
Comments by casualguy (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Yawn..another boring SC outing.
    If my visits were boring, I'd probably think about staying home instead. I usually hope to have fun and usually do. You know you're doing alright in the strip club when a dancer asks you what you do for fun and you suddenly draw a blank forgetting everything else. Either that or you escaped reality and you're in the land of tits and pussy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    off topic what on my pc might identify where I used to live several years ago to
    As an example on the home page on TUSCL, under local attractions, I see clubs in NC not SC for an area I used to live in several years ago. Where is this info being picked up from?
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    15 years ago
    Implants - Good Investment?
    I'm not sure if they are a good investment or not but I did enjoy it in times past when a dancer told me her doctor said her boobs need to be massaged so she put me to work. I didn't need much encouragement but enjoyed that. One of my first favorites had this idea that she was going to keep getting bigger and bigger. She already had done two implants and then she started talking about getting even bigger ones. I kept telling her I thought they are big enough already. She went and got even bigger ones. Even though her doctor did an excellent job, I thought they looked better not quite so big. There is a point where boobs become larger than what looks natural and at that point they become more of something to gawk at out of curiousity and less of a turn on.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    lax, You are pretty much free to post almost anything here. However if no one responds than you know nobody is interested. I heard about that site on tv the other day.
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    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    Improvements to new format
    I believe the recent reviews was better in the old format. I like seeing the club ratings at a glance in a list. Does the most recent reviews when condensed show the same number of clubs as it used to or has that been condensed as well? Seems like a shorter list than before. The default being one or two lines was better than the whole review I believe. Actually I wouldn't mind if the default was just the list with the club rating since I always click off the first screen it defaults too since I'm not interested in reading all the reviews from across the nation, only clubs I'm interested in.
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    15 years ago
    "Are you married?" - A Military Catfight Free Version
    What advantages might you get if you said "yes" to be married? Could you get even less expensive dance prices? Could you think of quick answers to all her questions like "why aren't you wearing your ring?" Answer: I take it off and like to pretend I'm single whenever I visit clubs but don't tell everyone I'm married. Anyone experimented with this approach?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Giving the strippers credit...
    Sitting around doing nothing must be like waiting in a long line. ***APPLAUSE*** if they are doing that just in case someone like me shows up. I really haven't seen too many dancers sitting around doing nothing unless a club was dead or just opened. This weekend I will be happy if I can find a seat in the strip club I'm planning on visiting. I don't really enjoy standing up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best wireless device for surfing the net?
    Thanks for the info. I'll have to check into those.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I've seen several porn stars as feature entertainers in years past. Most were nice and friendly. I haven't hooked up with any of them and would not want to pay money to hook up. I seem to meet ordinary dancers on occasion who say they want to be in porn or seem to already have DVD's with them in it. That was not a turn on when I found out one of my favorites had an internet site and you could buy a DVD with her in it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    I thought there was something up with no shots being fired at the pirates when the hostage jumped in the water. Made it seem like the US Navy was just there to sightsee. Good story.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    a stripper rant's...reprinted for the new guys
    Just thinking, it's been at least a few months since I've noticed any stripper looking upset that she only got a dollar and not two. Without as many people tipping, most dancers seem happy to get my tip. I've been visiting clubs where they give change in two dollar bills but I never use those to tip with. I'd rather tip two ones rather than use a two.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    52- yr-old novice stripper attacked by one in her late 40s (?!)
    Do you think the rookie dancers talk to the experienced dancers regulars without knowing and get the experienced dancers upset or do the experienced dancers just have it out for anyone that doesn't fit their circle? Maybe it's some of both or either or. I remember when one 21 year old dancer watched me like a hawk when I first entered her club and seemed to almost swoop in and chase off any dancer that dared to talk to me before she had a chance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    another one, so much smoke that you reek of it later and start coughing. another... music so loud you can barely even communicate in the club without shouting in the ear next to you. another...DJ's that talk incessantly
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    another peeve, the same rude dancers don't remember you rejected them only 30 to 60 minutes ago and were rude but yet they come back and ask you for a dance again as if nothing happened.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Another pet peeve, rude dancers who don't know how to politely leave your table after you reject them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If no one said this already, dance prices that are too high. I especially agree with dancers who won't leave your table after you told them no. That is they want to argue with you. If they just want to talk without arguing that's ok. Pulling on my arms and trying to grab me and take me to the lap dance room after I already told them no. A smaller pet peeve. After you've decided it's a lot simpler to just say "maybe later" because a few dancers will stay and argue if you say no, some dancers will stay and argue with you that you should say no thanks instead of "maybe later". Maybe my pet peeve is dancers that want to argue with you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    New Look?
    Is this new format supposed to be printer friendly? I'm not interested in printing anything on this site but it sure looks like that to me. I guess if I was traveling I might want to print out some info on the best strip clubs in the area I visit if time allowed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best wireless device for surfing the net?
    I may check out the iphones. I'm not new to surfing the net, just new to using wireless devices and all the little things they offer or charge for. I want to access certain internet sites away from home but not pay an arm and a leg for internet access away from home. I'll have to check on coverage in different areas too I suppose so the signal is there to pick up wireless access.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pink Pony in Myrtle Beach
    I usually don't visit all of the smaller clubs at Myrtle Beach and many I've never visited. I like the Masters, usually a lot of dancers even though I consider all dance prices high at the beach. This place always seems a bit too crowded on the weekend during the late summer when I visit. I enjoy Derrier's simply because it is all nude but it has gone downhill with less dancers since the Masters opened up. I still like watching all nude girls on stage (it's bring your own beer). Then another high priced but good looking dancers is the Crazy Horse in North Myrtle. It's been years since I've been to the Dollhouse but enjoyed my visits there at that time. The one dancer I could ask is currently working at the beach and I'm not going to try and call her even if the number I have may still be good (probably isn't). Let us know what you find out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    tipping after dances
    You'll get more value for your money here in South Carolina so please visit, spend and tip. You'll have less competition from the locals now. Tip good here and you'll stand out from all the other customers and should have lots of dancers trying to get your tips. My PR spin to help the local economy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    tipping after dances
    If I pay two for $25, I think of the extra $5 as a tip. If I pay two for $30, I think of the extra $10 as a tip already included in the dance price. When dancers and clubs realize a few months from now, maybe late in the year that the ecnomony is getting worse and that all the government spending is not working, dance prices should either come down or some clubs may start to go out of business. If I'm personally affected I may not be going to strip clubs anymore myself and won't even be giving out the one dollar tips. I've seen in the last couple of months many people avoiding tipping even the one dollar tips at the stages, it seems like things have gotten worse in the last few weeks. That is no one tipping hardly anything anymore.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    tipping after dances
    I rarely tip. If a dancer asks for a tip, I might pay her something then avoid getting any more dances from her. I consider getting extra dances even at a discounted price a tip for the dancer. She could have spent the next 20 minutes trying to get a dance but instead I got another one or two. I think that should be thought of like a tip. I'm sure some dancers would disagree. Now if a dancer gives me exceptionally good extra service during a dance and asks for a tip too, I'll give her a tip. Most dancers don't ask for tips and I don't tip extra. I think most dancers overcharge for the dance prices and just because a number of customers are willing to pay too high prices, doesn't mean I'll go along with it. At one club, I've only bought one dance in the last several months and it was a table dance for $10. The two for one at $40 is too high with one way lackluster dance action. I still visit the club but have only bought the lap dances on two different occasions in the last few years. I only went for the two for one which I think is too high at two for $40 with a gift thrown in.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strippers surrogates?
    Surrogate? No, not in my opinion. They are either part nymphomaniac or just pretending. The nymphos can be fun if they aren't dangerous. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible to unknowingly emit pheromones that activate something in women. That would explain some suddenly strange frisky behavior I've seen on occasion. The other possibility is that they were on drugs or drunk.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone doing taxes themselves without computer help?
    If you ask why, I guess you really don't know. Last year tax software required using new operating systems. The choice if you have an old computer was too either buy a new one or do it online. If you do it online, your risk goes up as you don't know how secure the servers are for whatever company is storing your tax information. It's true that most people aren't too concerned for the security of their personal information so I guess not too many people would be doing their taxes manually. I believe I've saved over $100 after two years doing the taxes without tax software and at least 500 or 600 dollars by not buying a new pc just to do taxes. That's another reason.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of say no or no thanks to dancers asking for dances?
    I like the Platinum Plus style. I don't believe the club gets a cut out of every single dance a dancer does. However they have a tip out. Shadowcat is probably more familar with the exact details than I am. Anyway there is more room for prices to be flexible. The cheaper the dance price is, the more money I'm likely to spend on a single dancer as long as I'm enjoying her dances. I consider $20 per lap dance to be expensive and I wouldn't be buying. Now if the dancers want to sit in my lap for awhile I'm usually ok with that.