
Comments by casualguy (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get bruises from a lap dance?
    I've gotten bruises but didn't always remember how I got the bruises. I've been mainly concerned with avoiding cuts and more serious injuries. Think safety in the strip club, watch those high heels when you go to tip a dancer swinging around a pole on a small stage. I wouldn't mind if they outlawed high heels and just wore sneakers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get bruises from a lap dance?
    I've been injured twice by dancers but not during a lap dance. One was a table dance but I suppose many would call it a lap dance. She was literally bouncing up and down on me. She had something sharp on one of her legs and I got cut. I had blood running down my leg when I went to the restroom and noticed I'd been cut. That was lower down on my leg. Another time was when I tipped a dancer at Platinum in Columbia. Several dancers seemed to be acrobatics with me while tipping me. One dancer came up from beneath and suddenly sprang up too fast. I didn't see her coming (maybe I had something to drink). Her head hit my nose and I had a serious nosebleed. I thought she was a bit clumsy and not paying attention. That was my worst injury. I have ducted and avoided some high heels while tipping dancers. One dancer scared me one time when she climbed the poles around a satellite stage and looked like she wanted to jump down on top of me. It seems like I find girls gone wild so I try to be careful so I don't get injured again. Of course if a dancer wants to throw her legs up around my head during a stage tip or do some bump and grind I don't mind. I remember several years ago one dancer asked if I liked it rough so maybe I'm giving off the wrong or right signals depending upon how you like the action while tipping at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    I rarely hear anything about a SO. One dancer recently who seemed to be spending a lot of time with me when I wasn't getting any dances from her mentioned that her husband was an Ahole. I liked it better when she sat in my lap and didn't mention anything about her husband or kids etc. I guess she likes me more than I thought since she didn't even bother to ask me for any dances last time. I rarely ever ask about SO's or even if a dancer has a boyfriend. I'm not trying to hook up with any of them. I don't mind a good dance though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you ever watch other dancers in the couch room?
    I wondered if she was putting on a show with me watching. I thought it might be her normal routine though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you ever watch other dancers in the couch room?
    My eyes can wander especially if there is a hot dancer dancing near me who charges a lot more money than what I'm willing to pay. I remember one dancer who I thought was very hot but I didn't want to pay her high prices. I thought it was funny the way she was scaring her customer. She told him to sit back, don't move, she was getting ready to do a summersault up into his lap upside down. Not my idea of a fun lap dance unless you like acrobatics thrown in as well and a possible injury if she misses the area of the sofa right below your crotch. Needless to say, I didn't bother to get a lap dance from her after watching her dance.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    As far as too big, I would say dancers who continously think that getting bigger and bigger boobs until they are extremely big is just too much. I tried to tell one dancer that I liked the current size of her boobs but she wanted to keep getting them bigger. She did and my opinion was that she looked better with the boobs she had (about the size in the bouncing boob above). Bigger than that just looked more unnatural.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I prefer to feel natural breasts. Fake boobs can be hard and unresponsive. A nice looking rack will always get attention but when it comes to the feel test, natural is the best. It's kind of like if say you were interested in trees. You would definitely notice the biggest tree around, it's just very visual and men are visual creatures. However for what you need or what, bigger isn't always better. Some boobs are way too big and don't look that great but they do catch your attention. The ones bouncing around above look very nice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Falling off the stage
    I once saw a dancer go to the edge of a high stage in front of a customer. She slipped near an empty section and fell hard off the stage. I could hear her hit the floor hard. I was wondering if she broke a leg since she hit pretty hard. She didn't get up. A bouncer ran over and carried her off somewhere. I've heard about a dancer falling on her butt but getting right back up but everyone laughing at her. A dancer told me or asked me if I saw her do this. Unfortunately I missed it. I would have liked to watch. As it was she wanted to keep talking to me since I didn't see it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Office blocked access to internet sites
    However I don't interfere with any IT functions. There were a couple of times when an IT manager said he's never seen the company operating system crash and another time when an instructor asked if we could try and crash the new software that I mysteriously did something that might have crashed the software and the network. Strange how I did that so quick after asked. I didn't intend to crash a whole network but the IT manager blamed me because my PC caused was the first to crash and then the whole network went down. He just told me the day before he never saw it crash. I thought it crashed too easy since I wasn't even trying. That was Windows NT.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Office blocked access to internet sites
    Even deleted files are not really deleted but simply marked as deleted. They can be retrieved (with some trouble) unless you use special software that writes over the data a few times. The longer you use your hard drive, the more likely it is that data will be unretrievable though. It will be written over. Some internet search engines will also keep a history of your search terms and url addresses you've typed in. Some companies probably have software that can see your screen in real time if they want to instead of just monitoring your web history.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Office blocked access to internet sites
    I delete index Dat files all the time. It gets recreated but cleans up your history. I do that on my home pc due to some free software I downloaded just to make sure I didn't download some junk or spyware. I do that at home but not at work. Old habit I guess. There are multiple ways your pc keeps a record of every web site you have visited that it seems insidious. I suppose if you got really paranoid you should know that your ISP keeps records too I believe. Then internet companies track you as well. For work reasons though, it's best to not do anything at work that could get you in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It can be real easy to piss off a dancer. The first words that popped in my head to answer the dancer's question above were "not yet!" but instead I just said no. This is an example of a drama queen I met.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    We could start a funniest drama moments. I think mine was when a dancer came at me and shouted in the strip club "Are you sleeping with Her too?!" Pointing a finger at another dancer. I never thought I would have an angry dancer accusing me of sleeping with another dancer. If the dancer didn't look so pissed off, I probably would have laughed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sometimes drama can be a bit amusing. Usually in hindsight. If you want to avoid it as much as possible, don't go out with dancers or some will start to think they are in a relationship of some sort with you. Maybe it was just my luck. Of course if you go to a strip club it can be hard to avoid drama on some nights. Some dancers will create it when they don't even know you. Reject a dancer that seems to want you for whatever reason and she won't be happy. You may not be feeling the best at the moment or tired or just not in the mood but that won't stop the drama.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    myrtle beach clubs for couples
    The other drawback is that the Crazy Horse is another 20 to 30 minute drive north one way up to North Myrtle. If business is slow, the club shouldn't be too busy at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    myrtle beach clubs for couples
    If business isn't slow at the Crazy Horse, you'll probably get more attention at the Crazy Horse. However if the Masters isn't too busy, you'll have a lot more to watch. For an upscale place to visit and a more relaxing environment, I'd pick the Crazy Horse. Dances in the back are more expensive I believe but table dances are less so. It all depends if you like it hectic or calmer. I thought the Masters had more girls working there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What business are you starting up? Hope it does well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Forgive my ignorance, what is a ROB?
    Hi dancerhusband. I read your userinfo. A ROB rip off bitch is probably the same thing you would call a hustler. Rips you off as a customer one way or another or doesn't deliver what you expect. Makes promises or suggests she will do something but doesn't. Promises two for one dance prices but starts with only a minute left on the first song and counts that as a whole dance. Or suddenly says the price for the dance was only for the first dance and the second was more expensive. etc. you get the drift. A real hustler or thief as some might say.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    If someone was into real estate, renting out houses for the Obama inauguration seems like a good way to make money. They expect 3 million people. They'll need a tent city to accomodate that many people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    Well the souring economy hit a local paper today. 300 jobs lost. I noticed they made some textile products and the number one customer listed in the paper was the automobile industry. I can see better now how that 2.5 million jobs lost will spin to every single state in the US and then have a multiplier effect and that is with a gift, loan, bailout or whatever you call it to the big 3. I noticed the big three may get a loan but the other automakers will be cutting back as well as the big 3. Then it goes down to the suppliers. I think I heard that may be over 3 percent of the whole US economy. I wouldn't mind a temporary stop gap measure announced tomorrow. I want stocks to go up for a few days. No announcement might be better if they don't plan on doing anything.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ever had a stripper lecture you based on her high moral values?
    Most dancers don't seem to care too much what you've been up to except as a topic of conversation. I like that. I've had more conversations that were more open and honest I believe. For instance I once talked about the fastest I've ever driven anywhere, then the dancer told me (surprised me a little bit) that she did something dangerous one time. She had gone over 150 on a motorcycle. I agreed and then we talked about something else. I once thought about learning Nascar racing since one of my old friends taught it, I went to Carowinds and they had a Nascar simulator and got turned off from it. Seemed just like driving in heavy traffic. Not fun at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Refuses Table Dances . . .
    I remember hearing a dancer say that before as well. She was sitting around a lot of the time. Some clubs seem to charge low enough lap dance prices that it's not a problem. One club in my local area raised their lap dance price to $35. At another club just down the road, I can get better dances even though a bit less private for less than half that price and the dances are better. If dancers are making less money, dance prices need to go down not up and they just need to work longer or harder just like everyone else. Besides dancing for a few extra minutes instead of walking around or talking isn't that hard. The dancers should be doing like the grocery stores saying you buy one dance, you get one free.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I heard a new dancer line
    She must have been crazy or drunk herself. Maybe she wasn't even a dancer. I didn't recognize her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When do you read/post on here?
    Whenever I have time at home. Lately I haven't had much time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    My local newspaper headline the other day, 400 new jobs coming to the area. This not more than a few weeks after another similar headline. However I have been hearing in the media how bad things are getting. Now if the restaurants in my area weren't so crowded and my workload at work would actually ease up a little bit instead of making me busier and busier, I might have more free time. I read industrial production for the US was up in October. If it's really bad where you work at, you can get an idea I'm real busy where I work at. However the company I work for is diversified enough that it doesn't show up in their total sales or their stock price.