
Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?

Avatar for casualguy

I'm curious how many dancers work out or if dancing at a club is enough for them. I'm also wondering if anyone knows what a typical gym membership costs or what's the least expensive plan most gym's have. I told a dancer recently that I was feeling pretty good from bicycling and she told me she was into kickboxing. I think my good luck of temps in the 60's and 70's is about to run out.


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Avatar for casualguy

I'm just sort of thinking aloud here, it would be fun if they had some sort of stand up machine where you could move bicycle pedals up and down with handles to grab (like a bicycle minus the seat and middle bars) but also a video screen as in a star wars movie where you could chase and shoot at others, they would be pedaling too. I think you would need some sideways motion if the video looked like a scene where you fly through the woods as in one of the earlier star wars movies. I'm all for sci fi/action video combined with exercise. Someone could also have a threadmill with a video of a chase scene with hand held fake pistols to shoot at the enemies. Is there such a thing as a combo fun video and exercise gym?

Avatar for kamrynstarr

If it's either really classy and a lot of wealthier people live there, or if it's young and hip, has alot of clubs, restaurants, nightlife, and the apartments in the area are full of 20-something professionals. There are dancers that live in the not so great neighborhoods, but why would you want to waste your time on someone who doesn't know how to manage the shitload of cash thrown at her every night?

Avatar for kamrynstarr

If you want to meet a dancer at the gym, I'd suggest finding a nice 24 hour gym in a decent, trendy neighborhood. Visit it around 3am. Also, grocery stores at 3am are a good place to spot dancers. I used to do all my grocery shopping right after work. Just make sure you find one in a good, trendy neighborhood - someplace a young hot girl would prefer to live. :)

Avatar for JimJazz

Yes, I agree it probably pretty common for dancers to workout in gyms that are out of their immediate area. I met my new g/f who dances in Ft Lauderdale in the gym here in Miami but then again she lives here and works there because she doesn't do contact dancing however my last dancer g/f drove to an out of the way gym to have a little privacy.

Avatar for Yoda

I go to clubs in Providence RI, most of the dancers I spend time with their live near Boston - 50 miles away.

Avatar for FONDL

Casualguy, you might be surpriesed. A lot of strippers work at clubs far from their home - it lessens the chance that someone they know will wander in. I knew one girl who worked 2 hours from where she lived and drove it 4 days a week.

Avatar for Yoda

FONDL: I play that guessing game too...it helps pass the time on the treadmill....

Avatar for FONDL

Casualguy, most gyms offer a free personal training and evaluation session when you join, you don't even have to ask. And to answer the original question, most strippers don't work out, but the most successful ones often do. I always enjoy trying to guess which girls are strippers when I'm at the gym - maybe none of them are but it's a fun fantasy to help pass the time while doing cardio. And every once in a while you see one who obviously is (or should be (lol).

Avatar for casualguy

Thanks for the info. Lol, to tell you the truth I was really only interested in the gym questions anyway but I made the question strip club related since this was the site I'm on. I would actually be surprised if I found a dancer working at any clubs around the town I live in since the closest strip club is over 50 miles away. On the other hand my next door neighbor looks better than most of the dancers I see at the clubs anyway. That's an idea, ask my neighbors if they've tried out the local gyms. Anyway thanks for the comments.

Avatar for Yoda

Casualguy: Most gyms open at 5 or 6am and many stay open as late as midnight on weekdays. Did I mention that their many beautiful women working out in these places...you can take the boy out of the strip club, but you can't take the stripclub out of the boy....

Avatar for Yoda

I just joined Work Out World in my area and evidently they are making a big push nation-wide. My experience has been positive so far, though my branch is still under construction so its a bit crowded right now. As a member, you can work out in any of their branches. WOW bills itself as a "family" gym - no swearing, grunting or shouting allowed, no outrageous attire, no gang colors or headwear.

Avatar for casualguy

Almost a whole week has gone by without me doing anything except to check out a gym on the internet. There is actually one gym almost within walking distance of my house and I drive by it all the time back and forth from work and I still haven't gone over and checked it out. Lol, I must be a good at making excuses, such as office closes at 5:30 pm, they may not stay open long enough for me, it may be expensive, $22 a month wouldn't be bad but paying a trainer for every hour I visit would be. Oh, I remember something else I heard about freebies when you join a gym, I heard you should ask for a free personal training session as a freebie when you join. Never hurts to ask.

Avatar for Clubber

How ironic! After posting the above message, I talked to my dancer friend the next day and her gym had closed. We went looking for a new one today and found a nice one. A little on the expensive side, but a fine place and not crowded, a big plus. Also, she doesn't like the "meat market" type of gym, and this one isn't.

Avatar for FONDL

I usually go around 10 am and it's never too crowded although early pm is probably even better. If you're new at this hire a personal trainer for a few months - you'll get more out of it, have more fun, and therefore be more likely to stick with it. Personal trainers cost about $35-40 per hour. If you travel a lot get a membership at a club that has branches all over. Bally's clubs are all company owned and you can go to any one of them with your membership. Bally's also has indoor tracks which I especially like. Gold's gyms usually are better and less crowded but most are privately owned and so visiting gyms other than your home gym can be a little bit of a hassle. Gold's tends to attract serious fitness buffs (aka muscleheads) while Bally's is the McDonald's of gyms. They're the 2 biggest chains but there are many others.

Avatar for Jolicouer23

Casual, you're right in terms of January being the worst time of year to join a gym. Most people will let their "new years resolution" slide and then the gyms become less crowded. Also, if you like working out with less of a crowd, you might want to try going to them gym between 1pm to 3pm. This was the time I always went and there was always less people than there were in the morning and evenings, and you can stay on the equipment longer.

Avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober

You are getting older Joli. Pretty soon the tits will be drooping.....

Avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober

I encourage you to workout. Treadmill will be boring as hell though. How often do you fuck?

Avatar for FONDL

I've been working out regularly for years and have 3 mmemberships - Gold's, Bally's and YMCA - because I used to travel a lot. Believe it or not, the last is the most expensive. My Gold's membership is only $22 per month because I got a special deal. Shop around for the best prices, these places run specials regularly and their rates are often negotiable, especially the up-front fee. And yes, the endorphin high is very addictive and better than beer. Work out regularly for 6 months and you'll never quit.

Avatar for casualguy

Thanks for the info,I'll have to check into it. I just heard some info on gyms today on CNNFN, seems like January may be the worst time of the year in terms of gym crowds but they said that by March, most people stop going. I also heard a gym close to your house may be more likely to be used. I'll have to compare I guess. It would be nice to lift some heavier weights too. I wonder if some gyms also teach martial arts. Lol, one of my excuses for not trying to get martial arts training was because I didn't want to be legally required to declare either my hands or feet as lethal weapons if I got that good. Thanks again. If someone else has price or other info feel free to add.

Avatar for Clubber

The one dancer I know quite well, works out at a gym. The cost, I've no idea.

Avatar for casualguy

Another question: for those of you doing cardio stuff, how many of you enjoy the endorphine rush or "runner's high" so to speak? For me it seems better than drinking beer and it lasts for hours.

Avatar for Jolicouer23

I used to work out at a women's gym (less of a meat market than a gym designed for both sexes), but have really been slacking. My bf and I are having a treadmill delivered tommorow and hope to turn one of the spare rooms into a small gym, with some free weights and one of his old workout contraptions. The club can only keep you so fit -dancers usually always have strong leg muscles, but it doesnt really work much else or burn many calories unless you dance like a spaz.

Avatar for Doc_Holliday

I met a dancer through kickboxing. And I think the dancers who take their job seriously do go to the gym. I have no idea though. It's not one of my routine questions.

Avatar for Alucard

A wild guess, I'd say very few if any go.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Some posters have mentioned Bally’s.

I’ve been a member of Bally’s for ~20 years. FYI - most of the Bally’s gyms in many states (if not most) were sold to “LA Fitness” earlier in 2012 I believe it was (or it may have been 2011?).

The move worked out well for me since “LA Fitness” honored by lifetime Bally’s contract (have a lifetime renewal of $99/yr) and now I have access to all the old Bally’s gyms (which were converted to LA fitness gyms) plus all the LA Fitness gyms which already existed.

w.r.t. dancers working out; part of me says that most may be too lazy to work out; and part of me says that they may work out in more numbers than the civilian population since looking good has a direct connection to the earnings; and they also may have more free time (or more flexible schedule). I’ve had several conversations w/ different dancers where the dancers have told me about their work out routines.

Avatar for Clubber

As I mentioned above, my ATF did the gym thing. I even went with her to pick out a gym and make it known she was not alone in the world, IE: an easy "target". The two faves I have in clubs now, both do the gym also. Trust me, it shows!

Avatar for shadowcat

Most of the ones that tell me they work out are the older lifers that realize the importance of preserving their assests.

Avatar for Alucard

I have a suspicion that they are more likely to buy cigarettes than a gym membership.

Avatar for Estafador

HOLY SHIT this thread is old

Avatar for rh48hr

Estafador - I was just thinking the same thing.

Doc - What made you go all the way back to 2004. That is some heavy reading to go back through all those posts.

Avatar for Doc_Holliday

Curiosity. Someone posting in a 2006 or 8 thread. I entered 'Start=15000' into the address bar and looked at the oldest threads which are from 2004.

Avatar for sharkhunter

What is the oldest thread? Just curious.

Avatar for Hard4Dancers

Stop bumping these old ass threads for fuck's sake.

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