or do others find this happening as they get older. What I've found seems to fit a few of areas. Tattoos and piercings, which I do not like, have become more and more an "eyesore" to me. I can still deal with a couple of small tats and limited piercings.

Another area, naturalness. I tend to stay away from the enhanced dancers, more and more, especially if they went way overboard.

The last reason I can really think of is their "ethnic look". I seem to have become more and more fixated on Asian dancers. The reason I say "ethnic look", is that I've talked to dancers that are no part Asian, as far as they know, but have the "look" I like. Problem is, these dancers are few and far between, in South Florida, in my experience.

I think another part of it is also very much a factor, but has nothing to do with the dancers, that is, money and time. Since I retired, my disposable income is not what it once was, so I do not wish to "waste" money on anyone other than one I truly enjoy seeing. Time wise, I have the time, as such, but not the ability to use it. I don't think my SO (even though we've been to a club together) would care for me to say, I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to a strip club to see if I can find a dancer to dance for me. Thoughts?


  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    Older dancers who have been dancing for years generally give the best dances. I prefer my dancers to be in their mid thirties or higher.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    That is very interesting. I thought that was just me. But, it has gone in both directions. Yes, income was definitely part of the deal.

    With some cash I like to make dancers happy even if I'm not to attracted to them. My cash goes down and I want to find the special one who can send me to heaven.

    At one time I thought age was making me more demanding as far as looks. It turned out money was a greater influence in my case. I just didn't want to spend on the nice dancer who didn't meet my looks requirement. Now as far as my ability to perform unless the dancer is hot there is just nothing at all. This is age related. When I was younger an ugly woman could get me to respond it just wasn't as enjoyable. Now, the woman has to be hot it isn't a choice it is unfortunately a requirement.

    It seems that I'm looking more towards black women as I age. There could be any number of reasons for this.

  • DougS
    17 years ago
    During my entire "career", I don't think my tastes have changed much at all. There is one "look" that will always catch my eye, and anything less than that I will pretty much rule out. The look is the younger dancers, thin, but not too skinny, long straight, silky/shiny hair, pretty face. Also, like Clubber, I don't like tats and piercings, so the fewer there are the better.

    Do I make exceptions? If a girl is very close to the above, I will consider - she will get more consideration if I'm running out of time to find someone to spend some time with.

    A great example of an exception that I've made is ironically my ATF, though she was so close to the type I go for, I don't really think I made much of an exception. She had everything but the long hair... her hair was shoulder length, and she had a tat on her stomach - and seemingly completely out of her character. I should note here, that a few months after meeting her, Miss ATF got her hair cut SHORTER (about jawline length) ... I damn near cried!

    There are, and always will be several "deal breakers" that if a dancer possesses lead to automatic rejection. At the top of the list is probably fat... if she's too thick, forget about it! Another is the really short, "boy cut" hairdos. No thanks! (though, I have seen ONE girl in my lifetime that was so absolutely smokin' hot that I could overlook that) Another is a large collection of tats, or worse yet one of those "sleeve tats". Strange piercings (nipple, eyebrow, earplug, big nose ring, lip ring). Again, I've seen ONE girl that had a lip ring that I SOOO wanted to feel what it was like to kiss... or have it rubbing up and down against my rod.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago

    I like the "career" comment! Funny! The "long straight, silky/shiny hair" is a must for me. Goes with the Asian aspect.

  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Clubber, if my may put my 2 cents. It seems that the person you are looking for is the one who fits your description of ideal lover. Given the fact that your club has a great variety of dancer and you are comfortable refusing dances from others, you just look for someone that creates an immediate reaction on your part. This could be a subconscious image that has somewhat materialized for you, or, visa-versa, you made a real person's look "work" for you. Either way, you are a lucky guy: you know what you want. Sure it may change, but someone smart said that past and the future are illusions that exist in the present. Happy for you!
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I had a bit more insight today after a first time visit to a club. A dancer came at sat beside me. Said her name was Casey. Turned out she was 42! Didn't look it at the bar, but on stage, you could see her age. Still she was better then most of the other dancers.

    My insight... she had the above mentioned hair, but wasn't Asian. She was, however 1/2 Italian. I know I like Asian women, but I think a foreign exotic look is a decent substitute.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    i definitley agree with Clubber. My tastes have certainly changed over the years. I no longer try new clubs just for the heck of it. I go to clubs I like, to get dances from dancers I like. I have walked out of clubs where there are too many tattoos, too many anorexics, too many fake boobs or too many youngsters dancing.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I was never picky over which women I wanted to be charmed by.... until my festitation with clubbing began in 2006!

    Since then, I prefer "au natural", no enhanced boobs (or anything else as far as that goes). The 'au natural' stops at hair though. I like my women completely shaved. Sucking on a clit, swiping my tonge along a beautiful set of vaginal lips, is so exotic, until little hairs start piling up on my tongue!!! YUK!!!

    No fatties..... I'll go home and jack-off first!!!

    Nationality doesn't really play into my choices. I am a TRUE believer that God brought ALL women into His world with the SAME attributes!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Other than my afoementioned post, just about any dancer dances for me as long as I have the $$$.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    As long as the dancers look somewhat fit and sexy, it all depends on how much money I have and how horny the dancers are making me. Of course I won't pay more than a set amount per dance either, I can easily spend all my money on dancers willing to dance on my set amount or less.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Although I'm extremely picky, I really don't have any set of requirements. I prefer young, thin girls and small, natural tits, but I've had a great time with strippers who didn't match any of that. Maybe what I've become more picky about over time is choosing only girls I click with on some level of rapport: personality, sense of humor or just dumb flirting.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    TATS and what sometimes goes with them (smokers breath/low class/trailer trash behavior etc) a big turnoff

    Hugely turned on by slender and shapely Asians of various kinds, enhancements OK if done very modestly - they rarely ever have TATS. Have met some with great/fun personalities also

    Light skinned Brazilians that happen to have the (brazilian portuguese) sexy accent is a big big turn-on for me also

    Woman I flipped out the most was a Brazilian (technically half italy/half Brazilian) who looked Russian - but had the very sexy Brazilian Portuguese accent. Slender at 5-4 around 130 but not too slender with a very very nice ass and legs and B size natural and pretty (but not knock-dead pretty face) , intelligent, college educated, and completely unattached romantically to anyone else

    Other latin (spanish speaking) girls very sexy too -and accent is very good

    american girls - rarely get much of a kick for reasons I don't understand

    Russian girls - not much in our area, but love the accents
  • Clubber
    17 years ago

    As I stated above, I think a foreign exotic look is a decent substitute for an Asian woman. The accent is definitely a part of it, also.

    Why not American women...? My guess is that they are just the vast majority. Although, in South Florida, the hispanic women are there in great numbers. That is one foreign group that does attract me. So it seems, for me, the rarer the appearance and accent of a woman, the better.
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