
Comments by casualguy (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    I was thinking when it comes to the slums of New Orleans (the way it used to be), why work when it was just so much easier to steal? I bet they could strip your car in seconds there. Maybe that's Chicago. I know I've heard about places and watched a video demonstrating those abilities. Park a car along a street and the only thing left to your car after a matter of seconds will be the frame up on some blocks. Maybe they take the blocks away too now, I don't know. These people are superskilled at stealing. Me, I work years through demanding bosses, my own sweat and hard work to get enough money to pay for a car. Then others just come along and if they don't steal from you, they apparently think nothing of putting dents, dings, and scratches in other peoples vehicles. That costs a lot of money to get fixed as well. If it's not fixed, it reduces the value of your car. Some people really do not care. I'm thinking either they had things given to them so it means little or maybe they don't care about other people's property. I have a sister who works but she had little regard for her kids possibly damaging my property. We got into an argument. If you work for things, I don't really understand why she cared so little about damaging others people property. My only reasoning is because she deals with that in her work all the time so she's indifferent to people complaining and their concerns.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    I thought I would add, even though we have poverty in America, 12 million people came here illegally from another country because they thought there was a lot more opportunity here than at home. They are taking jobs working in the fields, picking our food so it doesn't rot on the vine, doing menial jobs I heard that most Americans don't want to or won't do. There is a real concern about having universal health care and suddenly paying for all the illegals (made legal) in our social security system and health care system. I'm actually ok with letting them into our system but it should cost them more to come here illegally than it does to legally come here. If anyone determines the amount, then just set up a payment plan. I don't know if the amount is 5,000, 10,000 or what it is. It needs to deter illegal immigration unless illegals are happy to pay more than they need to. If entering this country takes too long legally, then we need to fix that as well for people who would add to society here. Not that I'm in favor of any more outsourcing of jobs to foreigners either by moving a company overseas or bringing in foreign workers and firing the Americans because the company can save a buck. Perhaps one alternative to a payment plan for illegals is military service. Give them automatic citizenship for them if they are injured and unable to perform their duties anymore if that happened while working for our military. Many illegals think it is ok to do military service in support of our country as well. These are all problems we have but no one is leading the country in any meaningful discussions getting back public input and educating regular Americans about our choices. I for one do not know what the cost is to legally enter this country. If they work here, pay our taxes,and our paying for the social security tax now, they are already supporting this country and doing jobs that others legally in poverty are too lazy to do. Just a little extra 2 cent rant. I feel better now, I don't know about you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    Why do we have poverty? Some people only make minimum wage. That wage level may be defined as being in poverty in this country. There may be some instances where people are actually hungry but this country has government programs for food stamps and many charities willing to help those in need. I don't think poverty in this country is the same as in other countries. I think many of the people in poverty in this country may not want to work hard every day trying to get ahead and save money. They are ok with handouts from our government or from charities. Do I think the government should give these people money so they can go out and buy steaks and luxury type items with their food stamps? Not if they're doing it as a routine thing. I am aware some people are just hard up or unlucky and are just plain stupid and don't know how to get ahead or have too many kids to take care of. However I get an impression many of the people living in poverty would rather complain about it and go and get a government hand out rather than work and study and get out of poverty through their own hard work. Just my impression. Some are hard up and unlucky, many are just lazy. Maybe it's too easy to steal or get free government handouts. Just look at how many people took advantage of the government handouts after Hurricane Katrina. While many people desparately needed the money, some were out buying jewelry. Weeding out those deserving of assistance and those who need a different kind of assistance with getting training, now that's where our government should be focusing attention in my opinion. Health care costs are skyrocketing in this country and a single pill in the hospital can easily cost 20 dollars when you could have bought 2 or 3 bottles of the stuff outside the hospital. Just bringing an option for consumers to comparison shop hospitals based on costs and items you use might bring some change. Now with health care costs skyrocketing, someone wants the government to pay for it all. Sounds great if you're using the system and don't have to pay for a big hospital bill. Guess what, we will all be paying for those big hospital bills with no end in site. I'm not sure what the solution is. I think we need to start with getting market prices into the hospital care system instead of hospitals charging outrageous prices. Why does every single item in a hospital cost a fortune? I have no idea. If health care was more affordable, universal health coverage would be a lot easier for the country to take without bankrupting everyone. I guess I got off topic. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    hmmm, I might suggest that when I see a good opportunity. However if someone does feel a lump, I guess they could go to a doctor and get themselves checked out. I don't know if others in a strip club would want to take a chance on upsetting a dancer if they felt something when they thought it's probably nothing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are strip clubs in your area getting more crowded?
    In my area, I have been seeing a lot more females and couples. At times it seems like there are more girls tipping the dancers than guys. I enjoy that if it means I get to see more tits on occasion. They didn't look too lonely to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    There are even breast examination videos on there. I remember I told a dancer or two I know how to examine her breasts now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    Here's a funny one. A cat pole dancing to show me your pussy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItC5KmyYbxA
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    Normally I don't think too much about flowers, but something about this one looks really nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iN5z0FQULc You have to log in to view this one as well. I guess someone complained it wasn't restricted after I said something about it on this site. Went over a year before anyone complained.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    She does look pretty good. For just a pure sexy video with hot legs and ass. Here's a good one. You need to log in with a free membership to watch and prove you're at least 18 though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyCw0TpDEEU
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    For any pc newbies here. If you highlight the line of text and then press "control C" at the same time to copy it, you can then go to the address line and press "control V" both buttons at the same time, (hold down the control key then press the letter key) you can easily paste it. I don't know if any pc newbies read this or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are strip clubs in your area getting more crowded?
    It's too bad our congressmen and senators aren't focusing more on the economy and cutting out all the fat and pork from their budgets, if you call it that. I still remember it didn't seem like that long ago, the main concern was the budget surplus and paying off the national debt. Now we have people running for office that are currently saying they want to cut taxes but want to eventually raise taxes to save social security etc. when they have been spending that money on other things the whole time. Ahh, I'm starting to rant. I don't want to ever pay any higher taxes on social security ever. In fact if I could drop out of the system, I think I would be far ahead of everyone else even though I've paid that tax for around 2 decades. I read somewhere about a correlation between perceived loss in the value of the home and less spending. I wonder if the same applies to perceived losses in the stock market? Clubs may be crowded but are they all spending less? Good question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    South Carolina SC's
    Reread this thread, I was thinking the Masters is like a slightly smaller version of Platinum Plus but I'm thinking of the club in Greenville, not Columbia. The club in Columbia is small in comparison. I believe the Masters gets a lot more crowded than Platinum Plus does especially when the crowds are visiting the beach. Last time I visited, I was just happy I didn't have trouble finding a seat. The level of stage side contact is like the difference between night and day. You don't get too much stage side contact at the Masters. I guess that's typical of all clubs at the beach. Of course there were 2 girls who made an exception for me just to prove a point to me. However I was sitting down next to the stage so I guess that doesn't count. Nepals was actually starting to get a bit crowded last night. It's harder to tell when Platinum Plus Greenville is crowded because it can hold several hundred people easily.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are strip clubs in your area getting more crowded?
    meant to say sales at work are slower than early last year.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    I did manage to spend less money this past time. However I think some of that may have been due to the fact that the clubs were getting crowded and dancers had a harder time finding me. I only said no thanks or maybe later a few times. It's a whole lot easier to save money when the strip clubs are packed or full of people. However when one of your favorite dancers goes down on price by doing extra dances for free (2 songs were really short so I guess she didn't count those) it's get harder to say no to special lap dance prices.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    Foreplay, is that like playing with a girls nipples for 5 songs before you even get a dance from her? Or is that something the girl does to you before you get a dance? Or is it something altogether different? If that's foreplay, I like it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    I guess I'm going to try a temporary budget. I figured out how much money I can spend on tips, lap dances, etc. and I plan on cutting out a lot of it at least in one club. To avoid getting dancers upset, I plan on disappearing or not visiting that long. I'm sure they heard "maybe later" before. I don't feel poorer as a result of anything to do with my home mortgage but more like a result of the declining stock market and my desire to save more for a Roth IRA especially after some funds went down a lot more than I expected. I should kick myself. I did a very smart thing in December which was to move almost everything into money market accounts. Then in the last couple of weeks I've been buying stocks. I bought way too early though. Figures. I seem to be too early a lot of the time. Except for moving my money into money market accounts. I did leave my 401K alone. Not going to move it until May I believe when I read a market bottom will be reached. If I can believe one web site. Was hoping to see a small rally in January but not sure if it'll happen now. So I'm looking at ways to save more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Those are some really fucked up people in some states banning personal products like that. I guess they think it would also be ok to dictate sexual positions as well if you gave them enough encouragement. ie , make it illegal to do it doggie style. Whose minds are in the gutter? The elected officials of those states that banned products like that and put similiar sexual laws on the books. If I ever invent a time machine, I may think about changing the sexual history of the US by trying to change what books they put in the bible and put something in like BJ's are a gift from God. Hey, if some other religion can claim they will have lots of virgins upon their death, it could have happened to other religions. People will believe anything if the founding fathers of a religion said it was so. Ok, I've had my litte rant about some elected officials and so called church people who believe they should impose their values on everybody around them. hmmm, radical Muslims and southern christians may be more alike than I though. I've never heard any buzzing in a club at all but the music is always too loud to hardly even hear conversation.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DSL vs Cable
    Shadowcat, that sounds like a pretty good deal. I think I'm getting ripped off now paying more for less. However the local phone company here has a monopoly on the service for the area I live in.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DSL vs Cable
    I have a problem with the latest upgrades for Firefox. I don't know if it's because I have an older computer or not. It just won't run correctly and let me still connect to the net. I once used cable many years ago. I was disgusted with their service and have avoided them ever since. A couple of people at the cable company still remembered my name at least 2 years after I quit my service with them so apparently they knew me well too. Not that I was causing them any trouble or anything. If they fixed things right, I don't think I would have had to call them every 2 weeks for what seemed like 2 years.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot strippers could flood the business - if economy kicks down
    Even worse than the strip club business is that I jumped the gun and bought some stocks too soon. Now I'm wondering how long it will take for them to go back up or if I should sell now and cut my losses before they possibly go down more. I think I will just hold on to most of them. I was thinking there might be a temporary rally in the market. Now I'm not sure why I was thinking that. The Fed hasn't been inspiring that much confidence. I did read 30 year mortgage interest rates were the lowest in the last 2 years. I think that might help. I'm thinking about cutting out lap dances from some favorites and cutting out everyone else to help save money. At least for the next 2 or 3 months. If a club raised their dance prices now, I would just say no to every dance in the club. I guess that's a different thread. Boycotts do get a message across though. If there's bad weather when I typically go out, I'll probably stay home instead as well. I think if others behave like me, the money available to dancers in the clubs will be going down dramatically. My strip club money is about the most discretionary money I have. It would be what I would cut out first before anything else.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How many favorite dancers do you think you have?
    I think if you're trying to save money, it works out good when your favorites disappear. Then I'll just need to cut back on the quantity of dances I get from favorites. Maybe later works good without getting too many questions instead of saying no thanks or not tonight.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot strippers could flood the business - if economy kicks down
    I'm not picturing more dancers working in the same clubs. I can easily imagine the amount of money strip club patrons spend might go down if they are worried about their jobs and/or trying to save money. With less money in the club, there won't be enough to support even more dancers. If the hot looking dancers want a lot of money for their dances but no one is paying, they may just decide to quit. However I don't know which clubs they may opt to work in then.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    I thought of a good one in response to the "wanna dance?" question. dancer "wanna dance?" you: "well, let me see. I'm trying to stay on a budget. If I spent 8 dollars on cover, 10 on drinks, 20 on tips, and on and on, but that was at club xyz. Then I come here and spent 10 on cover, 15 on tips, etc. etc. and you keep going on. Then you say, then I have exactly 20 dollars left for dances but I only like to get two for ones. So if you do two for 20 it will be ok." dancer "never mind."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Brand New Car or an equivalent dollar value of Dances?
    If I had an expensive car, I don't know if I would want to take it out when visiting strip clubs or around town too much when going shopping. It's hard enough to keep scratches and dings away from any car and getting those on a real expensive one would really irritate me. Not that it doesn't irritate me when I see others treat other peoples cars like it means nothing more than a piece of paper they may write on. Open car doors straight into other people's cars, leaning up against them when they may have car keys scratching the sides or vandals putting scratches on them. If these people had to put in the hard time I would give them for vandalizing other peoples property, I bet many would change their tune. However I have one sister that didn't think it was any big deal if her young kids put a ding in my car from playing with a basketball right next to it. I quickly moved it. I don't believe in damaging somebody else's property and decreasing the value. Some people seem to enjoy doing that. Meanwhile others don't seem to care one way or the other. If I had an expensive car with all of the people who don't give a damn about how much damage they do to your car our there, I would probably only take joy rides in it. Since I don't have much time for that right now, it would be more like a collectible item. I guess you have to have lots of money to go along with it to not worry about others damaging it and simply replace it when things happen. I'm not really into say a Jag. I'd probably go with something more exotic and more prototype but fast and sleek. Maybe I would have a new car custom designed. hmmm, if I had that much money, I could hire this one guy I knew and have him build some new car designs. Maybe make one car for the rich for show and another to resell to major car manufacturers. Depends if I would want to work on running a business though. I was thinking I bet todays cars are terribly inefficient when trying to get the best combination of gas mileage combined with good looks and power. My dream car would be fusion powered with levitation technology and some other technology I haven't seen anywhere. Everything else seems just like something I'm getting by with for now. After rereading my post, it doesn't sound like I want a car, I want a spaceship. That would be fantastic if I could just hop in one and go visit a topless beach in Australia or somewhere for the evening instead of a strip club down the road and be back home at my regular time. Ok, it's late here and I guess I digressed off the topic just a little maybe. I guess I have as much a chance of getting some exotic technology like this as I do of stealing an alien spaceship. Oh well, we can always dream. Need to do that soon too. It's late.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    Well for the slightly paranoid (includes me) I may not divulge as much information as I would as if I was talking to someone in person. However who else am I going to talk to about a fun hobby of mine? I don't talk to co-workers about it. Other sites online restrict anything of a sexual nature so you can't talk freely there. However I am also aware that married couples and others that I know of don't feel any need to go online and post about everything they did with their wife or girlfriend sticking fingers in here or there doing this and that so why do some strip club patrons feel they are special when they get even close to doing those things? I find it interesting and entertaining at the same time. I guess for a single guy, that may be how he keeps score even though it wouldn't necessarily seem like any big deal to someone in a relationship. Maybe the mere fact that society has made these things between two consenting adults illegal in a certain part of society makes it exciting for strip club patrons. Then if you hook up with a dancer, is it like making the ultimate score or are you just getting into another relationship? Perhaps society is too sexually repressed here in the US and that's why all these things are illegal even though it may be between two consenting adults. Maybe if Hillary got elected and she made it illegal for married couples to have sex except on Tuesdays and Thursdays, everyone would be talking about, yep, I fucked my wife really hard last Monday, go to h... Hillary. Who do I trust? People who don't get you in trouble.