I am officially retired today after 42 years with the largest air line in the world. I can still fly free to damn near any place. I can still take companions with me at great fares. I have never taken a stripper on a flight. Would I? Yes, if it were the right one. There has only been 3 that would qualify. 2 that I still know. It would have to be a single hotel room and sex would have to be involved. I would not pay for their time but every thing else. I want a traveling companion.
Of all the guys on this board, you know the ups and downs of your idea. I hope you enjoy being retired from work, but not from the enjoyments of life. OK-so you have a stripper as a traveling companion and you show her a good time--top restaurants, etc. Is she going to expect you to fund shopping trips and provide her with "walking around" money. That's a substitute for paying for time--a change of label but not amount.
I agree. With the right girl, I would do it. I would not give her cash, but would certinly pay all expenses. Have to have someone that is just what you said, a companion, someone who would go out and do stuff with me and enjoy it, not someone who has no common interest with me and would become bored.
Congratulations on your retirement SC. I have taken a dancer on vacation with me and I had a great time. Don't assume that you are going to get of without paying her for the sex however. Good luck trying though!
You want to know what impresses me the most? That you stayed with the same airline for 42 years and managed to retire before they forced you out! Congratulations on that more than anything else!
If I had the financial means, then yes it sounds like fun. The only caveat is the stripper can be a very different person in normal life.
I don't believe in paying for time because it just isn't that important to me, but if it was important and I had the financial means then imo it is no different than paying for sex.
I was once set to take my ATF on a business trip to Key West. Of course the company would pay the tab for my room and board and all I'd have to pay for her was food. She was going to make some bucks dancing there. I had already talked with a club manager on a previous trip and he said she could show up and work. Unfortunately the trip was canceled at the last minute when I didn't have to go.
Not sure about a long vacation, but I would have no trouble taking me favorite for a mini vacation for a couple days. Maybe I've been luckier than P.A.S., but I have spent way more than a couple of hours with her just hanging out, and she's still interesting to me.
several years back when i worked for a different company, i won bahama cruise for 2. i was unattached at the time so was trying to figure out who to take with me. was talking to my ATF at the time and somehow this came up. this was mid-winter in chicago so she mentioned the idea of her going to get out of the snow for a few days. to make a long story short, i paid all expenses and got 5 days of unbelievable sex with a very hot & horny girl. no money changed hands, just expenses for the trip!!!
5 days of great sex with a hot and horny girl, you can't beat that too easily. I would feel a lot better about a trip if I already had sex with whatever girl I was taking so I would know that she wouldn't be uncomfortable with the arrangements and try something sneaky like getting separate rooms or taking a friend along to ruin the plans you had.
I have Two or Three ATF's I'd love to take on a long weekend or a cruise. That would be a fantasy-come-true. How it would work in real life is another story. I agree with whoever said, "pay for the trip" but not a nickel for what happens there. It would be great fun with the right lady.
I did it one time. I go to Vegas ever year. Long story short I got lucky and hit a big slot machine jack pot and the casino is still trying to get their money back. I get offers all the time to come and stay and eat and drink for free on them.
So I go every year. Each year I went alone and would hook up with a stripper, escort or just a party girl and have a really good time. Unfortunately I used to talk about it in my home strip club and there was one striper who I really liked who bugged all the time me to take her with me. Even though I always had a good time alone I thought it might be a nice change of pace to take her along. Since the offers were always for me plus one I knew that everything would be taken care of so I invited her. Our agreement was that I would pay all expenses on the trip but there would be no payment for time, companionship or sex. On her part she would travel for free and there was no grantee that sex would be provided only if she choose to. Although I knew that she was always way to horny to go that many days without sex and we did after all get along really well and had sexual relations both ITC and OTC already. So I wasn't worried about it.
First there was airport security. The perverts who worked there acted like they have never seen a hot woman before and decided that she was a security risk and needed a pat down. That made the flight to Vegas a nightmare. I had to listen the whole flight what ass holes they were. Then I found out that she didn't really like to fly and had to deal with that all the way there as well. Finally we arrived and got to the casino. Checked in late and the first night was fine had dinner did some gambling went to bed fooled around a little and fell asleep exhausted from the long day.
I woke up the next day to her complaining that she didn't sleep well because she is not used to sleeping in a strange place. Now my usual daytime routine was to go to the bar in the middle of the casino drink margaritas and people watch until night when things start to happen. Her idea of a good day was to walk the strip and stop in every store she encountered and check them out. So off we went to store after store. After about six hours of this I finally cried uncle and we headed back to our room.
We had a dinner reservation at a really nice restaurant that is extremely hard to get into at 9PM. In fact I had to make the reservation a month before we went. Now I am the kind of person that is always on time. This is when I learned that she is not. I’m sitting ready to go and she is still getting ready with no end in site. Needless to say I am getting more and more agitated by the minute. Finally she is ready and I must admit she looks stunning but we are about an hour late. We arrive at the dinning establishment and I’m a wreck. I can tell that they are pissed off and would like to tell us to fu-- off but since I’m a VIP at the casino they accommodate us.
Dinner was great and when we finished my idea of a good time was to gamble a little and go back to the room and relax. Her idea of a good time was to check out every club on the strip. So clubbing we went. After several different clubs we finally went back to our room. She was horny as could be and I was exhausted but I manned up and did my duty.
I could go on and on but you get the point and I have already written a mini book. Let me suffice it to say I was old enough to be her father in the real world so my idea of fun was not in the same hemisphere as hers. A lot of what I experienced is probably age and personality difference rather than stripper experience. So my advice is don't take a stripper or anyone else for that matter on vacation unless you’re close to being the same age and the two you share similar interests.
By the end of the trip the things I liked about her - youth and sex - didn't matter any more. I just wanted to get away from her and go home and relax. Would I do it again? Not unless I knew that the person I was going with was completely compatible with me and the things I like to do. It's one thing to spend a couple of hours with someone having fun and completely another to travel and spend several days together. Lesson learned.
Officer. I don't have any frequent flyer miles. I don't need them. Besides, you are not my type. LOL...
Robofan. Great post. You made some very good points. I can empathize. Age can make a big difference. But that has a double edge. My ex wife of 27 years was 14 years younger than me and vacations with her were always a pain. We went to Acapulco. I wanted to hit the night life (yeah strip clubs). All she wanted to do was sit on the beach and get sun burned.
I doubt that I will ever take a stripper with me because my main interest would be in fucking her. At my age (67), I am not interested in fucking any one my age. BUT it could happen with a 30 yo.
Good point robofan and I'm glad I looked back at this thread. I happened to have similar interests to the strippers I been out with for just one night. They wanted to go to different clubs. That was ok with me, we were about the same age too. We stayed up to about 4 AM and crashed back at a local hotel. I can imagine it would be a nightmare to spend several days with someone whose interests were a lot different than yours. Perhaps as much fun as hanging out with some girls who only want to go shopping all day (I'm not too fond of shopping unless you include girl watching in it.). I go shopping because I need something because something is broke, worn out, or I just need to replace it before it breaks. Women seem to go shopping for fun like some men go to strip clubs for fun.
last commentI don't believe in paying for time because it just isn't that important to me, but if it was important and I had the financial means then imo it is no different than paying for sex.
So I go every year. Each year I went alone and would hook up with a stripper, escort or just a party girl and have a really good time. Unfortunately I used to talk about it in my home strip club and there was one striper who I really liked who bugged all the time me to take her with me. Even though I always had a good time alone I thought it might be a nice change of pace to take her along. Since the offers were always for me plus one I knew that everything would be taken care of so I invited her. Our agreement was that I would pay all expenses on the trip but there would be no payment for time, companionship or sex. On her part she would travel for free and there was no grantee that sex would be provided only if she choose to. Although I knew that she was always way to horny to go that many days without sex and we did after all get along really well and had sexual relations both ITC and OTC already. So I wasn't worried about it.
First there was airport security. The perverts who worked there acted like they have never seen a hot woman before and decided that she was a security risk and needed a pat down. That made the flight to Vegas a nightmare. I had to listen the whole flight what ass holes they were. Then I found out that she didn't really like to fly and had to deal with that all the way there as well. Finally we arrived and got to the casino. Checked in late and the first night was fine had dinner did some gambling went to bed fooled around a little and fell asleep exhausted from the long day.
I woke up the next day to her complaining that she didn't sleep well because she is not used to sleeping in a strange place. Now my usual daytime routine was to go to the bar in the middle of the casino drink margaritas and people watch until night when things start to happen. Her idea of a good day was to walk the strip and stop in every store she encountered and check them out. So off we went to store after store. After about six hours of this I finally cried uncle and we headed back to our room.
We had a dinner reservation at a really nice restaurant that is extremely hard to get into at 9PM. In fact I had to make the reservation a month before we went. Now I am the kind of person that is always on time. This is when I learned that she is not. I’m sitting ready to go and she is still getting ready with no end in site. Needless to say I am getting more and more agitated by the minute. Finally she is ready and I must admit she looks stunning but we are about an hour late. We arrive at the dinning establishment and I’m a wreck. I can tell that they are pissed off and would like to tell us to fu-- off but since I’m a VIP at the casino they accommodate us.
Dinner was great and when we finished my idea of a good time was to gamble a little and go back to the room and relax. Her idea of a good time was to check out every club on the strip. So clubbing we went. After several different clubs we finally went back to our room. She was horny as could be and I was exhausted but I manned up and did my duty.
I could go on and on but you get the point and I have already written a mini book. Let me suffice it to say I was old enough to be her father in the real world so my idea of fun was not in the same hemisphere as hers. A lot of what I experienced is probably age and personality difference rather than stripper experience. So my advice is don't take a stripper or anyone else for that matter on vacation unless you’re close to being the same age and the two you share similar interests.
By the end of the trip the things I liked about her - youth and sex - didn't matter any more. I just wanted to get away from her and go home and relax. Would I do it again? Not unless I knew that the person I was going with was completely compatible with me and the things I like to do. It's one thing to spend a couple of hours with someone having fun and completely another to travel and spend several days together. Lesson learned.
Robofan. Great post. You made some very good points. I can empathize. Age can make a big difference. But that has a double edge. My ex wife of 27 years was 14 years younger than me and vacations with her were always a pain. We went to Acapulco. I wanted to hit the night life (yeah strip clubs). All she wanted to do was sit on the beach and get sun burned.
I doubt that I will ever take a stripper with me because my main interest would be in fucking her. At my age (67), I am not interested in fucking any one my age. BUT it could happen with a 30 yo.