The generalities here are quite amazing. Stripers are whores. They work for drugs. They are only after your money, etc… Each woman has her own agenda, and to generalize is a disservice to the others. True, many might be the same, but then there are those that aren’t, and they should not be included with ALL. These can be a real “find”, if you are one that finds her. There is always a gem in the rough out there somewhere!
Me too. I've probably had my best times in clubs when I've run into girls who are working their way through school, they're usually very interesting to talk to and often quite open. And it happens surprisingly often.
Unfortunately, stereotypes come with the territory, just as there are stereotypes of pro athletes...they are all on steroids, do drugs, going to end up murdering their pregnant wife or killing someone in a car accident after a night of binge drinking, etc. We all know that not all athletes are like that, but it is what we hear the most about because society has a sick fascination with the downtrodden.
Yes - it is true, there are many women that dance to pay for their drug habit and their abusive boyfriend/husband. Many have had awful things happen to them in their childhood, and many of them come from split families (but really, how many people these days grow up with both parents??). Besides that, these generalizations do not ring true for ALL dancers. As a matter of fact, many more are paying their way through college or saving up for other positive goals. Currently, I'm a straight A college student that plans to continue on to law school. Just because a woman is comfortable with her sexuality and open enough to dance for a living does not make her less intelligent or a whore. It makes her a person that knows what she wants with a solid plan to reach her goals.
Clubber, it's only a figure of speech. The point is there are lots of dancers out there who are comfortable with and enjoy spending time with us older gentlemen, in fact I've had dancers I've known well tell me that they much prefer older customers because we're usually nicer to them and tip better. Works for me.
Clubber, sounds like we've had similar experiences. I'm an old fart and one of the things that keeps me going to clubs is that you meet attractive young girls who enjoy spending time with us old guys. And yes, some of them don't have fathers and maybe we sometimes become father figures. Works for both of us.
Generalities are are misleading and don't really hold up too well in all cases. In all the years I've gone to clubs, I've seen the complete range of women who worked as strippers from those that defied the stereotypes to those that defined them. I have to agree with the previous post, generalities are a way for simple-minded people to express themselves without having anything substanative to discuss.
Generalities are an easy way for a simple mind to express itself. C&S and that ilk probably have little to offer in terms of intelligent discourse so they create outlandish and ridiculous topics to post. Too bad because it makes it hard to find something interesting to read on the board.
dusty, I quit reading anything they posted quite some time ago. There are those that are as you state, but in my experience, they are the fewer. Perhaps those two attract woman that also have character flaws like themselves.
AH Clubber, you must mean Romanticlover and clean and sober... they are just fools who do not think strippers are people, they think we do not have live outside the clubs, and all we do is manupulate men in any way shape or form we can.. they obviously have really expirienced the true pleasures of the strip club world.. they are just imagining it through thier sick and morbid minds.
FONDL - I met one woman, who I've mentioned on this board before. We still remain friends, although I think I am more the father she never had. I care a great deal for her. She just dances to make the money for her living expenses. I wish I could work two evenings a week to pay all my expenses!
I couldn't agree more. In my experience every dancer is different and many are really nice people just trying to make a decent living and tired of working for crappy wages. I've met some wonderful ladies in strip clubs including my closest friend.
Clubber: I agree, in my experience, the vast majority of dancers are just trying to make a living-paying the same bills we all pay. If you go in with an open mind, you will meet some amazing women.
"Generalities are are misleading and don't really hold up too well in all cases."
Wow, that's some good insight.
Geezus, people, don't freak because someone categorizes general traits of a population. USUALLY it is a reasonably legitimate summary. And if you can't understand that OF COURSE IT DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE, then I suggest you try real hard and do some re-thinking.
Marketing people do it all the time. They figure out who buys their product, and then they figure out what, IN GENERAL, those types of people like and dislike. And IN GENERAL usually means a MAJORITY. And what does that mean? More than 50%.
Politicians do the exact same thing. Because it's useful, and it works, and it's legitimate.
Most stereotypes have some truth in them. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry, but it's GENERALLY true.
Most women wouldn't be caught dead stripping. MOST women. And those who do GENERALLY are fighting some sort of demons to get them to a place where they do it. NOT ALL, but MOST. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but deal with it.
And we can come up with a very, very long list of stereotypes that are generally true. Whether you like them or not is irrelevant.
I'm a guy. And I know a lot of stereotypes about men that aren't flattering, but I know damn well they're mostly true. Maybe they don't apply to me, maybe they do. But I'm also man enough to admit my faults and accept them, rather than freaking out when someone criticizes me.
If you're really a well adjusted stripper, congratulations. But learn to deal with the fact that MAYBE (and I'm not saying it's generally true, because I've never done a study) you just might not be representative of the average stripper out there.
And with all due respect to those who are "father figures" for some dancers, I hope you'll understand if I don't put a whole lot of weight in your experiences. Guys who desperately WANT the girls to like them, and be nice, and be honest, and to be sweet, probably aren't the best source for unbiased, objective input.
Personally, I don't give a crap about who or what the girls are. But I know enough about women to know that there is some merit to many of the stereotypes.
I just went back to see the oldest topic I put on here. I guess the previous 4 + years might have been "lost". I say this since this topic is right at 10 years old. Maybe that is founders "keeper" limit, 10 years. :)
Clubber: it's been 10 years. Do you still think those generalities are totally undeserved? Or do you think that, although obviously there are women who break the mold, the stereotypes are mostly deserved?
I think there are some generalizations here, but there's also a kernel of truth to many stereotypes. It's important to realize that most stereotypes don't apply to EVERY member of a group. There are at least 4 or 5 types of dancers I've interacted with, and only one of those subtypes fully fits all the stereotypes thrown around here.
That said, Strippers do want our money, and that is the main reason they talk to us. Until she's fucking you for free or hanging out with you OTC off the clock as friends, your relationship with her is at most friendly-professional.
Pretty much agree. Obviously, not every member of group is a walking talking stereotype. But when it comes to strippers, an incredibly large number of them conform in lots of ways to the generalities. It's nice to run into a stripper who breaks the stereotypes, for sure. On the other hand, I've had a lot of fun with strippers who have bad relationships with their fathers, party excessively, blow their money on frivolities, make terrible decisions, and are only after my money, so definitely won't complain that there are so many of them.
I think they are over generalized. In other words, not as many are stereotypical, as imagined. I base this on my many years of finding the "gems". Perhaps the customer has a direct correlation to find the stereotypes mentioned. Certainly all customers are not the same, and likely the more "normal" dancers gravitate to the more "normal" customers.
Also, keep in mind that the way they present themselves to customers, even "normal" ones, even regulars, could be vastly different from who they really are. Especially with strippers, I think there is such a negative stereotype the world has against strippers that many probably work very hard to prove they're not that way. Even if they are.
Personally, I've met a lot of "normal" and well adjusted strippers who, in real life could be vastly different. Who the hell knows, unless you live with them for a while. Keep in mind they're always trying to present themselves in the best light so customers will like them and pay them money.
That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of truly well adjusted strippers out there who don't give a shit what society thinks and are just trying to make a buck, and chose stripping cuz it's the best return they can get for their minimum efforts.
last commentYes - it is true, there are many women that dance to pay for their drug habit and their abusive boyfriend/husband. Many have had awful things happen to them in their childhood, and many of them come from split families (but really, how many people these days grow up with both parents??). Besides that, these generalizations do not ring true for ALL dancers. As a matter of fact, many more are paying their way through college or saving up for other positive goals. Currently, I'm a straight A college student that plans to continue on to law school. Just because a woman is comfortable with her sexuality and open enough to dance for a living does not make her less intelligent or a whore. It makes her a person that knows what she wants with a solid plan to reach her goals.
A good case in point was "Beth." She goes to one strip club one time, now she seems to know how all of the more than 2000 clubs in country operate.
Wow, that's some good insight.
Geezus, people, don't freak because someone categorizes general traits of a population. USUALLY it is a reasonably legitimate summary. And if you can't understand that OF COURSE IT DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE, then I suggest you try real hard and do some re-thinking.
Marketing people do it all the time. They figure out who buys their product, and then they figure out what, IN GENERAL, those types of people like and dislike. And IN GENERAL usually means a MAJORITY. And what does that mean? More than 50%.
Politicians do the exact same thing. Because it's useful, and it works, and it's legitimate.
Most stereotypes have some truth in them. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry, but it's GENERALLY true.
Most women wouldn't be caught dead stripping. MOST women. And those who do GENERALLY are fighting some sort of demons to get them to a place where they do it. NOT ALL, but MOST. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but deal with it.
And we can come up with a very, very long list of stereotypes that are generally true. Whether you like them or not is irrelevant.
I'm a guy. And I know a lot of stereotypes about men that aren't flattering, but I know damn well they're mostly true. Maybe they don't apply to me, maybe they do. But I'm also man enough to admit my faults and accept them, rather than freaking out when someone criticizes me.
If you're really a well adjusted stripper, congratulations. But learn to deal with the fact that MAYBE (and I'm not saying it's generally true, because I've never done a study) you just might not be representative of the average stripper out there.
Personally, I don't give a crap about who or what the girls are. But I know enough about women to know that there is some merit to many of the stereotypes.
I just went back to see the oldest topic I put on here. I guess the previous 4 + years might have been "lost". I say this since this topic is right at 10 years old. Maybe that is founders "keeper" limit, 10 years. :)
That said, Strippers do want our money, and that is the main reason they talk to us. Until she's fucking you for free or hanging out with you OTC off the clock as friends, your relationship with her is at most friendly-professional.
I think they are over generalized. In other words, not as many are stereotypical, as imagined. I base this on my many years of finding the "gems". Perhaps the customer has a direct correlation to find the stereotypes mentioned. Certainly all customers are not the same, and likely the more "normal" dancers gravitate to the more "normal" customers.
Personally, I've met a lot of "normal" and well adjusted strippers who, in real life could be vastly different. Who the hell knows, unless you live with them for a while. Keep in mind they're always trying to present themselves in the best light so customers will like them and pay them money.
That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of truly well adjusted strippers out there who don't give a shit what society thinks and are just trying to make a buck, and chose stripping cuz it's the best return they can get for their minimum efforts.