
Comments by casualguy (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    best wireless internet device?
    Thanks for the advice.
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    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of say no or no thanks to dancers asking for dances?
    I guess it's not that bad if the club is crowded.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Some dancers will start questioning you on why you aren't married. One drunk girl in a regular bar keep pestering me telling me I must be married so I told her I was so she would leave. She didn't take no for an answer. I think next time a girl won't take no for an answer I might ask a question where I expect her to say no. That is if she looks decent to good looking.
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    15 years ago
    stripper -- how old is too old ?
    I enjoy the energy and youthful looks of the young dancers. However the older dancers can be better to talk to and give excellent dances too. How old is too old? I don't think a number should matter that much. Since they are appealing to guys, I would say as long as they still look good and can dance ok, they're not too old. If a 50 something year old female could pass off as a late 20 something or 30 something year old female and looks good, let her dance. I saw one on tv recently who looked a lot better than many of the younger dancers. I didn't know anyone who was 49 or 50 looked that good. Of course if a lot of hot young dancers are trying to dance, it might be hard for an older dancer to get a job. I seem to get a number of dances from older 20 something and 30 something old dancers. I remember this because one young dancer complained to me that I kept getting dances from the older dancers and I should give a young dancer a chance. I'm thinking she thought I was younger than I am.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would/Have you taken a stripper on vacation?
    Good point robofan and I'm glad I looked back at this thread. I happened to have similar interests to the strippers I been out with for just one night. They wanted to go to different clubs. That was ok with me, we were about the same age too. We stayed up to about 4 AM and crashed back at a local hotel. I can imagine it would be a nightmare to spend several days with someone whose interests were a lot different than yours. Perhaps as much fun as hanging out with some girls who only want to go shopping all day (I'm not too fond of shopping unless you include girl watching in it.). I go shopping because I need something because something is broke, worn out, or I just need to replace it before it breaks. Women seem to go shopping for fun like some men go to strip clubs for fun.
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    15 years ago
    Miss Anna
    Your pic looks nice. Do you have a web site too? Just curious.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Love lost found? X-strippers & x-clients friends reunite here!
    A number of x-dancers I occasionally see at one club working as waitress or sometimes the front door receptionist. I remember one x-dancer came back to the same club and was a bartender while studying to become a veterian to care for pets. I've met a few others who moonlighted while I happened to be visiting and they were working other real jobs, one was in real estate back a few years ago. Another was a dental hygienist but I just met her and only saw her a few nights in the club. There are some old favorites that I wonder what they are doing or what they look like now but I'm not sure if I would want to hook up with them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Confession: Living & (not) learning
    I believe if you go to strip clubs long enough, eventually you'll end up paying a lot more and receiving a lot less than you expected. Fortunately I escaped the last time this happened to me by only paying twice my normal price for one lap dance. I guess a girl who can have a decent conversation with you is usually successful in getting something out of most guys.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    I guess if I suddenly became a multi-millionaire and had money to burn I'd be willing to pay high prices for more privacy with the right dancer. Of course if I was in that situation and we both wanted more privacy, I think we would be both better off hooking up away from the club and seeing what develops without getting interrupted by waitresses, loud talking DJ's, bouncers, or whomever may want to talk to you or make a lot of noise or interrupt.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For ArbeeGuy
    I wouldn't mind seeing your former ATF moonlighting at the club. I'm curious if she danced for me in the past but even if she did my memory is awful given time and the fact I often drink a beer or two which helps me forget. Dim lights, loud music, smoke, and a little bit of alcohol and a dancer in your face or lap every 30 seconds to every minute or two for hours at a time and it gets hard to remember everyone especially after several months or years.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Breaking it off
    My favorites usually seem to disappear or get fired, sometimes I don't know which one it is. Actually one of my favorites years ago got fired because she wanted to leave the club early with me. She got fired for leaving early not because she left with me. She did that on purpose though because she was ticked off with her boss. The club closed in 30 minutes that night so getting fired for leaving 30 minutes early, she was ticked off and ready to quit. I don't believe dancers actually have resumes indicating whether or not someone was fired or quit, could be wrong though. I am curious what caused the removal of the favorite from the top spot on the favorites list. I may start going to PP in Columbia a lot more often since I wasn't as entertained with the talent in Greenville last weekend. Nepals still has the same talent but the other two clubs I visit, I didn't know where all the regular dancers went to. Well I do know one dancer is working at the beach now.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I've gotten confused a few times in strip clubs, I think it could be alcohol related but I'm not sure, anyway some dancers seem to look alike to me and they aren't twins either. Just last night a female customer stopped and asked me if anyone ever told me I look like Tom Hanks. I said yes. There was a dancer or two who told me I looked like him when approached from the back. I didn't know if that was good or bad but took it as being good. Strange thing about that is that he has the same birthday as me. Not the same birthyear though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    a damn shame
    I remember one dancer had a clit piercing. She claimed it made her pussy tighter. I didn't care that much but if she was happy with it, I wasn't going to argue since it didn't bother me one way or the other. Now when she suggested I could get a dick piercing, I told her she was crazy. No way. She was talking about getting a tongue piercing but did hold off on that since at the time I told her I wasn't fond of a bunch of piercings. I remember tipping one dancer that was covered in tattoos and piercings. She might be interesting to look at out of curiousity but if she had natural beauty under all that, it would have been totally destroyed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I believe almost all the dancers have their own rules. If they don't they might be ok with hooking up with you away from the club and avoid all of the club fees for you and themselves. If a dancer has rules during a lap dance, I doubt she's suddenly going to drop those rules in a VIP room. Unless it's simply because of security reasons. I have wondered if a dancer starts feeling your package with her hands when you're just tipping her a dollar on stage, if that might mean her rules are looser. However it may not matter if the club has hidden security cameras and moniters everything in the private rooms.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    I've had lap dances from feature entertainers before but they only charged me the regular dance price which used to be lower than it is now. I have turned down a few feature entertainers who wanted more money when they told me they did lap dances too. Most feature entertainers don't seem to do lap dances though. at least in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    No strings attached?
    I disagree that you have to be a jerk or low-life to get a nice looking stripper girlfriend. However if you asked me if she was hot I would probably say no. I rarely see hot girls in strip clubs. I see a number with good looks and meet a number of nice dancers. Last weekend I even met one dancer who politely told me she was actually a mean dancer and others thought of her as being a bitch. I didn't say it but I started to wonder why bitches seem to be attracted to me. hmm, maybe she's seeing something in me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would/Have you taken a stripper on vacation?
    5 days of great sex with a hot and horny girl, you can't beat that too easily. I would feel a lot better about a trip if I already had sex with whatever girl I was taking so I would know that she wouldn't be uncomfortable with the arrangements and try something sneaky like getting separate rooms or taking a friend along to ruin the plans you had.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    conficker virus
    maybe it was a test virus, preparing for something bigger. Everyone will say it was much ado about nothing until something big happens. Well the security IT guys will not say it's nothing.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Congrats to Shadowcat
    and remember, if ever have trouble falling asleep at night, just start counting tits. Lol, happy retirement.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much personal info do dancers share with you when you first meet?
    Maybe I should add that I don't drink blood or look like a vampire. Well I mean I don't dress like one. I was just trying to find out more info about one type of vampire. That group online is pretty much dead, no pun intended.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much personal info do dancers share with you when you first meet?
    I was wondering if it was a mistake on the dancers part to say so much. If I thought she looked good she might be destroying any fantasy I might have and I might turn and not walk but run away from her. Of course if I wanted to act creepy I could probably do that by talking about joining a vampire group online back a couple of years ago. I rarely talk about that in a strip club. It does sound a bit creepy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you ever make a point of remembering dancers names if they remember yours?
    One of my favorites I do remember her real name but can't remember her stage name. I end up not saying her name at all. She doesn't dance on stage so her stage name never gets called out. In all the time I've known her I haven't even had a reason to call her name out. I don't believe a dancer would like me using her real name in the club. Some might not care. That is something else a dancer should tell me if they tell me their real name. Whether or not she cares if I use her real name in the club. Using a real first name might be a trend. I'm not sure.
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    16 years ago
    If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?
    Well it had been raining here for hours and hours. Suddenly early Saturday evening the sun came out before it got dark and the rain let up. I saw it as a sign that I should go out and spend some money. I can save money when I'm less interested in visiting strip clubs. I think I also learned one lesson. Don't sit and talk and chat with a dancer for a while or you'll be a lot less determined to say no to getting an overpriced dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?
    Fortunately not too many roads get closed around here due to snow in South Carolina. Roads have been closed in the upstate due to a bad ice storm with trees in the road and power out. Of course if the power is out, there's no point in going to a strip club if it's a severe regional outage and the strip club has no power. I guess it also depends on how hard it's raining. A constant several hour downpour that is flooding streets can be difficult to drive in especially if strip clubs are over an hour away on a good day.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Smoking and Strip Clubs...
    To sum up I won't fight smoking bans, however I draw the line there against our governments trying to dictate what we can and can't do. Governments seek power I believe and we need to let our governments know that they are there to serve us not the other way around.