
Comments by kamrynstarr

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    It's really sad that there are still so many ignorant people out there that don't realize that dancers are real people. Since when did KingPin become the expert on what all dancers are like? God forbid any of them actually try to have a real relationship. I guess only people like KingPin are capable of the kind of LOVE, TRUST, and UNDERSTANDING that is required in a committed relationship. Yeah, he's really open-minded, that guy...
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have met their BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND while he was a CUSTOMER
    Are you speaking from experience RL? Hmm...I'm just sure some stripper out there must have used you for that big wad of cash you have...all $5...or did you lower your dance budget again?? :)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What percentage of HOUSTON strippers perform UNPROTECTED SEX FOR MONEY???
    RL...this is the EXACT SAME TOPIC you had posted 6 months ago on my last visit to this board. Can't you at least come up with NEW obnoxious questions to ask??? Geez! LOL
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the strippers who've EVER LIED, CHEATED, STOLE, or MANIPULATED custome
    How about instead asking how many CUSTOMERS have mistreated, underpaid, degraded, and abused a dancer??? I've seen MANY instances of that occur much more often...
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    High Mileage Club Listing
    Law enforcement...pfftt!! :)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    If a stripper REALLY likes you, she'll WANT to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE
    If you want to be careful with money and find a relationship, look for a girlfriend at church or something. If you want to spend some cash and have a good time, head to your local strip club...
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers WAITRESSED at clubs before GRINDING and SHAKING
    Where are the customers who have paid to get fucked?? ;)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    THOUSANDS of strippers are in DENIAL about their HARMFUL ways
    Are RL and CS the same person??
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Unfortunately, stereotypes come with the territory, just as there are stereotypes of pro athletes...they are all on steroids, do drugs, going to end up murdering their pregnant wife or killing someone in a car accident after a night of binge drinking, etc. We all know that not all athletes are like that, but it is what we hear the most about because society has a sick fascination with the downtrodden. Yes - it is true, there are many women that dance to pay for their drug habit and their abusive boyfriend/husband. Many have had awful things happen to them in their childhood, and many of them come from split families (but really, how many people these days grow up with both parents??). Besides that, these generalizations do not ring true for ALL dancers. As a matter of fact, many more are paying their way through college or saving up for other positive goals. Currently, I'm a straight A college student that plans to continue on to law school. Just because a woman is comfortable with her sexuality and open enough to dance for a living does not make her less intelligent or a whore. It makes her a person that knows what she wants with a solid plan to reach her goals.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have met their BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND while he was a CUSTOMER
    By the way...when I was single I had a rule for dating people I met at my strip club. If I really liked the guy and wanted to pursue something more, I would NEVER EVER dance for him. This way, it eliminates the questioning of whether I was only after him for his money. Also, it prevents the guy from just seeing you as just another "stripper".
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    Actually, I think RL is somewhat fascinating - you know...sort of like watching a car crash. LOL However, the post above adds a new scarier dimension to him. I bet he would fit the exact profile of a serial killer...
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dating a lovely dancer !
    Does dating a dancer ever cause you anxiety? That is, do you ever get jealous and demand she stop working at the club? It seems that a lot of men (though not in your case) meet a dancer at her job and then get into a serious relationship to her - only to later gripe about her working at the club he met her at. Sort of like the guys that love their girlfriends to dress really sexy when out in public and then get pissed off when she dresses that way after they are married. Men are so wierd sometimes...hehe.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What Will C & S accomplish?
    Mouse, Most likely he didn't get enough attention growing up. Probably has little or no relationship with his mother, has pent up anger towards her that is thus unleashed on other women. Wouldn't be surprised if his mother was either a puritan or a slut. One of these extremes could have fucked him up royally in his childhood. Just my theory. :)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dating a lovely dancer !
    Well I commend you for having the self confidence and trust in your relationship to make it work. My ex used to get so jealous and it really screwed up our relationship. My current fiance, however, is completely fine with it. He trusts me and knows that it is a job, not a lifestyle for me. However, his one concern with this line of work is my safety. He is constantly worried that I might drink to much and get behind the wheel, or that some guy might turn into a stalker *cough* RL *cough*. Unfortunately, it can be a very dangerous business because of a few misguided men. A very good friend of mine, in fact, had a customer break into her home a few hours after she had gotten back from work. He had followed her home and waited until she went to bed to try to force himself on her. Thankfully, it turned out okay (she acted crazy and starting clucking like a chicken while doing the chicken dance and scared him off - LOL), but many times it doesn't. I just wish there were more men in the clubs like the ones on this board (other than the couple of crazy ones - you know who you are).
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    If you want to meet a dancer at the gym, I'd suggest finding a nice 24 hour gym in a decent, trendy neighborhood. Visit it around 3am. Also, grocery stores at 3am are a good place to spot dancers. I used to do all my grocery shopping right after work. Just make sure you find one in a good, trendy neighborhood - someplace a young hot girl would prefer to live. :)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    If it's either really classy and a lot of wealthier people live there, or if it's young and hip, has alot of clubs, restaurants, nightlife, and the apartments in the area are full of 20-something professionals. There are dancers that live in the not so great neighborhoods, but why would you want to waste your time on someone who doesn't know how to manage the shitload of cash thrown at her every night?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    How would you even know if she ever had?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This site needs a chat feature...
    Really? I'm surprised...seems like from your posts you wouldn't want to talk to a dancer. You sure don't seem to have a very positive view of us. Not that I really give a crap what you think of me...LOL. :D
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Anyone in Dallas?
    Actually, I'm fine as soon as my foot hits the stage. It's the waiting to get onto the stage that KILLS me!!! If I don't go up on stage as soon as I get out onto the floor my first night back - watch out!! I'm gonna be one drunk ass lady! LOL
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    Tell her to either buy a narrower pair of shoes (she must have thin feet if the size is correct), or to buy one size smaller. She could also look into buying a pair with ankle straps so that they will stay on. The only problem though with this (and I've had it happen to me once before) is that if the shoe is still too big it will fall off the front of her foot but still dangle on her ankle....looks rather silly and makes it VERY difficult to continue the stage routine without stopping to fix it.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    To RL: No, I don't dance in Houston, and you tell me yours FIRST! LOL Anyway, I would never tell you (let alone anyone else on the web) b/c I don't get my thrills by jeopardizing my own well being and safety. Verfolung: RL is demented for sure, but I think it's mostly just for shock value.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Anyone in Dallas?
    A few weeks ago would have put you in Dallas right at the holidays. The clubs are almost never busy during the Christmas holidays. I have driven by Penthouse several times in the past few months though and they were always packed, even in the day time. I've never actually been in there though, so I can't make a judgement call on it. However, from what I hear all the SC's in this city are not doing really well these days - at least not like they were several years ago. I would love to find a fairly clean club when I settle on one, but that is getting near impossible in this city right now due to the crappy economy and our stupid right-wing mayor. I really hate Cabaret - the atmosphere there is so stuffy and the guys act too superior for my tastes. I like a more middle ground, kind of how BBDD used to be in the early 90's. It makes the job much more fun when everyone is having a good time. I don't do well with the college crowd either, I much prefer older men because they are more respectful and can hold a conversation. Well, I'm not making a permanent decision anytime soon. I'm going to find a temporary, lower-end club to work in for a few weeks first until I get back into shape. Dancing is a tough job, you wouldn't believe how much those heels can kill your back and legs..lol.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do strippers have kids by different fathers more than the general population?
    C&S, I think you're confusing us with the guests on Jerry Springer. P.S. I don't have ANY kids, so there!! LMAO
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    Yeah, I noticed that too on the one posted today...however, the one that I mentioned at top is spelled exactly the same. Can someone pose as him with the same exact name??
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    who are you??
    When did you start visiting SC? Sometime in the 90's, can't really remember. Didn't become a member until last year though. When did you start dancing?(dancers only) Way back in 1994 - those were the good ol' days!! It's been off and on since then. Going to school now, though, so gotta pay the bills!! What is your favorite club? I used to love working at BabyDolls Dallas. Times were good back then. Who is your favorite dancer? Noone. What would your dream dancer look like? Like Tony T formerlly of Labare's in Dallas...yum! Are you a club regular? Definitely not. I'm a homebody. Would you rather have good coversation or a kick ass lapdance? Conversation Would you ever date a dancer? Probably not - most have way too much drama in their lives Do you drink? Sometimes...usually just a glass of wine with dinner these days. Yet everytime I go to visit my mom I get plastered just so I can deal with it! LOL Do you smoke? Yes, unfortunately. Do you do drugs? NO Do you attend neighborhood clubs of big city clubs? Both. It depends on my mood. and last but not least Would you ever talk to a STRIPPER who has been FUCKED for MONEY!!! I'm sure that I already have more than once!! LOL