
Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?

First of all, I know for the most part dancers only care about the money but over the years it seems that race might play apart(to some degree) in how much mileage you get during a lapdance.

I have gotten both good and bad lapdances from both black and white dancers, but I think that for the most part I have gotten a little better mileage from black dancers.
Yeah I know things vary on the person giving you the dance but IMO in me being a blackmale I have found that the white girls(whom don't date black men or hang around black people) tended to not give the same mileage as some of the black girls.

I also believe that black dancers on the average don't give the same mileage to a white customer as they do a black. In these cases I am talking about when you first meet a dancer, not after she has gotten to know what type of person you are (that was for Shadowcat).

I just want to get some honest thoughts on this matter. I am not trying to sound like I am being racist. Think back throughout all of your stripclubbing days and ask yourself on th average whom gave you the better dances. Also ATF's don't count in this instance because they may not have thought much of you when they 1st met you, so the mileage probably was lesser in the beginning than it is now.


  • bigdawg_1
    18 years ago
    Ive had good dances from all races and bad from all. In my experience Black and Latin girls seem more agressive at the bar , such as groping or blowing in your ear. This does not necessarily mean that their lapdances are high mileage though.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    I would like to point out another fact that might turn off some white dancers from some black males. Alot of young black males come into the club thinking they can "talk up on getting some". I have seen it countless times at both white & black clubs. A blackmale who thinks he has it going on, will drop a bunch of dollar bills on a girl while she is onstage. If she is the naive type, she will come by and talk with him after she gets off stage thinking he is ready to spend money. She soon finds out that the self acclaimed "player" isn't going to spend any money on dances but wants to get in her pants for free.

    To be honest, I am probably not the norm when it comes to blackmales at stripclubs. I would say only about 30 or 40% of blackmales actually buy lapdances when they come to a club. Maybe the white females don't know off hand that I will spend money(not my whole paycheck) on dances.
  • token
    18 years ago
    Good topic. Like most here, I have enjoyed dances from all races. The dances have ranged from poor to excellent without regard to ethnicity. For me, the higher percentage of poor to mediocure dances have been from white dancers. I am white and very much prefer the company of black ladies. I probably somehow show my preference to these dancers somehow and possibly they become comfortable with me quicker, dunno.
    It is interesting to watch preferences in clubs. Many guys prefer ladies of a different race and IMHO thats not a bad thing.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    I seem to get the best dances from asian & black women, and I have no idea why. Lately, though, alot of the barbie-type white blondes have been giving me extra special attention in VIP, and they never really did that before. Maybe word got out that I'm a big tipper!
    I think dance quality has less to do with race (or gender) and more to do with the smell of $$$$ on a customer. Just MHO.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    In my (white man's) experience, the African American clubs are the highest-mileage clubs I've attended. Af Am dancers at Af Am clubs offer the highest mileage, in general, of any group. Strangely, Af Am dancers at predominantly white clubs offer the least mileage of any Af Am dancer, and often even less than the white girls at the white club. I think they get an "uppity" notion about going to the middle-class club.

    But that's the crux of the matter, "middle-class" versus "poor." Dirty activity takes place in dirty areas of town, and poorer groups of people in America tend to have a larger percentage of Af Ams. Sad but true, mostly the blacks in the USA are mostly poorer than most of the whites. And poor neighborhoods, with their clubs, are where extra-curricular and even stretch-the-limits-but-legal activities are more likely to happen.

    Asian girls run the gamut. I can't generalize. South American girls are generally "more passionate" in a kind of way that I don't like -- it all looks like an act, all that "oo baybee come heeeere" crap, and breathing through their clenched teeth -- but not necessarily more, or less, liberal with their activities in dances.

    For get-down total extras service, Af-Am clubs that are nevertheless comfortable for white clients are generally my best source. Unfortunately, that can mean going to a dangerous area of town, and can mean seeing some seedier-looking women. Not that there aren't attractive Af-Am ladies, but those girls tend to be doing less, or moving out and doing it at the white clubs.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    PS -- I'd like to add, that a factor for a black male getting dances from a white stripper might be her negative attitude. I have heard a lot of girls bad-mouth members of other races -- "they're dirty" or "they smell bad" about Hispanics, Asians, or blacks. Generally the most prejudiced women are the jaded middle-aged former-star-queen girls who should have moved on to medical secretary or paralegal but just can't quite get it together. You know the type; say they're 30, look 45, still have a mullet and a Van Halen leather jacket. I think an Af Am male might experience poor service from these women unless he managed to "act white" -- meaning, to mainstreamize himself -- rather than "act black."

    N.B. -- the uses of the term "act white" and "act black" are, of course, advised, and not meant either to be accurate or to cause offense. If you want to discuss it further just ask, but I think we all know what we're talking about here and I hope we all don't want to reject or judge one group or another on the basis of something as unrepresentative as skin color. :)
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    It's been a long time since I've had dances from an Af-Am woman (even tho I have a huge affinity for them). There may be one gal at the club whom I would actively pursue for dances. Most of the Af-Ams have the body type I like but are lacking the facial features I desire. I have gotten mediocre dances from enough white girls not to typecast either race when it comes mileage and truth be told I am not a high mileage type of customer
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    It's been a long time since I've had dances from an Af-Am woman (even tho I have a huge affinity for them). There may be one gal at the club whom I would actively pursue for dances. Most of the Af-Ams have the body type I like but are lacking the facial features I desire. I have gotten mediocre dances from enough white girls not to typecast either race when it comes mileage and truth be told I am not a high mileage type of customer
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    So judging by most of the comments, if I wanted to get the most "bang for my buck" then going to a predominately black club would be my best bet. There are not too many of them around where I live. There are still a few but one is in a town that has a 4foot ordinance for dances(It wasn't always like that) and the other plays way too much loud rap music. A little off of my style.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I get far better mileage and better attitude from Brazilian and Asian dancers than I ever got from American dancers (this includes Black dancers) ...when I bothered with them.
    18 years ago
    I've never noticed any difference. I've had good and bad dances from both races. But I'm probably not an expert because I've probably had dances from fewer different girls than most everyone else here. That's because I usually find a girl I like and stick with her for a long time. Plus I'm not usually looking for high mileage. So my sample size on this question is pretty limited.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    There may be a difference in the mileage I get from strippers of different races, but if there is, it's not great or even noticeable enough to effect my choice. I don't place that much importance on mileage, anyway. I would never consider getting dances from a girl I wasn't attracted to, like Jpac writes about. I choose girls by looks and attitude. How far around the bases we go is just one aspect in my enjoyment of her dances. I tend to develop rapport more easily with girls with whom I have more cultural affinity, so that favors "staying with my own race" somewhat. However, it's not anywhere near consistent enough to be a policy of mine.

    I should point out that, among black dancers, for the reasons I just laid out, my experience is with those who are more "white-acting", if you'll excuse the term, so I may not be sampling as much mileage as I could "outside my own race".

    Also, no matter what you say about white customers and black strippers not relating, I think this issue is liable to be a lot more relevant for you, Jpac. Still, I hope the existence of prejudice doesn't cause you to give up on white strippers altogether. It's definitely more fun to evaluate them one at a time.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Funny. I hadn't seen FONDL's post yet when I posted mine, which is just sort of a long-winded version of the same opinion.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    That depends on how important mileage is. Although it's nice to have a girl give you high mileage, I'd rather have a girl I like give it to me. Now, if you could quantify how much mileage dancers of different races give, I'd say black dancers give the most and white the least, with Latina dancers somewhere in the middle, but that is also not why I go.
  • luckyone
    18 years ago
    Don't think I'd agree with that sentiment. I've generally found that the best mileage has come from the black dancers I've known. And, no, these were not necessarily favorites but just girls who I thought were hot and they usually proved it in their performances. And I'm as white (or white-looking) as they cum.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If you're talking strictly what a girl does rather than how much you enjoy girl A versus girl B doing the same thing when you're more attracted to girl A, then the answer might be a yes. Overall though I wouldn't necessarily agree with the statement/question. I think sexual aggression and what some girls may do is generally higher in everyone except the American white female. However I tend to be more attracted to pretty blonde females. There can always be exceptions though. I've run into sexually aggressive white females but get the general impression that they are the least aggressive female. Now I'm all set up for girls to get sexually aggressive towards me but I'm not worried, lol.

    An extra note: I get the impression some girls from South America may be sexually aggressive too but maybe some girls are just more attracted to me and try harder. I try to be careful with who I get alone with. Some girls are horny and I don't find out until I get alone with them.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Luckyone: I guess your situation is a rare exception. I would think that if you came into the club looking for a black dancer and you wore the newest "Hip Hop" clothes and shoes a black dancer in general would think that you are a "cool" guy and not a lame guy. Yeah I am not saying you wouldn't have gotten advances from a blackdancer if you wore a regular T-shirt and clean Jeans. I just think black females are attracted to the way a guy dresses.

    I would think that a white male wearing a Fubu or Sean John shirt and Jeans would get the same mileage as a white male wearing slacks and a shirt and tie. The thing is from what I have seen the guys(black & white) whom wear expensive outfits and "blingy" watches to the club hardly ever buy dances. Some will pull out a wad of ones tip it to the dancer on stage but want go in the back even when it looks like they can afford it.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: Some of your statements are exactly what I am talking about. You stated that the black girls at your club seemed like they were out to scam you. Okay this goes back to what I said before. If your were a younger white male who dressed with the latest trends (FUBU, Rocca wear etc..) then maybe they would have step to you differently. I am not trying to pick at you are anyone but maybe they see you as a old, naive,(sp) white guy whom they can easily take money from because they think you don't have the common sense to pick up on when you are being played. Again, I am not every black dancers are like this but alot are expecially the ones working at the more predominately "black" clubs.

    I think the average white female does look at dress as well. I agree that the white dancer who doesn't hang with black girls OTC would be turned off by guys dressing like thugs. Let me give you an example. Let's say I came to the Platinum plus and got with one of your favorite's whom said she would give black males dances whom don't dress like thugs. Okay even though she might give me a dance, does that mean I got or would get the same mileage as a young white male around the same age as me?

    Here is an example of what happened last week with me. I was at a little small club. This club most of the time is more predominately white than black. However, on this occasion there were 3black girls, 1 spanish, and a white girl. One of the black girls was trying her best to get me to get a lapdance from her. She was cute but too skinny for my taste. I told her that I had already asked another dancer. She wanted to know whom it was but I didn't tell her. She made all kinds of promises that she was better than the other girls and I would really like it, but I still declined.

    Well I chose the white female because she had the best body. short and curvy but not fat. Well the white girl never asked me for a dance. Maybe she thought that I would be more interested in the black dancers. I asked her for a dance when I tipped her at the stage. Well the dance she gave was okay but not the greatest. I left wondering if I should have taken the blackgirls offer instead even though I wasn't really attracted to her. Have you or anyone ever left the club with this thought?
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