

Anyone else been attracted to a dancer because she looked like someone you know from your real life? Happened to me once on a trip - dancer could have been twin sisters with a girl from my office I had a thing for. Not super sexy, more the cute college girl type. It was a slow night so I was able to spend most of the evening with the girl, getting dances, buying her drinks, etc. She was pretty new to dancing and seemed flattered that I was so into her (I didn't tell her the reason). My office girl wears those sexy Tina Fey style reading glasses, and I remember thinking that if the dancer was wearing glasses she would be a perfect match. About that time dancer excused herself and when she came back she was wearing the same kind of glasses! Said her contacts were bothering her and did I mind if she wore her glasses? I said, hell no, went on to have a great time and gave her a nice tip when I left. I did feel a little awkward when I got back and saw my office mate - I kept picturing her topless!


  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I have a porno on my hard drive. The male actor is a dead ringer for my son. I showed the opening scene to my daughter. She agreed. I showed it to him and he denied the resemblance. I know that it is not him. It was made in Russia but it was a hoot.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    About ten years ago I was in St. James. I saw a really cute brunette and zeroed in on her. We talked for a little bit, then went back to a private room. We arrived mid song and we were waiting for the next song to start. I don't remember what she said, but her nose wrinkled and suddenly I realized that she was a dead ringer for Katie Holmes. "Oh my God" I said, "do you know you look a lot like Katie Holmes?" "Yeah, I get that a lot", she answered.

    Needless to say, it raised the eroticism of the LD's. During LD's I have a habit of sliding my finger along a dancer's slit. Halfway through the second song, her back was to me, she was bent over and I was playing with her clit through her panties. After a minute, she turned to adjust and was settling into my lap when the lights suddenly dimmed. We both looked up, wondering if there was a problem, then after about twenty seconds, when it appeared someone was going for a certain dimness, playing with a dimmer and it was now suddenly mostly dark, she got a naughty smile and stood up. She slid her panties off and worked into my chair so that her kitty was in my face. I partook of her sweetness for a couple of minutes. She was moaning softly and she was shaking.

    A long moment later, she climbed down. Going to her knees, she opened my zipper and took Mr. Happy out. She kissed the tip and rubbed him on her cheeks. "Do you have a condom?" she asked. I told her no. She got a disappointed look on her face. I was getting nervous because I had limited funds and I was getting nervous. I put Mr. Happy away and thanked her, then paid her.

    She gave me a patronizing smile and we hugged. I left.

    A month later, when I went back, she wasn't there. I never saw her again.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    One of my favorites resembles the first girl I ever got laid with, and she has a similar name as well.

    The truth is that it always seems like there is some dancer who looks like somebody I know whenever and wherever I go. I can't say I've ever seen anyone who unintentionally resembled a celebrity.
  • flguytampa21
    16 years ago
    Sometimes for me, if they resemble someone I know, it scares me. Maybe I see girls in the clubs different from girls outside the clubs. I guess I know outside the club, they aren't going to get naked for me so easily and the strippers I dont have to worry about seeing them outside with any emotional attachment. Once saw a girl I knew from college. Just couldn't get a dance from her, was just too weird.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "I have a porno on my hard drive. The male actor is a dead ringer for my son. I showed the opening scene to my daughter. She agreed. I showed it to him and he denied the resemblance. I know that it is not him."

    You sure are one sick fuck scat...sheesh...

    Dudester...always bring a condom (or more!) to a strip club.

    I've met a few strippers in Canada that look like Fiona Apple, which was a turn-on for me personally. I also met a stripper down in RI once at the Satin Doll that looked kind of like Paris Hilton...even her stage name was Paris...lol...
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I've gotten confused a few times in strip clubs, I think it could be alcohol related but I'm not sure, anyway some dancers seem to look alike to me and they aren't twins either. Just last night a female customer stopped and asked me if anyone ever told me I look like Tom Hanks. I said yes. There was a dancer or two who told me I looked like him when approached from the back. I didn't know if that was good or bad but took it as being good. Strange thing about that is that he has the same birthday as me. Not the same birthyear though.
  • Philip A. Stein
    16 years ago
    There's a stripper at the club I go to with my wife that looks like what my wife looked like 15 years ago. I don't know if she still works there and she hasn't been there when my wife has been there. Now that would be way too weird to get a his-n-hers lapper with said stripper.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    Coolest one that ever happened to me was about 15 years ago. There was a dancer that looked just like the cutie that babysat my small children. I never even approached hanky-panky with the sitter, but I thought about it. Anyway, I saw a dancer that looked just like her, he gave three wonderful lappies and we talked afterward. It turns out, she was the older sister of my sitter. Sweet.
  • 10inches
    15 years ago
    used to live in Houston a few years back. neighbor in apartment complex was a drop dead gorgeous blonde with the biggest natural rack i had eve seen. spent many afternoons at the pool admiring those beauties, but never got the chance to do anything cause we were both involved with someone else. several months later when i move to Dallas, i saw what could have been her clone dancing at local club. finally got to see what see would have looked like naked! we became great friends and had a hot torrid relationship until i had to move again
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I have often thought about (and fantasized about) cross-overs from my "normal life" to "strip club life."

    First, I'd love to experience on some occasion, that a hot girl whom I lust after in normal life, would turn out to be available to me in a strip club. I'd jump at that chance. Thought it might be awkward in the strip club at first, and it certainly would be, later when we met in normal life again.

    Second, I have seen strippers walking about the normal world in normal activities, not dolled up as strippers. I recognized them, and did them the favor of not pointing them out or saying anything. They also didn't say anything to me, though I don't know if they recognized me or not.

    Third, I have encountered at least one or two bartenders (mostly female) who have worked at strip clubs, as they bartend at normal life clubs too. I've recognized them, and one has mentioned that she recognized me, but she didn't mention it to anyone other than me (I hope!).

    Fourth, I have noticed that sometimes I find strippers more attractive when they have certain characteristics that remind me of a girl I might be lusting after. Maybe a haircut similar to past girlfriend, or someone I met at a party a few nights or weeks earlier. So, a stripper who would otherwise rate as a 6 on my usual scale, can magically jump up to an 8 if she happens to get lucky and have the right haircut, or the right shorts, or the right fingernail polish, or something. And this isn't "overt." It's not the fingernail polish I'm attracted to, at least not in my conscious mind. In my perception, it's the "whole girl" of the stripper that attracts me more. But of course, rationally I realize (later, or at the time) that it's probably an association that cause a large portion of the attraction.

    Another thing, is that I'd love to have an opportunity to HAVE a "strip club" of my own which allowed "strip club life" to bleed over into "real life." Like, check this fantasy: be a very successful businessman who owns a three-story corporate-mall type of building, where some of my business is held, and where there are some renters in the corporate park, too. And the third floor is just "unoccupied" according to the building lease and directory, but actually it houses a strip club and full-service brothel. We "entertain clients" there, and invite select strippers and/or web escorts to work. Wouldn't that be nice? Hmm? :)

    Another fantasy cross-over that I have, is finding someone whom I know and lust after in real-life, as she acts in a (very hot!) internet porn scene. Especially a girl that has otherwise been unattainable or distant from me. I don't think I'd want to "use" the knowledge to manipulate or blackmail her, but it would be nice, then, to have the chance to act in a scene with her.

    Finally, the ultimate fantasy: a really hot girl who professionally does a lot of internet porn, who then invites me to be her internet porn scene partner, and then initiates a relationship with me, and we continue to be internet porn creators for a nice long time. Sounds great! Like, being the husband of that "I deep throat" girl, or that "Wifey" person, both of whose porn scenes I regularly check out on the 'net. They tend to be acting with the same man all the time -- though there are exceptions -- and, all I gotta say is, that is ONE LUCKY MAN.

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