
Opinion of Bathroom attendants?

I'm usually not too fond of having someone standing around in the men's bathroom taking tips for simply putting soap on your hands and/or giving you a paper towel to dry your hands off after you wash them. I initially thought perhaps some clubs have them to stop illegal activity from occuring in the bathrooms. The only time I think they really came in handy for me was one that kept snacks and I could pick up a candy bar or a bag of Fritos (is that the orange cheese like sticks?) when I got hungry. I even had a dancer on stage ask for one of those instead of a dollar for her stage tip from me. I think I even tipped her a second one. lol, I could easily tip all night if dancers took a cheese stick puff or whatever you call those things.

Typically bathroom attendants seem like just an extra expense. Your opinion?


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Answer E: treat him with respect, tip him every other, or every third, time you visit the loo, chat with him politely (though he is unlikely to be competent at reciprocation) while undertaking your own business without his help, and tell management that you don't like his presence in the pottie because of two reasons: you don't want people watching you pee, and you don't want to feel bilked for tips.

    If you like the cologne he is offering, then offer to buy the half-full container from him for a fair price ($10?) if he will set it aside for you. Otherwise, see answer E, above.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Zorro: you hit the nail on the head. Bingo. The monkey implies, to other members of his species, that the establishment is "upscale."
  • zorro
    18 years ago
    Bathroom attendants are there for dumbass redneck guys who have never been any place nice before (sorry, the Sizzler doesn't count) to lead them to believe the strip club is "classy". Classy strip club is an oxymoron.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    Bathroom attendants are the lowest of bottom feeders and on the bottom of my tip list. I can get my own paper towel guys........
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Drinking beer and posting is making me think more. Would you pay the hot female bathroom attendant an extra tip if she held it for you while you peed? I remember a dancer once asked if she could do that (she was joking, I think.).
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    As far as the attendants go, I would rather not pay a dollar for help in washing off my hands. Now if they have cheetos and other snack food, I don't mind but I only knew one place that had it like that. I remember one dancer even requested a cheeto instead of a dollar for her stage tip. A hot female bathroom attendant would change things. She might actually encourage guys to use the restroom and make it too crowded so maybe not.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Now, that's funny. :)

    I've occasionally heard a female or two at the door to the men's room chatting with someone inside. I think the funniest thing I heard one girl say was "I can see all of your weenies." Hearing that while you are trying to pee can give you ideas especially if the men's room door is open and they have lots of mirrors.

    I remember a state fair once had the sorriest ass sign directing men and women to the restrooms. I was in the correct restroom but women kept entering it. The arrow for the women's restroom was right outside the men's with a tiny little curved arrow at the bottom indicating around the corner. I thought I saw someone standing behind me at one time and before I left, I saw 4 females standing in front of me looking somewhat dumbfounded. I probably woudn't have used that restroom if I knew female after female kept walking in there because of that sorry sign.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Bathroom attendants are the single most annoying thing about (supposedly) "upscale" strip clubs. Worse than fatties demanding a tip, worse than ugglies dancing and actually getting naked, worse than annoying DJs telling everyone to whoop it up, and certainly worse than bird dog VIP bouncers watching you get a lapper.

    With bathroom "monkeys," almost inevitably, there is a positing of social class structure where there shouldn't be. Often, the attendant is of a minority race, generally the THIRD minority -- Hispanic-American in Memphis; African-American in Houston, for example -- and often he is an uneducated but "smooth" guy. The sort of person who could be the stereotypical used car salesman. Even if he is Caucasian, he has a "cracker" air to him -- uninformed, redneck, knee-jerk, loud-mouthed. And he treats ME (a typical member of America's lower class!) as though he were a groveling, sloping, smarmy inferior. I don't WANT people to act inferior to me. I want ALL MALES to be EQUAL.

    In a strip club, the only social distinctions I want to know about are between THE HIGH-SERVICE DANCERS, on the one hand, and EVERYONE ELSE, on the other. I suppose waitresses (especially if they're hot) occupy a problematic niche, but that is a different question.

    When I've been rubbing elbows with day-laborers and with corporate executives in the back room at Treasures, and we know that each one of us has spent basically the equivalent amount of money to break the law an equivalent amount and squirt a near equivalent amount of man juice down a probably identical dancer's gullet, I don't want some groveling weenie to watch me piss and then treat me like I'm King Solomon. It's just TOO transparent an act. And half the reason it's transparent, is that these MORONS are themselves BAD ACTORS and basically incompetent at business. They think "in your face" is equal to "good service."

    Can't stand 'em, bathroom attendants. A strip club is for MEN TO BE SERVICED and for women to DO THE SERVICING, whether it's true prostitution or merely stage dancing that "services" my need for eye-candy. Don't present some other male doing servicing. That's just ... well ... gay?

    Now, if the bathroom attendants were hot females ...

    18 years ago
    Nonononononono never! I'll only go there once, it's a sure sign of an overpriced clip joint. One other problem - a lot of guys don't wash their hands in such places to avoid having to tip a buck to wash their hands. So it's not only annoying, it's unsanitary.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I've always thought the men's room attendant served to discourage drug use and muggings, too (other than $1-at-a-time muggings). Not that they're physically capable of enforcing anything themselves.

    Actually, as silly as their presence is, I find them the least annoying of all the gentleman's club trappings. Being confined to the men's room, at least they don't get in the way of my interactions with the strippers.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Is the idea that if they can't jerk off they'll spend more on extras? I thought they removed the doors to make it harder to sneak a stripper in there. Some places do it to the ladies' room stalls, too. God, I hate that!
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    In some of the cheaper clubs they remove the stall doors in the mens room to make sure guys aren't jerking off in there. I've always wondered if the bathroom attendant functioned the same way for the higher class clubs.

    In general I say no, I don't need any help in the bathroom.
  • magicrat
    18 years ago
    I've heard that in some places, they can be a great source of info on the dancers..who's good, who to avoid, etc. I overheard one attendant talking to a customer saying "yeah, she gave him a blowjob!". Good info to know for sure.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    My opinion, NO! I wonder why some interprising manager doesn't employ a female attendant? That would make a difference in my opinion.
  • token
    18 years ago
    Don't care for them unless they have snacks, then may tip a dollar for a couple of chew pops. Will then tip the a decent dancer with a dollar and a pop. Otherwise, they suck.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Thank god there are no bathroom trolls in the ladies rooms (at least not yet, anyway).

    I kinda feel sorry for them....seems like a rather shitty job (no pun intended).
  • ArtCollege
    18 years ago
    Unless they are dancers, I don't want any bathroom attendants. there's nothing they do that I'm not more comfortable doing myself. Irritates me to see them.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    no prob with bathroom attendants in nicer places (Seamless, Club Paradise) or even middle of the road ones (Cheetahs and Striptease). I always get my $$$'s worth as I am sure to grab some candy and cologne for my buck's worth. I was quite friendly with one of them from CP and the coupla bills I gave him each trip was a tiny price to pay for the info and camraderie.
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