

The first time ever. Sitting stageside a swinging dancer tagged me. I wasn't watching, just felt a glancing blow to the left side of my face. I was a bit too involved with the dancer sitting with me I guess. I looked over and everyone was acting as if I should be bleeding or something. I guess it was a good thing she only kicked me in the head. Any stories guys?


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I just remembered, a dancer can bite me in most places and it won't bother me unless of course she bites too hard. However it irritates me and is a big turnoff if a stripper bites my chest. I keep wondering if the strippers do this to irritate the customers or like inflicting pain. I've had my dick bitten through my pants/shorts but with the extra clothing fabric down there, they have to bite hard before that bothers me. I've had my neck and even my nose bitten as well. Biting my nose was a slight turn off as well.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I just remembered I had a big head banging experience with a stripper. We both bumped heads really hard. Neither one of us forgot the other after that. So I guess to sum up, I've gotten bitten, banged heads, cut, and got a bloody nose and that was with me being friendly. The biting doesn't seem like any big deal to me but can feel good if you've been drinking and are feeling a bit numb all over. One of the strangest comments a stripper made to me was one that said "I like your two sharp fang like teeth." My eye teeth aren't that long but I did have the dentist desharpen one of them when it was cutting me. Lol, maybe if I see a stripper in a cheerleader outfit with dental fangs, she'll be a knockout. I enjoy seeing a good set of fangs.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Many years ago a drunken stripper on amatuer night fell off the stage and into my lap. My only concern at the time was that I was in a strict no-contact club and that I might get tossed. Fortunately the bouncers saw eaxctly what happened and realized that, if I hadn't been sitting where I was, the dancer would have anded on the floor and probably hurt herself pretty badly.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    shadowcat: You told that story already. zzzzzz
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Damn! You got me beat.
    18 years ago
    I've never had an injury from clubbing other than a hangover or two in my younger days. But then I never sit at the stage either. I once had a dancer take my glasses at stageside and I didn't care for what she did with them. Never again.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Oh, boo hoo! That's nothing. I had a stripper knock over my beer once.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Poked in the eye with an erect nipple. Damn near went blind...
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    The worst I can recall is banging heads. The last dancer I was with I thought was real close to chomping through my nipple. I think I still have a cut on my hand from her biting it.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    A long time ago, a girl was swinging from a pole parallel to the ceiling and struck me in the neck. It hurt for days afterward. I still wonder if I have some residual effects, because occasionally, my neck hurts still. But the doctor said I'm all right.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    I had a dancer ramming into me so hard during a lap dance that I thought she may replicate a bad hop my nuts once suffered in a baseball game. After the dance and my refusal to go to a VIP with her she just couldn't understand why no guys would go back there with her. If she is that stupid I sure wan't going to tell her.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    In a club about 6 years ago, a dancer who had more than a few drinks was up on stage and attempting to do some sort of semi hand stand (in a nude club mind you) on stage. I was sitting at the stage wiht 2 friends, which in itself is rare, the next thing I see is 2 black 6 inch heels coming at my head with her behind them. Thankfully they missed me, would have hated to be impaled by them, she hit me and knocked me over and we hit the floor. I was okay, she was okay and I got free membership for 5 years which included drinks (it was a juice juice bar) but it did cost $30 to get into VIP so it was worth taking the shot lol I have seen a few guys bloodied and my worse injury was in a well known club in Dallas whose name I am not allowed to mention as I signed an agreement (lol). It was on a business trip (I'm retired bust still have to make trips as a part of my sales agreement), two of the new owners, former partners and friends took me to a well known club. The seats are metal and sort of lightweight. They had a very busty blonde girl who came to our talbe, climbed up in on my lap thigh to thigh put my face between her ample breasts and leaned forward moving them back and forth. I was a bit started and sort of leaned back, well the chair, dancer and me tipped over. The chair hit the floor, I hit the chair, the dancer hit me,etc. I ended up in the emergency room in Dallas on Sunday night, we had stayed to watch the NASCAR race. The club picked up the tab on all the expenses, although I have had to visit my local back specialistic about 10 times since them lol I take the blame I just got surprised lol
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I once had a very wild dancer hopping up and down on my lap and all over me during a dance. Apparently she must have had something a bit too sharp on her garter because I noticed the blood running down my leg and a cut on my leg. Another time a dancer came at me from down below raising her head up so fast she accidently hit me hard in the nose. That was the worse nose bleeding I've ever had. Didn't get any bruises from that though but I sure wasn't pleased.

    That one dancer probably made me bleed more than 8 kids did when I got in a fight with them as a kid. Of course I think that blood was from them not me. I once got ganged up on as a kid and they made me go berserk on them after someone hit me. Two got teeth knocked out (probably where the blood came from), I knocked down to the ground 2 or 3 others, and the rest escaped before I could get to them. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. I'm hoping no one ever triggers that berserk rage I used to have as a kid. I seem to be pretty care free now though.
  • SteelerDawg
    18 years ago
    Not me.. closest I've come to injury was from this one dancer who had on these big oversized earrings.. big like hoop earrings, but in a star shape.. metal.. sharp triangular points.

    She nearly put my eye out twice.. and she kept getting her own hair caught in it.

    Bit of a slapstick dance.. shoulda been filmed in silent black and white with a nice piano in the background.
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