
Comments by verfolgung (page 7)

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    20 years ago
    Best two-way contact clubs
    Ligitimate mutual contact (not talking about extras) is available in several parts of the country: Las Vegas, Parts of FL (Tampa, Daytona, Miami), and Rhode Island. I'm sure there are many others, but these are just the one's I've personally experienced.
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    20 years ago
    Slickwille: Here in the northeast I haven't seen a club use the "tip walk" approach. My impression of clubs where there is a tip walk is that the dancer generally does her show on stage for the entire room with little personal attention, she finnishes her set and then comes out to collect tips from the crowd. This is different from what I'm used to. For example.... In MA: Customers either sit stage side at the tip rail or back from the stage. If your at the tip rail your pretty much expected to tip at least $1 per song. The dancer will usually come out for her set and dance in front of each customer for a few moments as she makes her way around the stage collecting tips. Stage dancing in MA is NOT free advertising. Since the state rules are no contact, private dances tend to be a tough sell and many times the majority of a dancer's income will come from stage tipping. It's not uncommon for someone to simply park themselves at the tip rail and just do stage tips all night. There's a general rule that dancers won't hustle the guys sitting at the tip rail. If you sit back from the rail, you may think your getting a free show, but then you become fair game for the dancers to sell private dances to. If your sitting back and not getting any dances you run the risk of being negatively labeled. In RI: The tip rail is worked a little differently. Since RI is a contact state, the stage does become more of an advertisement for private dances. It's not too common, unless it's a busy Fri or Sat night, for someone to just sit at the tip rail, since you'll end up with a bunch of ladies climbing into your lap. This may sound cool, but in RI they may put 5 to 7 dancers on a stage. It's not too long before you realize you don't want to have to tip and be smothered by every dancer. Usually guys just approach the stage when a dancer they have an interest in is performing. They'll give her a tip, and if she does really well, hopefully she'll get a private dance as well. General Comments: My personal feeling is no matter where you are, if your watching the dancer and enjoying the show, a $1 tip should not be a big deal. I don't feel you have to tip every dancer who goes up on stage, but if you enjoyed her performance pony up the $1. Otherwise talk with your buddies or watch the ballgame on the TV. Lastly your comment on $100-$300 per hour doesn't seem accuarate. Some dancers may make this, but I don't believe the majority do. Even if a dancer can make $300 in a given hour, it doesn't mean she's going to consistently make that every hour. Most of the dancers I know go home with between $200 to $600 per shift on average after tip outs.
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    20 years ago
    Ode to a Stripper
    Nice poem MistressD. I think many of us who enjoy the company of the women we meet at SCs would agree with these words. Yes, I enjoy going to a SC and spending time with a beautiful articulate and intelligent young woman with a great personality; however, it always gives me a warm feeling to learn she's used the opportunity as a dancer correctly and is leaving to start the next phase of her life. Just recently a dancer at a club I visit on a regular basis decided to hang up her platforms. She was heading west and on her way to grad school. Surely, I'll miss her company, but am happier to see her go and wish her the absolute best.
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    20 years ago
    Do strippers find it insulting if you don't get aroused during a dance?
    Here is my honest input to this topic after hearing from several dancers... Most dancers expect arousal, especially in a contact club. They realize it's a natural reaction to what is going on. In many cases they take it as a sign that they're doing a good job, which increases the possibility of the customer getting more dances - always a good thing. In some cases if they don't get arousal than the dancer wonders what she might be doing wrong. (There are times times a guy might not be aroused because of fatigue, type of clothing they are wearing, or maybe a medication they are on and it will have nothing to do with the dancer's performance.) Okay, so arousal is not a problem for most dancers. It's generally thought of as a good thing. Now what most dancers don't appreciate is once one is arroused to be overly agressive in jutting it out there. Yes, there are some dancers who will just dry hump the hell out of you, but most are not that way. What dancers dislike is when guys get aroused and then grab their hipps and begin to thrust - ouch! So to sum up, don't be worried about getting aroused, but don't be a jerk about it either.
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    20 years ago
    Clear Plastic Platform Shoes
    The shoes are a sex appeal thing. It starts with high heal shoes. Wearing high heals forces one to walk on their toes, and it raises the back of the leg and ultimately the buttocks. (Ever see a woman bend over with heals, and then without heals? Trust me, there's a difference.) Wearing heals over time will strenghten one's legs, help firm up the buttocks and can acutally help to enhance one's posture as well. Now normal high heal shoes force all weight down to two points, the heal and the toes. Most platform shoes acutally have more surface area in contact with the ground than the normal high heal shoe thus more area for the pressure to be spread out over. Now why women go from 4" heals to 5" to 7" or 9", well that's just statement thing, and they are looking to stand out from the crowd. Now don't get me wrong, I've never understood why women put themselves through this, and don't really think they have to. When ever I get dances from one of my favorite dancers I always ask her to take off her shoes. I make it sound like she'd doing me a favor, but she is very appreciative to be able to give her feet a rest. (BTW - If you good at it, and depending on the dancer, it's usually cool to offer a foot rub. Most dancers have tired feet, especially at the end of their shift, and will welcome a little pampering.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do strippers find it insulting if you don't get aroused during a dance?
    Hey YODA: The truly great ones know how to build you up right to the that point where ..... You: "Dammit the song ended!" Dancer: "So, would you like another dance?" ; )
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do strippers find it insulting if you don't get aroused during a dance?
    Jpac73: You didn't think guys did what at the SCs? Grab girls or try to dry hump them? Heck that's not even the worst of the crap some guys will try to pull. Have you been paying attention? Assholes abound in many SCs.
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    20 years ago
    Bringing Wifey to the Club
    SirCharles: Persoanlly I don't have an SO, but I do have some female friends who enjoy going to SCs with me. They're not sexually attracted to the dancers but do appreciate female beauty and sometimes like to pick up a few moves here and there to use for themselves. ; ) Generally when going to a club with a woman, friend or SO, most of the people in the club will assume your together. You'll generally find that the dancers will probably be a little shy to approach you at first. This is because they encounter so many women who are there for the WRONG reason. Unfortunately it's all too common for females to come in with their boyfriend even though they don't really want to be there. They just want to appear to be the "cool" modern woman who's open to doing things like going to SCs with their man. However, then they sit there all night and give the dancers dirty looks, make derogatory comments, and generally look down on the dancers. If they're not there to have a good time, then they really shouldn't be there in first place. Now when I go with a female friend to the club, I try to make it known from the moment we enter that she's there to participate and have a good time. Usually I treat, so I'll give her $20-$40 before we enter and have her pay her own cover and get her own tip change from the cashier just to set the right tone. Then I make sure she knows that she should actively tip the stage dancers. Once the dancers see that my friend is cool and there to have a good time usually the initial shyness wears off the dancers will start to approach and a good time can be had by all!
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    20 years ago
    Bobby Fischer arrested in Japan...Who is he?
    Jeeeez!!! Am i going to have to start another petition? : )
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    20 years ago
    What are the standards for being a stripper?
    Jpac73: You may find this hard to believe, but my definition of an ideal woman probably different from yours. Clubs are usually always looking to add women. Contrary to what you might believe, dancers are typically in short supply. Variety is the spice of life and though the girl may not have done it for you, she might have been someones ideal lady. Maybe the club keeps her on because she's reliable, never misses a shift and is never late for her set. Maybe she's got a great personality and guys would rather spend time in the company of 6 or a 7 who can hold a conversation than an 8 or 9 who acts entitled and stuck up. Maybe an older customer prefers to sit with a more mature woman than the 18 year old. For every guy who likes a lean athletic build thaere are guys to like a curvey voluptuous woman. You just never know. It usually taks a certain level of income to make it worth putting up the hastles of being a dancer. Dancing isn't easy, and if she's really not making it, than it won't be too long before she either goes somewhere else or leaves the business on her own.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Yes, it was fun for a while. I guess I'm glad we didn't let this thread expire.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Huge, what are you talking about? (Are you talking about club boards or the general discussion board?) As of the time of this post, I only see that RL has refreshed two old threads, and hasn't started any new ones. Before this thread and the action people have taken to ignore RL, he/she used to dominate this board. RL used to have 5-12 threads running at the same time even before I started this campaign. RL knows no matter how many threads he/she creates it will not knock this off the board. The threads expire by date. All of the threads which have had a post within a certain number of days will show, no matter how many new threads are created. The only way a thread will disappear is if it expires, and even then it's still possible to bring it back (as RL so often does). Listen, if you guys really want me to let this expire, I have no problem with that. Once I see a few people post against this thread I'll just let it die.
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    20 years ago
    Why can't guys talk to each other?
    PINHEAD: You're back! Good to see you posting again. As for the topic question, I have no idea. I've struck up brief conversations with guys who were sitting next to me at the tip rail or bar counter before, usually about the girl dancing in front of us or the game on the TV. Most of the time though, I'm usually sitting in the company of a lovely lady and having a conversation with her. Maybe it's a competition thing. Guys want to keep themselves free to get the attention of the dancer they're looking for, and then they don't want to share. Who knows? I sure as hell don't.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Man did this thread take an unintended turn down a dark alley and get mugged. WOW! The original post was just supposed to be a humerous story. Oh well.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Alright, now RL is clearly back. He/she is now up to five threads. Just refreshing this one to try to stay ahead of him/her.
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    20 years ago
    Why can't guys talk to each other?
    Come on Sir Charles. What's the going rate to cut in line? You should have at least tried to get that out of him!
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Just trying to stay ahead of the curve again.
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    20 years ago
    too skinny to dance?
    Personally, I prefer a lean athletic build to an overly voluptuous figure. There is no "ideal shape" for a dancer. New girls always seem to ask "Am I too short, tall, dark, light, etc.?" or "Do I have a big enough chest, booty, etc.?" or "Is my hair the right color?" As long as you appear healthy and look like you take care of yourself, you'll be fine. Customers tastes vary, and while you might not be the perfect woman for one guy, you may very well be someone elses fantasy girl. Really, the most important thing for you will be to maintain a positive attitude and have a great personallity. Best of luck!
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Well it looks as though RL has altered his/her strategy of late. Now that most people have started to ignor RL's posts on the General Discussion board, he/she seems to be sticking with making posts on the boards of individual clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do we Lust after the NEW DANCER?
    When you go visit your ATF does she dance for you, and only you? Probably not. You don't have exclusive rights to her time, why should she have exclusive rights over you? Getting dances from another dancer is not cheating. Yes, some dancers will get territorial, and may miss what they used to consider as dependable income. Oh well. As long as you're honest with the dancer, she really has no gripe. If she wants you back as a customer, than she'll just have to come up with a way to provide better service than the next girl. (NO, I'm not talking about extras.) Otherwise, move on to the next customer. Besides going for a test drive every now and then is not really a bad thing. I have favorites at the clubs I visit, and I will still occasionally get a dance from another girl. In a way, it helps to show that you're not getting to emotionally attached to any one dancer. Many dancers love regulars, but they also fear when regulars try to take the business realtionship to the next level.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Pet peeve . . . eye contact . . .
    I can't speak for the "olden days" (still in my 20's), but eye contact is definitly a lost skill amongst many dancers. Personally, I think that dancers just get used to seeing guys stare at the other parts of their anatomy so they no longer bother trying to make eye contact. Me, I make A LOT of eye contact, and my favorite dancers enjoy making a lot of eye contact as well.
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    20 years ago
    Pet peeve . . . eye contact . . .
    Not sure if you were responding to me, but if you were.... I may still be considered relatively young, but honestly, I'm not that good looking (over weight and bad complexion). Eye contact is one of the things I look for in a dancer. While some dancers actively use eye contact as part of the whole package to seduce their customers, other dancers aren't comfortable making or maintaining a lot of eye contact. I've experienced many different reactions to eye contact; some get weirded out and wonder why you're not just stareing at their breasts or cookie like every other guy. Other's seem to be pleasently surprised by a customer who maintains a long period of affectionate eye contact. One of my favorite moments is when a dancer bends over in front of you and then looks at you between her legs. Many times they expect to catch guys stareing, but I like to surprise them by being ready to make eye with them as soon as they look back. I also enjoy making eye contact with dancers through a reflection in a mirror. She'll be turned around while dancing in front of you and then she'll glance over to the mirror expecting to see you stareing her booty, but I just look over to the mirror as well and smile right back at her in the reflection.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Pet peeve . . . eye contact . . .
    I guess it could be my personality. ----------------------------------- My favorite dancers know how important eye contact is for me. One of my favorite dancers will dance an entire four-song set while maintaining eye contact with me. At times she might be shaking her booty or giving a show to some other customer at the stage, but she'll be looking over and smiling in my direction with her bright beautiful eyes.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    High Heels . . . Yes or No?
    Uhh, what? .... Are you short or intimidated by tall women? Just curious. One of my favorite dancers is 5'10" barefoot, and usually walks around the club at around 6'5" in her platforms. Her legs just go on for miles!!! (Damn, just thinking of them ... mmmmmm!) Anyway, when she's giving dances I always let her know she can take her shoes off, and she always welcomes the opportunity to rest her feet and it brings her a little closer to me as well. In general though, most dancers in a SC appear to be tall. Heck a 5'5" girl wearing the avg. 5" heal stands at eye level with me. Only the real short dancers stand bellow me while in their platforms. Tall women are just something I've gotten used to in SCs. It probably the one place where a girl not wearing platforms or wearing a short heal can actually look out of place. Besides I've always been an LA man myself, so I love the way a the shoes lengthen the women's legs and lift her booty. YUMMY!!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Pet peeve . . . eye contact . . .
    FONDL - Absolutely agree with you, and I play the same kind of game as well. So many dancers appreciate it when they realize you're not just there to stare at her other assets. I think they find the eye contact as less objectifying. When ever a dancer asks why I don't focus on other things like some other customers, I tell her that even though I'm looking into her eyes I can still see her smile, her sexy silhouette, and the rest of her beauty in my peripheral vision anyway.