
Comments by casualguy (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    If a dancer is rude, she's not going to get any dances from me as long as I remember her on any night. However how long I remember her depends upon on how rude she was, how angry she made me, and how many other dancers made me forget about her. I usually remember for at least a few days. I've noticed I remember some incidents months later but can't remember what the dancer looked like. Now if I do remember a rude dancer months later, she just lost out on the possibility of getting dances from me that week but for months even if she has long forgotten the episode.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Credit for reviews
    and if you want to, you can submit another review within 4 weeks even though you won't get additional credit for it. You do see a warning message. I've got credit up to the year 2011. If you want to post another review based on some new information, you don't have to wait 4 weeks. However if you only visit strip clubs once or month or less frequently, you might want all the credit you can get.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jaded customers.
    Ok, I guess I am a bit jaded. I'll tell dancers "maybe later" most of the time even if I mean "no thanks, don't bother to come back again" simply because I don't want to have to deal with dancers who would rather give me a sales pitch or argue with me or use up more of my time when I'm just trying to relax and watch the dancers on stage. However sometimes I may mean maybe later or don't mind the dancers sitting on my lap for a while. I figure many dancers are going to come back later anyway and ask me again and again if the club isn't crowded.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jaded customers.
    Maybe I am slightly jaded. Paying someone $25, $30, or for some even $40 for 2 to 3 minutes or so of someone taking off their top and moving around a little bit in front of you while you watch, seems like a very high cost for very little back in return. Paying someone $40 for 15 minutes of grinding on you and nothing else seems like a very high price when you could do more for free away from a strip club environment and without all the hassle of loud music and bouncers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jaded customers.
    I did meet and actually still know of one dancer who kept suggesting to me that we hook up sometime or go somewhere sometime. It was all an act. I believe she had another boyfriend the whole time and no intention of ever hooking up, unless she really was just thinking about having sex and I didn't suggest that. I got mad at her and she knew it and called me up to apoligize after one incident where I said I was going somewhere and she said she was interested in going to. However she never called back to give directions to her house to pick her up. I wasn't used to any dancer playing a game like that. I still got lap dances from her because I enjoyed the lap dances but at least she ended all the stupid suggestions about hooking up later when she didn't mean it. All the other dancers I've met weren't joking about hooking up later (it just meant they wanted to meet me away from the club, not necessarily anything else).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Newbie Trying to earn his OTC Wings
    Most of my encounters with dancers away from the strip clubs have been initiated by the dancers themselves. OTC doesn't mean a sexual encounter in my opinion even though a few guys may think it means that. There was one dancer I used to hang out with after she got off from work every time I visited which was at least once a week, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. It just made my night last alot longer. She was actually one or 2 years older than me at the time. The first time she saw me she had a different reaction than most dancers I meet the first time. She had an intense constant stare looking at me and started crawling across the stage before she was in my face. I remember one dancer learned the technique to intensely look at every guy who tips her on stage. Gets guys attention even if it's not really signaling desire but just an act.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Newbie Trying to earn his OTC Wings
    Some clubs have strict rules or at least I know of some that did against giving out business cards or leaving with any customer or many things that might seem like a customer was exchanging information with a dancer. The dancers could or possibly would be fired on the spot. Meanwhile other clubs didn't care one bit. The dancers just had to work their hours and then they could leave with whoever they wanted to. Maybe more clubs have looser rules now than years ago.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Newbie Trying to earn his OTC Wings
    I've visited strip clubs and met dancers who wanted to meet me away from the club shortly after they first met me. I don't know if spending one to 3 hours in a strip club and talking to them and even getting dances from them is enough time to get to know someone but a number of dancers want to hook up immediately and it's not something that takes a lot of time for them to decide. I was wondering the other night why one dancer was telling me I needed to go to the waffle house possibly after she got off from work. I guess hooking up with a dancer took me slightly by surprise because I wasn't thinking of the possibility that night. I think she picked up on my lack of interest after a few minutes and changed the subject. She could have talked me into it though. She had me thinking waffles and pancakes though and I wasn't that hungry at the moment. No suggestion of anything else. That's the way some things start though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Really? I thought everything a stripper told me was the honest to Godness nothing but the gospel truth. I'm shocked that a stripper could possibly lie to me or anyone else. I haven't met a more truthful group of people in my life. You see more lying and bickering in a church than you do in a strip club. How dare you make such accusations against the sweet and innocent truthful strippers! I'm shocked as such accusations. LOL. :) I'm kidding of course. What you really have to watch out for are the strippers that think you're playing games on them. I don't know why some strippers think they are getting played. I guess for some it may seem natural to suspect someone is cheating or getting the upper hand on you somehow. If you ever get to know dancers away from the club, expect increased drama in the club eventually.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is $20 in the hand worth more than $30 in the bush?
    I said no thanks or maybe later my first night visiting the Masters at the beach. All the dancers told me prices like $25 for a lap dance. Another visit on another night, I kept saying no thanks. Then one dancer (probably doing what most dancers aren't supposed to do) asked me 2 dances for $30? I thought wow, a much better price and said ok. I wasn't going to buy any dances because I didn't want to spend that much money buying up expensive lap dances. She must have broken my resistance. I ended up blowing away several more lap dances that night at the regular price. I enjoyed the dances though. I went back to saving money after that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is $20 in the hand worth more than $30 in the bush?
    If they would listen to people who make sense or use common sense, lower the dance prices if you're sitting around not doing dances and if that is what is causing the customers not to buy dances. Customers are trying to save their money as well because they have less of it with food and gas and utilities all costing more than they used to. I don't mind too much though that dancers in general haven't figured this out along with strip club managers. It is rather easy for me to say no to a high price dance offer. Now if a dancer says she'll dance for $10 a lap dance, my resistance to getting a dance suddenly drops, if I like the dance my resistance to getting more at that price is still low or maybe even lower if I am enjoying her dance. Before I know it, she could make $40 to $60 dollars off of me by doing 4 to 6 dances. Now if she had only asked me to do one dance at $30 to $40 dollars, she wouldn't have any lap dance money from me and I wouldn't have given it a second thought. That's the problem I believe many have. They believe it's better to charge high prices and hope for a big kill and they sit around doing nothing most of the time (if not then good for you). Same thing applies to poor people and government expectations, they want the government to pay for all their needs. I guess with the middle class lowering their expectations, the middle class is picking up that expectation now. Vote for Obama, he's promising a tax cut now. Don't worry, he'll give it to you and after 2 or 3 years, he'll say he needs to increase the payroll tax, social security tax, etc. etc.. Don't worry, if you don't get a pay raise, you won't get taxed as much. We'll all be happier to be poorer so that we can avoid getting taxed as much. I think both Obama and McCain aren't that bright but Obama will be the next president so I guess we'll all have to pay up. Kind of like get the loan now, pay up big later, unless you're not poor like the middle class is becoming. Sorry for the rant at the end of my post.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I do remember visiting one strip club early Saturday evening before much of a crowd showed up. Only a few customers had arrived so far even though it was after 9 PM. One dancer refused to leave me alone. I told her no thanks and every possible combination. She argued with me instead for about 10 to 15 minutes before I got upset to leave her at the table I was sitting at because she apparently was not going to. I was in a good mood when I arrived but feeling a bit angry at a dancer who doesn't know when to leave after that. I think that was only the second time in the last 2 years that I've had a dancer refuse to leave me alone. Perhaps other times I don't mind a pretty dancer not leaving me alone so it doesn't bother me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I guess if you're asked for dances over 100 times in a few days, one rude dancer is less than 1 percent of the time. It seems to come with the territory (strip clubs) with some clubs even worse at times than just 1 percent. I believe some dancers don't even realize how rude they are. I say this because I've had dancers act very rudely after turning them down for dances, then, less than 30 minutes to an hour later either they don't remember me or don't remember they were rude because they are asking me for a dance again.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Credit for reviews
    Yes, post your review right away. No need to wait. I have enough credit built up I could still have free membership until 2011 without posting another review.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    I read a funny comment today about politicians. A poster stated how moronic are our politicians? They actually think the banks are going to lower the bank rates they charge each other when they can get handouts from the Fed and other central banks? In case anyone is interested the Libor rate staying high means the credit crunch is continuing in spite of what you heard in the news about the big stock market increase today. Same type of rally happened in the 1930's but the stock market dropped over 50 to 80 percent over the following years. Instititions have to sell more equities to raise capital the higher the Libor rate goes and that rate hasn't been dropping barely any. ok, back to your porn.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    I think we need a third party that is not Democrat or Republican. I'm not voting for any joker that voted for the bailout bill and created the mess we are in when it could have been avoided years ago without taking away all of the Depression era controls that were put in place to prevent such a scenario from happening again. However I would like to see what positions all the third party candidates have. I'm doing a protest vote. I think McCain is going to win my state so my vote will only be a protest vote and Obama will win the national election. The public is easily swayed by what they hear on TV whether what they hear is true or not. If the media starts saying that Palin gives excellent BJ's, they'll probably start believing that too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    Rude dancers are mood killers. I might be in a good mood and it does only take one rude dancer to change that mood. I change from someone having fun tipping the dancers to sitting at a table like a rock deciding upon whether or not to leave. However if I came to see other dancers I might forget about her or at least try to after a few minutes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I don't like the upsell routine either especially during the middle of a dance. How long you remember a rude dancer is usually dependent upon how many other dancers are there to distract you, if you don't leave the club immediately afterwards and head off for a different one. Of course one rude dancer is the reason some guys are ticked off and then an unsuspecting dancer may get less polite treatment if she asks for a dance or anything immediately afterwards. I've seen where one rude dancer circulated around a whole club full of people pissing guys off all over the club then another dancer following in her wake was getting rude treatment just trying to talk or sit with the customers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    I was about ready to leave the club I was in already. Fortunately, I did not encounter any more rude dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Platinum Plus vs Mons Venus
    I believe I prefer the Platinum Plus club in Greenville rather than in Columbia. However a big part of that may have to do with the time I visit. I have weekends off instead of during the afternoon. I find the Columbia club to be a bit of a hassle if I visit on a weekend night. I don't really care to have no seats available or the only seats available in a super loud area that requires hearing protection. Plus the sister club is just a little bit closer. The sister club seems to be a lot bigger (I'm not sure of the size difference). This is not a problem when the clubs aren't crowded.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    I'm going to help out with the gas situation. I plan on not leaving town this weekend. Now if almost everyone does the same thing. The gas situation should improve rapidly. The economy will go downhill fast as well but at least there will be gas at the gas stations.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    Oh, I think McCain's health care plan from what I've heard will destroy employer based health care plans. I'm planning on voting for a third candidate this year.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    Obama should win the election easily using the stock market as a negative sentiment indicator. I noticed there is an Obama channel on Dish network now. He gives taped messages and says he will not raise taxes on the middle class. I think that is like shadowcat saying he will not visit any more strip clubs. Of course if shadowcat says he is really serious, I'd give shadowcat better odds. Of course what's the difference between an official tax increase and devaluing our currency by firing up the printing presses and making inflation go rampant? Not much I believe.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    It sure would be nice to be set up with a daytrading account. That's about the only decent way to make money unless you're really good with the trends. For the average investor, I expect stocks to start going up for longer than a day or two at a time near the end of October after the market has already gone down another 1 to 2 thousand points in the Dow in spite of interest rate cuts and government intervention around the world. The bailout bill doesn't fix the root of the problem from what I've read so they are already talking about more bailouts after this one fails or as congressmen will probably say something like "we knew this would only be step one of a bigger bailout".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    I heard all gas stations in my immediate area that were out of gas 2 days ago, got some fuel. However they may not have all grades. I saw today some stations that used to have gas now have bags over their pumps. The situation is improving. I read the refineries and pipelines from the gulf were back online. One refinery has been a bit slow to get back to full operations but it sounds like things are improving. Maybe gas prices will drop back to parity with the rest of the nation in a few weeks. South Carolina used to have prices cheaper than the rest of the nation before Ike hit. I believe our gas taxes are less than many other states.