
Comments by casualguy (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    If I'm sitting down comfortably in a chair, just seeing a dancer stroll across a stage with no dancing ability isn't going to make me want to get up and tip her. Dance and you may get my attention. Otherwise I may start thinking the dancer just thinks they don't have to do anything except stand there and wait for guys to drop off money. I try to stay away from dancers who seem to show that attitude. I guess if she's really hot, she might be able to do that though.
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    17 years ago
    My first blown New Year's resolution
    I spent more money than I planned but not by a whole lot. I don't regret it either. I'll feel better if this one stock I speculated on goes back up in value so I can sell it without having a loss on it. I bought the thing too fast. I noticed I keep buying and selling things too fast and need to let the market catch up to what I'm thinking of before I act. Oh well. I'm learning.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    There is one instance where I might overanalyze something to death. That is when I believe a girl or maybe dancer in this case has given me some strong hints or suggestions that she wants to see me later away from the club. If I haven't talked to her much about it and she was making the suggestions, I may start wondering what she has in mind. Just to go out to eat, talk, or more? Or is she just trying to pull my string thinking that will keep me interested in her inside the club and spend more money on her as a result. Well I know I don't like being stringed along too much. I might give someone a second and maybe even a third chance if their excuses sound good but after that, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Now some dancers and/or some girls, get alone with them for a split second and they're ready to jump your bones faster than you know what hit you. Put all that together and you really start wondering or analyzing things too much on occasion. Meet a girl in a bar and you start thinking, all she wants to do is have a possible one night stand and treat you like a sex object. Or would she get attached when I might not want to get too attached. Or what is her sexual history? I think I did overanalyze one girl away who I suspected just wanted to have sex. The only reason I even went into the bar that night was to play some video games and have a couple of drinks. My first clue that she liked me was when she started rubbing my legs. So of course I had to rub hers back a little bit. I guess I didn't analyze that part. Well actually I didn't overanalyze her away right away. I had a hangover in the morning and thought she lived 1 and 1/2 hours away and didn't feel like driving that so I didn't bother to call her.
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    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    All I'm going to say is eewww. I'm going to watch more carefully where I set my beer bottle at. I usually don't bring any back to the lap dance area and now I'm glad.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    Ok shadowcat, here's an analysis you'll probably like better. Many years ago a dancer was alone with me and I had already consumed a few drinks. Then she whispered in my ear "I'm going to suck your ...." I did a 3 second analysis of her statement. One was that one second was not enough time at that moment for me to do any analysis. The second thing I thought about was that she wasn't joking.
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    17 years ago
    My first blown New Year's resolution
    I know how you feel. I was planning on not spending as much money last night on dances. But instead of leaving the strip club, I was hanging around watching a little bit longer. Than a hot young blonde suddenly sat down in my lap and started talking to me. After a few minutes and checking my wallet, I thought, oh what the hell, she might not be here when I come back again. I think the only reason I spent less money that the last time was because I kept getting change in ones at another club. I had between 60 to 70 dollars in ones when I counted them all up after I got home.
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    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    I said before that I'm used to dancers approaching me. I guess after last night I'm not used to 2 dancers approaching me at the same time like a tag team. It's like a red warning flag immediately goes up in my mind whether they like it or not. It would help if I was in a club longer than 5 minutes and had a chance to relax and enjoy the view a little bit longer too. I felt a bit awkward last night getting rid of two dancers who I have been friendly with in the past but the way they approached me just set off all kinds of alarm bells for me. The club was crowded too so I don't know why they sat at my table unless it was because I had two empty chairs. After I had some more beer, I felt a whole lot more comfortable. 5 minutes in a club isn't long enough.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    I believe I usually name a topic as such if it's not about dancers specifically. That way you don't even have to read it. I don't read everything posted on here.
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    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    I should have probably mentioned a weekly market bottom was this past Friday according to the web site. In a bear market, you can easily have ups and downs on a weekly basis even if the monthly trend continues to go down until say like May 2008. I wonder if he actually won the Nobel prize if he would discontinue the service. Gravity flunctuations affect how a large number of people buy and sell stocks. I could see the possibility. The market did go down last week. Now maybe someone with some Aerospace knowledge can find out if any programs they use can identify gravity flunctuations. I would really like to know how that program works if it does work.
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    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    Thanks trojangreg for the info.
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    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    Anyone ever use the Hulbert Financial Digest and/or xyber9.com ? The Digest examines which investment newsletters are actually making money for investors (most aren't long term) and which ones are scams. Cost is only 59 to 69 dollars a year but I haven't gotten around to subscribing yet. I was wondering if they had rated or examined xyber9. According to that web site, he got nominated for the Nobel prize in Economics and is sharing the info so that he can win the Nobel prize claiming the stock market is predictable. He claims he has proved it with a 90 percent accuracy. The forecasts for weekly, montly, and yearly though cost $125 per month. I did read without subscribing he forecasted a market bottom this past Friday and a bottom to this current bear market in May 2008. Just wondering if anyone has read or heard about it. Didn't want to spend $125 per month to find out unless I had a way to make it make money for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    Yes congrats shadowcat. I missed that info that he was out of debt. I was planning on cutting back the number of dances but that went out the window this morning when a hot young blonde girl sat in my lap. I got 2 more on top of all the others I already had. I had fun though. So if my Roth IRA isn't maxed out for this tax year, I'll have pleasant thoughts of why not. I need to get back to studying what to invest my money in to get the best returns since that will take more money away from me than all the money I've spent in strip clubs. I guess if it wasn't for strip clubs, I would be debating what to do with all my savings. Fully invest up to 16 percent of income in a 401K at work, plus a Roth IRA (I don't know what the limit is if it's a dollar figure for both combined) or invest in a taxable account or pay taxes and convert a regular IRA to a Roth. I thought a Roth IRA is good because if you need the money, you can take the original amount back out. However I don't want to do that now. The sad thing is that I have a married older brother that makes almost twice as much money as me but he is always hard up for money due to his wife and kids and the debt she ran up. Sounds like a clone of shadowcat's former wife.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's name in review.
    If you're pretty sure they ripped you off, please mention their name so everyone who reads this site will be on alert and get saved the same rip off scam. You don't want one of us to get more dances from the same ROB and give her more money do you? Now if a dancer gave me free dances and I enjoyed her dances (she might be one of my favorites) I usually won't ever mention her name. I don't want to risk getting someone I like in trouble or risk everyone who visits tying up her time so I don't get to see her when I return.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Laughter in clubs
    In case you didn't know, another way to upset a dancer is to laugh at her while she's doing her lap dances. Some dancers can get upset easily. I don't recall ever laughing at a dancer though during a lap dance. I simply thought of something funny on occasion while they were dancing for me. Some dancers may ask if you're laughing at them. I think they may lack some confidence in themselves if they're asking you so I reassure them I'm not laughing at them. If you were joking with them a few minutes ago, I don't think they ever asked what I was laughing or smiling about. Well, unless they really wanted to know.
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    17 years ago
    Laughter in clubs
    In a public area or especially very loud areas, it can be hard to talk and hear. When I get alone with a dancer, occasionally being humorous and laughing a bit isn't that unusual for me. I've heard several dancers say "you made me laugh" which by them even saying that, does make that seem unusual. It all depends on what mood I'm in and whether or not I heard or saw something funny I want to share. I believe this activity is mainly with dancers I'm already familiar with and typically when I'm just talking to them in a semi-private area or with not a lot of people and noise around. I remember one night after drinking, I thought it would be funny to tell a dancer about some cornball pick up lines I heard somewhere. I think she thought some of them were funny. The only one I remember but I don't think she thought it was that funny was "if your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, can I come visit between the holidays?" I remember one night both myself and a dancer were laughing hysterically about something. I don't remember what that was about. I think part of the conflict between laughter and strip clubs is that as a guy, when I'm thinking about sexual thoughts, laughter is usually not something I'm thinking about. In fact if I start laughing about something during the middle of a lap dance, dancers have stopped and asked if I was laughing at them or if something was wrong. Obviously my mind wasn't thinking sexual thoughts but about something funny I was thinking about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    Anyone know if the stock symbol PTT changed to something else? I was occasionally checking it to see how it was doing but now I don't see that symbol listed on two free services I use. Did someone buy them out or something? I've noticed RICK has gone down quite a bit since talked about on here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has a dancer ever "mind-fu..cked" you?
    I was thinking of where it's possible to mind fuck a dancer. Maybe it's not even intentional but a dancer may start getting a different impression of you than you intended but you don't try to correct her because it seems to be in your favor. One dancer seemed almost infatuated or something with me one time. She was calling me up at home, just wanting to talk to me for no particular reason. Then she was sitting with me at the club for long stretches of time ( I call anything over 30 minutes a long time) without even asking for dances. I don't think she was trying to mind fuck though. She just wanted to do more stuff with me away from the club. I have to admit though, when a dancer says she remembers you from many years ago and knows where a pic of you is located in a club in another state, you start wondering how much she does know about you.
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    17 years ago
    South Carolina SC's
    I've never known Nepals to have nude dancing. It's topless only. Someone may have their memory confused with a different club unless things were different more than 10 years ago. I remember for a year or so there was another club very close down the road that may have been nude. It didn't stay open for long unfortunately. I once lived in Raleigh but never visited any of the strip clubs. I did meet a dancer one night at a frat party. I didn't go to too many Frat parties, they always wanted me to join up but that didn't bother me. I did have some fun at a sorority party. I think I drank too much but I probably had as much fun as some guys do in a strip club. About the only thing I still remember from that night other than playing some drinking games and lots of girls all around me, was trying to dance and one girl asking me "can you handle 5 girls?" I just said yes.
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    17 years ago
    Back in the game
    WB to the party FONDL. Now just think, when a dancer asks you "Do you come here often?", you can say at least once every 2 years.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    Lol, lopaw. I was like that last weekend. One or two dancers thought I was drunk but I was just having fun because I had a lot of cash and wasn't worried about spending it. I wasn't throwing it around but I was walking all over the club and occasionally tipping dancers I was familiar with at a much higher frequency than many others. I'm going to cut back on the number of drinks and probably the number of lap dances this weekend. Last weekend I got a record number from just one dancer. My budget plans will be in trouble if a bunch of old favorites show up. Sounds like I have a dancer budget. I save money if they don't show up. Well, I do limit how much I take and I only spend cash. I only spotted two favorites at one club even though I spotted 2 nice looking dancers from my previous club in that one. I hope they don't switch on me. I bet they would all want to pin me down.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    My idea of budgeting is to look at the girls in a strip club and say, nope, no lap dance there. or "wanna dance?" No, her price is too high. What is yours?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Brand New Car or an equivalent dollar value of Dances?
    I'd rather put the money working for me in investments rather than a car that depreciates. But I guess whatever works for you. I'm somewhere around 20 to 30 years from retirement unless I succeed beyond my wildest dreams of getting a million in retirement money before then.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    You can get clues from what a dancer will allow by just getting a regular lap dance from her. Extremely fussy no touch dancers you can forget about anything they tell you they'll do in private in my opinion. However the only private sessions I've had with dancers has either been in the regular dance room (rarely private) or at their house. Several dancers are good at BS in my opinion. If a dancer is married or has a significant other she doesn't want to upset, I believe your chances would be slim to zero as well of getting more than talk and a dance. Now if they tell you this information is another story.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    I remember in one quiet club I hadn't been to in ages, I bought a dancer a drink, got a couple of lap dances, nothing unusual. Then she found me later, club was pretty empty, I agreed to get a couple more lap dances. I thought she was just getting a little bit frisky until I suddenly realized she was doing a lot more than I expected. She didn't even tell me she was going to do that. Felt good though. Maybe we both were slightly intoxicated. A script? She never even gave me a clue what she had planned. Maybe she didn't plan it. I got nervous and left though after she suddenly stopped and a bouncer appeared to be watching. Some dancers seem to be like that, get alone with them and there's no telling what they might do with certain guys. Other dancers, they would complain if you even accidently touch them slightly above their waist. They are all different and apparently have a lot of different backgrounds.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    I have hooked up with a few other dancers outside of the club. If they just wanted to go out to eat with me (at first) or just meet me later, I was usually fine with that. I already felt comfortable with them in the club or knew them from other clubs or else they felt comfortable with me that I couldn't possibly be LE and I didn't know about stings and all that. I've met a few dancers later with no expectation of paying for their time or anything else. In fact I was ticked off at one dancer when we arranged to meet later and she wanted money for her time. She didn't tell me this was what she expected. I wasn't expecting it. I refused to pay her at first but then with plenty of cash and seeing her cry, I did give in that time. I don't recall ever doing that again but I knew to ask more about what a dancer expected rather than what I expected. I remember in one club in NC, dancers called doing dances in private away from the club as a private party. However they made it clear that's all they did. Dance. I'm afraid someone charging 500 an hour would make a guy think he's going to get a lot more than a dance. At least here in the carolinas where the cost of living is lower than the rest of the country. However you talk about escorts, that's something I know very little about so I really may not have a clue. I remember a Circuit City tv repairman said he could hook me up. That guy was worse than the cable guy in the movies. Did a lousy job fixing the tv too. Getting a replacement tv from Circuit City that went bad a little over a year later, made me ban Circuit City from my shopping list. I'm not surprised they are having trouble now if my experience is the least bit reflective of how they take care of customers. Sorry off topic I guess unless you're talking about pleasing the customer.