
Comments by casualguy (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Anybody ever have any luck on Craigslist?
    I heard about Craigslist being used to sell items around the house. I heard recently and saw some pics of a couple of girls who were arrested for prostitution with ads on the website for I don't know what. I thought about checking out the web site but that is another thing I haven't gotten to yet. Maybe I went to the site for a few seconds years ago but I don't remember. I wouldn't trust anyone advertising sexual related services on there but that might be my paranoia. Last night I had more than normal to drink but was planning on staying for at least a few hours to let everything wear off. To my surprise a girl/dancer I don't remember meeting before suddenly is standing in my face telling me she wants to take me to her apartment and I could do anything I wanted to do to her. hmmm, I thought highly suspicious and she asked me at the wrong time. Of course I can't even remember what she looked like now. Strange. Maybe she thought I was someone else. Maybe I'm paranoid, I was thinking maybe she wanted money. I was distracted by something, probably another dancer and am not used to a someone out of the blue telling me strange things. I can't even remember if she was a dancer or customer. Telling me her name and talking to me for a minute works better than wondering what some strange girl is telling me while I'm on my way to somewhere else (in the club).
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    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    Oh, I forgot, the local newspaper has articles about job fairs and hundreds of new jobs moving to the area. Not necessarily high paying jobs but service related jobs around $9 an hour. I keep wondering if this is unusual for the nation or if the media is overblowing the bad economy news.
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    16 years ago
    Price came down !!
    I'm not even buying as many lap dances getting charged 2 for $30. If a dancer asks for too much, I just say no and don't even think about getting any dances from her even if she lowers her prices after that. I figure she's only going to give lame dances so I don't want any from her. Unfortunately for fortunately depending upon how you look at it, my area is still pretty busy and not hurting as much as many places. I read that South Carolina has the 5th best housing market in the US. Stores aren't as crowded and people are cutting back. I'm mainly reading about the economy and how bad it is from everyone else.
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    16 years ago
    American Atheist Dancers in U.S. generally worse than . . .
    I thought this one stripper that talked me into having sex with her was atheist. However later that night she kept saying "oh god, oh god" so I must have converted her. :)
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    16 years ago
    Who's gonna lose
    I expect a bull market in stocks to begin again in 2012 or 2016. There may be some bear market rallies. Next week I expect Hedge fund redemptions to hit the market. People can only take so much of their money out at one time. I expect the SP500 index will drop into the 500 range before all is said and done. That would be another 40 to 50 percent drop from current levels of stock prices. Same thing happened when looking back in the late 1920's, early 1930's. That may not happen this year though.
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    16 years ago
    Who's gonna lose
    I do congratulate Obama on having an excellent campaign. McCains was lousy. I could have done a better job than McCain did. Obama is taking the weekend off not listening to the news. In December he's going to Hawaii for some R & R. If GM, Chrysler, and other companies are going to bite the dust before he gets in office, Bush and the democratic congress will have to come to the rescue and keep providing loans until they start selling cars that people want to buy. Our government might be making loans for at least a few years if the economy continues to get worse as I expect. We all lose. Well, the Big 3 auto industry will get welfare for a while.
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    16 years ago
    Who's gonna lose
    I believe Obama is a smooth talker. That may be an improvement because the other candidates and president didn't give an impression of being a good talker let alone a smooth talker. Lots of people are happy with the change but he can't possibly live up to everyones expectations. I'm very pessimistic about the national economy for the next few years. Looking on the bright side, Obama seems to have generated a lot of good will with many people around the globe. We may need their help and some smooth talking to get more loans for the US. Our government is overspending and I don't know how long they can continue to do so and have us still be able to afford all the extra taxes that will be coming. Don't worry, Obama can keep his pledge not to tax most people. He can just tax the corporations, they'll charge you more for products, he can tax health care plans, they'll increase your premiums, etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers names, do you try to remember them or not?
    There seems to be several dancers that remember my name and I have no memory of what their name is. If a dancer gives me a real good reason to remember her name, she might be in luck. It helps if you hear her name as well, if you don't, then you may not know what it is. Stage name or whatever name she uses.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    If I'm sitting at the stage, she can get my attention by paying attention to me first of all. If she looks hot to me, I'll already be paying attention to her. Taking off her clothes instead of keeping them on expecting me to tip anyway is something I appreciate as well even if it's not the right song for that. I was at the Masters last week and visited on a Saturday night. There were several hot girls. On Saturday night one very hot blonde ended up coming back to me 3 times even though the stage was packed with around 100 guys. I noticed some dancers were just ignoring some guys at the stage who had money out. I was wondering what their problem was. I remember one dancer even ignored me but it's possible she didn't see me since I was wearing a black shirt. I walked right up to one dancer when I first arrived and scared a dancer on stage when she turned around because she didn't realize I was standing within 2 feet of her. Never saw me for a couple of seconds. I thought that was funny. While at the beach I met dancers from Hungary, Russia, Montreal, and I forget the other locations. I think I met one dancer from Raleigh and one from the local area. I didn't meet them all in the same club. At a nude club, having a nice looking pussy gets my attention. At local clubs, sitting on my lap gets my attention.
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    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1) Just wondering, given a choice, would you pick a topless place, a nude place, or a place that had both? I'd go club hopping believing that nude clubs are best at nude and topless clubs best in other categories. 2) Private booths for lappers, couch rooms, or both? Whatever has more privacy without cameras or some guy in your face watching. If I had to choose between overhead cameras or some guy watching, I'd pick the camera since I don't see that out of the corner of my eye. 3) Waitresses, cute costume, topless, or nude? Depends if the waitress is hot or not. In some clubs sometimes the waitresses also dance or used to. I like nude if she's hot, if not then she can keep her clothes on. 4) Hard Drinks/beer, soft drinks, full range of beverages including milk and juices? Bottled beer and bottled water and cups of ice at reasonable prices. I think water should be free and bottled water should be cheap. 5) Food offered, or I don't give a damn ? I would prefer a well cooked hamburger and fries but I only found one place that does that and that is done in an adjoining restaurant attached to a strip club. 6) I'm adding this one. Arcade games entertainment for when you're bored with the dancers on stage. Sit down arcade racing games, pistol style shoot out arcade games, pinball machines, other shoot em up arcade games and a change machine for quarters. If one club had everything I was looking for including very reasonable high contact lap dances, I could just go and visit and stay there for several hours. If I was there for hours, I would prefer decent size and clean restroom facilities since many local clubs have a lot of room for improvement. Usually too small of a bathroom for the crowd or lacking in facilities.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    I didn't think lap dances were that good. However if you agreed to get either 3 or 4 lap dances and both of you are wondering if we're on the third or 4th song, it is nice to hear the dancer say, we'll do one more for the final song and if the current song was the 4th, then this one is free.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers names, do you try to remember them or not?
    I'm glad dancers use fake names and usually don't mind if I don't remember. If you've known a dancer for months or years and never learned what her name was, then she might get upset.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers names, do you try to remember them or not?
    Dancers should remember that in between a beer bottle and tits in a guys face, a name can slip right through.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    I was thinking one dancer doesn't even want me to say in public how much she is charging me for her dances I think because she charges a lot more to everyone else. I can imagine she wouldn't be very happy if I said her name in public. However I never asked what her name was so she doesn't have to worry. I do remember her stage name though. A few dancers aren't very happy if you don't remember any of their names. I was glad I remembered the stage name of one dancer who was giving me a pretty good lap dance. She asked me if I knew it after I said I didn't know the name of one of her friends. oops. I'll have to remember to say something like, Fake names don't mean much to me so they are hard to remember.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    I think Obama will win the electoral college easy. The popular vote will be a little bit closer if you call a 10 to 15 percent difference close. I don't like either choice. My prediction for the future is that if you think Bush is a bad president, you may believe the next one we get is a lot worse after 4 years. Shouldn't matter who is president if you're not extremely biased Republican or Democrat. If you are then nothing will change your mind. Just my opinion. As far as the Republican campaign, I thought it was a big screw up. I could campaign a lot better than John McCain did. Then I would go on the attack on Obama's policies including health care. Such as Obama's plan would require your employers health care to provide coverage for people not already in your plan and to provide coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. Let in all the sick people into your companies health plan and then all the healthy employees will have to pay higher health care premiums. Obama can claim it wasn't a tax increase, your health care provider decided they needed to raise their premiums they charge you. Then it goes on from there with social security, etc. etc. It can always be some other group that is charging higher fees. If this doesn't happen then it will be a rationed system, kind of like waiting in a long line just to get gas. Meanwhile McCain wants to tax our current healthcare. They both want to do a cap and trade for carbon emissions on companies. Guess who the companies will charge to pay for all of this? It's whoever buys their products. If you need to buy anything, you'll pay more courtesy of the new president no matter who is elected. I'm not voting for any of those two bozos.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    In response to the original question, I believe she would be annoyed and try to ignore you. I say this because I've had dancers talking to me and it sounded like they were trying to avoid a neighbor one time and someone else they knew from somewhere else another time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    waitress tips
    Smile, flirt, get them talking about themselves with just enough information about yourself when they ask. Get them talking. Then you can ask her out or get her phone number if you haven't totally screwed up. This might work better when the club is slow and she's not as busy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck buddy?
    If she's not angrily accusing you of sleeping with other dancers and watching you like a hawk, you don't have anything to worry about other than sexual diseases.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Thanks for the answer Frankie. I don't always log onto this site every day so my posts can be spotty. As far as talking to the manager, I prefer not to go that far. As far as why a dancer would sit down with me and decide to argue with me rather than just leave, I thought she must be either desperate or thinks she can change my mind. This used to not happen at all but twice in a couple weeks seems to be unusual. A couple of years ago I had one dancer trying to pull out all the stops. She didn't get rude though unless you call pulling on your arms and pulling your chair (it had wheels) rude. I put my foot down. Literally. One time she even offered to do free dances. She wasn't my type and I wasn't interested in her. She left me alone after that.
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    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Ok, I'll ask a question. If a dancer asks you for a dance and you've already told her "no thanks" and "not right now" including "maybe later". What's the best way to get her to leave? For the second time in a few days, I had another dancer who wanted to stay with me and argue and then ask rude questions. If I've been at the club for a little while, I could lie and say I'm out of cash and that works pretty good. However I already said that I just arrived.
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    16 years ago
    If you know of large scale state budget cutbacks and cut backs to the police investigations due to budget constraints, you're probably more free to talk openly without fearing immediate crackdowns. As soon as the budget cutbacks are gone, watch out. The puritans in society have passed several laws outlawing sexual activities and the LE side of that doesn't always care what the intent of the law is, they just enforce whatever the law says. With a very severe recession coming up or another Great Depression II, I believe prostition will increase but strip clubs may be in trouble. There won't be as many people wanting to part with their cash to buy lap dances just to watch the dancers.
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    16 years ago
    If you mention a specific club, LE could read that and decide to do their own investigation if they aren't already on the case. Who knows, a local politician may read about it here and decide to launch a crackdown so that his political career will gain something in his own mind. That could backfire on the local politician if the club he cracks down on is popular in the community. Of course popular with the voters not the club patrons is what matters to the politicians.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I probably need to look at the dancers face and try to remember her face longer than a few seconds so I can avoid these dancers in the future. I've been ignoring such dancers as much as possible but that means I don't remember what they look like. I think I smile too much and some dancers mistake me smiling for thinking I will be agreeable with them. However I'm smiling because I was in a good mood before they decided to argue with me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I met another dancer last night in a crowded club that decided to stay and argue with me rather than leave my table after I turned her down for dances. The club was crowded and I didn't see any reason for her to stay and argue with me. I believe some people have expectations of what is rude and what is not rude. Apparently the dancer who wanted to argue with me didn't know how to leave politely. She asked a question that went something like "what are you, gay, crazy or something else (I couldn't hear due to the too high music volume)?" That is rude to ask a question like that. I think the next time a dancer asks me a question like that I'm just going to say something crazy like "I remember a dream where I killed people at random and enjoyed it very much. However I thought that dream came from Satan himself and I don't know why Satan has so much interest in me. I think Satan should just get lost and not come back. What do you think?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    There was once a dancer who wasn't just rude, she stole money out of my pocket, a real thief. I told an employee in the club and left angry. I emailed the management and came back and spoke to the manager. He thanked me, and actually gave me my money back, did his own investigation and I confirmed he had found the stripper thief pick pocket, had her fired (even though he just said it made his decision easier and didn't mention firing). He just said she would be some other clubs problem. Needless to say, the bouncers and dancers in that club didn't seem to treat me just like any customer after that. I typically do not like to be well known in a club though and just blend in with the crowd even though I can be bad at that at times. Seeing dancers get fired doesn't seem unusual to me. I've seen 2 or 3 get fired for getting nude in a topless club in front of me and a few others even though I was one of the first ones she got nude in front of (they were both on the main stage though). One dancer got fired for leaving early (she was pissed off at the manager already), I was partly to blame because she wanted to leave with me so if I hadn't been there that night..., another dancer quit working because I had an argument with her, that's not the same thing though. She knew I would be there and didn't want to see me anymore. She came back after a few months. Dancers can get rude from time to time but hopefully it isn't something you have to get used to.